#and unless you live in very specific parts of the world it ain't gonna look like sunset at 11pm. and that sure ain't the case in acnl
relicsongmel · 20 days
New Leaf 11 PM is the ONLY piece of music in existence that's allowed to conflict with my synesthesia
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sonicasura · 1 year
I gonna say this now. Legend (A Link To The Past/Link's Awakening/Triforce Heroes/Oracle of Seasons and Ages/Link Between Worlds Link) would be a magnet to dream based entities.
First you can't leave a literal god's dream world scot-free without some otherworldly aura stuck on your very being. And two, he REALLY needs a break alongside a shit ton of hugs. Legend is in the top three when it comes to traumatizing adventures alongside Time (OoT/MM) and Wild (BotW/incoming ToTK).
Now what do I mean by dream based? Basically any being who can interact or live inside the Dream World. For fandom enthusiasts, Nightmarens(Nights into Dreams) like Nights, Dream Eaters from Kingdom Hearts, Dreamland inhabitants such as Kirby and co or Pi'illos from Mario and Luigi Dream Team.
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I can imagine after Link's Awakening, Legend tends to accidentally drift into other different parts of the dream world. A byproduct from being stuck in the Wind Fish's dream for too long. Like a magnet, they sorta just approach or gather around him in the Dream Eaters' case.
Legend definitely be a bit on edge until he realizes none of these guys mean any harm. Although this Link probably won't realize why he keeps attracting them unless someone very well versed about the Dream World explains it. (El Dream seems like the one as the Elder Pi'illo is already friends with an ancient dream guardian which is the Zeekeeper).
Legend is gonna get a shit ton of hugs and comfort cause no dream inhabitant ain't letting him sulk. Especially Kirby since that little Star Warrior wouldn't let any potential friend stay sad. Although it'll take awhile before Legend can purposely drift into what dream world he wants to visit.
This does lead to a change of behavior and abilities depending on when this exactly starts. Most likely, Legend would only share his true thoughts or personality to people who earn his trust. The rude cynical attitude being a mask as he's more of a stoic softy. Kinda like Chad from Bleach, someone who may look intimidating but is actually a loyal sweetheart.
(Even canon Legend has trust issues but I don't see him being a full on dick. He's really a person afraid of getting hurt again as people he gets attached to don't last long. He literally lost someone he deeply cared about at the start of Link to the Past.)
As for his abilities, I won't be surprised if he began to delve into dream based magic. Summoning can become an option thanks to the Pi'illos since objects from the dream world can be brought into the waking one and Dream Eaters can be summoned as well. Forming a functional summon spell wouldn't be so difficult with multiple angles to work with.
There's also unique combat in the Dream World that Legend can easily take advantage of, especially if he can drag others into it. Three different options specifically as Kingdom Hearts, Nights and Dream Team have their own unique styles in dream world fights.
Kingdom Hearts: Flowmotion, Link/Dual Style, Link/Dual Attacks (if anyone can find a shorter video for this that would be appreciated)
Dream Team: Bro/Luiginary Attacks (Legenary would be better as the name scheme is just a combination of a name and imaginary) and Giant Battle
Nights: Dualize (couldn't find a video)
Legend has one hell of an arsenal when it comes to dream magic combined with his imagination. Not even including the various allies who can assist if shit hits the fan. The Chain are in for a hurricane of surprises with this Legend.
Four and Time no longer have the most secrets in their closet. Legend would definitely use his dream magic if shit hits the fan or seek one of his dream companions for advice and a hug. Adventures like this are stressful for anyone especially him.
That's all I have for now! Until next time folks, I'll see you back in the dream world.
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corvinearcher · 2 years
So, I feel like since my art is already inconsistent, the way i draw and type about my headcannons is madddd confusing. Like, I know I don't draw ANY of them correctly. Or draw good in general lmao. But I just wanna share some of my headcannons or whatever idk I can't draw I'm on a road trip this is as good of a post you're gonna get.
So the Makaras, they're tall. Like okay I think all of the fuscias are tall as shit. I mean look at mommy- I mean Condescension, she's tall as FUCK. So I think that's just a grand blood thing. Like grandhighblood. He's obviously fucking HUGE. Tall, buff, all that horrifying shit that can murdle someone EASILY. So I mean, Kurloz imo is tall and lanky. But obviously we all see wtf he becomes so I mean, yeah. But gamzee, tall and scrawny as shit. He's got mental issues man, he probably forgets to eat for days on end. Dude eats slime for breakfast lunch and dinner, that ain't gonna do much. But yeah all the makaras and fuscias are tall as shit imo.
Colors. The whole nails and eyes being some derivative of yellow seems weird to me. Like I know they're aliens and shit but it just seems out of place. I think they all have tint of their blood color for their skin. Their nails are like either lighter or darker version of their blood color too, and their eyes are tinted the same way because ours do the same thing. I'm thinking about logical anatomy here you guys. And also the base of their horns, I put their blood color caus it's legit coming outta their head. THEY CAN FEEL THEIR HORNS THERE'S BLOOD IN THERE RIGHT? OR SOMETHING? IDK. But also, for those thinking "Karkat wouldn't survive if his skin was tinted" I don't understand that first part, but since his color is so close to rush bloods, one glance and you can't tell the difference. I headcannons it as Slsome trolls are darker shades, some lighter, some less tinted some more. That's why gamzees so dark compared to like, idk sollux. Lighter colors darker colors, y'all get it.
Also I'm gonna use this post to say, I don't portray the characters very well, and I'm sorry about that. I have specific and strong headcannons, and I don't know them all very well. I don't know how everyone sees and accepts people's versions of each character. I read this shit once. I'm going to read homestuck again (duh) but this is all off of information from one read. I also have ADHD I did NOT pay attention. Apologies for that, thanks for understanding.
Okay next one, I draw all of them veryyyy differently than the original. Like, I draw equius older than the original. Actually that's everybody. Nobody is 13 when i draw them unless it's specific. Take like, my sketches of Aradia and Sollux. They're look an assignment older because they are. So like with equius, i draw him with long hair, a lot taller, buffer, and overall change the personality if he got more comfortable with th people around him and how the world changes. That's why he talks so slack usually. I like to think he grows from his whole hemospectrum "I gotta live up to this" shit and learns to just live. Oh also I chang th outfits because I like to add more personality. The originals don't have much detail and it's fun to add them. Like nepetas outfit, crop tops an sweatpants cause that kitty be WORKIN. But yeah none of my interpretations of them are good nor correct. It's just how I see them, sorry if ya don't like em.
I forget the horns 99% of the time. I have no excuse I genuinely have no object permanence. I forget gloves, horns, nails, teeth, colors, clothing LITERALLY EVERYTHING. I'M JUST STUPID OKAY I FORGET A LOTTA SHIT. I usually run all my shit by my friend first before posting because I keep forgetting shit. It's a genuine problem. Hopefully it'll be fixed after drawing all of them for a while but, I just don't know.
(Before this paragraph, when I say "kin" I mean like I relate to and feel a lot alike a character. Okay kool)
The funniest thing is, I kin dave more than I do equius, but I drew him ONCE and never posted it. I was reading as dave the entire few weeks of the first read and I was like "damn these cats are kookin that's literally me I'm fucking dave." and like, love him, simp for him, he's fucking amazing. But I just find it so funny that I only post troll shit and never any human shit. I love Janey and Dave and John and shit but I never say anything about them lmao. I mean my blog name is CorvineArcher. Color of crows (Dave) Archer, we already know XD.
Gamzee is a hardcore stoner and nepeta joins him.
D -- > Nepeta, please, this is getting out of hand.
:33 < Stop being a fucking LOSER EQUIHISS JOIN US.
D -- > You're turning into foul creatures.
dAmN rIgHt MoThErFuCkEr :o)
Anyway another headcannon is like, all this shit took place in early 2000s,so that's how I make the style. Vriska has emo fringe hair I don't make the rules. There's an asston of jeans and converse and overall AMAZING fashion. Anyone who disagrees is a fucking loser who probably thinks shein is the only place to shop.
Alright I think that's it. If not I'll just make another post lol. In conclusion, my art is shit and I love fictional men. Thanks for hearing me out. Haha.
Thnks, mngmnt.
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