#and stating poof isn't really a slur. okay bud maybe not where you're from lol
effemimaniac · 1 year
I wish ppl would stop commenting on my post about the lgbtwords carrd specifically mocking it saying the t slur is transfem exclusive because like, I disagree with the very premise of the whole thing and don't want to seem like I'm defending any part of it, but seriously? that's like the least egregious part, because it's true that trans women are the primary targets of that slur. when the average casual transphobe thinks or says tranny they are imagining something specific. specifically transfeminine. saying this alone is not saying that trans men don't face discrimination, it's just acknowledging the truth of what this word means and it feels like a denial of transmisogyny to not acknowledge that there is at the very least a significant disparity in how the word is applied.
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