#and ranna was the first NPC i ever encountered in-game that made me go ''awww; i like you! i hope we see eachother again''
chaoticspacefam · 1 year
Ranna Taoven!
From the [SWTOR NPC Headcanons Ask List]
This one's gonna be short and disappointing, I'm afraid! I...do not have anything for Ranna. Not because I don't like her but there's just genuinely nowhere that I can think (nor do I feel it would add anything even if I did "think" of something) to shove her into Subterfugeverse canon.
After Aria leaves Tython she doesn't really think about any of the NPCs there again, nor is she ever likely to run into them again. Even the new JK who I will undoubtedly make one day, isn't gonna be a major character to the point where I've considered anything she might contribute re: interacting with other NPCs. They're very much just background characters that are entirely unimportant and play no part in the wider story arc lmao
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