#and mother superion telling them 'dont fuck it up'
vox-fantasma · 2 years
also a minor thing but i loved how they let nuns say fuck but only at very specific moments and each time they did it was gold. beatrice and mother superion especially, they are SO funny whenever they swear
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whaledocboi · 1 year
So for the S&B AU, we've seen SunSummoner!Ava, Squaller!Bea; Inferni!Lilith; Heartrender!Camila, and (implied) Darkling/Black Heretic!Adriel.
Where do you see the other characters, like Mary and Shannon and Superion and Vincent and Jillian and Reya? Are JC and crew Ava's friends in the first Army prior to her finding out she's a grisha? Who would be in the equivalent to the Crows?
(if you can't tell already, I am going quite feral over this AU)
yeah i put some of these in previous tags actually
first off, adriel is definitely the darkling yeah, he fits very well for many reasons, ancient manipulative fakeass man
i think mary would either be an inferni (she has that vibe) or a durast, but in that unofficial-jesper way yknow
shannon could be another squaller, idk, maybe its because in canon she and beatrice both have those lil fighting sticks so im immediately drawing the conclusion that they'd have the same grisha powers too
now mother superion would make a very good baghra but that'd also mean that she's like a million years old and the mother of adriel which is a very funny picture to me. i dont wanna make reya baghra because (suzanne fits better) we dont rlly know enough about her to like. care. or maybe its just me.
jillian and yasmine are for sure durasts/alkemi, i dont think thats up to too much debate
also im thinking how michael being nikolai is funny (both of them are blonde. enough reasoning.) but that'd cause the issue of how does jillian fit into the picture? because im quite sure ravka isnt so progressive diversity win just yet to have a grisha queen but i also dont wanna let go of materialki jillian, so idk about michael yet, he's up for grabs lmao
jc and co. yeah the first army guys, also, jc as mal would be quite nice as long as he's just the himbo bestie or ex at most, not a love interest (i do Not like love triangles)
one other idea i like i sister dora as tamar, that'd be really cool
and vincent uhh my brother in christ, i'll be honest, i dont know what the fuck to do with you and idk about the crows either because im running out of characters to think of, so those are left unanswered, apologies
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Warrior Nun band AU. Is Lilith the drummer or nah?
OHOHHO love band aus. but it does depend on what instruments u think a band should have like. how many guitars, is there a piano/keys? drums, like u said. tbh, i dont see lilith as a drummer, but the vibes are there. the sound, the power of it, she likes drums but!!! what she LOVES is making some crazy eletric guitar riffs. now THATS what she likes. its intricate, but superrr intense. also, women + guitar = super hot.
might be an unpopular opinion but!!! camila as the drummer. i find the concept of such a tiny adorable sweet girl going absolutely HAM on a drum set. like. crazy levels ham. something possesses her when she plays, its an entirely different person. she, ofc, also does vocals, n in calmer songs where a drummer isnt necessary, camila takes the stage with her beautiful voice. she's very versatile in that way.
we could go the classic route n say "beatrice plays the keys/piano cuz its more refined n classic n calm etc." but i want her also on a guitar. i want beatrice n lilith guitar duo. they go crazy, they go ham, they work rly well together since they have such different vibes n different ways of playing the same instrument, it creates a great contrast on stage. but she also plays keys if its necessary. she did learn guitar after the piano as a rebellious act
mary is bass, ofc. its just so her. shes the backbone of the band, the bass is soooo important but often overlooked almost?? ppl focus more on the guitar or the vocalist, but the bass is what pulls it all together. also: woman + bass = hot as fuck. so. she also does vocals. her voice is deliciously raspy. definitely the sexual awakening of many girls, let's just say that
i feel like ava needs a weird instrument. she does vocals, sure, but she also plays that weird. keys thing. thats kinda like a guitar n a piano mixed. ava is the wildcard of the band cuz u know that girl has some crazy instrument with her. you that lil guy that does weird sounds? that has a lil face?? ava brings that to the stage.
now u might be wondering: who's the main vocalist?? well. as a lesbian with mommy issues, i just had to do it, yknow, i just had to do it. mother superion is the main vocalist (ava n her switch it up or even duet every once in a while, but mother superion does most of the songs main vocals). can u imagine how sick it is to have the singer have the artist name "mother superion"???? like HELLO??? n then u also have ava with "warrior nun"??? COOL AS FUCK??? they're the IT girls, they're iconic, they work so well together. n also superion does play the keys, she officially plays the keys.
yasmine works in the background. she's their manager. it's hilarious
also this was very long, i apologize. but yh, u just got me thinking dude like holy shit!!! band au!!! my fav!!!!
also pls tell me y'alls personal hc's love hearing them with band au's the most
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