#and maybe when marcy wakes up they still have remnants of the core in their memories and idk if she'd hide that from her girls
boobchuy · 2 years
Do you have any complaints about how characters were handled in s3?
i loved the goofy plantars shenanigans but i wished we saw a bit more regarding their feelings towards the boonchuys, something like thai feud, but a bit more in the feels and personal (but i wouldnt want them to remove what we got to get that, and, once again i really wish we got s3a and s3b as separate seasons)
anddd i think i would have wanted to see marcy saved a few episodes before all in, a scenario where the girls actually talk and have more conflict shown on the screen, instead of 'lets talk about it later'. it would have been nice to give marcy a chance to shine and show her growth that isnt just in a timeskip, and isnt hindered by hiding the secret of the box being her fault
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