#and instead of accepting that critisim they're so terrified of the concept of being called a ___phobe they go into completle denial
clown-bug · 4 months
@photomatt I have been on this site for nearly a decade, and was confident I was here to stay until they pulled the plug on it. But, this little stunt of yours has really made this site feel like its no longer a safe space to stay. I don't want a whiny dm from you, asking what you did wrong or trying to call predstrogen a liar. The trans comminity has spoken to you many times before now about what the problem with you is. This site wasn't even a completley safe space for trans people before this all started, because you and the rest of tumblr staff have never done anything but shrug off people who exist on this site literally just to plan harassment campains against random trans bloggers.
but now that you've gone and made a whole show out of this, those same people much more proudly and voilently transphobic than you are have come out of the woodwork to start spewing more garbage than ever because your actions are making them feel safe to do so.
Saying 'i belive in trans rights' or whatever else is not a get out of jail free card. You need to reflect it with your actions as well.
right now, you're actions are causing a disporportionate ammount of harm to trans people, intentional or not. You can belive whatever the hell you want in your head, but all we have to go off of here in the real world is that you are going around deleting the blogs of trans women that are criticising you. Trans women are allowed to dislike and criticise you, like anyone else. If you are deleting the blogs of trans women that have talked about you in any negetive light, while leaving others alone, that means that trans women are not being treated equally by you. Therefore, you are being transphobicly discriminatory.
thats not even touching on how a lot of the users who's blogs you deleted depended on the comunities they had built for financhial support and have been put in harms way directly because you decided to be petty and delete them without commiting any violations. You are infringing on their financhial stability as well as their free speech.
and instead of acknowledging these complaints and concerns you have continued to double down on the idea that you've done nothing wrong. You've even gone as far as following predstrogen on other platforms to continue harassing and defaming her for something that is YOUR fault. Quit calling her a liar while you change your reasoning for why she was terminated almost every time you talk about it.
This is an unaccepable abuse of your power. This won't be soon forgotten by anyone.
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