#and frankly i don't care how broke there's no excuse for stealing from our coworkers
thesmokinpossum · 3 months
So I really dislike the dude who was supposed to assist me at the post office on monday nights and tonight I had to give him a stern talk about how it's not ok to take literally 3 time his breaktime while I was out there dying at the counter trying to serve all the customers.
Well, he got accused of smoking weed during his long break (can't really judge anyone on that but all I'm gonna say is that if you do that, make sure you actually can pull it off because otherwise you're gonna look like an idiot) AND of stealing money from one of our coworker bag (I could forgive all the other things but that's truly scummy behavior), all of that in a 5 hours shift, my man was really out there speedrunning the lost of his reputation in this store and I don't think I'll ever see him anymore 😊
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