#and before anyone goes Yeah but didn't harry constantly sass colin in the og? YES!!!! AND HE GOT BOOTED OFF SET FOR IT!
almostsweetangel · 2 years
the reason why dhmis tv feels 'less scary' to most people than the webseries is because the stoplight trio are now aware of the pattern and are more or less resigned to it (minus the occasinal breakdown) and the teachers are way less powerful than the OG teachers.
in the original series, the trio only begin to expect a teacher showing up by episode four (in fact, harry deliberately seeks one out - turning to gilbert when they need to know what the biggest thing in the world is, only to be hijacked by colin), and in that same episode, his self-awareness is rewarded by the narrative with forcible removal from the house.
the original series is a theatre of helplessness, control, and punishment. the trio remember everything that's happened to them but are unable to stop it, and get put through agonizing lessons by teachers that warp reality around them and antagonize them when they toe out of line. when they become self-aware, they're immediately punished by the show (harry getting kicked out into the real world, robin getting canned and cannibalized), and the surviving members have to keep going despite it.
in the new series, their memories are spotty but they're resigned to the teachers showing up. they expect them to the point where it's routine. AND their teachers aren't as untouchable as the old ones, and the trio can toe out of line. the briefcase leaves halfway through the lesson, the coffin gets absolutely blasted to pieces by a shovel, the family gets eaten by roy, warren gets the living shit roasted out of him before getting speared, the train dies midway through before his corpse gets used as a car, and the meter gets her batteries stolen. the trio still are helpless regarding their situation with the house and the loop, but they're nowhere near as under the mercy of the teachers as they used to be.
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