#amerlyn seat
lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years
So um...will your Supergirl WoT au ever have the "on your knees" scene?
There are a couple of ways it could work. If Kara were the Amerlyn Seat, as we have previously tangentially discussed, that would be easy to do.
But otherwise, if they were in a situation where culture dictactes one of them being master of the other, and they need to blend in, the scene could be payback for one of them telling the other to get on their knees and scrub their boots or something.
So, it would require some set up, but yes. I could def work it in.
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inky-duchess · 2 years
i now have a crush on the lady who plays the amerlyn seat. and today i saw her in Death on the Nile and i was swooning the whole time.
I love Sophie Okonedo, she's absolutely brilliant as an actress
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years
This is probably self indulgent but something I really want in season 2 is a parallel of Moiraine's iconic "Siuan Sanche only waits for one woman...and it's not you." moment but for Siuan back at the Tower. Like maybe she catches Liandrin or some others musing about what must be happened to Moiraine out there in the wilds (if news of her errm, problem with channeling gets back somehow) and Liandrin especially wistfully musing that without the One Power, Moiraine would be as weak as a kitten, and probably falter at the first sign of a Trolloc. And how She'd love to see that. Wishes she could be there, would absolutely relish the sight of the great Mouraine Sedai on her knees begging for help. At which Siuan could sweep in and chastise them all for filling the halls with gossip. And Then, as she leaves she could add, "Besides, Moiraine Damodred only kneels for one woman. And it is not you."
I could see it more as Liandrin ascending the seat, and mocking Siuan by going about how "soon enough, when Moiraine is on her knees before the Seat..." and as a final knock out after Liandrin's monologuing, Siuan delivers her line. Exactly as you have it. And it's only later that Liandrin realizes exactly what Siuan means-- that Moiraine swore her oath not to the Amerlyn Seat, but to Siuan Sanche personally.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years
Omg--that story Moiraine told about being beaten with the One Power every night by that other Aes Sedai --Lillian would do that to baby channeler Lena wouldn't she?! 😭😭😭
She just might, outside my good-mom-amerlyn-seat!Lillian idea. I wonder what Moiraine's reaction would be when Lena finally reveals how awfully she was treated by the Luthors.
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