#also. i have got to acknowlegde jevin's voice acting in this scene. it sure was something.
daisypath · 3 years
Behold: A handful of screenshots from Xisuma's HC8 1019, accompanied by my commentary
SPOILERS beneath the cut!
Okay now that I'm beneath the read more I can express that MICER IS RIGHT!!!!! MICER IS SO RIGHT!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
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he's literally just there. just off to the right. just vibing in the background. (of course this was already revealed in that one post from xisuma but i was still surprised cuz i am forgetful ok??)
The whole scene featuring Jeff takes place within a dream, which we can infer from the immediately previous scene of Jevin falling asleep while EX watches.
So. the presence of Jeff in this dream could mean a few things. obviously it means that he is exerting some influence over this conversation-- this whole situation. but what interests me most is that this is Jevin's dream. Jevin is the asleep one here. That implies that Jeff is present in Jevin's mind, that he's influencing Jevin, not just EX.
Perhaps Jeff got into Jevin's head when EX pushed Jevin into that green goo?
(Or yknow. Maybe Jeff just came along with EX when he entered Jevin's dream. Maybe this isn't even Jevin's dream. Maybe the dreamscape is shared between all players. Maybe this isn't even a dream, and Jeff is somehow now an actual physical presence in the world. idk i am but a simple joehills stan leave me be.)
More evidence for Jevin being influenced/mind controlled somehow:
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He changes colour. He briefly switches from green, to blue, to green, to blue, to green again. (to be clear, the colour on his sweater changes too, I just forgot to include it in the screenshots)
I'll admit that I don't watch a ton of Jevin, but it is my understanding that that is not in his usual skillset.
This doesn't look like the sort of influence that EX has over X, as there is no lightning, and none of EX's signature red. So I am led to believe that Jeff is the one responsible for this (unless Jevin is secretly part chameleon).
For context, just before this, Jevin and EX are discussing how they can expand their shopping empire and get more derpcoins. Jevin mentions that he has built some farms and that he has many valuable items. EX moves next to him and says: "Well, that is just perfect, isn't it? Greed is good, Jevin. Greed is good. Don't you ever forget that." (Midas's Curse much?) And that is when Jevin's colour changes.
Now uh. I have no idea what that means or why this happens or why this happens at this moment. I suppose that EX stating his (Jeff's) philosophy that greed is good could cause the fluctuation in colour. Maybe the blue flickers represent Jevin doubting this philosophy, this scheme? I really don't know.
(also just after this, there is a point where there are two EX's on screen. Maybe that just is an animation mistake, or part of his dream powers, or something that Jeff is doing. idk)
Okay uh next screenshot:
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So this instance of EX's eyes glowing is in line with This Post by micer2012. Basically, the glowing eyes indicate that Jeff is giving EX an idea. And in this case, the idea is to 'add some evil pizzazz into the mix' of Jevin's totems of undying, using magic to turn them into wither-shaped totems. The evil-ified totems will presumably play into the overall goal of exploiting the hermits etc.
My next point is a bit more of a stretch. this 'evidence' truly pales in comparison to jeff LITERALLY BEING THERE
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... yeah idk about this. I don't think that the reflection in this episode looks as purposeful as the one in 1013. But I thought I'd include it for completeness's sake.
And apparently, I'm just brushing over EX having dream powers. i have no idea if that is a pre-established thing or not. Don't worry about it.
In conclusion: MICER IS SO SO SO SO RIGHT!!!! OHMY GO-- (I am taken out by a sniper because my neighbours called in a noise complaint)
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