#also real ones know it’s already a dream because the majority of scenes with Reese’s desk
tea-and-toblerones · 7 years
Unison Chapter 2 - I'm a Midnight Talker
Once again, comments, questions suggestions, whatever, are always welcomed! I love your feedback! 
I would link the first chapter, but  do everything through mobile because internet is expensive out in the country
I can't believe I'm sitting at a diner with Ed Sheeran at 2 in the morning. If you would have told me this 36 hours ago I would have laughed in your face. Is my life descending into utter chaos?  
Bridget had stayed over for a couple hours before she headed home. I continuously messaged Ed through the entirety of her stay. Every time she heard the phone ping, there would be a small smile that crossed her face. I could tell she was curious about the conversation but didn't ask a second time what we were talking about. How I had managed to keep the smile from my face when he had brought up a date was a shocker. Maybe I didn't, maybe I'm not as sneaky as I thought and she was just waiting for me to tell her.                
After she left, I glanced over to my bathroom. I had snunk a quick peak earlier and it wasn’t the horror show that I had pictured in my mind. All of it was contained to my bathtub. By the looks of it I had tried to rinse it out. I had to give props to my drunken self. At least she was somewhat considerate.                                                                 
As I began scrubbing out the tub, my mind wandered to the conversation I had been having with Ed. We hadn't set an exact time for our date, deciding to play it by ear. My idea. No matter how strongly he insisted that it was the hangover cure, I knew I wouldn't be able to keep it down and by the looks of my tub, I'd horked my guts out enough for one day. The thought of it sent shivers of anticipation down my spine. Something I thought I wouldn't be feeling for a long time. He seemed fine with me setting the time and place, which worked perfectly for me. I loved having everything scheduled, knowing what was coming up when. I was a master of the white board calender, everything written out in advance. Everything in order.                                     
We both had swapped some of our wildest drunken stories. Mine being how we broke into the campus, via a window, to use one of the bigger lecture halls to watch movies, unknowingly tripping a silent alarm that alerted the campus police. Somehow we had all managed to sneak out without getting caught and ended up drinking on some abandoned train cars instead. His being how him and his mates had gotten beyond wasted, went swimming in some random pond and had stolen someone's birthday cake and pig. Apparently it was a chocolate cake with bits of reese's throughout and it was one of the best damn cakes he had ever had. After having a good laugh at our own expense, he changed the subject.   
"So how are you spending your afternoon?"              
"Cleaning up this crime scene of a bathroom then a shower. Most definitely a shower."            
"What happened to 'Only pussies puke?'"                                                   
I groan, kneading my forehead with my fingertips. Yep, that was said. It used to be our groups' motto everytime we'd go out and get hammered. It was a rule among us, if you puked while drinking you were the one that bought the first round the next time out.  Still, it didn't make it any less cringeworthy. With them it was a tradition, with Ed, it was probably just cocky sounding.                                                                                                                
"Guess I'm a pussy then."                   
"Well, the first step is admittance."               
"I'm pretty sure its acceptance there bud."                  
"What's the difference?"                
I shake my head, not knowing if he was being serious or not. Instead I decide to ask what he was doing. After I scrubbed every inch of my tub clean I took a moment to scour the room for my contacts. While I was highly impressed that I even remembered to take them out, I was less impressed about where I could have put them. After looking throughout my entire apartment, I decide to call it quits.                                                                 
Guess I'll be wearing my glasses until I can get in to get new ones.                                    
I check my phone before I get in the shower.                                     
"Simpsons marathon. I'm trying to watch all of them in a week."                
"You DO know that's impossible right? With over five hundred episodes and each episode being about 22 minutes. You can roughly fit 3 in a little over an hour. All together would be about 183 hours, which is a little over a week. Without sleeping."                                                            
I set my phone down and after a long shower I start to feel like myself again. I wrap my hair up in my towel before brushing my teeth. I definitely looked like hell. My eyes weren't the honey color they usually were, but more of a muddy color. Fitting. It felt like I was wading through a bunch of it. I had always been fair skinned, I spent all of high school being called Wednesday Addams. so the circles that had shown up under my eyes really stood out. As did the light splattering of freckles. They'd lighten up to almost vanishing once winter hit and I wasn't outside nearly as much. The ones on my shoulders and arms were the only ones that stayed the same year round. I traced the long jagged scar that ran from my left eyebrow to my jawbone, curving toward my ear in a elongated crescent shape. I hated that scar. A constant reminder of things I’d like to forget. At least I could cover a majority of it. The only part I couldn’t was the part that cut through my eyebrow, leaving it bare. I drop my hand and pull my hair down before exiting the bathroom.                                                                                                                        
I flop down on my couch, pull up netflix and start browsing for something to watch. It's a shame The Simpsons aren't on here because I kind of want to watch it now. I settled on Dexter instead, getting comfortable under a nearby blanket. Once I get situated hoe I want,  I pull up Ed's message.                                                  
"Thanks for killing my dreams with logic."               
"I'm sorry. Better to find out now than later though."                      
I turn my attention to my tv, watching the opening credits. Oh, steak and eggs, that looks good...I'm kinda hungry. I'll make something quick to eat after this episode. Being snug and warm under my blanket, paired with having a late night with poor sleep I was out before the episode had even properly started.                                                                                                         
I woke up to a dark apartment. Confused and groggy, I feel for my phone, rescuing it from between the couch cushions and searing my eyes all in an attempt to figure out what time it was. 1 A.M. I sat down at 4 in the afternoon. Goodbye normal sleep schedule. I had already missed my morning run and my Saturday trip to the market. Guess I'll go shopping tomorrow instead, but that left me with next to nothing to have for dinner. I could go fetch some takeout I suppose. I notice the notification that Ed had messaged while I was lying in a puddle of my own drool.                                                                                    
"What, that you're gonna shit all on my dreams? Gonna make sharing real hard in the future. How am I gonna feel comfortable telling you about my dream of having my very own nacho bar and chocolate fountain when you'll just squash it with your dirty logic"     
I felt my heart sink when I read the first part of the message thinking I had, in some way, offended him. It wasn't until the latter part of the message did I realise he had been pulling my leg. I laughed out of relief. He was going to keep me on my toes, I can see it now. There's never going to be a dull moment with him in my life.                                         
"Oh you shit I thought you were actually angry! Not the important or feasible ones but I'll keep my 'dirty logic' to myself next time. And you can sign me right up for the nacho bar and chocolate fountain. That's something I can get behind."                                            
I stand up and stretch, trying to work the kinks out of my back and neck before wandering into my kitchen. My toast had long since wore off and my upset stomach was in the distant past. As I rummage around for something quick to make, I hear my phone ping. Surely he's still not up. Sure enough.                              
 "Why are you up at this hour?"                 
"I could ask you the same thing y'know"               
"Got hungry. So I'm gonna go get some breakfast."                    
My stomach growled at the thought of breakfast, especially at the thought of chocolate chip waffles. He just had to say chocolate fountain.                                                                
"Care for some company? Breakfast sounds pretty good."                                 
I bit my bottom lip, staring at the message for a minute or so. I could hear Bridget's comment A girl can ask a guy out you know! I didn't want to butt in where I wasn't welcomed. He may want some alone time or could already be eating with other friends. I also just met him, asking to meet up the next night might come off as desperate or clingy, which is something I really didn't want. I never stress about this kind of stuff. After everything that had happened with Mike, I slammed the door to anything even resembling a relationship. Yet, this felt different, he felt different. I couldn't explain it. I hit send and held my breath. I resisted the urge to throw my phone as far away from me as possible, vowing to never again text a single soul. When I hear that tell tale ping, I almost didn't want to look at it.                                                                                              
"On one condition. You have to come in whatever it is you're wearing right now."                         
I look down at what I was wearing to see just how embarassed I was going to be. When I had gotten ready for my shower I grabbed whatever I could get my hands on. I snorted when I saw I was wearing my black tshirt with a highly faded Scar and Hyenas from the Lion King that said I'm surrounded by idiots and grey leggings I use mostly for running.  Could be worse I suppose. The shirt was in decent shape at least. Maybe he'll get a laugh outta the irony.                                                                                                                                       "You strike hard bargain. Alright, what diner?"               
He sends me the address and I recognise the place. It's not too far, maybe ten minutes by a cab. I grab my sneakers and throw my now dry, but dried in a weird bed head way, hair  up in a sloppy bun. I put my jacket on, checking to make sure I have my wallet and messaged him that I was headed his way now. I flag down a cab and hop in, giving the driver the address. My leg never stopped bouncing the entire time. I practically flew out of the backseat, only stopping to give the cabbie his cash.                                                                    
The drunk crowd wasn't due in for another hour, so a majority of the blue booths were empty. There was a few people seated at the counter and one very haggard looking family, probably stopping for a quick bite to eat before heading back out on the road.  I spotted Ed two tables away in the  corner, closest to the windows. He hadn't seen me come in so I pause before heading over to him in an attempt to collect my thoughts. He was staring out the window, lost in thought. His head resting on one of his hands, the other was wrapped around a mug on the table. He was wearing a plain heather colored tshirt that made the ink on his arms stand out. The whole scene looked so perfect that I slipped my phone out of my pocket and took a quick picture. Not for anyone elses eyes but my own.                                                          
He noticed me as I started walking over to him and he quickly stood up. He was wearing blue and white flannel pajama pants with black and red sneakers. So that's why he told me to come as I am. He looked me up and down and let out a laugh. Those haunting eyes gleaming. I braced myself for the worst but was surprised when a giant smile came across his face.     
"Well look at you, participating in my pancake pajama party!"                                                                                                                                     Do I hug him? That seems too familiar. Do I shake his hand? No, that's to formal. I have to do something. God, he looks good, even in pajama's. Wait, shit, what did he say? Did he say pancake pajamas? Oh, pajama party. That's probably it. What's pancake pajamas? Is that pajamas with pancakes on them or pajamas you wear specfically for eating pancakes? Dammit Adi stay focused!  
"Well that was the price of admission. Who am I to argue? Plus I had absolutely no food in my apartment since I slept through shopping day."                                                             
He motioned for me to sit down, so slid into my side of the booth taking off my jacket and placing it beside me. I noticed a blue hoodie laying on his bench seat. Well, at least he matches I suppose. He sat down across from me, staring intently at my face.                                                    
"I didn't know you wore glasses."                                      
I reached up and touched the side of them, almost like I was making sure they were still there. Of course they are, they just didn't vaporize because he mentioned them, but I guess your social skills did.  I played it off as I was adjusting them, partly wondering if that's what he really wanted to comment on.                                                                                                                                                                                       
"I usually wear contacts but I've seemed to misplace them in my drunken...ness."                                                  
He shuttered. "The thought of sticking something in my eye is just- I'd rather go without seeing for a bit.."                                                                    
"You go without your glasses alot?"                              
"Only when I perform. Or I misplace them. Tend to do that quite often."                                         
I sat there for a moment, toying with the sleeve of my jacket. I could feel his eyes boring into me, patiently waiting, not trying to coax me into talking, just waiting for me to speak on my own. Finally I find my voice (and my courage) asking the one question that had been plaguing me the entire day and the one that I was the most afraid to have answer to.                                                           
"Can I ask you something?"                                    
The corners of his mouth turned upwards, his eyes softened. It looked like he felt slightly guilty about me being noticably worried about his response.  "Of course." His voice was soft and gentle.                                                                                                                      
I take a deep breath. "Why'd you text me? Not that I'm not grateful, I am, I really am. It's just, you've probably got so many girl's giving you their number, why'd you choose me?"                                                                                                                                              
It had all came out in a rambling rush. I could feel my face flushing at the hurried mess that had came out of mouth. Way to play it cool. I expected him to look angry or even offended but he laughed,  throwing me for a loop.                                                                                                                                         
"I'm sorry, I was bracing myself for the worst by the look on your face. You're right, I've had literally hundreds of girls give me their number. And I've never contacted a single one. Never even bothered saving their number. Know why?" I shake my head, starting to worry about what sort of things I could have possibly done to catch his attention when others had failed.  "They gave their number to Ed Sheeran, singer songerwriter. You gave it to Ed, some ginger bloke you met at a bar."                                                                                        
I stare at him in amazement as he takes a sip of his drink. He made a weird face muttering something about proper tea it before putting it aside. He interlaced his fingers together, once again turning all his attention to me. That gaze, it was like I was the only thing that mattered in that moment. It was almost overwhelming. I realised that my mouth had been slightly open, so I closed it in a hurry. I hadn't realised it had been that obvious.                                                          
"How long did it take you to realise I had no clue who you were?"                                                                                                      
"I knew when you introduced yourself.  There was no spark of recognition when I said my name was Ed." He bit his bottom lip, I could tell he was wanting to add something. I must have had the same look of uncertainity on my face just moments ago. I shouldn't be surprised that he'd have questions that he wasn't sure he wanted answered. "Is this going to change things now that you know who I am?"                                                                                                                       
I knew this question would be coming at some point, most likely sooner rather than later and I had given it alot of thought while I was on my hands and knees cleaning my bathroom. I loved order, being in control of my own life. He's got an erratic schedule and I wasn't sure how I was going to feel with the spontaneity that came along with that. On the other hand, something needed to change. I wasn't about to throw in the towel before I had even tried. Or before there's even a 'thing' to try.                                                                                                                                                                      
"No. Well, it will affect some things. I'm not going to lie, there was some freaking out. That's expected I suppose, but it's not a deal breaker if that's what you're wondering. I mean this in the nicest possible way, I couldn't care less about how much you're worth. Hell, I still wouldn't know if it wasn't for my friend Bridget mentioning one of her friends had seen you in town." Relief had flooded over his face. He had leaned back, tilting his head back to look at the ceiling, exhaling as he did so. I could feel all the tension that had filled the booth vanish as quickly as it came.  I hadn't noticed his hands were in fists as he was waiting for my response until he relaxed them.                                                                                                
"Well, that's a big weight off my chest.  I bet your friend really freaked when you told her."                                                                                                                            
"I didn't, actually. She was at the bar and did see you, but not your face. She thinks you're some blonde dude named Ed and I didn't correct her."                                                 
He seemed surprised at my answer, His eyebrows coming up, lost under the ginger curls that hung down his forehead.  He also seemed thrown when I said she thought he was blonde. There was still an odd expression on his face, almost a mix between humor and curiousity.   
"You're a very special person. I guess you weren't lying when you said it didn't make a difference." There's that cute lopsided grin again. He seemed to perk up quickly, eyes gleaming again. "But this leaves me at a huge disadvantage here. You know everything about me, but I don't know anything about you." His hand came up, rubbing his chin in thought.  "Well, besides you're named after your grandmother, you were supposed to be a boy and you're not above doing some fairly dirty dancing around a cue stick as a distraction"  He counted each fact off with his fingers, grinning at the last one.                                                                                                        
I groaned, burying my face in my hands. "Yeah, that sounds about right. I'm competitive under normal situations, but add alcohol to it and I can resort to some pretty over the top methods to win. Did it at least work?"                                                                  
"I was planning on sight seeing today, hit up a couple shops and spent all of it in bed. You tell me."                       
I laughed. At least it wasn't wasted. The waitress chose then to show up looking like we had personally offended her with our presence and laughter. She simply dropped some menus down on the table and asked, quite flatly, what I wanted to drink. After I gave my drink order Ed asked for a glass of water and it was like he had asked for it from God's personal pool. After she walked away, he looked at me, his mouth pulled downwards, his eyes widened slightly, flicking towards her in a 'Oh boy' type of way. I snorted, quickly stifiling my laughter behind my hand. He smirked as I flicked the menu open, pretending to focus really hard on what was printed, while still trying not to laugh. She came back with my coffee and Ed's water with the same gusto she had when bringing the menus. She quickly took our orders and left.                                                                                               
"So, you were going to help fill in some blanks?"                                        
I nod, "Right, well you're really not at a disadvantage. I only pulled your picture up to see if you were really, well, you. I wanted to find out things the old fashioned way. But, I'll tell you my whole life story, if you answer one more question."                                      
"Is it 'what were you doing at a metal show?'"                             
"What we're you doing at a metal show?"                       
"I wanted a night out, without having to deal with a bunch of fans. Who gives no fucks about Ed Sheeran? Metal heads. Where's the last place you'd expect Ed Sheeran? At a metal show. I got to have an great night without having to deal with a flock of people asking things from me. Plus I met you, I call that a win."                               
He was right. Metal heads definitely couldn't care less. You tell a metal head you like Ed Sheeran, they'll look at you, kinda tilt their head to the side and go 'aww, that's so cute'      
"Well, a deal's a deal. Whadya wanna know?"                   
"Whatever you're comfortable with telling."                                                          
I take a sip of my coffee. Whatever I'm comfortable with telling huh? Interesting wording, alright then.                                                                                                                                     
"Well, lets start off with the basics.  I'm 25, orginally from Dublin, Ohio. I moved out here when I turned eighteen and got a nice office job where I do a bunch of boring ass stuff that's completely meaningless. I've got an older brother and my parents are divorced. I'll let you decide what to focus on from there"                                                                             
"Let's go with family. You've an older brother? How's your guy's relationship, typical sibling one?"                                            
"His name's Nate, he's 28 and stayed back in Dublin to work at our dad's office. We're close now, but when we were younger there was definitely a sibling rivarly that went on."                                                                                                                                        
"Was some of that anger from the fact that he got things from the souvenir shops and you didn't?"                                    
Out of all the ways he could have worded he had a normal name and you drew the short stick, he chose that. That earned him yet another laugh. I wonderd if he was tired of hearing it.  Or worse, that I was just laughing because I found him attractive.                                                                                                                            
"Nah, it was more of a resentment due to the fact he was dad's favorite. When I was little I thought Nate was stealing all the attention and there wasn't any left over for me. It was when I was older and realised that they just had more in common and if Dad really wanted to spend time with me, he would. Laying the blame on Nate wasn't fair because he wasn't the problem.  That's when our relationship grew out of the petty fighting bullshit. Now we talk at least once a week and visit each other twice a year, outside of holidays."                                                                                                                           
"Your parents divorced? Did he go with your dad, you stay with your mum? Have two Christmases, that sort of thing?"                                              
I shake my head  "They didn't separate until I turned 18 and moved out here. You could tell when we were younger that they were in a 'stay together for the kids' type of marriage. They waited until we were out of the house so it wouldn't affect our childhood. The spilt was pretty amicable and they're still on pretty good terms. We all still get together during the holidays and everything. They just fell out of love and drifted apart."
Is that what I have to look forward to? I don't know what's worse, losing interest in a person that loves you or having the person you love tell you they just don't care about you anymore.                                                       
I hadn't realised I had drifted off into my own little world and missed what Ed had said until I felt his hand touch mine. light, like he was worried that he was going to startle me.  His eyebrows were furrowed in a look of concern.                                                                                                                      
"You alright? You kinda had this weird look come over your face."                                                     
I took a deep breath and forced myself to smile. I felt a rush of guilt come over me at the look on his face. Don't go there Adi, not tonight.                                                                                                 
"Yeah, I'm okay, just got wrapped up in my thoughts is all. Sorry, what did you say?"                                                                 
I could tell he wasn't buying what I was selling, "Are you sure? If I did something to upset-'             
I cut him off. "No, you've done nothing, honestly." I added when he still looked unconvinced. "I promise." I held the pinky finger of my free  hand out and he gave me a amused look before locking his own pinky in with mine.                                                             
He gave my other  hand a squeeze and I must admit, it felt nice. That simple act really meant alot. He didn't let go of my hand, his thumb rubbing gentle circles on the back of it. I felt myself relaxing, focusing on the soothing repetitive motion.                                                
"So, what do you're parents do for a living? You said your dad had an office, what about your mum?"                                                      
I welcomed the subtle subject change. "She's a teacher, first grade. I alway kind of felt bad because Dad was always caught up in his work so she had to deal with fighting kids at school, come home and have to play peacemaker between me and Nate. She has the patience of a saint, my mom has"                                                                                  
"Sounds like you admire her a great deal."                         
"I do, I wish I had half the strength she does."                                                    
Whatever he was about to say was cut off by the waitress coming with our order. It was only then did he release my hand. She placed my plate of chocolate chip waffles in front of me and Ed's plates of pancakes, scrambled eggs, a couple sausage patties and toast. We thanked her and got a half hearted nod in reply. I poured a generous amount of syrup on my waffles. Ed picked up one of the sausage patties with his fork, studying it closely before putting it back down, muttering "I'll never understand your sausage. Americans are weird." I watch in a mortified fascination as he poured an excessive amount of ketchup on his eggs and sausage. Enough to warrent the joke 'would you like some eggs to go with your ketchup’ but I kept it to myself. He probably heard that enough.                                                                                                                
The conversation died down slightly as we ate our food. Ed had suggested we share, that way we could try each other's meal. I had a sneaking suspicion that he just really wanted to try my waffles. He offered up a bite of his pancakes off his fork. Instead of taking the fork, I lean forward and take the bite. He smiled, sliding the fork out of my mouth, watching my reaction as I chewed. I savored the sweet taste. Light, fluffy, with a hint of butter. I held out a fork full of waffle, that just happened to be loaded with chocolate. His bite seemed to go in slow motion once his lips hit that fork. Slowly dragging the food off, his tonuge gliding over them, licking the syrup chocolate mixture off. His eyes closed, a look of bliss coming over his face. I don't think he could have made that any hotter if he had tried.                                                                                                                               
As we ate, Ed told me some about his life back home. How him and his brother left home at practically the same time and the struggles he faced as a sixteen year old trying to make it in the music world. We had kept chatting long after the food was gone. I hadn't realised how long we had been sitting there until a large crowd of drunken guys came stumbling in choosing to sit a booth away. One of them kept glancing our way and you could see the gears turning as he was trying to figure out why Ed looked so familar. Ed must have noticed because he leaned forward on the table, using me and the back of the booth to shield him from view.                                                                                                                 
"You want to get out of here"? It's starting to get a bit rowdy."                                     
He wasn't lying. The group had be causing a bit of a ruckus, practically screaming at each other, spilling their drinks on the table, floor and each other. The guy that kept looking at our booth nudged the guy beside him, pointing to our booth. Now they were both looking our direction. It was only a matter of time before they figured it out and we had the entire diner at our table asking for pictures and autographs.                                                                                           
"I agree, let's leave before the next wave comes in. It's gonna fill up fast."                                    
No sooner than when he went up to go pay, another group came in. I was standing by the door so our table could be cleaned and be used for the next group. While I waited one of the guys that had just came in wandered over. He leaned against the wall, uncomfortably close, leering down at me.                                                                                                                                                   
"What's a hottie like you doing in a place like this?"                                        
I could tell he was drunk but not as drunk as his companions. He was pretty average looking, tall, thin, black hair that was held back with hair gel, his brown eyes fighting to stay focused on me, a hint of lust hidden behind the alcohol cloud.  The smell of booze radiating from him. When I turned to look up him, I saw his eyes go straight to the left side of my face, his eyes widened and an Oh...popped out of his mouth.                                                                                                
Typical reaction. I had a retort on on the tip of my tongue, ready to shoot back at him but was cut off before I could get it out.                                                                                          
"Is there a problem, love?"             
I felt Ed's arm come around my waist, pulling me closer to him in a protective sort of way. I wrap mine around his waist in return. He was calm, but I could detect a hint of anger in his voice. I could feel how tense he was, his grip tightening on my hip. Is he jealous? Or is he just over protective? Maybe he senses something about the guy that I don't.  I start rubbing small circles on his back in hopes it would calm him. It was almost like he was on guard. The guy looked him over, like he was sizing him up. The moment seemed to drag on for an eternity.                                                           
"Nah man, we were just talking." The guy looked Ed up and down. His eyes squinting as he stared at his face. "You look familiar, do I know you?"
Ed brushed it off, his voice still a little heated. His grip still not loosening. I noticed he was angling himself so that he was between me and the  guy. "I get that alot, I’ve just got one of those faces."                                                                                                                                   The guy had been loud enough that the entire diner's eyes were on us. Great, Exactly what he had been trying to avoid. Ed opened the door, gently guiding me out of it. The last thing I heard was "Hey, wait you’re -" The door shut before the guy could finish his sentence. I did however see the waitress's stunned face through the glass, her mouth open slightly. I smirked, kind of glad she hadn't recognised him. By the look on Ed's face he was glad as well, but he still had a dark expression.                                                                                                                             
"That guy was nothing but bad news. I hope you don't think I did what I did because I thought you couldn't handle your own."                                                                      
"I didn't. Hey, don't let that drunken douche ruin our night."                                                
He seemed to relax at that. He finally dropped the gloomy expression and let a small smile break through.                                                                       
"You're absolutely right. Well, what do you want to do now?"                           
I pondered for a minute, thinking of what we could do so early in the morning. Finally it clicked. He did say he was supposed to spend the day sight seeing. What's stopping us now? We could still go visit the parks and square. It's not like they close.                                                                          
"Well, you said you wanted to go sight seeing right?"                                      
He must have thought I was joking. When he saw my face he realised I was being serious, he scoffed "What, right now?"                                                      
I shrugged "Why not? It's a nice night, the sky's clear, it's not overly cold and there's not a flock of people around. So you really get to enjoy yourself."          
He looked at me in a what am I getting myself into sort of way before shrugging, shaking his head.                                                                                                                                                                                     "Why not, I couldn't have a better guide."                                    
As we walked, Ed's pulled his arm away from my waist, slipping his hand into mine. I was pointing out landmarks, good places to eat, what places had the best coffee and most importantly, places he'd want to avoid if he wanted to go under the radar. After I had ran out of the major hot spots, I started to show him some of my personal favorite spots, one of them being a certain train car I mentioned to him earlier. There was one spot in particular I wanted to show him. A simple park, with the river cutting through one part and a fountain in the middle lit by small flood lights lights. Sometimes there would be live musicians playing, giving it a whismical feel. The trees around the fountain were always wrapped in white christmas lights. If I ever needed to decompress or take a minute, this is where you could find me. We sat on a bench in front of the fountain, taking in the the view.             
"I found this park my first week living here." My voice was soft.  My gaze had turned to the fountain, letting my eyes fall out of focus. My mind going back to my first visit. Ed's attention was fully on me when I started talking. I could feel him shift on the bench so he was facing me instead of facing forward.  "I was scared, this was the first time living on my own and I was hundreds of miles away from any family. It was pretty lonely, I'll admit, I had thought maybe I had made a mistake. I was wandering around, kind of lost since I hadn't quite figured out where everything was at. What better way than just wandering aimlessly, right? Then I stumbled across this place. The sun had just started to set and there was this lone jazz musician playing a pretty sad tune on a trumpet." Ed's eyes never left my face as I talked. I had pulled out my wallet, turning it over and over in my hands. My eyes had completely glazed over, overtaken by the nostaglia  "I was wondering if I'd ever be able to call this place home. So I did what any child would do. I made my wish on a coin and threw it in the fountain. It sort of became a tradition. Any time I'm upset or feeling lost I come here and chuck another coin in the fountain." I fished a couple pennies out and held my hand out. He picked one out of the palm of my hand.                                                                                                   
"Did it come true? Your wish?" His voice just as soft as mine. I turned to him, finally meeting his gaze.                                                                                                                           
"Yeah, it did."                                                                                      
"Well then, if it worked once...Close your eyes and make a wish." His eyes twinkling in the light of the fountain. I stood up, walking up to edge of the fountain. Ed had followed suit, standing to the left of me. I follow his suggestion and close my eyes, wrapping my hand around the small coin, holding it close to my chest in a clenched fist. Let this be the beginning of something good. I'm so tired of all the bad.  I released the coin, hearing it's faint splash as is sank to the bottom with all the other wishes. I kept my eyes closed, hoping it wouldn't have a nasty twist like the last one. It may have came true, but it ended up causing alot of heartache in the end. I'm either an optimst at heart or just too stupid know when to give up.                                                                   
I felt his arm come around my waist pulling me towards him.  His lips came to mine, brushing against them gently. That little sneak. No wonder he told me to close my eyes. I slip my arms around his neck, threading my fingers through his thick, silky hair. Once he knew I was fully accepting of his kiss, it changed from careful to something more. I could feel his mouth open, his tonuge just grazing over my bottom lip. I opened my mouth, letting his tonuge in.  His other hand came up, settling on the back of my head, his thumb brushing against my unmarked cheek. I found myself pressing against him, my hands pulling his head closer to mine, his arm pulling me closer to him in response. It felt like he was simataneously filling me and emptying me at the same time. I felt a pull from deep inside, bringing with it a spark of yearning. We could have stood there for minutes, it could have been hours. When he finally pulled away, I lightly bit his bottom lip, letting my teeth drag across.                                                                           
"Wow..." I muttered breathlessly.                              
"Wow indeed, I've been waiting all night to do that." His thumb was still brushing against my cheek, the other hand at my back.                                                         
"Was it worth the wait?"                                     
"It was more than I ever could have wished for." His voice was low and husky                                                           
"I agree, nothing could have prepared me for that."                                             
When we separated, he reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out the penny I had given him. He looked down at it, letting his own eyes fall closed. A small smile forming on his face,  he jostled it a couple times before tossing it into the fountain with mine. Light had just began creeping its way across the sky, mingling with what stars were left. He took my hand in his again before we headed off in the direction of his hotel. We stopped just outside the door, still hand in hand.                                                                                                                                         
"Well, this isn't exactly how I pictured our first date..." He said sheepishly, running his hand through his hair.                                    
I'm guessing he had pictured us in a restaurant, nice clothes, sort of romantic. Not at a diner at 2 AM and definitely not in causal sleepwear.                                                                                                     
"Me either, but I had a really good time. If I could do it over, I would keep everything the same." I wrinkle my nose  "Might have taken Douchey Mcgoo out of the picture though "                         
He hesitiated, pulling his sleeves down over his hands again. I'm starting to see that it had nothing to do with hiding his tattoos, it's a nervous habit of his. "Would you- would you like to come upstairs? I've still got, what, seven days of the Simpsons to get through, if you'd care to join me. It's alot more fun when you've got someone to laugh and enjoy it with."                                                                                       
After a brief debate of is he talking about watching the simpsons or "watching the simpsons" I had decided.                                                             
“I'd like that. I'm not ready to call it a night just yet."
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lindawfowler101010 · 6 years
10 Things To Remember Going Into Deadpool 2 This Weekend (Spoiler Free)
With Deadpool 2 slated to hit theaters everywhere in just four days, we thought we'd catch up anyone who might've be living under a rock for the last several months when it comes to being in the know about all the awesome developments for the highly-anticipated sequel to the breakout Marvel Comics success of 2016, Deadpool.
1. Celine Dion has recorded a song for Deadpool 2.
For many fans of Deadpool, Celine Dion might be the last artist that anyone would expect would contribute a song to the soundtrack for the sequel; but she's done exactly that. "Ashes" is Dion's brand new single, and in true Deadpool fashion, the Grammy-winning singer--best know for her song "My Heart Will Go On" from the soundtrack of James Cameron's Titanic has even filmed a hilarious music video for the track with Deadpool himself taking part doing some intepretative dance in high heels!
Watch it here:
2. Ryan Reynolds had a hand in writing the screenplay for Deadpool 2.
Accompanying screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick (Deadpool, Zombieland) this time around is the actor behind Wade Wilson, Ryan Reynolds. This is something that makes so much sense, as given Deadpool's uncanny ability to craft hilarious one-liners, seemingly, it might be obvious that some of these came from the mouth of Ryan Reynolds on set during improvisational moments during the shooting of the film in Vancouver, B.C.
3. Deadpool 2 is taking the pop culture references to the next level
There are more this time around than in a entire episode of Fox's Family Guy, although we're uncertain ithat they'll be included in the finished movie.
As 20th Century Fox has been rolling out their campaign to market the film leading up to this week we've seen a hilarious collection of pop culture references in support. First, there were as the Deadpool 2 poster which paid tribute to the 1983 film, Flashdance. In the poster, Deadpool is arched up and back on a chair just as actress Jennifer Beals does so famously in the 1983 blockbuster film which was about a steel worker who aspires to be a professional dancer in the ballet.
Then, there were some Deadpool / Ryan Reynolds references to the hit 1985 Steven Spielberg-produced The Goonies -- to unveil the casting of actor Josh Brolin in Deadpool 2 as "Cable." Reynolds took to Twitter on Feb. 12 to unveil Brolin's casting by posting this hilarious photo of Deadpool painting a portrait of Cable in the image of actor Josh Brolin's Goonies character, "Brandon" aka "Brand Walsh."
Let's not forgot the sneak peek poster in the spirit of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
Then, there was the whole insane Bob Ross tribute to promote Deadpool 2. Dressing us as iconic PBS painter Bob Ross (with the wig), Fox released a teaser for the film with some first look footage to excite Deadpool and Marvel fans about the release.Watch the Bob Ross / Sneak Peek Here:
4. A stunt woman died on the set of the film during its shooting.
Stuntwoman Joi Harris, doubling actress Zazie Beetz as "Domino," was accidentally killed in a motorcycle accident during the shooting of the film. It was a tragedy as this was the stuntwoman's first movie shoot! The sequence as it was to appear in the film Deadpool 2 was being filmed at Jack Poole Plaza when the stuntwoman lost all control of her motorcycle and swerved off the set and went through a window at the close by Shaw Tower. The production of Deadpool 2 was shut down for two days as a result; many in the stunt community have said that the accident could have been avoided. The stunt required that the stuntwoman ride through two open doors before turning left; however her exit was onto a big safety ramp. The stuntwoman overshot the platform and was unable to stop the motorcycle, hitting a curb before flying into a massive glass window.
5. 20th Century Fox ordered re-shoots on Deadpool 2 after potential bad test screenings.
Sometimes, a studio ordering re-shoots on a film can mean trouble. It can mean that the movie stinks or that it needs a quick fixing. But, reports are saying that the sequel has won over test audiences. It's been reported that the re-shoots were not ordered to fix any problems with the film but to add in more footage of characters that tested better than anticipated with audiences; however this could just be spin. It is possible that audiences had too many expectations with Deadpool 2, and that the re-shoots were ordered to satisfy those expectations. We won't know until this Friday.
6. The secrey around Deadpool 2 has been epic; nearly as secret as the latest incarnations of Star Wars.
20th Century Fox, Ryan Reynolds have been very careful about what they've said in relationship to the sequel's storyline. It's been unveiled, natch, just hunted at over the last year; firstly, there's been Ryan Reynold's dropping bits and clues on Twitter, and then there's been the numerous sneak preview or trailers that have been slowing popping up in theaters and on television. The producers of Deadpool 2 even parodied the last Avengers or Star Wars films demands for secrey. The letter itself is a spoof of a similar one made by the crew behind Avengers: Infinity War. It even parodies the hashtag made for the Avengers film, #ThanosDemandsYourSilence, #WadeWilsonDemandsYourSisterSorryAutoCorrectSilence”
The funny letter was posted online on Twitter:
"We have embarked on the "Deadpool 2: This is Kind of Your Guys' Fault" World Tour. Almost everyone involved in the film has given Maximum Effort the past two years, maintaining the highest level of super secrets, like how David Blaine catches bullets in his mouth. A nd the secret blend of 11 herbs and spices in Colonel Sanders' delicious moustache.
Only a handful of people know the film's true plot. One of them is not Ryan Reynolds. We're asking that when you see Deadpool 2, you don't say a fucking word about the fun shit in the movie. Cause it'd be super lame to spoil the fact that Deadpool dies in this one. Kidding. Not kidding. Kidding?
The studio even leaked a fake plot in the spirit of Deadpool's sense of humor:
“After surviving a near fatal bovine attack, a disfigured cafeteria chef (Wade Wilson) struggles to fulfill his dream of becoming Mayberry's hottest bartender while also learning to cope with his lost sense of taste,” reads the synopsis. “Searching to regain his spice for life, as well as a flux capacitor, Wade must battle ninjas, the Yakuza, and a pack of sexually aggressive canines, as he journeys around the world to discover the importance of family, friendship, and flavor – finding a new taste for adventure and earning the coveted coffee mug title of World's Best Lover.”
The REAL, spoiler-free, basic plot for Deadpool 2:
Foul-mouthed mutant mercenary Wade Wilson (AKA. Deadpool), brings together a team of fellow mutant rogues to protect a young boy of supernatural abilities from the brutal, time-traveling mutant, Cable.
It is common knowledge now that Deadpool will be assembling X-Force (aka The New Mutants) and here are the actors that will be bringing them to life, although it's uncertain if the X-Force will be based on the original Rob Liefeld period at Marvel. What we know: Josh Brolin will be playing Nathan Summers aka Cable, Lewis Tan will be playing Shatterstar, Zazie Beetz will be playing Domino. That just leaves confirmations as to whom will be playing "Boom Boom," "Cannonball," "Feral, " and "Warpath." Actress Shioli Kutsuna had been announced to be playing a major role in Deadpool 2: would it be a stretch to speculate that she'll be playing Boom Boom in Deadpool 2?
7. What Ifs and Missed Deadpool 2 Opportunities
It's always fun to talk with fellow Marvel fans or those with a real passion for the world of Deadpool about the what ifs or could ofs.
Did you know: Actor Brad Pitt originally met with the director of Deadpool 2 David Leitch about playing Cable but was unable to commit to the role because of previous obligations; although actors like Dolph Lundgren, Michael Shannon, Mel Gibson, Kurt Russell, Bruce Willis, Alec Baldwin, Sly Stallone, Ron Perlman were also considered. Actor Russell Crowe was Deadpool co-creator Rob Liefeld's first choice for Cable. What would've happened if the director of the Deadpool (2016) had returned for Deadpool 2? Original director Tim Miller announced in 2016 that he would not be returning to the franchise due to creative differences with Ryan Reynolds. What would Deadpool 2 be like with Miller at the helm? A fan petition was made for Quentin Tarantino to direct the sequel -- what would that look like?
8. A slight difference from Deadpool the comic to Deadpool 2: the movie?
The comic books depict Domino as a longtime ally and former girlfriend of Cable, who hates Deadpool. In the film, she is introduced as an ally of Deadpool working against Cable. WTF?
9. Deadpool 2 will most likely spin off a X-Force blockbuster franchise for 20th Century Fox.
Seeing how things have been done in the past with Marvel characters popping in and out of various superhero movies as they've been released, it seems apropos that 20th Century Fox is already planning a X-Force movie, if not, franchise. Various undisclosed sources are reporting that the studio will be using the ending of Deadpool 2 to set up the rumored X-Force movie. Most likely, this will come during a scene that could be inserted during the films end credits, or in a moment post-credits. While Deadpool 2 screenwriter Reese has tried to nix the rumors about such on Twitter, it seems like just a obvious move -- especially since Ryan Reynolds already has been reported to be involved in the writing of the X-Force movie for the studio.
10. The love story between Wade Wilson and Vanessa will be amped up.
Duh, you probably already guessed that would happen.
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