#also on an unrelated note: when i call zebruh ''zeb'' i pronounce it like ''zeb''
marvus-xoloto · 3 years
yeah actually i can’t get the weird Lanque and Zebede weirdly deep and intense friendship-and-never-more out of my head.
I can’t articulate this quite the way I want to, but there’s something about doing things with your hands and baking and cooking and gardening that is just good for a heavy soul. I imagine Lanque would thrive at Zebede’s place (after sooo much resistance lol).
How they meet.... Lmao I imagine Lanque is just running away one day and shows up exhausted at Zebede’s door. Zeb’s like “∑(O_O;) actiaz???” (idr his quirk i hope that’s right) and helps Lanque recover. Lanque figures out Zebede’s fixation on him quick, and hey lucky Lanque, he is Actias’s ex and he knows exactly which mannerisms to play up to keep Zebede on his good side.
Eventually it comes out that Lanque is obviously lying, and Zebede kind of throws a temper tantrum about it, and something about it reminds Lanque so much of the caverns that he kind of just gets a little sick and queasy. 
Anyway I’ll develop that all later. 
I think it would be interesting if Zebede’s hive could become a temporary reprieve for Lanque. They watch KPop bs together and Lanque doesn’t have to pretend to not enjoy it. In Lanque’s head, he has such a low opinion of Zebede (he calls Zeb a nerd etc in his head), that it’s not a big deal to just enjoy what he likes. But slowly he comes to love the lonely little life that Zeb is living.
Meanwhile, Zeb is just happy for the company and, quite frankly, the jade gossip. He’s easy to entertain, and he loves that Lanque is able to be mean and assertive (traits that Zebede will, let’s be real, never have.) 
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