#also it's sorta like if someone mixed a bible study and a sermon together so if you weren't able to make it to church today
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Here’s the link to the latest video in my YouTube series Disabled AND Blessed -- on the Parable of the Banquet
[image description: two light green textured squares, the first of which has white text reading “new video out at queerly christian on youtube!” with a photo of a white person with short brown hair and a blue shirt and more text reading, “Luke 14: disabled persons are the honored guests at God’s table...will abled people still accept the invite?” The second square has white text reading, “Let’s ponder together” and two white thought bubbles with green text. First thought bubble reads, “If our ‘banquet tables’ (faith communities) fail to include the people whom God's banquet will honor, can we claim to represent God’s Kingdom on earth?” and the second reads, “If people we think are “beneath us” or who make us uncomfortable will eat beside us, and may even have better seats…will we still accept the invitation to God’s table?” / end id]
Jesus tells a story about a host whose original guests make excuses not to come. The host then invites persons with disabilities and poor persons to come fill his table. As in Isaiah 56, we find an image of God's community in which disabled persons participate just as they are, without needing to become abled. But there's even more to this little story, once you start unpacking what the various characters might represent and how we can live into the parable today!
Please feel free to share your thoughts, questions, or concerns on this topic; I'd love to chat! 
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