#also if y'all just happen to want to know what this said fan.fic is about you can totally ask
rivaltierno · 5 years
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I was in a doodling mood this weekend, so here’s my Herald/Raven fankid Aquamarine. 
I ended up trying a slightly different shading technique with this, trying to use a darker version of the main color, and while I think it came out well on the boots/dress and maybe the skin, I don’t think it worked well with the hair.
This picture was originally part of a group set of fankids I was going to draw, as I’ve been planning a big fankid fic recently and wanted an easier way to imagine what everyone looks like, but then I wasn’t in the mood to draw 6 more characters after this so I decided just to post Aquamarine separately. And since she’s being posted separately, I decided to go ahead and fill out that fun fankid ask game for her, too, under the cut.
Name: Aquamarine Duncan 
Gender: Cis Girl
General Appearance: Aquamarine has dark brown skin, light brown eyes, and purple hair, worn in a short afro style with a headband (so like this). She likes mixing simple designs and patterns together in her outfits, so her dresses and pixie boots tend to be rather plain while her headbands and leggings are more eye-catching. She likes more artsy-looking patterns for her headbands/leggings (such as the black-stemmed roses as seen in the picture above), while all of her dresses are a shade of blue with a small horn symbol stitched onto them somewhere. She’s noticeably tall for her age (based on Earth standards anyway).
Personality: Aquamarine is curiosity-driven and loves exploring the world around her, seemingly unable to sit still and often using her powers for everyday activities. She’s passionate about learning and gets frustrated when people are not as invested in a topic as she is. However, she is also easily bored, abandoning tasks and ideas if they do not immediately catch her attention or once she feels she cannot gain anymore knowledge from them. She views herself as highly mature and desires to emulate her parents, whom she adores to a point of taking any criticism or questioning of them as a personal attack.  
Special Talents Powers: Aquamarine can teleport, both in an ‘opening portals’ and a ‘moving oneself’ sense. 
She greatly prefers to teleport via portal - she can reach farther distances than when she teleports using her “silver shroud” as she calls it, as she does not having to physically see the location to open a portal to it, unlike with the other technique. She also enjoys using portals more often because they can be used for showing off her powers better - a shroud disappears once she reaches her location, while she can keep portals open longer. (There’s also the fact that she simply has more experience with portal opening, too; neither of her parents have consistently used their powers in years, but it’s a lot easier for Malcolm to pick up his horn again and teach her how to open portals than it is for Raven to suddenly start using the magic she’s been ignoring.)
There is still limits to this portal opening, of course. Though she can open portals entirely on her own, she can only do one at a time, and these tend to be small “personal portals”, so if she wants to take anyone else with her through the portals it takes a significant amount of energy from her. 
Aquamarine would also like to learn hand-to-hand combat from her parents, but due to how young she is they refuse to teach her. The closest she’s gotten to any sort of physical training is them teaching her how to land properly after jumping/teleporting from a high place.  
Who they like better: At first it would seem like Aquamarine likes Malcolm more, as she tends to quote him most often when she goes on her “this is why my parents are the smartest ever” lectures. However, this is merely because Malcolm gives his parental life advice in less philosophical and time-consuming ways than Raven does.
In reality, Aquamarine loves both of her parents fiercely and wouldn’t chose one of them over the other even if she had to.
Who they take after more: Physically speaking, it’s a joke in the family that Aquamarine is basically a mini-Malcolm, as almost all of her physical attributes came from him, with her hair color being the only immediately noticeable trait she got from Raven.
Personality-wise, she also seems to take more after Malcolm. She does have Raven’s enjoyment of learning, but even more obvious is that she has Malcolm’s extroverted nature and difficulty staying still, both in a “passion for travel” sense and a “gets antsy when unable to pace around” sense.
Personal Headcanon Random Fact: Aquamarine is a test tube baby, being conceived and grown in a machine.
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