#also if anyone is going to the la venue were y'all weirded out by the set up??
seokwoosmole · 2 years
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may i ask for some poly relationship w larry & sal x male reader hcs?
Ah! Of course! :) Sorry I've been taking so long school is getting to me cause of finals;-;
Warnings: Noncannon compliant (their parents aren't together, no one dies, etc), NSFW (implied teen NSFW otherwise they're out of highschool), no weird cult stuff but they still ghost hunt, more modernish (?) phones and stuff
Sal x Male Reader x Larry hcs
I think that Sal and Larry would have gotten together before you got there
Like, I say gotten together but the way they started it was literally best friends that were super hornknee and decided to have sex together
They started then developing romantic feelings for each other though
And although the sex dynamic wasn't perfect (refer to my Sal x reader NSFW fic) it was good and they loved each other
It became an on and off thing until they actually worked it out
they talked about it and decided that it was better that they stay friends until they can sort out their own sexual desires and endeavors
Sal didn't even know he could do both as a switch and verse so he wanted to just re-examine his sexual self
And Larry was okay with that
So they decided to date but just without sex for a while
Then you moved to Nockfell their sophomore year
and god were you cool
Sal was the first one to see you in the hallway
It wasn't love at first sight really
He thought you were cool and he wanted to talk to you
Then that same day he told Larry about you during lunch
"I want to talk to him I just don't know how to approach him"
"Oh, well who is it?"
Ngl Larry was kinda jealous about how flustered Sal was getting at the prospect of a new friend but then Sal pointed at you and Larry was like "Oh, okay, I get it."
So Larry just approaches you
It was kinda to tease Sal about how shy he was being
Also kinda because you looked rad as fuck
So Larry approaches you sitting at a table alone
You were actually quite chill
You were happy since no one was approaching you
You guys hit it off and ended up becoming really good friends!
So for the duration of your sophomore year and the summer of your junior year, you guys were really good pals and hung out a lot
Then Larry started developing feelings first
And he was super confused since he knew he still liked Sal, no doubt about it
So he was just super confused and conflicted because he didn’t want to break up with Sal
So during, about the first half, of all of your junior year he kept this to himself and tried to keep himself from feeling for you
Sal on the other hand already accepted his feelings, he realized it later than Larry
And he read yp on what being polygamous meant
So although there was a lot of confusion at first he figured it's no different from people in love triangles
He realizes it a couple weeks after Larry and decides to bring this up to Larry during winter break
The conversation pretty much just went like Sal explaining polyamory to Larry for an hour
They end up deciding to just wait a bit and try to flirt with you individually
you know,
because they don't remember that you don't know they're attracted to you at this point
So basically you think that they're both trying to cheat on each other for the week they're flirting with you
At the end of that week, you tell them to meet you together
And they don't know any better than to meet you
And then you come to them, don't let them explain, and cry because you don't want two of your best friends to cheat on each other like this even though you like them
And then they realize why you're saying this
So although this was not the time they expected to confess to you they told you what they were trying to do
So you just sat there
With these two idiots
and told them "No guys, cause I was literally having a breakdown about losing my two best friends."
And they confess to you
and everything is emotional and raw and you accept
Your guys' dynamic doesn't change because you’re dating now
The only difference is you guys make out together and show lots more pda
although you always bring up what they did when they were trying to give you hints
"We just really wanted to flirt with you okay??? Is it such a crime to want your crush to fall for you???"
"When you guys don't explain you're looking to expand your relationship, yes. Yes, it is Larry."
"He's kind of right babe-"
Y'all spend a lot of time communicating with each other on stuff like that now
Your senior year goes without any bumps between all of you and you then graduate
College Dynamic
so you and the gang (except Ash, she moves to the city of course) goes and makes a college house
once you all move in together there it's a new routine
You all agreed and talked about the move together and what it would entail
And then you all finally realized how different it was from a monogamous relationship it was
But you all had your learning curves within the relationship
You find out more about their dynamic as a couple
For example, Larry and Sal never liked to fall asleep without you anymore
They had trouble sleeping without you beforehand and the first time you all slept in the same bed together it was just... so... peaceful
They'll spoon and cuddle without you individually (Sal is always the big spoon with Larry)
but they just love falling asleep next to you
They also refuse to do homework without you there
Even if it's just the simplest this they're just gonna need to have you in the room to finish it
Sal likes to make songs about you guys
He records them and edits some but he never lets you two listen to them
"It's just embarrassing if you two were to listen to it. It's like confessing my love for you guys all over again except I can't hide behind the mask."
So until he decides to release his songs online or plays those at gigs he's never going to let you listen to them
Larry likes to paint you guys
His paintings of you before the "disaster confession" were okay, it just looked like he was making a painting of a friend, except for the occasional rose
But now he paints you and draws you two whenever he can
He finds it funny how flustered you and Sal get whenever he makes suggestive paintings or sketches of you two
One time he painted a whole sex portrait of you and Sal together (A 12 by 28 specifically) hung it upright in front of the door to your rooms and didn't tell anyone
So after you and Sal got home that day you were welcomed with Larry lounging on your bed with the giant picture of you fucking Sal next to him
It was definitely beautiful though, even if it's hard to call your nudes beautiful
"Larry Johnson, this painting, as always, masterful. Beautiful craftsmanship but please-" "-we mean this in the most loving way possible Larry-" "-STOP PAINTING OUR NUDES BABE"
He put it away to be hung up in your apartment for when you all move out
Non-College Life
Once you all finish college you guys move into an apartment outside of Nockfell
The minute after you and Sal leave to get food Larry puts up all his private paintings of you guys
It's funny to him
I imagine you guys moving to a really populated city
Somewhere where it's a good place for people wanting to have creative jobs but still close to Nockfell
Maybe not back to New Jersey but probably not as far as New York or LA
you guys do all the cute stuff you never got to in Nockfell together
It's not like the majority of Nockfell was homophobic, mostly just the people who went to the church
But a lot more of them didn't think that polyamory was possible
So now it's easier
It's not like you never experience any polyphobia anymore but it's easier because you're in a more open-minded place
Sal's favorite thing is to go to concerts now
And pride
He also likes coffee house dates too
Larry gets hit on a lot though whenever you guys go out anywhere though
He finds it funny how jealous you both get
Sometimes if he wants Sal to get really mad he'll play along
But most of the time he shuts it down before it begins
Sal gets hit on a lot at concerts the most though
He gets kind of awkward about it, he's not going to edge them on but he gets uncomfortable enough to just not know how to shut them down
Usually, you and Larry will just appear behind him and whisk him away
Larry likes to use it as teasing leverage for a good rough one that night but you usually make sure he's okay with it before Larry does anything
You get hit on the most casually
Here and there but there aren't really specific places
It just sort of happens
You mostly shut them down alone
But occasionally you'll have to go to Sal and Larry if they're persistent
And they'll be mean too
One of the first times you saw Sal and Larry ever legitimately get that mean was when you got hit on in a club and they both just pulled you behind them and absolutely ripped the person a new one
You guys really like to stay at home if you guys have dates though that way everyone feels included
But when you all do go around together it's always specifically for three people you never tell anyone it's a date for dinner reservations, you always make sure you go on rides everyone wants to go on at amusement parks, and hey if worse comes to worst smoking is a group activity (if you have asthma or any other breathing condition Larry makes you edibles if you really wanna do edibles with them)
Starting jobs there are tough and all but you make it off your feet
Sal ends up booking a lot of gigs and Larry's commission request skyrocket when he moves to the city and makes a blog about his art
You all get an apartment with affordable rent and one that allows Gizmo
I hc that Gizmo is an esp but I don't know if that's real
So regardless you'll still be able to have room for him
Sal proposes to both of you
You guys talked about marriage and decided that it would be easier legally to just not get married through a court
So you guys have a friends wedding and Gizmo is the ring bearer
You guys don't get a fancy venue or anything
You guys all just have a city wedding
So, the first time you all decide to hook up it's mostly just very communicative rules beforehand
Sal is more comfortable with being fucked than fucking someone else at most times but "It's not like I never want to stick my dick in you two" as he puts it
He also likes background music on most of the time
It's kinda weird if there isn't just a little bit of music
It isn't really bothersome, you guys keep it below 20 at most times
Sal's also super submissive
He liked it rough, make him cry out for you two
A bit of a pillow prince
Especially enjoys being tied up by you two
gags and blindfolds are on the table
Although whenever he does feel up to fucking you and Larry he'll usually end up having you two ride him because he gets to be such a mess with you two unless he's jealous or upset
Usually, when he's upset he's gonna lift you two up and fuck you against the headboard or wherever you two are if he's impatient enough
One time you were chilling with Larry in your bedroom and he was painting over his easel
Sal burst through the door where it slammed back on itself and closed itself
He then tracks his eyes on you
immediately asks you "Can I please fuck you right now"
and as soon as your safe word and consent comes out of your mouth he's holding you down on the bed and fucking into you so hard you can barely breath
Larry doesn't mind it and just continues painting with you moaning and being so pathetic in the background of his music
He kinda finds it funny because before you all got together and he and Larry would angry fuck it never worked out
Sal was just being a brat most of the time because Larry still wouldn't let him fuck him submissively
Speaking of which, Larry's more comfortable with being dominant, he'll bottom but only if he can still be dominant otherwise forget it
Larry's just a rough fucker anyway
He really likes pushing and holding you two up against walls when he fucks you guys
He likes showing off the muscles he got helping his mom with handy work and stuff like that
The first time he did this was to Sal when you were studying in your guy's room
You said you didn't really wanna participate today so they fucked like they would without you
And so they're talking back and forth, teasing each other
and Larry corners him
And just
lifts him up
It looked like he was just lifting a bag of sugar up
Sal seemed weightless as Larry just rocks into him
It was one of the hottest things you'd seen at the time so you joined them
You do that a couple more times but then it just becomes normal and you decide you need to start finishing all those assignments
Larry does that to you one on one as well without Sal but it happens to Sal a lot more spontaneously
Larry though is kinkier than Sal in some respects
He'll try anything at least once "Lisa didn't raise no bitch-"
He's really into breeding and long fucking sessions though
Like, lowkey he has omegaverse fantasies
Not because of the weird stuff just because a lot of the time..... they have breeding written in
He'll never admit to reading any of it but you know he has at least once
Super into dirty talk
And he's really good at it
He also had a praise kink and a degradation kin
He likes degrading you and you telling him thank you and how good he's treating a filthy little brat like you
"What're my filthy little brats good for other than sucking my dick so well. Taking me so well like the dirty little whores you are?"
"Yes sir-" "-we're made for your big cock-" "-thank you for fucking us like this-"
He especially likes breeding you and having Sal suck you off while he does it, he finds your crying cute
And an added bonus is rewarding Sal after for it
You guys talk about long-term consent and all that and decide that it's a good idea, you all trust and love each other so there isn't a problem
lol this kinda went to shit at the end but I still like it enough! Thanks for the Sally Face request I really like this game and the dynamic between a poly reader hc :)
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astoria-moon · 7 years
DragCon 2017 Tips!!
Ok y'all so DragCon 2017 LA was my FIRST DragCon and here's some things I picked up and that I think could be helpful? Maybe idk, GOODLUCK BARBRA!! • it's okay to go alone!! I DID!! SERIOUSLY. I flew alone, I stayed in a 2 bedroom hotel (don't ask) I took cars alone and there were moments where I was fully alone... but honestly you meet people there you do. When I was waiting for the door to open on the first day, this girl and I struck up a conversation and then her friend joined in and BOOM we spent the WHOLE day going around to booth and keeping each other company we even had another guy (who went alone) join our little "group". Long story short- if you're going alone, don't worry, and don't be afraid to talk to some people and make some friends. • DONT WEAR HEELS. Ahhh!! I wore heels during preview night and it was the biggest mistake of my life. The floors are concrete, it's a big venue, and there's a lot of walking/standing (plus there are stairs). Even in flats your feet will hurt, but imagine 8 hours. 8 HOURS. Of walking in your heels. When even the queens aren't wearing heels. You'll look good but I doubt anyone will be looking at your shoes 80% of the time. •GET VIP- if possible get VIP. I got VIP and it was SO worth it. We got a 2 hour preview night on Friday which was basically all the booths with barley any lines and people still setting up, and a lot of queens were there out of drag (example: Farrah, Sasha, Shea, Aja, Trixie was there in full drag) and then on Saturday and Sunday we got to go into the venue 30 minutes before everyone else so we got to get a head start at the lines which helped A LOT. (I.E. Adore - Valentina- Violet- Alyssa etc) it's worth it. If you can get your hands on one... grab it, if not it's literally not that big of a deal were all doing the same thing. •Don't go to Panels- they were so unorganized and honestly they were a mad house. On the first day people were lining up at the escalator for the UHNNN panel which I thought was the dumbest thing because it was the opening day WHY WOULD YOU WAIT TO GET A SEAT AT A PANEL THATS GOING TO BE ON YOUTUBE TOMORROW. (no judgment just saying don't @ me) also it was 105 degrees up there and it was a very small room. Just go and live it up and the watch or the next day and truly enjoy it and not die from heatstroke or a riot. •Some of the lines are 2+ hours long! Sasha / Violet / HELL ALYSSA EDWARDS' LINE WAS LIKE 3-4 HOURS LONG. Ok but yeah, some of the lines are really long- sometimes they take breaks in between to go to the bathroom or to eat something real quick... BE PATIENT. Seriously. They are sitting, standing, laying, whatever for 8 hours talking to 4,000+ people let them have a second to take a breather or if they are just taking their time with fans LET THEM. You want that special moment too. You never know what it could mean to someone. •SOME WILL CHARGE FOR A "M&G"- Its a "CON" this is how money is made. Did you know those booths are 800 dollars AT LEAST If they don't charge for the small things they don't make a profit. And you have to remember- this is their job- this is how they pay RENT, FOOD, HOW THEY PAY FOR DRAG. Just shut up and pay the 5 bucks and take a bomb ass picture and get all your cool stuff signed. ( not everyone charges but some do) •Bring small bills- $5 $10 are really easy , especially for the m&g charging, use your $20 on merch like t-shirts and stuff like that. TRY NOT TO BRING $100 Because that takes all their change and then screws everyone else over. (Or they might not even take it) •Credit Cards- OK THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT. BEFORE YOU GO TO DRAGCON CALL YOUR CREDIT CARD COMPANY AND TELL THEM YOU ARE GOING (ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE TO FLY TO LA) BECAUSE So I flew to LA. And I tried to check into my hotel and the card was declined and I was like um WTF?! And so I found out they thought I stole my dads credit card and ran away (even though I'm a god damn adult) SO after that was settled during DragCon my friend from was trying to buy a wig from Wigs and Grace and his card was declined too and he called and they thought his card was stolen BECAUSE OF ALL THE STRANGE CHARGES. So just let them know what's going on just so no bullshit happens. • WALK WAYS- If there is a walk way... USE IT. They create specific paths for people to walk don't be the jerk that tries to squeeze through a meet and greet line when the walk way is literally 2 steps away. I mean. •TRAVELERS- always bring the bigger bag!! BUT be careful when you buy things. Whatever you buy you have to bring back, and when you bring a big bag, it's going to have to be checked, so carefully pack whatever you buy in case it's breakable or bendable you don't want to ruin something you spent your money on/something you care about before you get a chance to fully experience it. •BAGS- I brought a backpack and that I thought was the best option because I could zip it up and I could distribute the weight evenly instead of carrying one bag on one arm and continuously switching. And then I carried my wallet and a small plastic bag on one wrist. The only thing that sucked is when you have to take all of it off (some of the queens want you too) and then you have to try and put it all back on quickly, like at the grocery store when the person gives you the change and receipt and you try to shove it in your wallet while walking so the person behind doesn't judge you. It's kinda like that. But I say bring a backpack. •Bring Water and a Granola bar- BRING SOMETHING. They dont check bags (which I found very weird) but there was a girl in line for Violet and she had a bottle of wine in a Starbucks cup. If you want to see all the people you want to see you're not going to have to to stop and have a full meal so throw a bottle of water in your bag and a fiber one bar or a sandwich or WHATEVER tickles you and you'll be good. You're going to be waiting in lines anyway. Take a second and don't pass out if you're that kind of person. • SIT DOWN. Literally. If you're waiting in a 2 hour line sit the fuck down. We know your feet and back hurt. If the queen isn't there... SIT DOWN. THERE IS NO REASON TO BE STANDING. If no one else is sitting, sit first I guarantee that people will follow seconds later. You have to take those opportunities. They matter. • SAVE MY SPOT? Again if your stuck in a two hour line and the queen isn't there use that opportunity to meet other queens, do it one at a time though, if your with a group take shifts, if your alone ask the people around you ( try to befriend them first) if not say "will you save my spot real quick" I DOUBT THEY WILL BE LIKE NO *hiss* and go to a queen with a short line when you come back tell the people around you "hey ____ has a really short line right now if you want to go meet them real quick I'll save your spot" BE SMART •GAME PLAN- go in with a game plan. "I'm going to see 1 2 3 this day and X Y Z tomorrow" at least go in with a solid " I HAVE TO MEET THESE PEOPLE" and get those done and then who ever else you meet will just fall in line, and you can always go into someone's line more than once, which is great. was DragCon overwhelming YEAH. but honestly it was one of the realest things you could ever imagine. So much drag- love- art- passion in one place. You can't get anything like it.
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An Interview With Val From Sojii
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In this digital age, there’s A LOT of fucking bands out there, and one of my favorite past times is sitting down with a good pair of headphones, and just digging through Bandcamp on the search for something new. On most occasions I find a few bands or artists who catch my attention for a few songs, but ultimately I loose interest or forget their names soon after closing out the app. Not Sojji though. The distinctive pig in a dunce cap album art work enticed me to click on their debut self tilted ep, and when the spastic energy of the beginning of “Milksop” gave way to a tight lead line, I was hooked. It wasn’t long after playing their ep back to back a few times that I liked the page, and hit Val up for an interview. 
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1. To someone who has never heard Sojii, how would you describe your sound and the overall vibe of the band? Angular hard stool 2. Y’all have a very cool, trashy, some would say, “lo fi” aesthetic being presented through the sound of your music and the photos you post on the band page. Is that an artistic decision you made with intention, or just a reflection of your collective lifestyles? 
Well I think all the trashy photos are from me cos I'm a trashy person. Danny is more linear and Donny is a classy fuck. 
3. I know that you used to live in New York and that Sojii followed you when you moved to Grand Rapids. How did the band initially form and how did moving affect it?
Yeah. Well the band didn't only move. All the members have changed completely. It started because Anna, Raegan, and I went to the same school and we hated everyone and knew there was more somewhere out there in the deep smoggy sky. It has changed completely cos there are different people. For better or worse. I believe it's more of a fluid entity than a fixed image of identities.
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4. What are your personal influences as not just a musician, but as a person? What are Sojii's collective influences?
My personal influences are industrial buildings and sites I saw [they] were so cold and forlorn and I wanted to take them home with me. Adrenaline too. I think our collective influence don't exclude md2020. Touring. Sodium. Ajvar, Alice, and Prudence.
5. Lyrically you have a very “stream of conscious flow” with some pretty dark and nihilistic subject matter being presented. How do you typically come up with your lyrics?
You just said it! It just cums.
6. I’ve really enjoyed the ambiguous nature of you lyricism and how many different meanings can be inferred from your lines. For example, off your latest single, “Junkmale”, you have the lines “Look outside the kitchen window/At the kingdom at my feet/I slain the fertile cesspit/Put my feelings at ice cold ease” followed by “if you wanted it/I don't/Kill that part anyway/If you needed it/I don't/kill that part anyway”. Would you care to dive into what you meant by this?
I don't remember exactly. It started as a concept Katie gave me for the music she wrote. Really It's about killing my ability to carry a child in order to live life as selfishly and opportunistically as I can. (Gender roles blahblablahblah)
7. You finished a tour last year with the noise duo An Atomic Whirl. How was that experience for you? Where there any memorable moments from your time with those goof balls?
Otherworldly. They're a couple of the craziest cats I've ever met. I wanna tour with them in Asia. Idk if this is trü but Kenji said he was gonna make his solo project into "Kenjii" cos of us. Haha. Also they're moving back!
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8. Besides AAW, what are some other great bands you've had the pleasure to play with? So far what venues have you enjoyed the most?
Ape Not Kill Ape (MI), CHOIR (PA), Girl Pusher (CA), Vertighost (CA)
Honey Trap in LA, Baxter BLDG in DC, Aviv in NYC (r.i.p)
9. With three tours under your belts, what have you learned since the first one? If you could give some advice to up and coming touring bands, what would it be?
Who I want to play music with. What is important to me. What really matters. Tell cunts not to bring fucking cheeze whiz cos it'll stain the fuck outta my '98 econoline carpet goddamnit.
10. What are your most memorable good/bad/weird moments from tour?
Good time was when these two kids followed us from west ma to another couple shows and brought us exciting party favors.
I wanna say no bad times on tour cos I love every bit but it throws me off when anyone is sad or upset. Tour 'sposed to be fun. I did end up in the ER in Connecticut because of aforementioned party favors. The cops took my knife away and never gave it back.
I believe that I am the weird moment because I can't think of anything weird.
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11. When you first started the band, did you imagine things would turn out as they have? Now that you've made quite a bit of progress, where do you see Sojii in the future?
I like to embrace the now with eyes to the future. I don't know that I've made much progress, but I have a lot of wet dreams about Sojii. I want to do everything I can as long I let me.
12. I understand that y'all are working on recording more material. Would you like to fill us in on how that's going, and give us a hint as to how it will sound?
It's going great. YOU'll KNO WHEN U KNO. All I can say is we'll probably b recording in Chicago.
13. wut's ur last wurds???
Gabe Page
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Valerie is one of the more interesting characters I have come into contact with through this magical thing called the “DIY Community”, and I think Sojii accurately reflects that, not just in Val’s meandering and ambigious lyrcism, but also in the straight weirdo rock nature of their specific brand of noise rock. Seriously, CHECK THIS BAND OUT. You won’t regret it. (Well, maybe you’ll regret it if you get the god damn cheese wiz in the carpet!) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sojiiband/ Bandcamp: https://sojii.bandcamp.com/music
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