#also i love the icon because i feel like it's a 'candid' shot of ren
electricea-archive · 2 years
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@mo-and-co​​ sent - 📱 (@stellatenuem​​) ( Ryuji’s Contacts - Accepting! )
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Renren. 🃏
Outgoing texts sent to Renren:
[Ryuji]: Hey, Renren...? Are you still awake...? I...can’t sleep.
[Ryuji]: Renren, you don’t have to do this, you know...
[Ryuji]: Whatever happens tomorrow, just be safe.  Just...be okay.
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shayerahol · 6 years
Literally just confirmed by Oscar Isaac and the director that the "I know" is 100% a parallel and callback to "I know" of Han/Leia. Oscar even said this is their(Poe/Rey) version of I know. Can you believe this, I mean wow. That is a very big deal, and now that we know it was intended as it was played then this 100% very very likely sets up Poe/Rey in episode 9. Having a omage to the iconic couple of SW is a big deal.
I took some time with this because I wanted to answer it properly.
So, this article is a big deal for Damerey. A brief statement from Rian Johnson informs the scene a great deal.
I was surprised that Rian Johnson did not notice the similarity until it was pointed out to him. I’d say it’s a real blow to the ship. But there’s still reason enough that this parallel is still significant in terms of intent. Johnson says, “When I wrote it, I wasn’t explicitly thinking of that”
First of all this is interesting, because he didn’t write it originally. There was a Rey/Poe meeting scene in The Force Awakens (written by JJ Abrams, Lawrence Kasdan, and Rick Kerb) that was shot and ultimately cut from the film. It’s what influenced the scene in the novelization, written by Alan Dean Foster:
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The scene translated to The Last Jedi virtually unchanged, even though the circumstances had. It’s possible that Rian Johnson knew that the way Rey and Poe met would be significant even if he didn’t fully understand why. Johnson could have instead of seeing the iconic “I know” as a parallel to Han/Leia, seen importance in Poe acknowledging Rey’s identity, as this is something she struggles with through both films. The fact that Poe has heard of her, and is clearly impressed by her, could have been what Rian felt was the important part of the scene. Rian Johnson didn’t deny the parallel in his intent, though he didn’t see it, rather, he stated he wasn’t “explicitly thinking of [the hanleia parallel],” not denying that it could have been on his mind, and even went as far to admit that it could’ve “subconsciously felt right.” An “‘I love you’ ‘I know’” parallel isn’t something that feels right in a scene that doesn’t have any romantic subtext. There’s something there. If it didn’t fit the tone that they were going for, Johnson could have rewritten it after Isaac pointed out to him.
And on to Oscar Isaac’s confirmation. If anything, I would take Isaac’s insight into the scene more seriously than Johnson’s. Isaac has done (a version of) this scene before for The Force Awakens, and he did this with Abrams, who originally wrote or at least co-wrote the scene. He will know more about what was originally intended for the scene as far as tone and its overarching implications. It’s still likely that Abrams knew full well what Poe’s “I know” implied. I think it’s also important to note that Isaac saw importance in that line remaining unchanged.  And that he referred to it as “our [Rey and Poe’s] version of I know,” speaks volumes. He refers to it as an appropriation of the phrase “I know.” The fact that Rey and Poe would need to appropriate the phrase gives it gravity, as they wouldn’t need to appropriate one of the most common phrases in the English language unless it held some relevance to their relationship. It also gives Rey and Poe’s relationship weight.
Oscar Isaac definitely used this scene to inform his performance. That known, and knowing that Johnson was supportive of this parallel, we can safely say Daisy Ridley did as well. There was no accident about their chemistry.
At this point I don’t think any of the most popular ships are off the table, but this looks good for Damerey. It says something that this is important enough for them to talk about with the press, but they’ve also teased Stormpilot and Reylo, which cannot be canon at the same time as Damerey, and that they’re talking about it also makes me nervous with how secretive they’ve been about the plots of the new trilogy.
This line is Chekov’s gun. It’s a big parallel to drop for no reason. To include it and not explore Poe and Rey’s relationship romantically would be anticlimactic. It’s funny, one of the biggest arguments I see for Reylo is that not pursuing a romantic relationship between the two would be a complete waste, given the hints they’ve had in The Force Awakens and especially in The Last Jedi. While I agree that it seems a shame to waste the sexual and romantic tension Ridley and Driver established in TLJ, and the potential for truly riveting story lines between the two, not pursuing Reylo romantically wouldn’t be a waste. If nothing else, the connection between Rey and Kylo Ren in The Last Jedi: creates a more compelling hero/villain dynamic, sets up Rey as a candidate to bring Ben back to the light, motivates Kylo Ren to kill Snoke and take over the First Order, pushes Rey toward becoming a grey jedi, emphasizes the theme that no one is past redemption, etc. Conversely, if Poe and Rey’s relationship is not explored romantically, even if it’s not endgame, their meet cute (and in it their homage to Han and Leia) would serve no apparent purpose other than to distract from whatever ship becomes canon. So there seems to be no reason to include it other than to set up a romance between Rey and Poe.
I know if I don’t address this now, it’ll be brought up later, so, no, it wouldn’t serve as a gay buffer because of Stormpilot’s popularity. That scene was originally written before that was a popular ship, so this meet cute isn’t just out there to say “Poe isn’t gay.” Besides, we still don’t know that he isn’t Bi. Whether or not Disney is homophobic, Damerey has nothing to do with it. Stormpilot isn’t even out of the running yet.
Anyway, that article is exciting. It definitely seems to validate the potential of canon Damerey. 
Sorry about going on so long; I’ve just got a lot of feelings, some of which I’ve been bottling since TFA
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