#also i know that cartwright is technically taller but he's hunching forward and the perspective and the colours are kinda hiding that
heldenherzchen ยท 5 months
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my secret santa gift for @square-braxket ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ’–
On a dreary evening in the idyllic town of Sandford, Detectives Cartwright and Wainwright found themselves grappling with a perplexing case. The relentless rain drummed against the umbrella as they scoured the scene for clues. Wainwright, with his trademark cigarette, pored over the evidence with a furrowed brow, the wisps of smoke blending with the rain.
Amidst the downpour, Cartwright's concern for the case weighed heavily on his mind. He paced the dimly lit alley, his footsteps muffled by the rain, his thoughts consumed by the gravity of the investigation. The chilling rain mirrored the unease in his heart as he grappled with the intricacies of the case, each raindrop a poignant reminder of the urgency to unravel the mystery that had befallen their town.
As the night wore on, the pitter-patter of the rain served as a haunting backdrop to their relentless pursuit of the truth. Wainwright's cigarette burned like a lone beacon in the darkness, his focused demeanor a stark contrast to Cartwright's restless unease. Together, they braved the storm, their resolve unyielding amidst the downpour, determined to bring clarity to the shadowy enigma that had enshrouded their quaint town.In the heart of the tempest, amidst the haze of smoke and the deluge of rain, Detectives Cartwright and Wainwright stood as sentinels of justice, their unwavering dedication to the case unbroken by the tumultuous weather.
For in the face of adversity, they remained steadfast, their pursuit of truth unwavering, and their partnership unshakeable.
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