#also appreciate it dude im hoping it'll be great too hehe
princekirijo ยท 10 months
Three years to come up with a design? Dayum you must really care about it a lot. Even if you weren't thinking about it most of the time, you must still care about it an awful lot to keep going back. That's impressive man I bet it'll be great
Yep! I'm honestly surprised at myself because normally I get bored of stuff and move on but Captain AU is just something really close to my heart and has been for about 5 years lol
Pimpernel himself has gone through roughly 15 design iterations in those 3 years would you believe ๐Ÿ˜… comparing them they all look similarish but have key differences (one day I might post all of them but I wouldn't think about doing that until like I have a final design ofc). I think just designing personas in general is something I'm really interested in (I mean I do ramble a lot about persona designs because I just think the concept is so so cool)
It is kinda funny to me that in that same time period Lugh has undergone 1 design change, Mordred 2 design changes and Percy none (but I haven't started him lmao ๐Ÿ’€).
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