#also I'm allowed to make the RI pizza joke because I am from RI
victorluvsalice · 2 years
AU Thursday: Fallout of Darkness Shitposting, Food Edition
Codsworth: [waking Victor up the day after he got out of the vault] Good morning! I’ve made you some tea, sir!
Victor: [yawning, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes] Oh, thanks, Codswor -- [blinking] Wait. We didn’t find any tea bags on our search yesterday.
Codsworth: . . .I’ve boiled you some leaves, sir!
[shortly thereafter, looking at the drink Codsworth has made]
Codsworth: I’ve scanned it thoroughly, sir -- it’s perfectly safe.
Victor: [staring into the mug] I trust you, it’s just. . .it’s bright blue.
Codsworth: . . .it’s your favorite color, sir.
Victor: . . . [picks up mug] Touche.
Alice: [sniffing the air as they wander the town around the now-cleared-out Fort Hagen] All right, we definitely need to investigate that blood bank over there.
Victor: Oh? Why?
Alice: Because it smells like a full-on smorgasbord to me.
Victor: [slightly puzzled] It is a blood bank.
Alice: After 200 years?
Victor: . . .we should check out the blood bank.
Victor: [holding up a bottle of Nuka-Cola Quantum with an extremely fake grin] Try brand-new Nuka-Cola Quantum! Not only is it twice the calories, twice the carbohydrates, twice the caffeine, and twice the taste -- it will also somehow give you electric blue glowing piss even after two centuries have passed!
Preston: [in the background] WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO THE OUTHOUSE?!
Nuka-World Raider: Hey, Overboss, apparently you’re good at fixin’ stuff? Can you do something about the soda mixers?
Victor: What’s wrong with the mixers?
Nuka-World Raider: Whenever you dump soda into them, the stuff that comes out is all weird and bubbly and stings your mouth. Ain’t sure what the hell --
Victor: YOU GUYS HAVE CARBONATED SODA HERE?! [sprints off to find a mixer]
Nuka-World Raider: . . .
Gage: [pinching the bridge of his nose] Maybe it’ll keep him from complaining for five minutes. . .
[later, after Victor has confirmed that yes, the mixers can produce carbonated drinks]
Alice: [sipping blood from an old Nuka-Cola bottle, burps loudly]
Victor: . . .did you use one of the mixer machines to carbonate some blood?
Alice: . . .maybe.
Victor: [cuts a slice off a loaf of bread]
Victor: [carefully simmers up a tato sauce and spreads it on said bread]
Victor: [sprinkles cheese over the sauce and bakes the whole thing over a fire]
Victor: [gesturing to his meal] Behold, the rebirth of the Rhode Island pizza strip.
Alice: We’re in Massachusetts.
Victor: Shush and let me enjoy my terrible pizza.
Piper: [after donating a bit of blood for Alice] Okay, so I gotta ask -- how come I don’t see you ever drink from feral ghouls or the like? You can’t get sick from radiation, right?
Alice: No, but I can pass that radiation on to others if I’m not careful. And besides -- you know how your entire mouth burns for a while after you eat something spicy?
Piper: [making a face] Like when Deacon got me to try the “special noodles?” Yeah, ugh.
Alice: Imagine that except it’s kind of in your entire body and you can feel it crackling every time you move.
Piper: Yeesh. . .don’t tell Nat, she’ll make you drink one just to see if she can spot that.
Alice: [looking around the Appletree Bakery Orchard] I do have to say -- even with the way a lot of the plant life has struggled to come back, the Commonwealth has a surprisingly variety of food. What do you suppose is the secret?
Victor: Oh, easy -- the person on the controls for some reason really, really likes food mods.
Me: Hey!
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