#alex grabbing the above door handle for dear life is sending me
haloud · 5 years
anonymous prompted: michael realizes he's a butthead when alex puts his wellbeing on the line for the pod squad. maybe he's the key to bringing max back or he helps/saves isobel from something.
i feel like i went a tiny bit off prompt, but i hope it still satisfies anyway! ^-^
Isobel isn’t hard to find. He just has to drive out to somewhere in between the shafts of the turquoise mines and follow the sound of heavy objects breaking. Cresting a hill, he stares into the setting sun down at the little practice area she’s set up, littered with the detritus of furniture and what looks like the remains of Noah’s car. He had wondered what happened to the stuff from her old house that they couldn’t burn, and he definitely approves of the new use it’s been put to. Efficiency, and all that.
He picks his way halfway down the hill before she notices him, but she doesn’t mean it when she sends a chair leg whistling past his ear. If she’d meant it, it would have hit him.
“Consultations by appointment only; our hours are on the website, actually,” she says sweetly, fluttering her eyelashes at him.
“Good to know. Luckily, I’m not here for a consultation.” He jingles his keys. “I’m just your chauffeur.”
“I don’t think your services will be required, thanks!” She waves him off, still using the same saccharine tone, fluttering her eyelashes.
Shrugging, Alex turns on his heel and leaves her to it. He goes back to his car to the sound of splintering wood and shattering glass, and he stretches out his legs in the front seat to wait. He had the foresight to bring a book along with him. But before he settles in, he thumbs open his phone and texts: found her. Not in danger. Deep breaths.
The sun is beginning to set by the time the noise stops and Isobel appears at the top of the hill. Hands jammed in her pockets, she approaches the car, her long legs eating up the ground in long, furious strides.
“I don’t need a chaperone,” she snaps the second he begins to roll down the window, “And I can’t believe Michael is too much of a coward to come babysit me himself. Frankly, I thought you had more self-respect.”
“Maybe I just care about your well-being. Or about the danger you’re putting yourself and others in by isolating yourself right now.”
“’Care about my well-being.’” She laughs, a harsh sound. “Pull the other one.”
“I care enough to stick around so you don’t have to walk home.”
The half-sneering, half-wistful way she says the word is familiar enough to hurt.
“I’m offering you a free ride, Evans,” he says, “Even if it’s just to the liquor store and back to the caves. Just get in.”
After a half-minute more of a staring contest, she huffs and rounds the car to haul herself into the passenger seat. It’s somewhat gratifying to know that he can out-stubborn even extraterrestrial patience.
“Glove box,” he says. She pops it open, unscrews the cap of the bottle of acetone inside, and takes a deep swig, all without saying thank you.
“Take me to Max’s place,” she says, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
A couple miles down the road, Isobel says, “Well, out with it. I’m sure you’re got an inquisition planned about why I keep disappearing.”
Alex keeps his eyes on the road, dusty gray and seemingly infinite. “I’m not asking questions because I know what it’s like. To need to find your own power regardless of how it makes other people think of you.”
Isobel stares out the window, chewing her lip, her arms folded tightly in front of her. The wind has snatched her hair out of its braid, and tangled flyaways catch the sun and turn bright white. Mud flakes off her boots, staining the floor of the car. Her cheeks and nose are raw from the cold, and above them her eyes are just as icy. She’s ignored Alex for the entire drive, but he doesn’t mind the silence.
He continues, “And I’m not trying to lecture you, either. Like I said. I know.”
She scoffs and tosses her proud chin. “But you are going to tell me I’m being irresponsible, aren’t you.”
“No. No lecture.”
“Then unlock the door and let me out, Manes.”
Breathe in for four. Hold. Out for eight. That’s a low blow, and Isobel knows that, so he won’t give her a reaction. And he isn’t even done breathing before she cuts her eyes at him, twists her mouth, and says,
“Apology accepted.”
“Just finish your PSA and stop torturing us both.”
“All I’m saying is that there are people who care about you, and when you drop off the face of the earth for 24 hours, those people worry. Just a text. You don’t even have to say where you’re going. Just let someone know before you disappear.”
“People, huh? I know my brother. I’m pretty sure he hasn’t asked you to fight his battles for him.”
“No, he didn’t. Call it executive decision making.”
“And what are you going to call it when he gets pissed at you for meddling?”
“Executive decision making,” Alex says, and unlocks the door without  telling her about his other executive decision. He unlocks his phone, and under his latest text it says Read 18:13. He climbs out of the car, and Isobel rolls her eyes in his direction.
“I don’t need you to walk me to the door. You’re a real gentleman, though, congrats…”
She trails off as the front door opens. Both of them look up, but Isobel isn’t able to say any more than
Before Michael is in her arms, squeezing her so tightly she coughs, forcing her head up so he can bury his under her chin. The fear radiates off him in uncontrolled waves, and if even Alex can feel it, Isobel must be drowning. Her eyes look slightly red as she wraps her arms around him in return and squeezes him just as hard.
“Michael,” she sighs, half annoyed, half apologetic.
In for four. Hold. Out for eight. Alex smiles as he watches the siblings embrace, Isobel laughing a slightly watery laugh as Michael starts to rock them back and forth, still clinging on for dear life.
If he can’t fix anything else, if all his plans fail and the worst comes to pass, at least he can win at little things like this.
As he turns to leave, Isobel says to Michael, “Oh my god, let go, I need a shower twelve hours ago and keeping me from it is a hate crime.”
And Michael replies, “No. You did this to yourself. You’re a TK master now that you’ve done your badass training montage so you’re gonna have to carry me everywhere if you don’t want to be in brother jail for the rest of your life.”
“Even into the shower?”
“Um, gross?”
Alex laughs and twirls his keys around his finger. He even has a bit of a bounce in his step as he heads back to the car. Even hoarse and unused, Michael’s voice already sounds leagues better from the terrified shell he was that morning when he called to tell Alex he hadn’t been able to get ahold of his sister for two days. It’s a win, and he’s learning to appreciate the little ones.
He startles a bit at the call and at the hand that grabs his shoulder and spins him around, but that’s nothing compared to the jolt he gets when he turns right into Michael’s broad, warm chest. Michael’s arms come up around his back, his palm stretching out against his spine, and Michael drops his forehead to Alex’s shoulder and takes a huge, shuddering inhale.
“Hey,” Alex murmurs back, cupping the back of his neck.
“Thank you.”
“Any time.”
“No. Seriously. Thank you.” He pulls back slightly to look Alex straight in the eye. “You didn’t have to. It wasn’t fair of me to ask you. But I knew…somehow, I knew you would. I knew that you were the one person I could call, no matter what. So. Thank you.”
Alex’s mouth falls open, and he—he just has no response. Without permission, tears start to well up in his eyes, a massive aching lump closing up his throat. Michael looks at him with gaunt eyes, but the hollowness that’s been there since—since—is replaced with a shining trust that Alex, that Alex doesn’t know how to handle even though it’s the only gift that could mean anything at all.
“Alex,” Michael says, and holds him even tighter, pulling him in so now Alex is the one with his head resting on someone’s shoulder.
“You’re incredible. You…” Michael sighs. “Thank you.”
And Alex just…closes his burning eyes, sinks into the familiar heat and scent of Michael, and lets himself be shielded from the biting autumn wind.
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kian-bera · 5 years
The Trailed Laments
That night was long, cold, bitter. Arguments were had and words were thrown that shouldn’t have been said. Alexander grabbed the door handle glancing one last time back at his wife who was on the floor sobbing in front of the fireplace. He watched Philip walk downstairs and hug his mom.
Walking out, he would leave everything behind. He could come back, it wouldn’t be easy though. After everything that has happened, Eliza wouldn’t take him back so easy. He longed for the days when they first met. When things were simple, and laughs were had at the tiniest of things. Alexander stepped out into the freezing cold snow with only his shoes, clothes, and a thin jacket. He watched his breath in the air as he wondered what he could possibly do.
”Are you ok?” Eliza asked trying the hide the fact she was trying not to laugh. Alexander had fallen into ice cold water.
“I’m f...fine.” Alexander answered shaking his ginger hair and coughing up water. “Just soaking wet and freezing.”
Alexander gave a small laugh and watched as steamed fog up the windows of the other houses on the road. A party was being held at one home, but he couldn’t possibly intrude. He thought about visiting Eliza’s parents then realized, Philip Schuyler would kill him. Alexander had no friends. Not any that were living or in the newly made America.
He then thought of one person who might let him stay at their place of residence. It was Hugh Mulligan, surely his old friend would lend him a bed. Alexander began the trek to Oyster Bay in the freezing cold. Nearly a foot of snow was already covering the ground. More was falling making the visibility harsh. Of course Hugh couldn’t have stayed in New York City. Alex knew he had a long five hour trek ahead of him.
Before Alex knew it, everything was white. A blizzard had set in. He was in the middle of nowhere without a soul to call out to. He sank into the snow,letting the white blanket take his life away. He smiled at the thought of seeing John again.
Alexander woke up what seemed an eternity later in a warm bed wrapped in warm blankets. He tried to sit up, but soreness set in so he fell back and laid there. Glancing around, he didn’t recognize the room he was in nor the people in the paintings on the wall. All he could do was pray to God they would still be friends when they found who he was.
“Well I didn’t think Colonels got sick?” Eliza joked sitting next to him with some soup. He had fallen ill after falling into the river.
”And I didn’t think winter could be this cold, I guess we were both wrong Miss Schuyler.” He replied trying to laugh.
Alexander snapped out of his memory as soon as he heard the door creak. He saw a young boy about the age of ten standing in the doorway.
“E...Excuse me Sir…...are you awake?” He squeaked. Alexander had never seen a young boy look as frail as this one did. That’s saying a lot as he went through a hard war.
“Um yes I am. May I ask where I am?” Alexander asked the skinny child in the door.
“Nowhere special I’m afraid. It’s just myself and my mother. Oh this is the um the Thomas household. My father Colonel Samuel Thomas died during the war.” He glanced down at his feet sighing. Alexander could tell he was upset.
”What in the world are you doing buried underneath all the papers?” Eliza asked walking into his tent.
”Well since I’m an aide de camp, I am responsible for sending letters to wives, sisters, brothers, and so on that their loved one has died in battle. I’m currently writing a wife, well now widow that her husband died yesterday. He was a good man. One of the few men of whose these letters I can be personal about because I actually knew.I'll miss Colonel Samuel Thomas.” Alexander peered up at Eliza who was silently crying. “Dear don’t cry.” He stood up and hugged the delicate women in front of him.
”How could you possibly sit here day after day and write these letters?” Eliza asked crying into his shoulder. Alexander rubbed her back.
“Sadly it’s just the worst part of war.”
“Ahh yes I knew your father well. In fact I was actually the one who had the hard job of writing your mother that he had died.” Alexander sighed trying to sit up again. He asked himself how he didn’t recognize the man in the painting above the mantle.
“Oh well, would you some dinner? You’ve been unconscious for about three days now.” The Thomas boy told him. .
“Three days?” Alexander began to hyperventilate, but regretted it as soon as his chest began to burn.
“Sir, please calm down.” The young boy ran over and hopped in the bed with him, gently hugging Alexander. Alexander relaxed, feeling the arms of the small child around him. His presence formed a small circle of calmness to Alexander.
“SAMUEL!” A voiced called from the bottom of the stairs.
“YES MOTHER!” Samuel yelled back.
“Would you like dinner sir?” Samuel asked Alexander again.
“I would like that very much Samuel.” Alexander replied to him ruffling his ragged hair. The child reminded him of his own boys at home. The ginger looked out the frosted window only to see feet of snow. He couldn’t possibly make it home in that.
“YES MOTHER, HE WOULD LIKE DINNER!” Samuel called. Alexander was helped from the bed and was given a cane to help with his sore muscles. Samuel popped up on his other side to help him down the stairs. As soon as he stood on his own, he felt like collapsing. Everything in his body felt weak like his bones were made of soft feathers. Clutching the cane and Samuel, Alexander slowly made his way to dinner where Ms.Thomas was setting three plates of chicken on the table.
“Thank you Ms.Thomas.” Alexander told her as he was helped into the chair by young Samuel. He admitted to himself that the help was much appreciated.
“You’re welcome Mr.Hamilton.” She replied sweeping a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear. He slid his eyes in her direction and for a quick second thought she was the one of whose relations started this whole problem. She quickly shook his head realizing many people have blonde hair. Not just her.
“This looks delicious Mrs.Schuyler. I thank you for letting me dine with yourself and your lovely daughters this evening.”
“Well Colonel, it was the least I could do for not letting my daughter freeze to death last winter on the way to her Aunt’s.” Alex glanced across the table to see Eliza blushing. Angelica was silently teasing while Peggy elbowed her for teasing Eliza.
“It could’ve happened to anyone, I’m just lucky it happen to have been your daughter.”
“Mr.Hamilton, would you like to say Grace?” Ms.Thomas asked. Alexander shook his head nodding yes. “Dear Heavenly Father above. Please forgive us of our transgressions and bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies. Amen.” Two echoed Amens chorused from the table and they began to eat.
“So where am I Exactly?” Alexander asked gingerly poking the chicken.
“You’re in Manhattan dear.” Ms.Thomas told him before sticking a piece of chicken inside her mouth. Alex went silent and ate the food in front of him. Once it was finished, he stood up grabbing the cane and taking his plate to the sink. Not being able to make it back up the stairs, Alexander sat down on a couch in the parlor. Little Samuel came running in and plopped down next to him.
“So Mr.Hamilton, how did you end up in the storm? Were you fighting off a mean old ugly animal?” He asked laughing. He grunted pretending to be a bear.
“How about we go up to bed and leave Mr.Hamilton be. It’s already past your bedtime little man.” His mother suggested patting his back and guiding him towards the stairs. Alexander watched the young lad slip up the stairs smiling and skipping. Ms.Thomas then sat across on the other couch.
“If you don’t mind my asking, how did you get here Mr.Hamilton?”
“I guess you don’t keep up with gossip huh.” Alexander told her.
“No, I don’t. Gossip is crazy and absurd.” Ms.Thomas replied.
“Well, about three months ago, my wife was away at her parents house with our children and her sister. I stayed behind because I had work to finish. If I hadn’t finished it, I could’ve lost my job. In the result of this, a young woman came knocking on my door one night. She told me how her husband had been beating her and abusing her. She asked for help. So I gave her some money and agreed to walk her home. Well things just went downhill from there. An affair happened, and now a few years later my wife and everyone one else has found out.”
“Yes years. It’s crazy that I hid it from my wife but, I mean, I couldn’t let her know that I had an affair with another women. I mean look what happened now that it happened. I’m here, and I’m sick. I could I ever make this up to her. Eliza will never take me back.” Alexander sat on the couch sobbing into his hands. Never would he believe he could reach a point this low, where he was left weak and vulnerable. If his enemies ever found out about this evening, he would never hear the end of it.
“Mr.Hamilton, would you rather have your wife find out after you die, or now while your living? At least now while your living, you have time to make up for it. To amend your wrongdoings. Do you think I’m pretty Mr.Hamilton?”
“W..What?” Alexander asked choking on sobs.
“Answer my question, do you think I’m pretty?”
“I..I mean...I mean I guess.” Alexander was taken aback by the question.
“Good.” Ms.Thomas got up and walked over to him sitting next to him. She sat down and laid her head on his shoulder. “That’s exactly the answer I wanted to hear.”
“My bedroom is right through here.” Maria told him blushing.
”I really should be getting home. It’s late, and something tells me it’s going to rain soon.” Alex replied.
Alex smiled at her and blushed. Ms.Thomas slapped him.
“Snap out of it. You are bad.” She got up shaking her head before walking off to the kitchen.
“Ms.Thomas I’m sorry. I didn’t mean too.”
“If you want me to continue cooking and providing medicine for you, you better learn better. Good night Mr.Hamilton.” She nodded her head at him and walked up the stairs. Alexander nodded back and sat by the fire in the parlor.
“Alexander, you’re...you’re telling me you had an affair with a woman ten years younger than you, WHILE I WAS AWAY AT MY PARENTS HOUSE!”
”Im sorry Eliza! I don’t know what out to say.”
”I say, get out of this house. I don’t want to see you anywhere near this residence. I don’t care whether you built it or not. You are a bastard! I wish I had never met you. Maybe I should have married some rich man like my parents wanted.”
By the time the fire had died, Alexander had made his way slowly upstairs to his bed. When he awoke the next morning he felt a small body curled up inside of his. He opened his eyes and saw Samuel in his arms. Alexander smiled and longed for his own boys.
“Good morning Samuel.” Alexander giggled. The small boy looked up at him and smiled up at him. Alexander had never noticed how green his eyes were before.
“Good morning Mr.Hamilton. I had a bad dream last night. I hope you didn’t mind that I came in and curled up with you.” Samuel told him.
“Of course not Sam….Can I call you Sam?”
“Of course Mr.Hamilton.”
“Call me Mr.Alex, something tells me we are going to be getting acquainted very well over the next few days.” The small boy nodded and smiled up at him.
“BREAKFAST!” Ms.Thomas called from downstairs. Samuel hopped out of bed, while Alexander took a few minutes. Once he was up, he grabbed the cane and followed Samuel downstairs. Ms.Thomas had breakfast set out for the three of them. He thought he would never be so happy to see hot tea, yet here he is. Sitting down, he went straight to his tea and gulped it down. Ms.Thomas giggled and offered him another glass. Alexander just giggled and nodded a yes.
“How did you sleep Mr.Hamilton?” Ms.Thomas asked him.
“I was out as soon a so hit the pillow, in honesty, I actually don’t even remember walking upstairs.” Alexander ate the eggs in front of him and nodded a thank you. He went to retreat to his bedroom but Ms.Thomas called him back to the parlor. She shut the door.
“You want to get better yes? Your muscles are sore yes?” She asked him.
“Yes.” Alexander replied.
“Bend over.” Ms.Thomas told him. “Touch your toes.” Alex gave her a strange look, but did as she told him. He bent over and touched his toes. She smirked and ran her fingers down his back. Alex started giggling and Ms.Thomas smacked his back.
“If I was your wife, I would kick you out too.” She told him standing him up. “Now stretch up towards the sky.” Alexander nodded and she came up behind him and started rubbing his shoulders. Alex put his arms down and leaning back against her. Alexander was met with steaming hot water.
“You are doing terrible at this.”
“What are you doing?” Alexander questioned.
“Do you want something like the affair to happen again?” Ms.Thomas asked.
“No of course not. I love my wife and my family.” Alexander told her.
“Then I’m helping you.” Alexander stood there for a second before realizing what she was doing. The wide eyed expression of his face told Ms.Thomas that he had caught on to her little idea. Alex just stood there blushing and mumbled a thank you.
“But Why should you keep helping me in the first place? How did I ever help you?” Alex asked.
“You were a friend to my husband while he was still alive, that’s how. And that boy in there, he has never latched to another male so quickly.” Alex nodded and sat on the floor doing more calisthenics. Ms.Thomas circled around him while Alexander stretched.
By the time they finished their little exercises, noon had come about. Ms.Thomas has retreated to the kitchen to make dinner while Samuel came in and asked Alexander to read him a story. He shoved a small book in Alex’s hands and begged him to read for him. He smiled at the young boy and patted his lap.
Samuel gleefully hopped up and got in between the book and his arms. Alexander opened the book and began to read. They got about fifteen pages in when his mother called that lunch was ready.
Alexander truthfully wasn’t hungry, but he ate the food anyways not to be rude. After lunch, he carefully helped clean the dishes, while Samuel dried and put them away.
After lunch, Alexander was dragged outside to play catch with Samuel. It didn’t take long for pain to set into Alex’s body, before he collapsed on the ground. Ms.Thomas ran outside. She and Samuel helped Alexander back inside and up to the bed.
Alexander wound up falling asleep and never awoke for dinner. The next morning, he found there was a note card beside his bed.
Dear Mr.Hamilton,
Samuel and I have left for town. I needed more groceries and some fabric for a new coat for the little one. We should be back by lunch time. If not, there is some bread and jam in the cabinet. Feel free to make yourself a sandwich.
Sincerely yours
Alexander glanced over to the clock beside his bed and saw that it was eleven thirty. He slowly rolled out of bed and hobbled downstairs.
Several more days passed. It would seem to a normal person, that Alex and been beaten himself. To the only two people that knew the truth, the bruises were statement that he would never be lured by another woman again.
The time came that he would return home, he found that he was actually at a neighbor's house who lived far off the road. As he walked up the lane to his own house, he straightens his back and ran over what he was going to say once more. He ran through scenarios as well, like Eliza slamming the door straight in his face.
The cold, bitter wind began to swirl as Alexander knocked on the door to his own home. The beautiful brown haired woman who he had married long ago open the door with a kid attached to her hip.
“Eliza look please give me five minutes…” Eliza set the child down and pulled him inside and kissed him on the lips.
“I’m so sorry I sent you away. You could’ve died in that blizzard.” Eliza sobbed into his shoulder. Alexander shushed her.
“Elizabeth it’s ok, I promise. I found someone who helped me a lot. Look I promise I’ll never set eyes on another woman again. You my precious Eliza are my one and only. I love you, and only you. Nothing could ever change that.” Alexander told her. Alexander glanced up to see the children standing at the base of the staircase. Alex opened his arms wide and all the kids came running, hugging their father who had been missing for a week.
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