#ahahaaa I want to change that soon
icehot13 · 3 years
Tagged by @kaermorons :)))))
Name(s): i usually got ih13 but i’m seeing ‘ice’ more now haha i always want to change it but like, it’s been over ten years and just, oh well.
Fandom(s): mandalorian!!! narcos! i am dying to do Triple Frontier! before that, assassin’s creed and doom patrol and a looot of others. it’s been a while. i got here when i was like 15 and there’s been some PHASES.  
Where you post: AO3 for the serious stuff, tumblr for the fun little fics. i have a masterlist i’m trying very hard to keep up to date, and everything is tagged icehot13fic including links to the ao3 fics! you can even follow that tag if you like, or subscribe on ao3.
Most popular oneshot by kudos: A Destiny with 205! young!din uses force magic to see his destiny, and it takes him back in time to visit very sad, young boba. mostly i just wanted young!boba to cry and actually get a hug.
Most popular multichapter by kudos: The Way Home with 880!
Favorite story you’ve written so far: Absolution for the Good because i am a sucker for vague, weirdly religious oneshots. it’s an oddly specific trend of mine.
Fic you were nervous to post: i suppose In Name Alone because it’s literally... the same fic... again... and seems redundant. but it’s looking good now! also afraid for the upcoming modern!au because it’s very long and i’m hoping people like it! on the upside, it’s nearly finished, so it’s not like a lack of readership can kill the motivation to finish it when it’s already done.
How do you choose your titles?: it just kind of shows up after a while. often refers to my all-time favorite theme, because i am predictable. ‘to forget, divine’ the narcos fic, is quite possibly my favorite ever, of all time.
Do you outline?: uh, kind of, sometimes. for the way home, i didn’t start until about chapter 15. whoops.
Coming soon/not yet started: i’d like to do some more with dominatrix!fennec but i have no idea WHAT. i just love her very soft, knowing approach to pegging them. I WANT MORE.
Prompts?: not really, i had a phase in my early 20′s where i did nothing BUT prompts, which really helped me figure out what i like writing, and i’m very grateful for it! (the answer is: not fluff ahahaaa) but sometimes, asks end up being really good prompts, so i write them, but i’m mostly just out here doing whatever these days. the craziest things turn into fic anyways - like why the modern!au got started! i said ‘i want boba to cry at a work christmas party’ and @tr33xs said ‘they should be lawyers’ and then ummm it’s 200 pages now, we’ve been very busy with this, never understimate the power of an enabling co-writer.
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: the modern!au for din/boba where they’re LAWYERS!! boba is VERY SOFT AND SAD!! you will LOVE IT. it’s going to be just about as long as the way home, which is shocking. i don’t know how on earth i have three 200-page fics going on this year (as my sister texts me ‘any updates on your mystery book’? no, i’ve been busy with star wars, oops. guess we’ll never know who’s committing the murders in the small supernatural town). but i am VERY excited for this fic and we’re thinking like, maybe posting for new years’! they’re so very soft and precious in this.
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