#actually... a certain stalker had ALREADY warded everyone who qualified as a 'sheep' away from me
katyspersonal · 1 year
Not sure who still doesn't know something SO basic, but "platforming" is not a real thing. It only exists in a sick imagination of woke zombies who are completely detached from reality.
Whenever a drawing, a meme, a genuinely good take, an information post etc is reblogged from an account and someone just happens to check the account for more, if they are genuinely unhappy with the rest of content they're free to block, or to just leave. People have THEIR OWN brains and will NOT automatically like or trust someone just because a cool user in the block agreed with them. If someone is actually gullible and weak-willed enough to cling onto someone just because a blog they like did - that's on this person to develop more of a character, not on that blog to... what exactly? To carry responsibility for someone else's mind?
And if someone with enough personality now likes that account too - then either 1) they execute their right as an intelligent humanoid to follow someone without having to agree with 100% of what is ever posted or 2) they found their thing. Both of these things are even good, because in the end it is better if all things fall into their real places, all people get pointers to walk their own way, and in the end, truth sorts out whose ideologies stand and whose perish. Truth is a way better judge of society than screaming edgy "warriors" online.
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