#actually she kind of hates her name because it's very clunky grandma 🤣
crown-ov-horns · 1 month
In case someone stumbles across this, mind lending a hand to a girl who's on the verge of banging her head against a wall?..
What do you think Anathema and Newt's daughter would do as a career? And, what would she have studied, or be studying, at Oxford?.. She kind of strikes me as someone who'd be interested in journalism. But, I've thought, maybe she studied English Literature, or, Hell... Mathematics. I'm struggling to catch that particular thread, yet it comes up immediately as other characters are interacting with her.
Maybe, a vibe comes to your head. Which is... Very odd of me to ask, because all the information about the character is in my head, not yours. Her name's Agnes (obviously). She's a witch. She's a lesbian. Her favorite gemstone is amethyst. She likes scarves and shawls... She's anxious to meet her familiar. Her faceclaim's probably Alba Baptista. I don't know what else to say about her right now.
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