#actually maybe it'll be Sangah who'll make Dokja realize that he didn't really do anything wrong per se?
pttucker · 7 months
Dokja has a star! 😭 Finally, he gets to know what it's like to be an actual constellation.
And I'm guessing that now he'll be able to flip back and forth between being a Demon King and being an angel like Michael can?? Or has he flipped completely? He did mention in the last few chapters "maybe I'll just stop being a demon king" so...
Oh man, but I'm not certain I like the whole "are you worthy" thing going on inside the Fruit of Good and Evil. (Or inside Dokja's mind?? In some random space in the Star Stream somewhere???)
And again, as I read his story… – Wouldn't it be fine for him to just die during this turn, instead? …Wait, did I ever write a comment like that before? – The story is going down the drain, so maybe it's time to go back? see ya Now, it was Yoo Joonghyuk's 662th turn. I was a university student by then, still typing away on a keyboard. – Joonghyuk is going to die again, yes? The words I committed to record were in full display here. All those words that I spat out under the excuse of being hurt by life and exhausted by living itself, they were coming back inside my brain. – Please, can you skip the earlier scenarios? It's getting repetitive. …I couldn't say anything, not anymore. ['Fruit of Good and Evil' speaks to you. 'That is the total worth of the story you told as if it was your entire life'.] The tips of my fingers began trembling.
Oh man, Dokja's barely been able to look at Jang Hayoung because it was his comments that brought about her being created and now we have this.
Joonghyuk is already upset that Dokja has been reading about his life all this time and then lied about being a prophet (though really how would that conversation have gone? "oh btw you're a character in a book," not to mention the filtering...) and now we have these careless comments which may have influenced the author and resulted in Joonghyuk's death / more suffering. In fact, they almost certainly did influence the author because Dokja has actual living proof in Jang Hayoung that the author was willing to cater to the only reader who finished the novel.
['Fruit of Good and Evil' speaks to you. 'You, who have deceived the entire world by relying on the story only you know, and lived until now… Do you possess the right to be saved?] From some place deep in my chest, I thought I heard something break. The whole world seemed to be shaking in my eyes.
This is not good. I do not like this.
Dokja is already feeling guilty about everything and can barely accept his party's forgiveness (or, rather, his party's insistence that there's not really anything to forgive because he's proven time and again that he never saw them as mere words on a page) and now he's thinking about all these unintentionally mean comments he left on a story that he never would have guessed in a million years would become reality.
I am so not thrilled that the lady who's literally known for betraying people can now apparently see Dokja's future. That's just great.
And now we have this prophecy combined with the fact that Fruit is making him feel like garbage. Oh! And let's not forget! He's feeling even more emotional than usual because Fourth Wall is almost completely down and my guy has absolutely no experience in dealing with said emotions because Fourth Wall was always there for him. (And because he was a complete and absolute bullied loner in his "before" life.) So that's great!
Ughhhh I'm just so worried...
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. I want to say that's not going to happen but then I just remembered that Dokja is the successor to the Underworld. So it's very possible for him to die without ORV ending. So...yeah. 😬
[You have brought the 'Fake Revelation' to reality.] [You have achieved an unbelievable accomplishment!] [You have acquired an ungradable Story.] [You have acquired the Story, 'Architect of Revelation'!]
On a different note, we also have this. I figured either Dokja or Joonghyuk was going to defeat Michael and make the revelation true but now I'm actually wondering…do Dokja's revelations come true no matter what because they are real revelations? Like, we've been explicitly shown in this arc that Dokja, both knowingly and unknowingly, can affect both objects and people in TWSA, at least when the Fourth Wall is thin. (And could apparently affect the story even when he was outside it via his comments...)
So, by putting something directly through the hole in the Fourth Wall, is Dokja making it reality? Without even knowing it?
...Quick Sangah throw out a "Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk will be the bestest of friends" revelation.
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