#aarogya setu
thetechinsiderblogs · 2 months
New AI Technology helps India emerge as the World’s Technology
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Forget chai and samosas; India is serving up a sizzling dish, and that is none other than the new AI technology! Yes, the land of vibrant colors and ancient wisdom is fast becoming a tech hotspot, and new AI technology is the secret ingredient. Brace yourself for a journey through India’s AI adventure, where algorithms dance with chai masala and robots dream in Bollywood beats.
Table of Contents
Tech Tiffin: A Feast of Talent and Innovation
Spice Route to Success: A Blend of Policy and Investment
Curry-fying Every Corner: New AI Technology Across Industries
Challenges with a Chutney of Solutions
The Future is Masala-fied: A Taste of What’s to Come
Tech Tiffin: A Feast of Talent and Innovation
India has the brains, and boy, does it use them! India has the third-largest pool of IT skills in the world when compared to the IT hub of the world. This makes India an ideal breeding ground for new AI technology. Engineers create algorithms like magic tricks, while startups pop up like chai stalls around the neighborhood, each bursting with creative ideas. From healthcare solutions identifying diseases with eagle-eyed precision to chatbots that speak the native language like your bestie. The new AI technology is brewing up a storm of technological advancement in India.
Spice Route to Success: A Blend of Policy and Investment
India is not simply putting turmeric into the AI pot and hoping for the best. The government has a Michelin-star recipe, with initiatives inspiring the business hub of India such as the National AI Strategy and the Digital India program adding texture. On one hand, these initiatives create a conducive atmosphere for new AI technology to thrive, and on the other, the investors—they’re like foodies, pouring in billions to sustain this new AI technology-driven feast. What was the result? A hot ecosystem of hybrid workforce where startups thrive and ideas get funded faster than you can say “baingan bharta!“
Curry-fying Every Corner: New AI Technology Across Industries
Not to place all its eggs in one basket, the new AI technology is altering the role of IT in every sector. From Mumbai’s hectic streets to Kerala’s tranquil pastures. For instance, farmers employ AI-powered drones to monitor crops, physicians use AI algorithms to diagnose ailments, and even the old game of cricket is given a technological boost with AI-powered coaching. It’s like a delectable thali, with each dish featuring its own distinct AI flavor, isn’t it?
Challenges with a Chutney of Solutions
Of all, no technological journey concludes without a few mishaps, and the technological advancement in India is no exception. Data privacy problems, moral dilemmas, and a shortage of skilled workers are among the obstacles confronting India’s technology growth. But, just as a skilled cook deals with tricky spices, India has a chutney of remedies in its arsenal. Robust data protection rules, code of conduct frameworks, and measures to close the skill gap are keeping the AI flame burning resiliently.
Indian technology is backed by government funding. The Aarogya Setu app, built by a government-backed consortium, is an AI-powered app that tracks COVID-19 contacts, has over 200 million users, and has contributed significantly to India’s pandemic management. Another such instance is eNAM, the National Agriculture Market, a government-initiated platform that uses AI to connect farmers directly with buyers, eliminating middlemen and improving farmer incomes by an average of 25%.
The Future is Masala-fied: A Taste of What’s to Come
India’s AI adventure is merely at its inception. In the past, India has used AI to track COVID—the infamous Arogya Setu app. eNAM is another AI revolution that transformed agriculture. Among the budding startups is Niramai Health, which uses AI-powered thermal imaging to detect breast cancer early, reaching 5 million women in rural areas without access to conventional mammograms. CropIn is another ag-tech company that combines AI and satellite imagery to provide personalized farm advice, increasing crop yields by up to 30% for millions of farmers across India. 
From Jugaad to Juggernaut, India’s AI is joining hands with global technology. India-US Joint AI Development Centre, established in 2023, focuses on developing AI solutions for healthcare, agriculture, and disaster management, with potential benefits for both nations. Then there is the India-UK AI BRIDGE Program, which fosters joint research projects between Indian and UK researchers, leading to breakthroughs in areas like climate change mitigation and intelligent urban planning.
The future seems as promising as a plate of pani puri. Consider AI-powered smart cities that regulate traffic and pollution, individualized education suited to each student’s needs, and even robots that do bhangra with you!
As they say, the sky’s the limit, and India has the spice to make them all sizzle. So, the next time you envisage India, acknowledge that it is more than just temples and tigers. It’s also a country where AI aspirations simmer and the scent of invention permeates the air. Prepare for a world where chai meets code as India leads the way in serving up the future, one artificially intelligent creation at a time! I hope you had a fun and informative time learning about the latest technological exploits of India. Stay tuned as we bring in more exciting tech news at The Tech Insider.
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nandaaja2 · 6 months
Presenting innovative solutions for a better pandemic
Introduction:  Pandemi Covid-19 that has never happened before has shaken the world in an extraordinary way. From loss of life to severe economic impacts, this virus has left a deep scars in the global society. However, in the midst of the challenges faced, we also witness the power of human innovation to find solutions that can help overcome this crisis. This article will explore various innovative solutions that have been presented in an effort to create a better pandemic period.    1. Monitoring and filtering technology:  In dealing with Pandemi, monitoring and screening technology has played a very important role. By using a sophisticated monitoring and tracking system, we can identify and track infected individuals quickly. For example, cellular applications such as Aarogya Setu in India have helped identify close contact with infected people. In addition, filtering technology such as automatic body temperature gauges and facial scanning machines have been widely used to detect high body temperature and identify individuals who do not wear masks.    2. Telemedicine and long distance consultation:  During this pandemic period, health services also adapt to innovative solutions. Telemedicine has become an increasingly popular trend where patients can consult with a doctor through video or telephone calls. This helps reduce the risk of spreading viruses in hospitals and facilitates access to medical treatment. In addition, long distance consultations have also been expanded to other sectors such as education and business, allowing people to stay connected and work remotely.    3. Creation of Vaccines:  One of the biggest innovative solutions to overcome Pandemi Covid-19 is the creation of an effective vaccine. Scientists and researchers around the world have worked hard to develop safe and effective vaccines in a relatively short time. This accelerated research and development process proves the power of global collaboration and commitment to protect the public from this deadly virus. With the available vaccines, we can hope to achieve group immunity and end this pandemic.    4. Design and Household Technology:  This pandemic has also encouraged innovation in household design and technology. In an effort to reduce the risk of spreading viruses at home, many people have adopted solutions such as automatic doors with motion sensors, ultraviolet lights to clean the surface, and air purification devices. In addition, the Internet of Things (IoT) has also played an important role in enabling household automation, allowing long distance control through cellular applications.    Conclusion:  Pandemi Covid-19 has encouraged extraordinary innovation and solutions to help us overcome this crisis. From monitoring and filtering to telemedicine and vaccine creation technology, humans have shown the power of collaboration and determination to find solutions that can create a better pandemic period. In this process, household designs and technology have also changed, creating a safer and more protected environment. However, the struggle is not over, and it is important for us to continue to find innovative solutions to overcome this pandemic and build a better future.
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Digital Health Transformation: The Future of PHR Market in India.
The Personal Health Record (PHR) market in India is still in its nascent stage. However, with the growing adoption of digital health technologies, the market is expected to grow significantly in the coming years.
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The adoption rate of PHR in both the government and private sectors is relatively low due to limited awareness and a lack of infrastructure. While some private healthcare providers have started offering PHR services to their patients, the adoption rate among the general population is still low.
The Indian government has launched several initiatives to promote digital health technologies in the country, including the National Digital Health Mission (NDHM), which aims to create a digital health ecosystem in India. The NDHM aims to create a digital health infrastructure in India, including the creation of personal health IDs for individuals, electronic health records, and telemedicine services. Ayushman Bharat is another health insurance scheme launched by the Indian government that aims to provide free healthcare services to the economically weaker sections of society. The scheme includes the provision of digital health records for beneficiaries.
The National Health Stack is a set of building blocks for creating a digital health ecosystem in India. It includes the creation of standardized health data, health registries, and interoperable systems.
In the next five years, the PHR market in India is expected to grow significantly due to the increasing adoption of digital health technologies and government initiatives to promote digital health. With the implementation of the NDHM and other digital health initiatives, more healthcare providers are expected to adopt PHR services, and the general population is likely to become more aware of the benefits of digital health records.
The benefits of PHR are significant, as it provides patients with easy access to their medical information, helps healthcare providers make better-informed decisions, and reduces the risk of medical errors. With the increasing adoption of digital health technologies, the PHR market in India is expected to play a crucial role in the digital transformation of healthcare in the country. Some of the health applications that patients can use to scan the QR code include ABHA App, Aarogya Setu App, EkaCare, DRiefcase, and Bajaj Health. It's good to see healthcare organizations using digital technologies to make healthcare more accessible and convenient for patients. By having access to their health records on their phone, patients can stay informed about their health and make better decisions about their care.
In conclusion, while the PHR market in India is still in its nascent stage, government initiatives and growing awareness among the population are expected to drive its growth significantly in the coming years. The adoption of PHR is crucial for the digital transformation of healthcare in India and will play a significant role in improving the overall quality of healthcare services in the country.
Visit our website now: https://www.grgonline.com/
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seribupos · 8 months
Menghadirkan Solusi Inovatif untuk Masa Pandemi yang Lebih Baik
Pandemi COVID-19 yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya telah mengguncang dunia dengan cara yang luar biasa. Dari kehilangan nyawa hingga dampak ekonomi yang parah, virus ini telah meninggalkan bekas yang mendalam pada masyarakat global. Namun, di tengah tantangan yang dihadapi, kita juga menyaksikan kekuatan inovasi manusia untuk menemukan solusi yang dapat membantu mengatasi krisis ini. Artikel ini akan mengeksplorasi berbagai solusi inovatif yang telah dihadirkan dalam upaya menciptakan masa pandemi yang lebih baik. 1. Teknologi Pemantauan dan Penyaringan: Dalam menghadapi Pandemi, teknologi pemantauan dan penyaringan telah memainkan peran yang sangat penting. Dengan menggunakan sistem pemantauan dan pelacakan yang canggih, kita dapat mengidentifikasi dan melacak individu yang terinfeksi dengan cepat. Misalnya, aplikasi seluler seperti Aarogya Setu di India telah membantu mengidentifikasi kontak erat dengan orang yang terinfeksi. Selain itu, teknologi penyaringan seperti pengukur suhu tubuh otomatis dan mesin pemindaian wajah telah digunakan secara luas untuk mendeteksi suhu tubuh yang tinggi dan mengidentifikasi individu yang tidak memakai masker. 2. Telemedicine dan Konsultasi Jarak Jauh: Dalam masa Pandemi ini, layanan kesehatan juga beradaptasi dengan solusi inovatif. Telemedicine telah menjadi tren yang semakin populer di mana pasien dapat berkonsultasi dengan dokter melalui panggilan video atau telepon. Ini membantu mengurangi risiko penyebaran virus di rumah sakit dan memudahkan akses ke perawatan medis. Selain itu, konsultasi jarak jauh juga telah diperluas ke sektor lain seperti pendidikan dan bisnis, memungkinkan orang untuk tetap terhubung dan bekerja dari jarak jauh. 3. Penciptaan Vaksin: Salah satu solusi inovatif terbesar untuk mengatasi pandemi COVID-19 adalah penciptaan vaksin yang efektif. Para ilmuwan dan peneliti di seluruh dunia telah bekerja keras untuk mengembangkan vaksin yang aman dan efektif dalam waktu yang relatif singkat. Proses penelitian dan pengembangan yang dipercepat ini membuktikan kekuatan kolaborasi global dan komitmen untuk melindungi masyarakat dari virus yang mematikan ini. Dengan vaksin yang tersedia, kita dapat berharap untuk mencapai kekebalan kelompok dan mengakhiri pandemi ini. 4. Desain dan Teknologi Rumah Tangga: Pandemi ini juga telah mendorong inovasi dalam desain dan teknologi rumah tangga. Dalam upaya mengurangi risiko penyebaran virus di rumah, banyak orang telah mengadopsi solusi seperti pintu otomatis dengan sensor gerak, lampu ultraviolet untuk membersihkan permukaan, dan perangkat pemurnian udara. Selain itu, Internet of Things (IoT) juga telah memainkan peran penting dalam memungkinkan otomatisasi rumah tangga, memungkinkan kontrol jarak jauh melalui aplikasi seluler. Kesimpulan: Pandemi COVID-19 telah mendorong inovasi dan solusi yang luar biasa untuk membantu kita mengatasi krisis ini. Dari teknologi pemantauan dan penyaringan hingga telemedicine dan penciptaan vaksin, manusia telah menunjukkan kekuatan kolaborasi dan tekad untuk mencari solusi yang dapat menciptakan masa pandemi yang lebih baik. Dalam proses ini, desain dan teknologi rumah tangga juga telah berubah, menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih aman dan terlindungi. Namun, perjuangan belum berakhir, dan penting bagi kita untuk terus mencari solusi inovatif guna mengatasi pandemi ini dan membangun masa depan yang lebih baik.
Cek Selengkapnya: Menghadirkan Solusi Inovatif untuk Masa Pandemi yang Lebih Baik
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healthcaretoday1 · 10 months
Digital Health Transformation: The Future of PHR Market in India.
The Personal Health Record (PHR) market in India is still in its nascent stage. However, with the growing adoption of digital health technologies, the market is expected to grow significantly in the coming years.
Read more: https://www.grgonline.com/post/digital-health-transformation-the-future-of-phr-market-in-india
The adoption rate of PHR in both the government and private sectors is relatively low due to limited awareness and a lack of infrastructure. While some private healthcare providers have started offering PHR services to their patients, the adoption rate among the general population is still low.
The Indian government has launched several initiatives to promote digital health technologies in the country, including the National Digital Health Mission (NDHM), which aims to create a digital health ecosystem in India. The NDHM aims to create a digital health infrastructure in India, including the creation of personal health IDs for individuals, electronic health records, and telemedicine services. Ayushman Bharat is another health insurance scheme launched by the Indian government that aims to provide free healthcare services to the economically weaker sections of society. The scheme includes the provision of digital health records for beneficiaries.
The National Health Stack is a set of building blocks for creating a digital health ecosystem in India. It includes the creation of standardized health data, health registries, and interoperable systems.
In the next five years, the PHR market in India is expected to grow significantly due to the increasing adoption of digital health technologies and government initiatives to promote digital health. With the implementation of the NDHM and other digital health initiatives, more healthcare providers are expected to adopt PHR services, and the general population is likely to become more aware of the benefits of digital health records.
The benefits of PHR are significant, as it provides patients with easy access to their medical information, helps healthcare providers make better-informed decisions, and reduces the risk of medical errors. With the increasing adoption of digital health technologies, the PHR market in India is expected to play a crucial role in the digital transformation of healthcare in the country. Some of the health applications that patients can use to scan the QR code include ABHA App, Aarogya Setu App, EkaCare, DRiefcase, and Bajaj Health. It's good to see healthcare organizations using digital technologies to make healthcare more accessible and convenient for patients. By having access to their health records on their phone, patients can stay informed about their health and make better decisions about their care.
In conclusion, while the PHR market in India is still in its nascent stage, government initiatives and growing awareness among the population are expected to drive its growth significantly in the coming years. The adoption of PHR is crucial for the digital transformation of healthcare in India and will play a significant role in improving the overall quality of healthcare services in the country.
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sarkariyojnaaorg · 1 year
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The Center Tells Lok Sabha that Aarogya Setu Contact Tracing Data is Now Deleted
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On Wednesday, the Centre said that they have deleted all the contact-tracing data, which were earlier collected through the Aarogya Setu mobile application. This application software was used to track and locate potential COVID-19 cases during the pandemic time. The application used GPS and Bluetooth for the users who may have come in contact with the people who tested positive for the coronavirus infection. A lot has been said about the security implications over the last three years for the Aarogya Setu App.
Rajeev Chandrasekhar, MoS for electronics and information technology has told the Lok Sabha that the contact tracing feature in accordance with the respective provisions and protocols, on the Aarogya Setu mobile applications are not discontinued. So, all the contact data collected on the app is not deleted. He also said that secure access to data was given to certain officials only.
Though people still use it as the app is active, the government has said that the feature of contact tracing, for which security concerns were always rife among critics, is no more functioning, and the data has been removed. Chandrasekhar said that approved officials of the State Health Departments, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, District Civil Surgeons, and National and State Disaster Management Authorities were able to access the data securely.
This data is in regards to that collected from the Aarogya Setu. Former intelligence officials and cybersecurity experts have earlier spoken about the data breach possibility, which may affect millions of Indians. However, Indian government officials have said that these concerns can be rested as there is no such threat. Because of lockdowns imposed in 2020, it was mandatory by the Aarogya Setu for the central government employees to register on the app.
The step was taken to ensure that the employees remain safe as they had to commute to work regularly. Then later on registering on the Aarogya Setu app was also mandatory for private and public sector office employees, along with individuals residing in the marked containment zones for the COVID-19-affected places, or those who were traveling through flights.
Visit: - https://www.jsbmarketresearch.com/news/The-Center-Tells-Lok-Sabha-Aarogya-Setu-Contact-Tracing-Data-Deleted
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sahani55rishav · 1 year
AWS, Cloud Administrations and Its Advantages
WellAware has gigantic experience helping clients with effectively getting, store, and access data from fundamental stuff and establishment in the AWS Cloud. Game plans like stuff checking, creation noticing, asset uprightness, and sensibility programs enable clients to get constant pieces of information into the prosperity and execution of their assets using edge register and cloud development. Use wellaware aws partner accomplice data variety and AWS cloud organizations to evaluate, achieve, and report on capability and reasonability execution across your asset base.
What provoked interest for cloud specialists?
As people contributed cloud services company most of their energy inside, working from a good ways, virtual joint exertion developments saw a rising interest. As a prompt result, OTT stages like Netflix and Amazon Prime saw an unfathomable piece of endorsers during the time with the flight of people moving from inclining toward the traditional television connect model. Online Foodservice aggregators like Swiggy and Zomato too used dispersed registering for their possible advantage in giving end-clients consistent data right from perfect sanitization of their food-movement accessory to ensuring a sans contact food transport experience following the wonderful pandemic. This brought into the picture the versatility of dispersed processing to for all intents and purposes all ventures and that it doesn’t restrict just to overhauling standard IT guiding firms’ exercises. Second satisfaction and continuous association subsequently transformed into the norm for associations to sack loyal clients and it became possible through pragmatic assignments — conveyed processing.
Learning the various uses of disseminated processing past the ordinary game plan, adventures across endeavors in India started embracing it in their middle capacity which has consequently provoked a goading interest for capacity skilled in dispersed registering.
NASSCOM in its last year’s report named ‘continuum company: Controlling India’s Mechanized DNA’ referred to the prerequisite for associations to move essential obligations to the cloud and modernize legacy on-premise IT establishment, especially post the pandemic, has been accelerating improvement in cloud gathering. The report moreover referred to that India at this point positions third with a presented constraint of 608,000 (FY2021) cloud specialists across all verticals incl. Development; and that the interest for cloud capacities far balances the continuous reserve and there is a need to focus in on upskilling across accomplices.
Which cloud capacities are by and large sought after?
While mentioning for appropriated ability to process, tries are taking a gander at individuals with all around data about Cloud Security, Security Standardization, SASE Stages, Character and Access The leaders, and Data Encryption inferable from the truth of extended data security post the pandemic. Various capacities like nearby application headway, network virtualization, containerization, and organization configuration are comparatively famous by a couple of associations.
To take unique consideration of the various necessities of clients across geographies, endeavors are continuously placing assets into phenomenal capacity getting. But,there stays a capacity crush to satisfy the continuous need by associations searching for cloud-gifted staff. A cautious composed exertion of government, industry, and the insightful local area can likely chalk out capacity improvement advisers for help with getting over the continuous capacity demand supply opening.
How India searched for circulated processing’s benefit during the Covid times?
An ideal delineation of productive conveyed figuring used by the Public power of India is the Covid cloud drives including Aarogya Setu, CoWin, and Covid Data Document. The drive ensured experts with streamlined permission to data of crosscountry dynamic caseload, vaccination information of individuals, and individual prosperity truly take a gander at information, etc, in a bid to deal with the fury of the pandemic in the nation unequivocally. Seeing the likely introduced by appropriated registering, the Public power of India uncovered its circulated figuring drive — Meghraj — that fixations to accelerate the movement of e-organizations in the country while working on the information and correspondences advancement (ICT) consumption of the Public power. Moreover, the public authority is placing assets into the improvement of Public and State Organization Movement Entryways, AIRAWAT, TechSaksham, and a couple drives to engage the public position to finish different ordinary inhabitant helping practices through circulated figuring.
Look at: business managed cloud security
Is India equipped with solid conveyed processing infra?
The new cloud time frame will be connected to having close steady appropriated registering skills, engaging the two clients and attempts to get to relevant data reliably. This requires using high information move limit got together with diminished latency benefits given by edge fogs. This huge number of benefits join to settle the bound together cloud game plan difficulties seen today.
At STL we acknowledge that the associations addressing things to come will be implied a basically remarkable way by joining four explicit imaginative crossing points: wired and remote, programming and gear, accessibility and register, and open-source — all at the edge of the association.
Safeguarded, Secure Structures
As associations dynamically take on cloud development to stay relentless, they in like manner need to have totally safe systems to keep an eye out for their associations. Cloud Administrations Organization offers basic benefits to associations through motorized structures that give the entire day predictable protection, without the need of human intervention.
The potential perils that associations face include:
Nonappearance of wellbeing systems achieving edge time if there should arise an occurrence of an attack, provoking proficiency hardship
DoS and DDoS attacks inciting power outage or organization aggravation
Nonattendance of Business oversaw cloud security structures lead to regulatory consistence challenges
Cloud security systems engage computerization which can shield a business from disasters caused due to breaks. Generous organizations similarly consolidate organization of data protection consistence issues and disaster recovery.
How does the AWS Supervised Organization affiliation answer?
Concerning Completely oversaw associations, the firm expected the entire obligation of dealing with the AWS wellaware partner consistent. AWS continues to create and update its highlights and nuances subsequently the AWS WellaWare accomplice assistant can give imaginative methodologies, tackle explicit challenges, win courses of action, and give worth to our standard clients. Suppliers know well about the break and corner cloud organizations. They offer reliable help and second looking at before your in-house pack spot the issues.
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fugenxtechnologies · 1 year
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Are you looking for a How Much Does It Cost To Develop an App Like Aarogya Setu? FuGenX, a leading mobile app development company in Bangalore, India, is here to guide you through its features, business benefits, and its development cost. For more information please click the below link. Read More @ https://bit.ly/3uXuuHh Contact us;[email protected],+91-9154181592. #health #healthcareapp #healthapps #healthappcost #Aarogyasetuapp #Costtobuildanapplikeaarogyasetuapp
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hotelapnaavenue · 1 year
One of the top locations for holistic health, well-being, and extensive services
Birthday celebrations, wedding-related events, corporate gatherings, and pre-wedding affairs can all be held at the Hotel Apna Avenue in Indore. It is easily accessible to everyone because it is situated on Race Course Road. The site has excellent access to both public transportation and highways. Guests at Hotel Apna Avenue Menu can enjoy delicious, Pure Veg Restaurants in Indore. The venue's opulent decor adds a distinctive touch to your special day. There is a terrace party space on the Hotel Apna Avenue in Palasia where you can host informal gatherings.
The Hotel Apna Avenue's rooftop in Palasia, Indore has a breathtaking outlook. Everyone feels at home in this space thanks to its welcoming atmosphere. Additionally, the skilled and dedicated staff of Hotel Apna Avenue rooftop, Indore, takes care of all the little and big details of your event. Make your celebrations memorable by planning them at the Hotel Apna Avenue in Indore.
At hotel entry points, the body temperatures of hotel staff and visitors are taken. 
Hotels are encouraged to provide face masks and hand sanitizer in each room for guest use.
Every hotel employee must have the Aarogya Setu App, per government advice.
All employees dress in face masks and gloves during customer service hours.
Hospital-grade disinfectants are used to clean hotel rooms, floors, and public areas.
The hotel offers minimally contacted in-room dining alternatives using disposable/sanitized cutlery and china.
The hotel staff makes sure to always maintain social distancing.
Every visitor's travel records are kept in accordance with local and national Government of India regulations.
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digitalwisher · 1 year
Indian Army Agnipath 2022 Exam: Without these documents, you will not get entry into the examination center - Digitalwisher
 Indian Army Agnipath 2022 Exam: Without these documents, you will not get entry into the examination center
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Indian Army Agnipath 2022 Written Exam: Indian Army is all set to conduct the Indian Army Agnipath Combined Entrance Exam for the next First Batch on 13th November 2022 for the recruitment of Agnipaths for 4 years for the recruitment of Agnipaths. Candidates will be selected for Agniveer General Duty, Agniveer Technical, Agniveer Clerk/Storekeeper Technical, Agniveer Technical, Agniveer Tradesman 10th Pass, and Agniveer Tradesman 8th Pass Posts. And before that, the Indian Army Agneepath Exam for First Batch was held on 16 October 2022.
Indian Army is going to conduct Agneepath CCE for the 2nd batch in January 2023. Agniveer Army Recruitment Rally was successfully conducted in August and September. The candidates who are going to appear in the first batch should read these important tips, which will help you during the examination.
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Indian Army Agnipath 2022 Written Exam: Read the important tips, which will help you during the exam.
1. Go through the Syllabus, Cut Off, Exam Pattern, and Marking Scheme.
Candidates must check the syllabus, cut-off, exam pattern, marking scheme, important topics, and other important exam guidelines for their preparation. The exam pattern of each post is different, candidates must be clear about the sections from which questions will be asked them. Keep in mind that there will also be negative markings in CCE.
2. Avoid memorizing new topics, refer to previous year's question papers, and quizzes and solve mock tests too.
Use this time to solve previous year's question papers, sample papers, mock tests, quizzes, etc. to strengthen your preparation. This will help in assessing your performance and working on the areas which need improvement. However, don't make the mistake of taking a completely new topic and focusing on strengthening your strong areas.
3. Keep your important documents, admit card, and Arogya Setu ready.
To avoid a last-minute rush, candidates are advised to keep their ID Proof, Admit Card, and Aarogya Setu App ready. They have to show they have admitted cards along with their identity proof like PAN card/ Aadhar card/ passport/driver's license/ voter card/ any other photo ID proof issued by the state at the allotted exam venue to appear in the exam.
4. Eat healthily, sleep well at night, and stay calm.
 You should give yourself that rest after hard preparation. A day or two before the exam, it is important to wake up early, go to bed early, have a healthy breakfast, and keep your mind calm and confident.
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nandaaja2 · 6 months
Presenting innovative solutions for a better pandemic
Introduction:  Pandemi Covid-19 that has never happened before has shaken the world in an extraordinary way. From loss of life to severe economic impacts, this virus has left a deep scars in the global society. However, in the midst of the challenges faced, we also witness the power of human innovation to find solutions that can help overcome this crisis. This article will explore various innovative solutions that have been presented in an effort to create a better pandemic period.    1. Monitoring and filtering technology:  In dealing with Pandemi, monitoring and screening technology has played a very important role. By using a sophisticated monitoring and tracking system, we can identify and track infected individuals quickly. For example, cellular applications such as Aarogya Setu in India have helped identify close contact with infected people. In addition, filtering technology such as automatic body temperature gauges and facial scanning machines have been widely used to detect high body temperature and identify individuals who do not wear masks.    2. Telemedicine and long distance consultation:  During this pandemic period, health services also adapt to innovative solutions. Telemedicine has become an increasingly popular trend where patients can consult with a doctor through video or telephone calls. This helps reduce the risk of spreading viruses in hospitals and facilitates access to medical treatment. In addition, long distance consultations have also been expanded to other sectors such as education and business, allowing people to stay connected and work remotely.    3. Creation of Vaccines:  One of the biggest innovative solutions to overcome Pandemi Covid-19 is the creation of an effective vaccine. Scientists and researchers around the world have worked hard to develop safe and effective vaccines in a relatively short time. This accelerated research and development process proves the power of global collaboration and commitment to protect the public from this deadly virus. With the available vaccines, we can hope to achieve group immunity and end this pandemic.    4. Design and Household Technology:  This pandemic has also encouraged innovation in household design and technology. In an effort to reduce the risk of spreading viruses at home, many people have adopted solutions such as automatic doors with motion sensors, ultraviolet lights to clean the surface, and air purification devices. In addition, the Internet of Things (IoT) has also played an important role in enabling household automation, allowing long distance control through cellular applications.    Conclusion:  Pandemi Covid-19 has encouraged extraordinary innovation and solutions to help us overcome this crisis. From monitoring and filtering to telemedicine and vaccine creation technology, humans have shown the power of collaboration and determination to find solutions that can create a better pandemic period. In this process, household designs and technology have also changed, creating a safer and more protected environment. However, the struggle is not over, and it is important for us to continue to find innovative solutions to overcome this pandemic and build a better future.
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rulecrackerblog · 2 years
Covid Vaccination Certificate -Cowin.gov.in download using these methods
Covid Vaccination Certificate -Cowin.gov.in download using these methods
Covid Vaccination Certificate download: Corona Vaccination is being organized on a big scale in the country and millions of people are getting vaccinated every day. Many of the citizens are still struggling with How to book Corona Vaccine slot and how to download Covid Vaccination certificate from sources like Umang App, Digilocker App, Aarogya Setu App, and also using their Aadhar card, Mobile…
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The fifth generation of cellular technology is just around the corner, and the Indian government plans to launch the services at the inauguration of the IMC (Indian Mobile Congress). It promises to connect machines, objects, devices, and most importantly, people better than ever before. It promises to transform the way we live and work with better performance, low latency networks, and faster Internet. It shall work toward ensuring uniform availability and accessibility as every user deserves a superior experience.
5G will allow more data to travel across networks in real-time at mind-numbing speeds, all the while maintaining the utmost safety and security of the information. Undoubtedly, it has the potential to rewrite the future of the majority of industries across the globe.
According to a GSA Report, 70 countries were utilizing 5G as of June this year. The network is estimated to reach 1 billion users by the end of 2022- exceptional growth when compared to how long it took for 3G and 4G to reach people. 
However, an event of this magnitude is bound to bring with it a set of challenges, especially in a populous country like ours. It’s time to get together and be vocal about how we can leverage this technology in the best possible ways to accelerate progress across industries and contribute to the development of a sustainable society. Thus, Global Talent Exchange organized a Virtual roundtable discussion on “The 5G Rollout: Expediting India’s Dream For Digital Transformation” as part of our Technology Game Changers Series.
The session was moderated by Brejesh Lall (Professor, IIT Delhi). He is currently IITD Principal Investigator for MeiTY’s 5G & Beyond project and is directing a research team of 6 faculty and 27 research scholars. He has earlier served as the head of the Bharti School of Telecom Technology and Management and was the coordinator of Airtel IIT Delhi Centre of Excellence in Telecommunications and Ericsson IIT Delhi 5G Center of Excellence. He has mentored 5 startups, in the areas of Virtualization, Geo-fencing, UAV-based Solutions, and data mining. He actively participates in building and deploying technology.
The panel consisted of 7 multitudinous thought leaders from companies that are making a massive difference in the Indian tech scenario. They engaged with GTX’s Co-Founder Avinash Bichali during the 2-hour session, contributing their valuable insights and ideas.
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The session kicked off on a very optimistic note. Several panelists believe that superior network connectivity can bring uniformity and unity in a diverse country like India. It can bridge the gaps between the metro cities and the rural, ensuring that each spectrum of society can benefit from the technology upgrades that the country is undertaking.
The experts took to discuss the 4G network and how it managed to make such a humongous contribution, especially during the pandemic. Children were able to continue pursuing their education with the help of good network, even in tiny, remote villages. India is in the top 5 countries globally for 4G availability. The network has helped businesses solve the problems of the public- initiatives like Aarogya Setu, UPI, Uber/OLA, OYO rooms, Cowin, etc. are examples of individual empowerment through technological innovation. 
Often with an upgrade of such magnitude, user expectations shoot through the roof- leading to a new concern of whether the hype could pose a challenge in itself, and whether or not there is a mismatch between expectations and reality. However, the panelists agreed that the hype was important, but people must remain patient and give the technology the time and space to unfold to its full potential.
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Next, the experts went on to discuss the challenges with deployment that the country could face. Deriving understanding from their years of industry knowledge, they pointed out that the device ecosystem, backhaul, and lack of awareness could act as giant obstacles for the 5G network in India. Governmental policies must be brought into the public domain and people must be educated about the potential use cases that go beyond the typical entertainment screening so that the majority can work toward using upgrades for the betterment of society at large. The panel went into great detail to discuss how healthcare can flourish and reach the furthest corners of the country, enabling remote diagnosis, virtual care, remote surgery, telemedicine, consultations, and more at affordable rates.
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Coming to the rollout itself and the India-specific applications, the panel was divided. While some opined that India’s large volume of demand and cost-sensitivity sets it apart from the other countries, others felt that the telecom capacity and coverage operate according to certain standards set from an engineering point of view and the use cases remain relatively similar the world over.
Lastly, the panel took up an extremely important discussion point- talent. Does India have the expertise required? Do tech organizations need to rethink their approach in order to obtain the correct talent? The experts agreed that recruitment has become incredibly difficult over the past few years. While India has an abundance of skill otherwise, it lacks expertise in emerging technologies- ironically, the need of the hour. The 5G rollout and expansion will require a complex ecosystem of top-notch players, and businesses must work on their hiring strategy, bringing onboard employees from tech hubs around the world to give the Indian telecom industry a chance to compete at the international level. 
The session was filled with enthusiasm and vigour, and radiated positivity for better days ahead.
This closed-door conference was the 7th in our Technology Game Changers Series, and we’re gearing up for the next.
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thebothsidenews · 2 years
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isfeed · 2 years
India is repurposing its COVID-19 contact tracing app and vaccination website
India is repurposing its COVID-19 contact tracing app and vaccination website
India is repurposing its COVID-19 contact-tracing app and vaccination website to address other health concerns in the South Asian country. A senior official said Sunday that the Indian government is planning to use Aarogya Setu as the country’s standalone health app. The app will offer residents the ability to book medical checkup appointments and verify the registrations with QR codes to avoid…
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