#a secret romance with din i mean come onnnn it's the dream
dindjarindiaries · 11 months
Love Me Louder
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summary: Your secret romance with the Mandalorian is put at risk when you find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time.
pairing: din djarin (the mandalorian) x reader
contains: canon-typical violence, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
rating: T
word count: 3.631k
main masterlist • din djarin masterlist
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The chime of your comm device was akin to a sigh of relief. You reached for it without a second thought, the small hunk of metal close to your lips as you spoke into it. “Hey. You’re late.”
“Nice to hear from you, too.” There was a fond smile evident in Din’s tone and you could picture the soft tilt of his helmet. 
Your own lips started to curl up into a grin. “You can’t blame me for getting worried.” You glanced around the dark room, wary. “Where did you land?”
“The usual clearing near the stream, on the forested outskirts.”
“Good. I’m glad that it's still a reliable place.” You took a deep breath and adjusted the satchel at your side. “I’ve got the supplies already, but since I have to cross town, it'll be a little while before I can get there.”
“That’s fine. Take your time.” Din paused, tension straining his voice as he went on. “I need you to be safe above all else.”
Your smile had only grown. “I will be.”
You had started to put the comm device back on your belt when Din spoke again. “And cyar’ika, be aware of the weather.” Your chest fluttered at the nickname, despite Din’s serious tone. “The sky looks like it’s about to open up.”
“Sure. Just be ready to warm me up when I get there.” You had tried your best to fight a chuckle at your cheeky words. Din was rendered silent on the other end of the link, no doubt swinging his helmet away in sweet embarrassment. “See you soon.”
You hung the device on your belt and secured the satchel at your side. One last scan around your home proved that you had everything you’d need for this long-awaited excursion and reunion. You put the hood of your poncho over your head and made your way out of your home, one hand staying on the satchel and the other prepared to reach for the emergency blaster Din had equipped you with long ago.
The town was busy that day, swarmed by merchants and townsfolk alike trying to make their deals before the storm Din had mentioned swept in. The first few raindrops were already falling, though you couldn’t be bothered by it. The crowds would retreat into shelter and you would be able to get through to Din even more quickly. The Razor Crest wasn’t much, but it was a safe haven to both of you, and a little bit of rainfall wouldn’t ruin that.
Only one thing could, and that was the reason you two had made this arrangement to prevent it altogether. No one had ever seen the two of you together ever since your paths crossed in the cantina you worked at many years ago. It was the first time you’d seen each other since those early childhood days in Aq Vetina, and if Din hadn’t remembered you first, you never would’ve known it was him underneath all that beskar. The only other times you had let yourselves be seen together outside the hull of his ship was in low-lit villages on sparsely-populated planets. Many years later, it had still proven to be a reliable method. The love you shared was only for you two to know, other than the little one Din had taken into his charge.
But as the rain started to fall harder upon the townsfolk, you heard a commotion that started to threaten your reliable routine.
As you took a quick glance behind you, you noticed it wasn’t the rain that had people scattering in a panic. A band of three Klatooinians with their blasters drawn went from person-to-person as they strided down the street that was only getting muddier and harder to navigate by the moment. You couldn’t hear what they were saying at first, but when you took a moment to focus in, your blood ran colder than the rain that soaked your clothing.
“Have you seen the Mandalorian?” one of the Klatooinians snarled at a merchant. The Mon Calamari cowered away and shook their head. The Klatooinian growled in frustration and raised their blaster. “Don’t think I won’t know if you’re lying!”
You cursed to yourself and began to weave your way faster through the crowd. Your hand clutched onto your comm device as you lifted it to your lips. “Din,” you warned him, your voice low yet audible above the chaos that surrounded you. “We have a problem.”
There was no hesitation in his response. “What is it?”
“It’s hunters, I think,” you informed him. You glanced over your shoulder and tightened your jaw at their close proximity. “Klatooinians. They’re asking about you.”
Din cursed and you heard a shuffling sound on his end of the link. “Are you okay?”
Your shoulder hit someone else’s and you uttered a quick apology. “I’m fine. They haven’t caught up to me yet.”
“Let’s keep it that way.” Din’s voice was calm, though you could still hear the strain of his worry for you. “Go home and secure every door and viewport. I’ll take the ship—.”
“I can’t,” you hissed, wary of the townsfolk who resisted your movements around them more and more. “They came up from behind me. I can’t get around them.” You took another look and watched one of the Klatooinians catch your gaze. Your heart began to race more as you pushed harder against the crowd. “I’ll keep evading them. You just need to get yourself and the kid out of here.”
“Hey, you!” The Klatooinian’s voice was almost directly behind you. Still, you didn’t stop until the two people in front of you formed a wall that kept you from moving forward. You set the comm device on your belt and turned around, your shoulders set as all three hunters made a slow approach. “You seem to be in a rush.”
“Some of us have places to be,” you responded. Your voice never wavered despite their attempt at intimidation.
“Where are you headed?” another one of them asked.
“My ship,” you lied with ease. You set your hands on your hips in annoyance. “I’m already off schedule, so if you don’t mind, I’d like to keep heading there.”
“What’s in the bag?” The first Klatooinian ignored your words and pointed at your satchel with his blaster.
“Supplies for my journey.” You made a grand gesture to your surroundings. “We’re in a marketplace, in case you hadn’t noticed.”
The Klatooinian huffed with fake amusement. “You sound defensive for a person who’s not hiding anything.”
“I just don’t like to be inconvenienced when I’m minding my own business.”
The hunter had become enough for you to feel his warm breath on your face, his beady eyes giving you a once-over. He held his blaster on his shoulder as he went on. “You ever seen a Mandalorian?”
You raised your brow and scoffed. “That’s a joke, right?” The Klatooinian’s gaze darkened. “Aren’t they all dead?”
The Klatooinian began to snarl at you. “Clever.” He motioned to the two hunters who flanked him and they lunged towards you before you could stop them. One took your wrists and pinned them behind your back while the other emptied the contents of your satchel onto the muddy ground.
“Hey!” you shouted, your voice full of venom. You pulled at the Klatooinian’s hold on you, but he didn’t budge. “What the hell are you doing?”
The first hunter knelt down and inspected the dirty pile of supplies. All of the food, water, medical supplies, and more you had been saving for Din was now rendered useless. You set your jaw when the Klatooinian’s eyes lit up and he reached for something. You fought to keep your expression unchanged when he lifted the vial of polish you’d gotten for Din to use on his armor and his weapons. “Have some armor that needs polishing?” the hunter asked with a sickening smile.
“It’s for my ship,” you insisted, once again fighting the other hunter’s hold on you. “The amount of credits mechanics charge for that stuff these days is insane.”
The Klatooinian shared a look with his fellow hunters before he dropped the polish back into the pile. “You’re quick on your feet.” He stood back to his full height and began to growl again. “A little too quick.” The hunter nodded at the one who held you back. “Keep ‘em with us. I don’t wanna leave this place empty handed.”
The hunter at your side tore your hood off, releasing the storm’s downpour onto you. It made it much harder to view your surroundings and you had no doubt that was his purpose. The barrel of his blaster remained between your shoulder blades, causing you to lift your hands in surrender. The emergency blaster on your hip soon joined the pile of belongings you were forced to leave behind in the dirt.
The Klatooinians continued their interrogations of the other townsfolk about the Mandalorian. All you could do was hope that Din had followed your directions and gotten himself and the little one off-world. They still hadn’t proven that you had a connection to Din, even if they hadn’t been convinced by all the little lies you told them.
The hunters had almost made it through the entire stretch of the town’s main street when the crowd started parting for someone. Your heart dropped into your stomach when the distant blur became a reflection of silver armor you would usually be relieved to see. Din already had his blaster drawn and raised, but the Klatooinians were quick in doing the same. The one behind you forced you onto your knees in the mud and prodded the back of your head with his blaster while the other two aimed for Din.
“Don’t shoot, Mando,” one of the hunters warned with a venomous hiss, “unless you want their blood on your hands.” The Klatooinian gave your head another prod that drew a grunt from you.
“This is ridiculous,” you spoke up before anyone else could. “I told you, I’ve never seen a Mandalorian before in my life. I don’t know who this guy is.”
“Is that true?” The Klatooinian was still speaking to Din. “Would you care if I asked my associate to pull the trigger?”
The hunter’s blaster clicked behind your head. You closed your eyes for a moment, alarmed by the sound. When you reopened them, the torrential downpour still couldn’t hide the tension that Din had built within himself. Hopefully, it was something only you noticed. “No innocent person needs to die for my sake,” Din spoke up, his modulated voice as even and firm as ever. “They have nothing to do with this. Let them go.”
“Then hand over the child,” the hunter insisted. “A life for a life.”
Din tilted his helmet. “I don’t take kindly to unsolicited deals.” His voice was low and threatening, akin to the thunder that rumbled in the distance.
“My patience is running thin, Mandalorian!” The hunter behind you grabbed you by the hood of your poncho and pressed his blaster against your temple. You clenched your jaw and stared into Din’s visor. You could imagine the widened gaze behind it, one you’d never quite seen aside from the rare glimpse of light that shone even in the darkness of the Crest’s quarters. “Either give us the child or take responsibility for their blood!”
Din lifted his free hand in surrender. “Wait.” He began to lower his blaster to the ground. “There’s no need to deal in blood.”
You started to shake your head at Din. The last thing you needed was him getting either himself or the child in trouble for your sake. It was the whole reason why you kept your love secret for so long.
Din’s blaster was nearly on the ground when he spoke again. “We can find another way.”
The Klatooinian, exasperated, sneered at Din. “And what would that be?”
Din didn’t answer. Instead, he used the hunters’ shared frustration as their own distraction. His free hand caught the handle of his vibroblade in his boot and aimed it for the Klatooinian’s hand. The blaster was knocked away from your head and just seconds later, three telling blaster bolts sounded off from Din’s direction. All three hunters hit the mud at the same time like a simultaneous exhale of relief. You remained where you were both out of surprise and the inability to move in your current position.
The rain was still coming down hard as Din made his approach. He knelt down and held your shoulders, his gloved hands trembling as his visor assessed you for injuries. “Are you okay?” His visor met your gaze. “Did they hurt you?”
“No, no, I’m fine.” You observed the gathered crowd and kept your voice low. “We’ve drawn a lot of attention, though.” Din helped you up from the ground and began to look around with you. “We should walk away in opposite directions.”
“No.” Din tightened his gloved hands into fists at his sides. “I need to get you to safety. Personally.”
You raised your brow as you started following him. The townspeople’s gazes followed you, but you couldn’t have cared less. “The Crest?”
“For now.” Din was close enough for his arm to constantly brush against yours. He took a deep, troubled breath, his modulated voice getting louder the further you got from the crowded town. “More hunters will hear about what happened. They’ll know you were involved somehow.”
“So,” you started to finish for him, “I can’t stay here.”
Din looked away from you in guilt. “We’ll find you an even better planet to reside on.”
You crossed your arms and stared at your muddy feet as you walked. “Maybe I don’t want to stay on a planet.”
Din’s visor had snapped back towards you, but you refused to meet it. His cuirass inflated with a breath he held in a suspended moment. “We’ve talked about this, cyar’ika.”
“Have we?” The adrenaline from your quick brush with death raged on in your sharp retort. “Or did you make that decision for me?”
Din stopped just as the two of you were concealed by the natural barrier of the forest. He held his weight on one hip as he faced you, the rain still ricocheting off the trees that surrounded you. “You saw what just happened by chance. I almost lost you.” Din had said the words as if they pained him. You tightened your lips. “If you stay with me, that situation could become an everyday reality.”
“It’s already happened without anyone knowing about us!” You waved a frustrated hand towards the town behind you. “And I came out unscathed!”
“What if you hadn’t?” Din’s voice almost cracked with his quick response.
You looked towards the town in the distance and prepared to lift the weight off your shoulders. “Then it would’ve been better than the torture I’ve had to put myself through for so long.” Your gaze met his visor again. “Never knowing when or if you’d ever be able to show up again and hoping that you’d be okay whenever you did. Sharing your bed for a few nights at a time just to return home and be alone in mine for months.” You shook your head. “A blaster bolt would hurt a whole lot less than that.”
Din’s visor fell to the ground. He shifted his weight between his feet, the beads of water cascading down his silver beskar much like tears would. “I’m sorry. I didn’t… I hadn’t thought of how much it was hurting you, too.”
The knot within your chest softened as you took a step closer to Din. “Has it also been hurting you?”
Din looked up at you with a tilt of his helmet that could’ve spoken for him if words failed him. “Worse than any wound I’ve ever had.” He glanced towards the distant town. “But the thought of losing you hurt even worse.”
You lifted your hands to his helmet and held it much like you would hold his face in those darkened rooms meant just for you. “Either way, Din, you could lose me.” Your voice was soft despite the gravity of your words. “One would happen because of our distance. The other would happen with us by each other’s sides.” You gave him a determined stare, one that proved you were ready for any challenge. “I don’t know about you, but I much prefer to be by your side.”
Din’s gloved hand held your wrists and gave them a squeeze. It became clear he couldn’t form a response and you didn’t have to ask him why.
“I know the galaxy already hasn’t been kind to you. My family and I were lucky to have gotten away from Aq Vetina when we did.” Your thumbs stroked his beskar cheeks and you hoped he was soothed by it. “But the galaxy also brought us back together. That’s something we should stop taking for granted, no matter how much fear it tries to instill in either one of us.”
Din nodded. He was still unable to use his words, the lump in his throat no doubt too large to work around. The way he took one of your hands and held it within his own said enough.
“We should get back to the Crest.” You gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “Especially if you left the kid by himself.”
Din watched your arms swing back-in-forth in gentle motions between you. He managed to respond to that, though his modulated voice still wasn’t quite back to normal. “He’ll be fine.”
You moved closer to his side. “And so will I.”
The walk to the Crest wasn’t long from where you both had stopped to stand. Like you had told Din before, the longest part was getting through town, something that had already been done thanks to the help of the Klatooinians. Din used his vambrace to open up the ship for the two of you and you looked around the hold that had already become your new home.
“I’m sorry I don’t have the supplies,” you apologized to Din once he’d secured the ship once again. The child was asleep in the hammock Din had strung up for him, a sight that made you smile as Din continued to move throughout the space. “The hunters threw everything in the dirt.”
“That’s fine.” Din’s words were genuine as he held one gloved hand upon a rung of the ladder. “We can stop somewhere else.”
Din started to climb the ladder to the cockpit. You followed him, elated to be a permanent part of his crew. It wasn’t your first time traveling somewhere with Din in the Crest, but it would be the first time where you didn’t have to think of parting from him eventually. Relief swept through you as you took your place in one of the co-pilot’s seats and watched Din power up the ship.
“It’s nice to have you here.” Din spoke the words unprompted from the pilot’s seat, his helmet glancing over his armored shoulder.
You smiled at him. “It’s nice to be here.”
Din’s gloved hands continued to move over the controls before the Crest started soaring into the atmosphere. “I’m sorry I didn’t agree to this earlier.”
You had tilted your head at him. “Don’t apologize for doing what you thought would keep me safe.” Your gaze fell to your hands in your lap. “I’m sorry for how harsh my words were earlier.”
“Don’t be. I needed that.” Din locked the Crest into hyperspace and stood from his seat. He lifted his hand to your chin to make you face him. “Someone had to knock some sense into me.”
You smiled as Din helped you up from the seat and led you to the old storage room across the way. “I still do like the idea of a secret romance, though.”
Din tilted his helmet at you once he secured the door shut. “Do you?”
You shrugged and walked closer to him. “It’s sweet.”
Din set his hands on his hips. “That’s not what you’re really thinking, is it?”
You chuckled, setting your hands upon his cuirass. “I’m thinking about how I told you to be ready to warm me up earlier.” You used your gaze to gesture to your rain-soaked clothes. “Now would be an opportune time.”
Din also chuckled at that. He used his vambrace to turn the light off and you heard the hiss of his helmet as he removed it. “In that case, I’ll work fast.” His lips started to find yours even in the darkness, but he hesitated, his breath practically your own. “But first…” he paused, his unfiltered voice still sending shivers down your spine as if it was the first time you’d heard it, “thank you for taking on such danger for me.” Din kissed the corner of your mouth. “I love you.”
You smiled at the words that had always been difficult for him to say. “I love you, too.” You returned the favor with a kiss of your own. “You know I’d face a thousand dangers for you.”
“Please don’t,” Din pleaded with a gentle chuckle. “For my sake.”
You both laughed as Din finally closed the distance once and for all, marking that night as the first of many you no longer had to steal but could finally possess whenever you wanted to.
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all star wars characters: @hugmekenobi​​​​​ @themarvelousbee​​​​​ @nembees​​​​​ @amneris21​​​​​@wildmoonflower​​​ @bombshe77​​​ @harriedandharassed​​​ @againstacecilia​​​ @ladykatakuri​​​ @bludyl​​​ @erin-is-sky​​​ @tanzthompson​​​ @murdertoothpick​​​ @mandoloriancookie​​​​ @prettysbliss​​​​​​
din djarin: @notagamersdey​ @les-ingenue​ @booksaremyyoga​ @hp-hogwartsexpress​ @dheet​ @mccn-bcys​ @alwaysdjarin​ @reader-without-a-story​ @cyaredindjarin​ @toobsessedsstuff​ @unofficialavenger90​ @tizylish​ @your-slutty-gf​ @untitledarea​ @mildlyhopeless​ @lexloon​ @jellybeanstacey0519​ @uwiuwi​ @lake-145​ @burningcoffeetimetravel​ @hello-th3r3​ @jackiereadsfics​ @dindadjarin​ @srim01997​ @avidreader73​ @trek-and-wars-are-equal-stars​ @evangeliamerryll​ @pedros-admirer​ @damnzelsoul​ @theredvelvetbitch​​
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