#a baby version of that kermit gif
bringcal · 2 years
just some thoughts on the difference we see between Bro striders comics and Dave striders comics. There’s not any main point I want to make I just want to talk about it.
We don’t really see much of Bro Striders comics, in fact I think we only ever see one, which is this comic addressed to Dave which Dave is clearly uncomfortable about and think’s Bro is just doing to “get under your (dave’s) skin”
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The comic above shows 3 different muppet characters: A young Rowlf the dog, a baby version of Animal, and Kermit the frog ( At least I think so?) dressed as Billy the puppet from Saw. The comic shows Rowlf freaking out over accidentally killing Animal, scared what nanny will do to him ( Nanny is a character in the 1984 show “ Muppet babies “ , which is what this comic is about ) , in which Kermit asks Rowlf if he wants to play a game, probably because he feels like Rowlf does not value life enough than he should considering he just killed a baby Animal.
We don’t really know whether the “click” of the light is a supposed to represent Rowlfs imagination working and getting an idea or if it is a literal click of a light going on. Because of this, we don’t know if Rowlf is imagining his incoming punishment/test or if it will literally happen to him.
Regardless this comic is creepy as hell considering this is the only comic we actually get from Bro strider himself. It is literally a comic about Rowlf’s guilt killing a baby and getting a potential punishment for it.
There is something else I find interesting in regards to bro strider, which is when Dave creates a comic but claims he doesn’t like it because its “ too much like my bro’s stuff “ :
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 the actual handwriting and art style REALLY gets me. The handwriting is practically the exact same in Bro’s comic and the art style is pretty close too, just less detailed. What really interests me is the fact this art style is really similar to Hussie’s  earlier comics he made that were really racist ( For people who don’t know, the name lil cal actually came from these earlier comics as well. lil cal was a racist caricature character in these comics) . The handwriting is the exact same as well. Bro’s handwriting is Hussie’s handwriting I suppose.
Dave didn’t really like this comic because it was too much like his Bro’s, giving us some indication that not all of Bro’s comics were really dark like the one we get. This comic is about drugs, violence, and getting women.
Now onto sweet bro and hella jeff:
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Just some obvious things:
The art style is really different
Ironically less cohesive than Bro’s stuff. You have to rely a lot on context to get some of the comics in SBAHJ to get what’s going on, it might not be clear especially when the style goes to complete dog shit. The comics also do a lot of “to be continued” shit.
Also less crude than bro’s stuff. Some of the comic is still about  drugs, getting women, and violence, but it’s less center front. There are incest jokes, though.
Now SBAHJ was actually made on the penny arcade forums. Hussie drew his own take on someone’s shitty parody of a comic trying to make fun of the “two gamer comic”. SBAHJ formed to show how much an original piece of media can change at the hand of the people viewing it. It later got turned into “Dave’s creation.” 
To me SBAHJ has more of a focus on friendship and pissing around with your bro’s than what Bro’s stuff would be about. Bro’s stuff seems to be less about that found-brotherly bond and more focused on different things, but we can’t know for sure since we only have one thing made by him and another thing made by his brother who was heavily inspired by him. I just find it interesting how while Bro’s comics are about accidentally killing your friends, Dave’s are about being an absolute fool with them. ( Though this isnt exclusive.)
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