#Yes alright I'll jump on the Early Summation Bandwagon
thedupshadove · 1 year
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I posted 886 times in 2022
136 posts created (15%)
750 posts reblogged (85%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 796 of my posts in 2022
Only 10% of my posts had no tags
#d&d - 58 posts
#dracula - 23 posts
#superman - 21 posts
#dungeons and dragons - 13 posts
#writing - 12 posts
#dracula daily - 11 posts
#m*a*s*h - 10 posts
#d&d homebrew - 8 posts
#batman - 8 posts
#discworld - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#it's a little unnerving to realize that i can follow and even almost sympathize with the logic behind such an objectively deranged response
My Top Posts in 2022:
Superman, in my opinion, provides excellent fodder for pretentious meditations on the following:
Immigration, Diaspora, cross-cultural adoption, what you preserve, how you preserve it, what you can’t preserve, what you adopt, how much choice you have in what you adopt
Grief, and loss, and the peculiar flavor of grief that comes from contemplating the loss of something that’s so vitally important to you despite you only knowing of its existence in theory (Bonus points if we can use Supergirl to contrast that intellectual yearning with the more straightforward agony of directly witnessing the death of a world that you did know)
Heroism, what it means, how much choice individuals have in what it means, when should a person be said to have a “duty”, how often and under what circumstances may the strongest be allowed to lay down their burdens, dare we rest when the world is not yet perfect?
Power, and how people--both those who have it and those who don't--react to it.
Names, identity, personae, selfhood, a mask is always a self-portrait, how long must a mask be worn before it is no longer a mask?
What impact all of these things has on interpersonal relationships. 
And the question is, can all of these themes be combined in a single work in such a way that they enrich each other, or would they only crowd each other out?
66 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
On the one hand, I feel like trying to Fix Taming of the Shrew so it's less misogynist is a little intellectually dishonest, and we should be willing to engage with Problematic old media warts and all.
On the other hand, I have a really good idea for it.
67 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
I could fix Hamlet. I know Ophelia tried and it went badly, but that just means I'll need to fix her too.
76 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
I just came up with what might be the dumbest supervillain idea.
So there's this guy. Works as a special effects technician at the Metropolis Old Opera House. And one day he gets caught in some kind of accident involving a little too much Science™ and gains near-total invulnerability, but, and this is crucial, no other superpowers. This isn't a problem for a while, but eventually. Okay you know how your muscles get uncomfortably stiff if you don't stretch them periodically? And you know how stretching muscles is basically just tearing them a little bit?
Yeah, his completely unaugmented strength is no longer able to effectively stretch his nigh-invulnerable muscles. It's been six months. He is so stiff. Everything hurts.
He can't bend himself in any way that will help. Nobody he knows can either. But you know who probably could? Superman.
So he uses his special effects skills to stage a crime of sufficient magnitude to draw Supes out, hoping the resultant beatdown will finally give him the wringing he so desperately needs.
81 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
(Inspired by that @bemusedlybespectacled post I reblogged a few days ago, as well as the trend of writing Reddit posts about fictional characters)
Posted by u/Ginger-Gin on r/relationships:
My (24f) boyfriend (27m) won't hit me
So, I started dating this guy a few months ago, and things have been pretty great. He's hot, he's funny, he's smart, he's nice, we have similar interests, I'd be lying if I said his income wasn't a nice bonus, and the sex...well. At first, the sex was about as good as it had ever been for me, which is to say that it was fun, but that magic everyone talks about wasn't there. Until one night, when right as we were building to the climax, he (apparently spontaneously) bit my neck, pulled my hair a little, and practically snarled "You're all mine" in my ear. Readers, it was so hot. But afterwards, he seemed really upset, apologizing over and over and genuinely looking like he was about to cry.
This started a tricky conversation, and I finally got out of him that he had been fairly active in our city's BDSM scene (but swears he hasn't "scened" with anyone since before we started dating). I didn't really know anything about BDSM, so I decided to pause the conversation while I did a little poking around online. The more I found, the more certain I was that this was something for me, that this could be the source of the much-vaunted "spark" that I had never felt from sex before.
But when I tried to suggest to my boyfriend that we incorporate some of this stuff into our relationship, he was adamantly against it. I couldn't get him to explain why in detail, but at one point he did say "I can't. Not to you."
I don't understand. I know he's into this stuff. The more I learn, the more certain I am that I'm into this stuff. And we're into each other. So why can't we be into this stuff together? Do I just not have the right... submissive energy?
Posted by u/Anonymous on r/amitheasshole
Aita for wanting to treat my girlfriend well?
A little background. For several years, I (27M) was a regular participant in the BDSM subculture. I'm not proud of it, but--for reasons too complicated to explain--I got myself into a place where I could only really find satisfaction at the thought of tying a woman up and "punishing" her for even thinking about leaving.
But a little less than a year ago, I decided that I wanted to change; leave the clubs and the hookups and the "scene" and try to hammer myself into a functional human being.
Not long after that, I met an amazing woman (24f). It was touch-and-go trying to build my first real romantic relationship (I'm not particularly good with people outside of a work context, and I make considerably more money than her, which made it hard to find the sweet spot between "not doing nice things for her" and "showing off"), but now we've been together for several months, and it seems like I find new things to love about her every day. I could still feel the dark perversions of my past rumbling in my breast, but I clamped down on it, and I'm proud to report that our sex has been strictly vanilla.
That is, until a few nights ago. Our lovemaking was particularly passionate, and I...lost control. Let my old self out, if only a little bit. As soon as the lust-induced stupidity wore off, I of course immediately tried to apologize for my behavior, but she didn't seem upset; instead just asking question after question. I hadn't wanted her to find out about this side of me, but after my outburst, I felt I owed her honesty. So, I told her the truth, while trying to emphasize that this wasn't a part of me I had any intention of giving into again.
That seemed to satisfy her at the time, but only a few days later she told me that she had been "doing some digging", and was interested in "exploring" BDSM with me. I'm not sure which possibility horrifies me more; that she felt it necessary to feign interest in being beaten and threatened just to maintain a relationship with me, or that I have somehow managed to corrupt this angel after only glancing exposure to my twisted proclivities. Either way, I tried to explain that this wasn't what I wanted--that I wanted to change, to find a version of myself that I could be proud of, and most of all to give her the genuine love and tenderness and safety that I know she deserves. She eventually dropped the subject, but I could tell she wasn't satisfied or convinced.
At an impasse with the most important person in my life, and lacking anyone else in my real life to whom I could tell any of this, I put the matter to all of you for your input.
95 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
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