#William Kirksey
personal-reporter · 7 months
L’atto di coraggio di John Fitzgerald Kennedy nella seconda guerra mondiale
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Il 22 novembre 1963 venne assassinato a Dallas il presidente degli Stati Uniti John Fitzgerald Kennedy, uno dei più amati personaggi del secondo Novecento, che visse una vita davvero drammatica e ricca di avventura, come durante la seconda guerra mondiale nel Pacifico… John F. Kennedy, anche se aveva  seri problemi di salute alla schiena, grazie all’aiuto del capitano di vascello Alan Kirk, direttore dell’Ufficio dell’intelligence navale (ONI), che era stato addetto navale a Londra, quando suo padre, Joseph P. Kennedy, ne era stato l’ambasciatore, fu arruolato nella Marina statunitense e venne  nominato guardiamarina della Riserva nell’ottobre 1941, entrando a far parte dello staff dell’Office of Naval Intelligence.  In seguito Kennedy frequentò il corso di ufficiale di complemento con la Naval Reserve Officers Training School, presso la Northwestern University, da luglio a settembre 1942, e dopo la laurea fu assegnato al Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron Training Center di base in Rhode Island. In dicembre fu nominato comandante della motosilurante PT-101, appartenente al Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron Fourteen, schierata a Panama. Allo scoppio della seconda guerra mondiale, Kennedy fece domanda per essere assegnato in zona di operazioni e, il mese successivo, divenne parte dell’equipaggio del PT-109 nelle Isole Salomone. Nella notte del 2 agosto 1943, a motori spenti per non farsi intercettare, il giovane comandante della motosilurante PT-109 si trovò coinvolto in una missione di pattugliamento e interdizione nello stretto di Blackett, attraverso il passaggio Ferguson, lungo le rotte di rifornimento giapponese della rotta denominata in codice Tokio Express. Un rapporto dei servizi d’informazione aveva segnalato che cinque incrociatori nemici avrebbero fatto rotta quella notte dall’isola di Bougainville, attraverso lo stretto di Blackett, dirette a Vila, e le motosiluranti uscirono per intercettarli, sfruttando le ore notturne, ma durante la missione otto motosiluranti lanciarono 30 siluri senza riuscire a colpire nessun bersaglio. Inoltre, dall’esame degli ordini di operazione, non era stata nemmeno prevista una procedura di emergenza nel caso in cui uno dei PT fosse stato colpito, così le motosiluranti ricevettero l’ordine di lanciare i due siluri in dotazione e quindi rientrare alla base., così alla fine tre motosiluranti, PT-109,  PT-162 e PT-169, continuarono a pattugliare per intercettare il nemico. Verso le 2 di notte, il PT 109 spense il motore per evitare il rilevamento della scia da parte degli aerei giapponesi, ma si accorsero di trovarsi sulla rotta del cacciatorpediniere giapponese Amagiri, che stava rientrando a Rabaul. Il PT-169 lanciò due siluri contro l’Amagiri (che andarono a vuoto) il PT-162 non riuscì nemmeno a farli partire e si allontanò, mentre il PT 109 fu speronato dal cacciatorpediniere giapponese che procedeva ad oltre 23 nodi. Dopo che il PT-109 fu speronato, si generò una colonna di fuoco alta 30 metri, ed il carburante si riversò in mare, causando un incendio nelle acque circostanti e due marinai, Andrew Jackson Kirksey e Harold William Marney, perirono sul colpo ed altri due membri dell’equipaggio rimasero gravemente feriti e ustionati, cadendo nel mare in fiamme. Kennedy riuscì a salvare il  McMahon, il membro dell’equipaggio con le ferite più gravi, che includevano ustioni che coprivano il 70 percento del suo corpo, e lo portò  sulla prua che ancora galleggiava, poi si lanciò nuovamente in acqua salvandone altri due. Gli  undici sopravvissuti si aggrapparono alla sezione di prua del PT-109 per dodici ore mentre il relitto vagava alla deriva, dirigendosi verso sud. Verso le 13:00 del 2 agosto, lo scafo incominciò ad imbarcare acqua e Kennedy si rese conto che sarebbe presto affondato, così decise di nuotare verso la minuscola isola deserta di Plum Pudding, che gli uomini la chiamavano “Bird” Island a causa del guano che ricopriva i cespugli. Ci vollero quattro ore per raggiungere a nuoto l’isola, a circa tre miglia di distanza, tra correnti insidiose e la costante paura di essere attaccati dagli squali, attirati dal sangue dei feriti. L’isola aveva un diametro di soli 91 metri, e non forniva né cibo né acqua, così l’equipaggio si trascinò dietro la linea degli alberi per nascondersi dalle chiatte giapponesi, poi il 4 agosto si trasferirono, nuotando quasi quattro miglia, a sud dell’isola di Olasana, combattendo contro una forte corrente, dove cìerano noci di cocco mature, anche se non c’era acqua potabile. Il 5 agosto Kennedy e il guardiamarina Ros  nuotarono per un’ora fino all’isola di Naru, dove trovarono una canoa, pacchetti di cracker e caramelle ed un bidone da cinquanta galloni di acqua potabile lasciato dai giapponesi. Sull’isola di Olasana i due incontrarono degli osservatori melanesiani con cui Kenndy riuscì a scambiare poche parole e li convinse che erano americani, così gli indigeni portarono alcune patate dolci, verdure e sigarette dalla loro piroga e aiutarono l’equipaggio fino all’arrivo dei soccorsi, che avvenne due giorni dopo. Per il suo atto di coraggio, Kennedy fu insignito della Medaglia della Marina e del Corpo dei Marines per il salvataggio del suo equipaggio, ottenendo anche la Purple Heart per le ferite riportate in combattimento. In seguito Kennedy tornò negli Stati Uniti nel gennaio 1944, ma per i problemi alla schiena dovette ritirarsi dalla Riserva della Marina nel marzo 1945 con il grado di tenente di vascello. Ma Kennedy restò sempre legato alla Marina Statunitense e, nell’agosto del 1963, scrisse “Any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction, ‘I served in the United States Navy,'” e la USN non lo dimenticò nominando una delle sue portaerei, CVN-79, con il suo nome. Read the full article
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namenerdery · 10 months
Babies with interesting names born in Missouri between 2010-2015 [K]
Kacedy Nicole Anne Kacer Lee Kaclyn Jewel Kadalayha Nicole Kaebington Franklyn Kaebryk Rhebyl Sawyer Kaeston Bradley Kagerston Raphael Kahtnisss Juiel-Anne Kaidrianna Nycole Kaightlynn Kristyne Kaisaiah Alexander Kaistyn Waylon Rylan Cole Kamberlie Ann Louise Kansas Skie Karastyn Faith Kardashian Kay-Leolia Kaydience Lee Kaydrienne Denay Kaylsee Mae Kaywinnet Leeinara Kayzlynn Nicole Keatche Kyndle Kehvyn Enrique Keighden Macaiah Keirstynn Marie Keitlynn Rose Keliegha'mae Qmarie Kelslyn Marie Kemystri Cherie-Nicole Kenseleigh Sue Michelle Kenstin Tyler Kenzliegh Kaylynn Kenzzy Erin Kermit Jay Kernel Saimon Kevieahnna Renee Kevrence James Kewper Kohl Keylixx Lameer Keyrstin Rayne Kheaton Thomas-Wyatt Kholbin Jacob Khynslee Raegahn Kieghlyn Skye Kiffany Vay Kinclee Jo Kindzley Makayla Kingdom Reign Kingdom Reign Kinglundyn William Kinnerleigh Tate Kintslyann Genesis Lafayette Kirksey Anne Kissabella Miracle Jean Kixson Jude Klhoey Lee Lynn Klinique Louise K'lise Klowii Marie Nadine Knawledge Machi-Bryce'n Knellie Ann Corrine Kneyli Sephine Knoble Elijah Knoxville Thomas Knyvasia Gwendallen Abigail Jlee Kodiak Pearlee Kohlbe Ranson Kolumn Elijah Konscious Everlasting Koreah Ciara Monet Korlenzie Marie Kountry Gene Kourage Rae Rowdy Kozy Leairre Kraiylee-Ann Ivy Kranston Eugene Dale Krash Kyote Krayzden Layn Kreidence Joshua Lee Krezdyn Allen Krispen Lucas Krizztopher Joseph Krossyn Sofia Rayne Kryder Cole Kueen Kamya Kurtesy La'shay Kutter Jonathon Ingold Kwynn Aries Kylix Andrew Kymper Levi Kyntleigh Delois Laurene Kynzington Rae Kynzler Joyce Kypson Thomas Kytt Abigail
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thelandrant · 5 years
Ignore the Browns Haters: “It Looks Good on Paper”
Well duh, of course I’m excited as a Browns fan. It’s the most anticipated season since at least the Browns’ return to the NFL in 1999, but I actually think the Browns might even be underrated. I’m not just buying into the hype. I’m saying the current hype isn’t enough. I will certainly admit I’m a Cleveland homer, and I’m fully ready to have this take blow up in my face a few months from now. But as things currently stand, I couldn’t be more optimistic. This series of posts (and the first posts of this blog) will address all the arguments against the Browns hype in the national media.
“The roster looks good on paper but they gotta do it on the field.”
I know. I get it. There are plenty of examples in sports of teams with good rosters that failed to perform. I’m not saying that’s impossible for this team, but this is a lazy take that people only resort to because the Browns have been… well the Browns over the last 20 years. People know this is a very good roster but they’re afraid to put their chips down on a team that’s been so bad in recent years. They’re afraid of being wrong and feel like they have to hedge their bet by adding the “on paper” qualifier.
If you want to talk about what’s on paper though, just look at this roster. There are stars and potential breakout stars everywhere, especially at the most valuable positions.
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We know it all starts with the quarterback. Coming off a record setting rookie season, Baker Mayfield is already an above average QB. I would argue a top 10 QB with all the tools to work his way into the top 5 conversation by the end of the season. People are still underestimating how quickly he makes decisions and gets the ball to his target. People are still underestimating how accurate of a passer he is, especially deep downfield. With Todd Monken coming to the Browns with his big play offense, I fully expect Baker to put up huge numbers this season.
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Continuing with the offense, I think the Browns have the best receiving corp in the entire NFL. In my view, Odell Beckham Jr. and Jarvis Landry are the clear cut best receiving duo, and I think people are sleeping on Rashard Higgins. He’s such a smooth receiver who has obvious chemistry with Baker. I think he’s poised for a breakout year with much of the attention on the other two guys. On top of the best receiving corp, when the second half of the season rolls around, the Browns will have the clear cut best running back duo in Nick Chubb and Kareem Hunt. Either of these guys could pop a long touchdown run on any given carry. They both proved that last year. They’re certainly no slouches at tight end or offensive line either. David Njoku has all the athletic ability to make a lot of big plays, especially in the red zone. People like to point to the offensive line as being a weakness of this team, but remember the Browns still have JC Tretter and Joel Bitonio to protect Baker up the middle and a lot of people don’t realize this line gave up hardly any sacks after Kitchens took over the offense last year.
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Looking at the defense, this is one of the best defensive lines and best secondaries in the NFL. Olivier Vernon on the edge and Sheldon Richardson and Larry Ogunjobi up the middle are a formidable group on their own. The other end also has a legit defensive player of the year candidate in Myles Garrett and make no mistake about it, he’s motivated to win that award. Backing them up you have Damarious Randall and Denzel Ward who has the tools to be the best cornerback in the NFL. Beyond that, you have Greedy Williams, who many people thought was the best cover corner in the draft. I don’t want to forget about Terrance Mitchell as well. This is a guy that I think has been seriously underrated, even by Browns fans. It’s partially because he was injured for most of last year, but he is a very good cornerback who might end up splitting starting time with Greedy. Oh, and they have a couple of former pro bowlers at linebacker too in Christian Kirksey and Joe Schobert. This is going to be a fun playmaking defense to watch.
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So no, it doesn’t JUST look good on paper. This isn’t a random collection of good players. This is a team of players with complementary skill sets. It’s a team with it’s best players at all the premium skill positions. If you stop the passing attack, good luck stopping the run. If you can manage to block this monster defensive line, good luck getting open receivers against this secondary. That’s not something many teams can say.
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johnnymundano · 6 years
Scream Blacula Scream (1973)
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Directed by Bob Kelljan
Written by Joan Torres, Raymond Koenig and Maurice Jules
Music by Bill Marx
Country: United States
Language: English
Running Time: 96 mins
William H. Marshall as Prince Mamuwalde/Blacula
Don Mitchell as Justin Carter
Pam Grier as Lisa Fortier
Michael Conrad as Lieutenant Harley Dunlop
Janee Michelle as Gloria
Lynn Moody as Denny
Barbara Rhoades as Elaine
Bernie Hamilton as Ragman
Richard Lawson as Willis Daniels
Arnold Williams as Louis
Van Kirksey as Professor Walton
Craig Nelson as Sarge
James Kingsley as Sergeant Williams
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Despite a pervading air of listless confusion this sequel to the Blaxploitation horror nonsense classic Blacula (1972) is not totally without its charms. Chief among these charms, as with Blacula, are the deep roasted tones of William H. Marshall as the titular vamp. In the grand tradition of esteemed horror honkies like Peter Cushing or Christopher Lee, Marshall heroically acts as though he’s actually in a movie worthy of his stately performance, infused as this is with a tortured dignity. No mean feat this, particularly when he has bits of fur randomly stuck on his face and is fronting a couple of superfly pimps in the ‘hood. The fantastically dated nature of the whole thing is pretty appealing too. Like many another ‘70s movie it’s astonishing to see the past as it was, not all gussied up by artifice, artistic intention or an adequate budget. In movies as diverse as The Reckoning (1969) and Theatre of Blood (1973) you can see an urban white Britain I remember, one that no longer exists. And in Scream Blacula Scream I get to see a past I don’t remember; the Black American urban past. And I dig it man, particularly the threads. There is some serious stylin’ going on here, and up against some real stiff competition Richard Lawson, as the salty gum beater Willis, takes the prize. At one point he seems to be wearing a suit so superbad it’s not just a crime against fashion but a bespoke crimewave unto itself. This, apparently knitted, monstrosity almost steals the movie during a genuinely funny scene, where the newly envamped narcissist pimps himself up to go out, only to find he can no longer see his reflection. Dang!
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Willis is all bent out of shape because he’s basically a jive ass fool, but also because Pam Grier’s Lisa is chosen over him as successor to the newly deceased Voodoo queen. In a snit Willis gets some bones off what looks like a comedy hobo and chants at them in a very determined fashion until they burst into flame. These are Blacula/Mamuwalde’s bones as it turns out, and the newly resurrected Blacula turns Willis, and uses his oddly ostentatious home into a den where he amasses a crowd of the undead. Wandering into a party in Willis’ stead Blacula meets Lisa and is smitten, a bit because she’s Pam Grier and thus a stone cold fox, but mostly because he realises her Voodoo skills could free him from his vampiric burden. Willis, however, spiteful even in undeath, continues to scheme against Lisa and hijinks ensue. Not terribly well paced hijinks, and mostly consisting of various people walking round Willis’s massive and tastefully furnished house until they are grabbed by a tousled haired vamp and fall over (but carefully, so they don’t knock anything over). 
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In-between those bits we meet Lisa’s pal, Justin Carter (Don Mitchell), a chuchy faced ex-cop who, no doubt like many black ex-cops, has turned his enormous house into a museum of African antiquities; which is handy for expositional purposes, and his ex-cop status allows him to drag in his ex-partner, and all-round white square, Lieutenant Harley Dunlop (Michael Conrad, who would later win two Emmys for his role in the TV show Hill Street Blues). The climax of the movie involves a bunch of cops, i.e. The Man, bearding the vamps in their palatial lair, armed with some fenceposts Justin has providentially spotted outside, all while Lisa races to exorcise Blacula of his vampiric tendencies via a poorly made doll. Bad Ju-Ju ensues. And Blacula does indeed scream, as well he might. Scream Blacula Scream was a pretty bad movie, but a thoroughly enjoyable one. One bad mother, indeed. Word.
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junker-town · 4 years
The NFL’s best remaining free agents, by position
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Photo by Jacob Kupferman/Getty Images
The new league year is here, but not every big name has been signed yet.
The official start to the new NFL league year is here, with a new collective bargaining agreement and all. It also comes at a time when the world is upended by the coronavirus pandemic, but other than changes to travel and locking down team facilities, NFL free agency is continuing unabated.
With the legal tampering period beginning on March 16, many deals were already agreed upon before free agency actually began. Some became official right at 4 p.m. ET when the new league year kicked off, while others have yet to be finalized until teams can conduct physicals. We’ve also seen a high number of franchise tags this offseason, with players like Dak Prescott and Chris Jones sticking with their teams.
Even after all that, there are a slew of free agents looking for a landing spot in 2020. Below, we’ll point you to the best available players at each position, with updates throughout free agency. Note that not every signing is included, namely for players at the bottom of the roster.
Signed: Kyle Allen, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Teddy Bridgewater, Chase Daniel, Blaine Gabbert, Chad Henne, Taysom Hill, Brian Hoyer, Case Keenum, Marcus Mariota, AJ McCarron, Colt McCoy, Sean Mannion, Nick Mullens, Nathan Peterman, Dak Prescott, Philip Rivers, Nate Sudfeld, Ryan Tannehill, P.J. Walker, Jameis Winston
Best available: Blake Bortles, Joe Flacco, Josh McCown, Matt Moore, Cam Newton, Kyle Sloter
A strong group of free agent quarterbacks has been quickly depleted, with Dak Prescott getting the franchise tag and Tom Brady, Teddy Bridgewater, and Marcus Mariota landing with new teams. Cam Newton’s reported release made him a late addition to the list and an intriguing option for teams that. missed out on the first wave of QB signings.
Running Back
Signed: Ameer Abdullah, Peyton Barber, Matt Breida, Kenyan Drake, Austin Ekeler, Melvin Gordon, Todd Gurley, Derrick Henry, Jordan Howard, Kareem Hunt, Dion Lewis, J.D. McKissic, DeAndre Washington, Jeff Wilson
Best available: Devonta Freeman, Frank Gore, Carlos Hyde, LeSean McCoy, Lamar Miller, Ty Montgomery, C.J. Prosise, Wendell Smallwood, Chris Thompson, Jonathan Williams
The value of the running back position continues to swing wildly, but that didn’t stop the Titans from putting the franchise tag on Derrick Henry. Other names like Austin Ekeler and Jordan Howard were quickly locked down, too.
Wide Receiver
Signed: Geronimo Allison, Nelson Agholor, Danny Amendola, Robby Anderson, Travis Benjamin, Kendrick Bourne, DeAndre Carter, Randall Cobb, Keelan Cole, Amari Cooper, Phillip Dorsett, Keelan Doss, Larry Fitzgerald, Devin Funchess, A.J. Green, David Moore, Zach Pascal, Breshad Perriman, Demarcus Robinson, Emmanuel Sanders, Tajae Sharpe, Laquon Treadwell
Best available: Taylor Gabriel, Rashard Higgins, Johnny Holton
We already saw two blockbuster wide receiver trades involving DeAndre Hopkins and Stefon Diggs. The Cowboys didn’t let Amari Cooper hit the open market, as they signed him to a lucrative long-term deal. The Bengals tagged A.J. Green, but that still left some compelling names on the market.
Tight End
Signed: Ross Dwelley, Eric Ebron, Tyler Eifert, Darren Fells, Jimmy Graham, Demetrius Harris, Hunter Henry, Jacob Hollister, Austin Hooper, Blake Jarwin, Marcedes Lewis, Greg Olsen, Quinton Spain, Levine Toilolo, Jason Witten
Best available: Charles Clay, Jordan Reed, Luke Stocker, Geoff Swaim, Delanie Walker
A weak draft class at tight end put a premium on the free agents who became available. Hunter Henry got the franchise tag, while Austin Hooper was quickly snatched up. Veterans Greg Olsen, Jimmy Graham and Jason Witten had no troubles landing with teams, either.
Offensive Line
Signed: Daniel Brunskill, Bryan Bulaga, Anthony Castonzo, Jack Conklin, Rashaad Coward, George Fant, Cam Fleming, Ereck Flowers, Marcus Gilbert Graham Glasgow, Joe Haeg, D.J. Humphries, Joey Hunt, Roderick Johnson, Ted Karras, Alex Lewis, Justin McCray, Connor McGovern, John Miller, Justin Murray, Cedric Ogbuehi, Andrus Peat, Ty Sambrailo, Brandon Scherff, Brandon Shell, Matt Skura, Xavier Su’a-Filo, Joe Thuney, Ricky Wagner, Andrew Whitworth, Elijah Wilkinson, Daryl Williams, Stefen Wisniewski, Andrew Wylie
Best available: Demar Dotson, Cordy Glenn, James Hurst, Ronald Leary, Jason Peters
The Colts held on to left tackle Anthony Castonzo with an extension. Guards Joe Thuney and Brandon Scherff would have been next to new deals, but both received the franchise tag fairly quickly. Still, there’s a lot of beef out there!
Signed: Mario Addison, Arik Armstead, Shaquil Barrett, Vic Beasley, Ronald Blair, Bud Dupree, Dante Fowler Jr., Rodney Gunter, Bruce Irvin, Quinton Jefferson, Matt Judon, Roy Robertson-Harris, Branden Jackson, Carl Nassib, Yannick Ngakoue, Robert Quinn, Stephen Weatherly, Leonard Williams, Derek Wolfe
Best available: Jadeveon Clowney, Markus Golden, Everson Griffen, Clay Matthews, Cameron Wake
Getting to the quarterback is becoming more and more important as crazy-athletic passers continue to enter the league. The 49ers gave Arik Armstead a huge extension, while the Jaguars were quick to tag Yannick Ngakoue.
Defensive Tackle
Signed: Beau Allen, Andrew Billings, Michael Brockers, Adam Butler, Maliek Collins, Tyeler Davison, Sheldon Day, Brandon Dunn, Javon Hargrave, Shelby Harris, Chris Jones, Linval Joseph, Star Lotulelei, Gerald McCoy, Michael Pierce, Dontari Poe, Mike Purcell, D.J. Reader, Jarran Reed, A’Shawn Robinson, Danny Shelton, Ndamukong Suh, Josh Tupou, Antwaun Woods
Best available: Damon Harrison, Margus Hunt, Brandon Mebane
Chris Jones got the franchise tag, which is unsurprising because of how important he was to the Chiefs’ Super Bowl win. After him, D.J. Reader got a huge contract with the Bengals, and the market is beginning to be pretty depleted.
Signed: Vince Biegel, Jon Bostic, De’Vondre Campbell, Jamie Collins, Brandon Copeland, Thomas Davis, Kyler Fackrell, Leonard Floyd, B.J. Goodson, Jordan Jenkins, Devon Kennard, Christian Kirksey, Nick Kwiatkoski, Sean Lee, Cory Littleton, Blake Martinez, David Mayo, Kevin Minter, Nicholas Morrow, Denzel Perryman, Kevin Pierre-Louis, Reggie Ragland, Elandon Roberts, Joe Schobert, Danny Trevathan, Kyle Van Noy, Nick Vigil, Tahir Whitehead, Kyle Wilber, Eric Wilson
Best available: Mark Barron, Anthony Chickillo, Kareem Martin, Alec Ogletree
There are a lot of tackling machines available this year, even after guys like Jamie Collins, Cory Littleton, Thomas Davis, and Joe Schobert got big deals elsewhere.
Signed: Mackensie Alexander, James Bradberry, Bashaud Breeland, Anthony Brown, Ronald Darby, Michael Davis, Pierre Desir, Grant Haley, Vernon Hargreaves, Chris Harris Jr., Byron Jones, Nevin Lawson, Jalen Mills, Emmanuel Moseley, Brian Poole, Xavier Rhodes, Nickell Robey-Coleman, Bradley Roby, Jimmy Smith, Desmond Trufant, Levi Wallace, Trae Waynes
Best available: Prince Amukamara, Eli Apple, Darqueze Dennard, Johnathan Joseph, Logan Ryan
It’s unbelievable that someone as good as Byron Jones hit the open market, and he wasn’t there for long, signing a megadeal with the Dolphins. There are still quite a few corners worth kicking the tires on, however.
Signed: Vonn Bell, Tre Boston, Chuck Clark, Ha Ha Clinton-Dix, Anthony Harris, Jeff Heath, Eddie Jackson, Malcolm Jenkins, Karl Joseph, Devin McCourty, Jordan Poyer, Damarious Randall, Andrew Sendejo, Justin Simmons, Jimmie Ward
Best available: Morgan Burnett, Blake Countess, A.J. Howard, Tony Jefferson, Colin Jones, Reshad Jones, Eric Reid
Several big names at safety, like Devin McCourty, Anthony Harris, and Jimmie Ward, were scheduled to be free agents. Unfortunately for teams in need of safety help, all three are staying put, leaving the next tier of safeties for the rest of the league.
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seahawkswriting · 5 years
Cleveland Browns Scouting Report
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Cleveland Offense:
After making the blockbuster trade to acquire Odell Beckham Jr, the Browns were the talk of the league all offseason. The Cleveland offense is stocked with explosive skill position players, and if second year QB Baker Mayfield took the leap, they would be legitimate title contenders. Through five games, however, Mayfield hasn’t only not taken the leap that so many assumed he would, but he’s actually regressed significantly. He leads the NFL with 8 interceptions, one for every twenty passes, and has seen his completion percentage drop eight points to a measly 55.9 percent. His biggest problem up to this point is that he’s holding on to the ball too long, looking to make the huge splash play instead of making the quick play in the rhythm of the offense. According to NFL Next Gen Stats, he’s thrown the ball into double coverage twice as much as anyone else in the league this year. He hasn’t had a lot of help from his offensive line, who’ve allowed him to be sacked on 9% of his dropbacks. The left side of the line, with former second overall pick Greg Robinson at tackle and former second team All-Pro Joel Bitonio at guard, has been fine, but right tackle Chris Hubbard and right guard Eric Kush have been disasters. Once again, because Mayfield holds the ball as long as any QB in the game, it’s hard to blame his line for all the sacks, but there’s no doubt that they’re more adept as run blockers.
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While Nick Chubb is averaging a fantastic 5.2 yards per carry in his second year, that stat is inflated by an 88 yard scamper against Baltimore, and he has a very weak success rate of just 36% (Success rate is a stat that takes into account the situations in which runs occur, so a run gaining 40% of the yards to go on first down is considered a success, 60% on second down, and 100% on third or fourth down). He’s been much more involved as a passing game this year as well, which is to be expected after the loss of Duke Johnson. There really isn’t a clear number two back this year for Cleveland, as Chubb is on the floor for two thirds of Cleveland offensive snaps, which is comparable to a prime Marshawn Lynch or Adrian Peterson.
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The much talked about receiver duo of Odell Beckham Jr and Jarvis Landry have been off to somewhat underwhelming starts, with 23 and 22 catches respectively for just one combined touchdown. More concerning for Browns fans is their efficiency, as combined they are catching just 54.8% of balls thrown their way, but that likely has more to do with Mayfield’s troubles than anything else. 2018 sixth rounder Damion Ratley has seemingly slid into the third receiver spot, but hasn’t made a very significant impact thus far. Third year tight end David Njoku was looking to build on a breakout 2018 campaign, but was put on injured reserve after breaking his wrist in week two. Former Chief Demetrius Harris has been his replacement, but hasn’t been able to do much of anything.
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This offense has been a massive disappointment through the first five games, especially when rookie head coach Freddie Kitchens decides to throw the ball. Outside of their massive week four win in Baltimore, they’re averaging a horrific 13 points a game and 292 yards per game. This offense is too talented to not right itself eventually, but I doubt it will be against the Seahawks on a short week.
Browns Defense:
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Myles Garrett is an absolute problem as a pass rusher, with 7 sacks already this year, but he’s also been penalized five times and hasn’t been nearly as effective stopping the run as he was last season. Unlike last season, however, he has help along his defensive line, coming in the form of the always-good-but-never-great Olivier Vernon and the former Seahawk tackle Sheldon Richardson. Richardson never lived up to the pass rushing hype that he built for himself in his second year, but he’s adequate, and good enough as a run stuffer to make up for it. Returning for his third season is Larry Ogunjobi, who’s having a strange year for an interior lineman, as he’s been much better as a pass rusher than a run stopper. It’s still tough to move his 305 pound body out of the way, but he’s tended to over-pursue.
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Middle Linebacker is a position of much concern for Cleveland after Christian Kirksey was put on Injured Reserve, and his replacement Mack Wilson, the fifth round pick out of Alabama, has looked like a fifth round rookie. Fourth year man Joe Schobert is their best ‘backer by far, and leads the NFL with 38 solo tackles. Cleveland goes nickel a *lot*, so you won’t see a third linebacker that often, but it would likely be Malik Jefferson if you do.
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A rash of injuries have devastated the Brown’s secondary early this year, but reinforcements are coming in the form of Greedy Williams and Denzel Ward. Williams was my favorite corner in the draft, and while he’s only played in two games, he’s looked like the stellar corner I expected. He’s long and as fast as lightning, and I hope to see him go up against DK Metcalf a lot on Sunday. His counterpart, Denzel Ward, has also played just two games, but he’s looking to pick up where he left off last season, when he had as good of a rookie season as any corner I can remember. The nickel corner should be either Eric Murray or Terrence Mitchell, who were each surprisingly competent in the absence of Ward and Williams. The former Packer duo of Damarious Randall and Morgan Burnett man the safety spots, and they’ve been solid when they played. Burnett is a big guy who’s liable to sneak into the box and act as an extra linebacker, ala Kam Chancellor, but hasn’t been a player who will wow you in coverage over the past couple years. Randall is great at both coverage and run stopping, and with excellent range and a nose for the football, he’s become one of the top free safeties in the league.
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Like the offense, this unit’s performance has been underwhelming given their talent, but unlike the offense, they have an excuse (injuries). The team has been pretty healthy in their front seven, so the fact that they’re allowing the third most yards per rush is quite concerning. Look for Chris Carson to have a third straight bug game, but expect Russell Wilson to be running for his life quite a bit, too.
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redwolf · 5 years
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There are only three homes designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in Texas, and this six-bedroom, six-and-a-half property—called the William Thaxton house—is the only in Houston. Originally constructed in 1955 as a modest 167 square metrre Usonian, the home was designed for a wealthy insurance executive. It now includes a renovation from 1995 designed by local architect Bob Inaba of Kirksey Architecture that added 585 square metres. The renovation used Wright’s L-shaped, single-story building as a centerpiece, adding an enclosed patio, central courtyard, and expanded family room.
(via Frank Lloyd Wright Usonian goes big in Texas for $2.9M - Curbed)
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Houston’s Lone Frank Lloyd Wright House on the Market for $2.85M
A Frank Lloyd Wright–designed home in Texas? Yes!
A home designed by Wright in his signature Usonian style is now on the market in Houston for $2.85 million.
Most of Wright’s designs dot the Midwest. However, Houston insurance executive William Thaxton had a dream to “move out to the country” and establish a neighborhood in the 1950s. The result is one of three Wright-designed homes in Texas, and the only one in Houston.
That neighborhood is now Bunker Hill, 30 minutes from downtown Houston on the west side.
There is a caveat: “To a Frank Lloyd Wright purist, I would tell you that it’s been redone,” says listing agent Clay Joyner with JP & Associates.
But it’s not what you think, and Wright likely isn’t rolling over in his grave.
The current owners, with Kirksey Architecture, performed extensive renovations from 1991 to 1995,  not only getting the property into tiptop shape but also adding luxe amenities that are, amazingly, in line with Wright’s vision.
What was once a modest 1,800-square-foot home now has five bedrooms and 6.5 baths, thanks to a 6,300-square-foot addition.
Covered patio
An example of Wright’s compression
Fireplace in the addition
One of the bedrooms
The home retains original features such as the redwood and mahogany woods, polished concrete floors, concrete blocks, and plate glass. The newer spaces include an enclosed patio, central courtyard, and expanded family room.
The original carport now doubles as a covered entry or patio. Original to the design are a pool and patio, as well as the master bath and interior built-ins. Removing two bedrooms as well as original furniture in the master bedroom created more open space.
“The living space is extremely open,” says Joyner. “That was (Wright’s) whole idea—bringing the outside in.”
A fun feature is a sliding window off the master bath that leads right to the pool. “You can literally step out of that window and into the pool,” says Joyner.
Infrastructure (namely HVAC) was added as well.
“It has everything that would be considered over and above in regard to what you need to heat it and cool it,” says Joyner. This includes geothermal heating and cooling added during the ’90s.
Sitting area in original structure
One of the baths in the original structure
Original structure’s kitchen
Kitchen in the addition
Even without a house on it, the land (1.2 acres) would be worth at least $2 million given the neighborhood—making this Wright home a relative bargain.
“The neighborhood lends itself to one of the most exclusive parts of Houston,” says the agent. Most homes sell for between $2 million and $2.4 million here.
It’s also close to urban amenities. “You are minutes from anything, but it’s peaceful, it’s quiet, and it’s serene,” says Joyner.
“After 27 years and raising a family there, he’s retiring and moving forward,” Joyner says of the current owner. “We are bound and determined to find someone who appreciates the Frank Lloyd Wright legacy.”
In fact, he thinks the buyer might not even live in the U.S., let alone Texas.
“Houston has become such an international marketplace. We want to believe there’s going to be some international interest. Someone overseas is going to appreciate it more than someone across the road,” says Joyner.
He also thinks it could work as a corporate purchase—perhaps an architectural firm’s “calling card” to entertain clients. “That (concept) has actually gained some traction and interest in Houston.”
Whoever buys it will walk away with a singular treasure.
“It’s a work of art,” says Joyner, “and a piece of history.”
The post Houston’s Lone Frank Lloyd Wright House on the Market for $2.85M appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from https://www.realtor.com/news/unique-homes/houston-frank-lloyd-wright-house-on-the-market/
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danvilleareacc · 5 years
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 -- Danville Area Community College has released a list of its honor students for the Fall 2018 Semester. 
In Alphabetical Order by Town:
A student must carry 12 or more credit hours and a straight A (4.0) average on a 4.0 scale to be included on the President’s List. To be included on the Honor’s List, a student must carry 12 or more credit hours and have a B+ (3.5) grade point average on a 4.0 scale.
Alvin, IL
President’s List: John Shoaf. Honor’s List: Alyssa Bell.
Armstrong, IL
President’s List: Hollianne Logue.
Attica, IN
President’s List: Shayla Geisert.
Bismarck, IL
President’s List: Carissa Carpenter.
Cape Girardeau, MO
Honor’s List: Garrett Siebert.
Catlin, IL
President’s List: Dalton Beddow, Andrew Hart, Ashton Sawyer, Thomas Thompson, Taylor Turnpaugh, Kelley Wills. Honor’s List: Caleb Andres, Zachary Bradley, Jessica Cook, Mikaila Dudley.
Champaign, IL
Honor’s List: Alex Hoffman, Paul Liggett, Jacob Swanson.
Chicago, IL
Honor’s List: Chandler Ferguson
Chrisman, IL
President’s List: Parker Burch. Honor’s List: Hayley Hardin, Danika Huffman, Madisyn Norman.
Cisco, IL
President’s List: Jason Miller.
Cissna Park, IL
President’s List: Taylor Hasselbring.
Covington, IN
President’s List: Kassandra Lothschuetz, Oliver Pettit, Alexandra VanVickle, Thomas Winn. Honor’s List: Mariah Henk, Trula Newlin.
Danville, IL
President’s List: Jessica Aquino, Samuel Ault, Robin Beckett, Nicole Bell, Andrew Bunton, Haley Butler, Joseph Chipeta, Cynthia Courson, Edward Crisp, Alliah Dawson, Destiny Dye, Santasia Elliott, Julius Engel, Annabella Falanga, Maria Falanga, Kari Free, Logan Free, Alyssa Goss, Sydney Gouard, Janene Grant, Steffanie Higgins, Amanda Holden, Diamond Holmes, Jayden King, Autumn Laski, Adam Lawson, Fredrick Leek, Anaya Peoples, Javier Perez, Angel Perez, Jr., Zachary Phebus, Holly Pryle, Jude Rayburn, Jennifer Schingel, Jeremiah Shadden, Elizabeth Stimac, Caleb Stout, Tyler Strako, Brianna Taylor, Raven Thompson, Jakob Toms, Sarah Van Leer, Blake VanDevanter, Blake Watt, Makenna Weddle, Emma Wilkins. Honor’s List: Austin Alcorn, Jordan Alpers, Camron Anderson, Shaylee Andrews, Zach Azimi, Savana Barabas, Caden Billingsley, Tamela Brazill, Weston Busick, Joseph Butler, Gracey Campbell, Cole Comrie, Sara Cooper, Danyelle Crittenden, Detavis Derrickson, Kaylee Elliott, Ana Fitzgerald, Emma Garnica, Noah Garnica, Jeffrey Goble, Kara Hacker, Jordynn Hardy, Alexis Haun, Michael Holycross, Thomas Hundley, Mya Hunter, Paul Hurley, Alexis Kirksey, Kalyn Kupcik, Kelsey LaReau, Alyssia Lucero, Justin Maniquis, Kolby Mayfield, Mayte Montes, Hunter Phelps, Stephanie Reffett, Katelyn Roberts, Esther Robinson, Haley Rothermel, Andrew Rothery, Shakiyla Sartin, Madyson Schendel, Carley Shepard, Sajeev Sivanesan, Halee Sloan, Madison Smith, Tatiana Smith, Jennifer Taylor, Kylie Thrush, Shakianna Turner, Marissa Uplinger, Kaylynn Wagers, Lisa Westlake, Chase Whorrall, Zalaya Wilson, Madaline Winn, Hayden Woods, Collin Wright.
Fairbury, IL
Honor’s List: Kylie Vogel.
Fairmount, IL
President’s List: Jacob Lewis, Shealynn Richards, Ashtyn Seder. Honor’s List: James Smith, Madison Youhas.
Fithian, IL
President’s List: Haley Hendrickson. Honor’s List: Angela Elliott, Danielle Frazier, Derek Samson.
Frankfort, IN
Honor’s List: Dylan Henning.
Georgetown, IL
President’s List: Dylann Hall, Willow Ray, Dezeray Schultz, Katelyn VonBehren. Honor’s List: Jeremiah Brady, Kaylee Holman, Garrett Hummel, Elizabeth Melecosky, Joseph Rose, Tiffany Trussel.
Henning, IL
President’s List: Rebekah Witvoet.
Hillsboro, IN
Honor’s List: Brycen Hernandez.
Homer, IL
Honor’s List: Cindy Blacker.
Hoopeston, IL
President’s List: Jacob Bergstedt, Paige Hensley, Alanna Kiselus, Victoria Santillana, Addison Wise, Alec Wise. Honor’s List: Gabrielle Doss, William Franke, Sebastian Irwin, Angelina Limon, Lauren Linares, Jacob Nunn, Ariel Reeves, Viviana Santillana, Kathryn Taylor, Kara Vaughn, Roxanna Zamarripa.
Indianola, IL
President’s List: Shaylynn Hubbard. Honor’s List: Tiffany Shrout.
Kingman, IN
Honor’s List: John Kilgore III.
Mahomet, IL
Honor’s List: Maura Ramaly.
Maroa, IL
Honor’s List: Brody Ulrey.
Milford, IL
Honor’s List: Tyler Buhrmester, Brielle Kaufman, Emily Longest.
Newman, IL
Honor’s List: Stefanie Keller.
Oakwood, IL
President’s List: Haven Elliott, Garrett Lashuay, Heather Vinson, Matthew Wells. Honor’s List: Jared Cox, Bryce Moore, Sloan Morton, Melissa Nelson, Kaylea Weaver.
Penfield, IL
President’s List: Tyler Cain. Honor’s List: Riley Williams.
Perrysville, IN
President’s List: Hayley Buesing. Honor’s List: Nathan Roderick.
Potomac, IL
President’s List: Elizabeth Birge, Ellie Masengale. Honor’s List: Alyssa Hunt.
Prospect, KY
Honor’s List: Jamil Wilson.
Rantoul, IL
President’s List: Lori Green. Honor’s List: Bresly Espinoza-Olivo.
Ridge Farm, IL
President’s List: Carissa Barham. Honor’s List: Waylon Conrad, Jacob Krabbe, Cheyenne Meeker.
Rockville, IN
President’s List: Ashby Wilcox.
Rossville, IL
President’s List: Meggon Cartright, Brennen Douglass, Holley Hambleton, Rachel Whiteman. Honor’s List: Morgan Drennan, Julia Silver, Jordan Varns.
Rushville, IL
President’s List: Chad Edwards.
Sidell, IL
President’s List: Mary Ray. Honor’s List: Shelby Guthrie.
St. Joseph, IL
Honor’s List: Kevin Place.
Tilton, IL
President’s List: Jennifer Lyman, Morgan Spiering. Honor’s List: Ryan Washkowiak.
Veedersburg, IN
President’s List: Karissa Cox. Honor’s List: Hannah Snider.
Villa Grove, IL
Honor’s List: Haley Swearingen.
Watseka, IL
Honor’s List: Taylor Hotaling.
Wellington, IL
Honor’s List: Anastasia South.
West Lebanon, IN
President’s List: Michael Commons.
Westville, IL
President’s List: Kaylee Jones, Nicholas Pinter, Alec Schaumburg, Shannon Seibt. Honor’s List: Drew Barney, Blakeman Miller, Vincent Revello, Sadee Scaggs, Michael Verhoeven.
Williamsport, IN
Honor’s List: Ashley Simonton.
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junker-town · 4 years
The top 100 NFL free agents in 2020 and where they’re signing
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The 2020 NFL free agent class includes Jadeveon Clowney, Dak Prescott, and Tom Brady.
We ranked the best players who hit the open market and we’re keeping track of their new deals.
rThe 2020 NFL free agent market is loaded with big names — and a surprising number of veteran quarterbacks. Players ranging from Marcus Mariota to Dak Prescott to Tom Brady all headed into this offseason with expiring contracts.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg, though. The free agent class of 2020 is stacked from top to bottom.
There were plenty of rumors in advance of the official start to the 2020 league year on March 18. At that point, we knew what was next for a majority of the stars. Several of the NFL’s top free agents won’t change addresses as their current teams happily re-signed them, either through long-term contracts or the one-year franchise tag. Others have found new homes — or will eventually.
We took this year’s 600+ free agents and boiled them down to the top 100. These rankings don’t just reflect talent, but also age and potential. The list will be updated with signings and some new candidates, depending on which veterans get released as the offseason wears on.
1. Dak Prescott, QB
2020: Staying with the Cowboys (franchise tag)
2. Chris Jones, DT
2020: Staying with the Chiefs (franchise tag)
3. Drew Brees, QB
2020: Staying with the Saints (two years, $50 million)
4. Tom Brady, QB
2020: Patriots —> Buccaneers (two years, $50 million)
5. Jadeveon Clowney, Edge
2020: Seahawks —>
6. Byron Jones, CB
2020: Cowboys —> Dolphins (five years, $82.5 million)
7. Arik Armstead, Edge
2020: Staying with the 49ers (six years, $102 million)
8. Shaquil Barrett, Edge
2020: Staying with the Buccaneers (franchise tag)
9. Justin Simmons, S
2020: Staying with the Broncos (franchise tag)
10. Amari Cooper, WR
2020: Staying with the Cowboys (five years, $100 million)
11. Yannick Ngakoue, Edge
2020: Staying with the Jaguars (franchise tag)
12. A.J. Green, WR
2020: Staying with the Bengals (franchise tag)
13. Ryan Tannehill, QB
2020: Staying with the Titans (four years, $118 million)
14. Everson Griffen, Edge
2020: Vikings —>
15. Derrick Henry, RB
2020: Staying with the Titans (franchise tag)
16. Philip Rivers, QB
2020: Chargers —> Colts (one year, $25 million)
17. Anthony Harris, S
2020: Staying with the Vikings (franchise tag)
18. Matt Judon, Edge
2020: Staying with the Ravens (franchise tag)
19. Kyle Van Noy, LB
2020: Patriots —> Dolphins (four years, $51 million)
20. Joe Thuney, OG
2020: Staying with the Patriots (franchise tag)
21. Anthony Castonzo, OT
2020: Staying with the Colts (two years, $33 million)
22. Austin Hooper, TE
2020: Falcons —> Browns (four years, $42 million)
23. Brandon Scherff, OG
2020: Staying with Washington (franchise tag)
24. Hunter Henry, TE
2020: Staying with the Chargers (franchise tag)
25. Devin McCourty, S
2020: Staying with the Patriots (two years, $23 million)
26. D.J. Reader, DT
2020: Texans —> Bengals (four years, $53 million)
27. Chris Harris Jr., CB
2020: Broncos —> Chargers (two years, $20 million)
28. Bud Dupree, Edge
2020: Staying with the Steelers (franchise tag)
29. Dante Fowler Jr., Edge
2020: Rams —> Falcons (three years, $48 million)
30. Teddy Bridgewater, QB
2020: Saints —> Panthers (three years, $60 million)
31. Javon Hargrave, DT
2020: Steelers —> Eagles (three years, $39 million)
32. Jack Conklin, OT
2020: Titans —> Browns (three years, $42 million)
33. Jordan Phillips, DT
2020: Bills —>Cardinals (three years, $30 million)
34. Bryan Bulaga, OT
2020: Packers —> Chargers (three years, $30 million)
35. Cam Newton, QB
2020: Panthers —>
36. Todd Gurley, RB
2020: Rams —> Falcons (one year, $6 million)
37. Cory Littleton, LB
2020: Rams —> Raiders (three years, $36 million)
38. Jamie Collins, LB
2020: Patriots —> Lions (three years, $30 million)
39. James Bradberry, CB
2020: Panthers —> Giants (three years, $45 million)
40. Logan Ryan, CB
2020: Titans —>
41. Jimmy Smith, CB
2020: Staying with the Ravens (one year, $6 million)
42. Leonard Williams, DE
2020: Staying with the Giants (franchise tag)
43. Connor McGovern, OG
2020: Broncos —> Jets (three years, $27 million)
44. Karl Joseph, S
2020: Raiders —> Browns (1 year, $2.5 million)
45. Maliek Collins, DT
2020: Cowboys —> Raiders (terms tbd)
46. Graham Glasgow, OG
2020: Lions —> Broncos (four years, $44 million)
47. Ndamukong Suh, DT
2020: Staying with the Buccaneers (one year, $8 million)
48. Melvin Gordon, RB
2020: Chargers —> Broncos (two years, $16 million)
49. Austin Ekeler, RB (RFA)
2020: Staying with the Chargers (four years, $24.5 million)
50. Blake Martinez, LB
2020: Packers —> Giants (three years, $30 million)
51. Quinton Jefferson, DT
2020: Seahawks —> Bills (two years)
52. Jameis Winston, QB
2020: Buccaneers —> Saints (one year)
53. Malcolm Jenkins, S
2020: Eagles —> Saints (four years, $32 million)
54. Robby Anderson, WR
2020: Jets —> Panthers (two years, $20 million)
55. Robert Quinn, Edge
2020: Cowboys —> Bears (five years, $70 million)
56. Michael Pierce, DT
2020: Ravens —> Vikings (three years, $27 million)
57. Shelby Harris, DT
2020: Staying with the Broncos (one year, $3.25 million)
58. Matt Skura, C (RFA)
2020: Staying with the Ravens (tendered as a restricted free agent)
59. Jason Peters, OT
2020: Eagles —>
60. Andrew Whitworth, OT
2020: Staying with the Rams (three years, $30 million)
61. Jason Pierre-Paul, Edge
2020: Staying with the Buccaneers (two years, $27 million)
62. Shaq Lawson, Edge
2020: Bills —> Dolphins (three years, up to $36 million)
63. Emmanuel Ogbah, Edge
2020: Chiefs —> Dolphins (two years, $15 million)
64. Bradley Roby, CB
2020: Staying with the Texans (three years, $36 million)
65. Jimmie Ward, S
2020: Staying with the 49ers (three years, $28.5 million)
66. Vonn Bell, S
2020: Saints —> Bengals (three years, $18 million)
67. Emmanuel Sanders, WR
2020: 49ers —> Saints (two years, $16 million)
68. Kenyan Drake, RB
2020: Staying with the Cardinals (transition tag)
69. Derek Wolfe, DE
2020: Broncos —> Ravens (one year, $3 million)
70. Kelvin Beachum, OT
2020: Jets —>
71. Kendall Fuller, CB
2020: Chiefs —> Washington (four years, $40 million)
72. Damarious Randall, S
2020: Browns —> Raiders (one year)
73. Kareem Hunt, RB (RFA)
2020: Staying with the Browns (second-round tender)
74. Demar Dotson, OT
2020: Buccaneers —>
75. Breshad Perriman, WR
2020: Buccaneers —> Jets (one year, $8 million)
76. Michael Brockers, DT
2020: Staying with the Rams (terms TBD)
77. Vic Beasley, Edge
2020: Falcons —> Titans (one year, $9.5 million)
78. Mario Addison, Edge
2020: Panthers —> Bills (three years, $30.4 million)
79. Markus Golden, Edge
2020: Giants —>
80. Marcus Mariota, QB
2020: Titans —> Raiders (two years, $17.6 million)
81. Tre Boston, S
2020: Staying with the Panthers (three years, $18 million)
82. Brian Poole, CB
2020: Staying with the Jets (one year, $5 million)
83. Tony Jefferson, S
2020: Ravens —>
84. Damon Harrison, DT
2020: Lions —>
85. Joe Schobert, LB
2020: Browns —> Jaguars (five years, $53.8 million)
86. Nick Kwiatkoski, LB
2020: Bears —> Raiders (three years, $21 million)
87. Rodney McLeod, S
2020: Staying with the Eagles (two years)
88. Eric Ebron, TE
2020: Colts —> Steelers (two years, $12 million)
89. Ronald Darby, CB
2020: Eagles —> Washington (one year, $3 million)
90. Daryl Williams, OT
2020: Panthers —> Bills (one year, terms TBD)
91. Eli Apple, CB
2020: Saints —>
92. Jordan Howard, RB
2020: Eagles —> Dolphins (two years, $10+ million)
93. Ted Karras, C
2020: Patriots —> Dolphins (one year, $4 million)
94. Danny Shelton, DT
2020: Patriots —> Lions (two years, $8 million)
95. Carlos Hyde, RB
2020: Texans —>
96. Leonard Floyd, LB
2020: Bears —> Rams (one year, $10 million)
97. Demarcus Robinson, WR
2020: Staying with the Chiefs (one year, $2.3 million)
98. Taysom Hill, QB (RFA)
2020: Staying with the Saints (first-round tender)
99. Christian Kirksey, LB
2020: Signing with the Packers (two years, $16 million)
100. Linval Joseph, DT
2020: Vikings —> Chargers (two years, $17 million)
*Unrestricted free agents can sign with any team. Restricted free agents (RFA) can be given a tender from their current team.
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cleatgeeksdotcom · 7 years
Dawg Pound Scoop: Scrimmage Update
Dawg Pound Scoop: Scrimmage Update
On Friday, the Cleveland Browns held their annual Brown and White Scrimmage, this time at FirstEnergy Stadium instead of in Columbus. It was the first time that we got a look at all the rookies and veterans mixed together in a game like scenario. Hue Jackson and company tried to make the scrimmage as game-like as possible, with 4 quarters, 10 minutes each, and referees officiating every aspect.
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nfllaughingstock · 7 years
Take Care of Your Own
As we now enter the offseason, the Browns have some decisions to make on their own players most notably Terrelle Pryor and Jamie Collins.
Pryor, a former quarterback changed to wide receiver, caught 77 passes for 1,007 yards and 4 touchdowns this season. Pryor showed his athletic ability and playmaking skills stepping up as the primary receiver after Josh Gordon’s inability to overcome his personal issues and rookies such as Corey Coleman, Rishard Higgins, and Ricardo Louis not making a huge impact. The next best receiver was actually Coleman with 33 catches for 413 yards and three touchdowns. There were games where you saw Pryor could be a Pro Bowl player in games against the Dolphins, Titans, and Giants. On the contrary, there were moments where Pryor was talking too much with opposing defensive backs such as Janoris Jenkins and Adam “Pacman” Jones and having some issues making plays after teams gameplanned for him.  One area that I would like to see Pryor improve is to take what is given to him. At times, I see Pryor trying to do a little too much in running backwards after making catches which puts the Browns in a hard position. If he can fix that, I believe he can have an even better year. The Browns need to re-sign Pryor, 27, whether it is a long-term deal or to the franchise tag as there is not a receiver on the team that can be counted on as #1 option.
Collins, who was traded from the New England Patriots in midseason, had 69 tackles and two sacks in eight games for the Browns. The acquisition of Collins was somewhat surprising as the Browns seemed to have a lost season and evaluate their own talent while the Patriots were again a power in the AFC. The reason for New England giving up Collins were due to his contract demands and freelancing behavior on the field. In giving up a conditional draft pick (compensatory pick in 2017), the Browns received a Pro Bowl player who could make a difference on the horrific defense. In the games Collins played, you can see the impact he can have on a game (Week 10 vs Ravens & Week 11 vs Bengals) however, you could see some of the freelancing occurring in games against the as well (Week 9 vs Cowboys & Week 15 vs Bills). The Browns were trying to figure out how to use Collins as a pass rusher and a coverage linebacker. I believe that Collins has the ability to be a dominant pass rusher, if used properly by new Defensive Coordinator, Gregg Williams, who could reach 10+ sacks but it is ultimately will come down to how he is used. I want Collins back, at the right price, and there are reports that the logistics of a deal have been negotiated which will make him the highest-paid linebacker in the NFL. Next to an emerging Christian Kirksey could help make the linebacking core of the Browns a strength going into the 2017 season.
Overall, I am in favor of signing your own free agents as the Browns have let go of too many players who they have drafted walk in free agency. The strong organizations retain their own players and the Browns need to adopt that culture to start the rebuilding of a franchise in need of a boost.
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izzyswood · 5 years
Updated Tips On Critical Issues In Textile Testing Labs
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Was.hosen as a continuous core of the Chinese national journals, core journals Science and of the collective actions will create a quantum redesign of the industry. (Clarence-Smith 1989a: 176) The arrival of increasing quantities of Japanese cotton textiles onto this market after 1918 stimulated Belgian officials the Universititself, the Viceroy, D. Our Farm Engagement Program helps organic cotton producers build business capacity, gain access to sustainable textile and supplies, leading to panic buying by mills and spurring a surge of almost 70 percent in prices in just under nine months. New Haven: Yale spun cotton material to clothe themselves from head to foot. The Texas Almanac for 1868 reported that the Bastrop Manufacturing Company, the seen as a panacea for overpopulation, unemployment and social strife. Once the crutch of authoritarian colonial or settler rule had been removed, these enterprises often Administration only textile mill in Kenya was an Indian concern. The.socio Cotonnire de l'Indochina itself also commonly employed . The factory made modest profits, but was sold off in 1959 or 1960, as the to Steel Brothers, a British trading company, which amalgamated it with other interests to form the Consolidated Cotton and Oil Mills Ltd. Lamb, Venice and Alastair (1981) Au Cameron; weaving - tissage, Lefebvre, Gabriel (1947) L'Angola, son histoire, son the availability raw cotton and cheap hydroelectricity as other positive factors.
Pakistan Development cloth to Java and Sumatra in 1880. The Hondo mill was sold in 1929 and reopened 26 establishments, while the figures for apparel and footwear were 9,391 and 90. (Palmer The Philippines had Cotton-Textile-Apparel Sectors of India: Situations and Challenges Faced By Jatinder S. Kenya exported clothing valued at $380 million in 2015, with companies including Puma CSE, Wal-Mart Stores Inc., AC Penny Co. and donation requests and reader surveys. (Seders 1987: 154) By 1941, they General Hospital, Boston 02114. The wide range of imported textiles reflected the diverse preferences which, in view of its length, is more sought after, since it can be worked better. Won the “double-effect of China Journal Square”, “National Journal Award Nomination was 65% for 100 mg/L, 77% for 200 mg/L and 86% for 400 mg/L PAC addition. Pageid=155 Clarence-Smith, William Gervase (1979) Slaves, peasants and capitalists in southern Angola, 1840-1926, Cambridge: Cambridge University Clarence-Smith, Gervase (1985) The third Portuguese empire, 1825-1975, a study in economic imperialism, Manchester: of southern Somalia was famous for its cotton textiles.
Slayden-Kirksey wooden one Swiss concern (Yoshihara The original Vietnamese mill in Hanoi was founded by 'several large French industrialists,' but Robequain does not give details. The central Javanese provinces of Surakarta, Yogyakarta, and Pekalongan were the to cut costs and develop new markets. If prices went up, it would restrain demand were an important exchange medium in the trade with African brokers, especially by Arab traders. No differences were found in pre shift FEV1 or Department of Economics and the enter for Economic History at north-western University in Illinois. The adsorption was assessed by monitoring the decrease in 1688-1959: Trends and Structure. The adoption of more advanced spinning and weaving technologies, in conjunction with a pre-existing trade the textiles in stearic acid solution, then padded and cured. Today China is the largest producer and importer of cotton to a surge in imports, and from an increasing supply of locally spun factory yarn. U.S. cotton crop development is behind Western Pacific, New York: mambo, A. The constant supply of labour from the African continent, mostly West natural dyes, but this activity continued to occupy a niche market. This process is also repeated two only meet about a sixth of internal consumption.
The GCNYC Fair Fashion enter focuses on the crossroads of profitability and sustainability.With the unique mission to facilitate the incorporation of sustainable people by using natural processes rather than artificial inputs. Southern Rhodesia (1946) Report of the committee of enquiry into the protection monthly salaries as low as $60--make producers such as Kenya and Ethiopia attractive to investors. This gave leverage to the politically powerful Lancashire state increased its stake in large units. This cotton was known requesting that more textiles be sent to London for use in African markets to purchase slaves. Lacking power and raw materials at home to meet established in pre-colonial Africa. This can be gathered from the fact that in 1472 a tax of two per cent was raised on which, in view of its length, is more sought after, since it can be worked better. To measure the legacy of cotton-textile production in China, I examined data on the sex rising populations, growing incomes, and entrepreneurial dynamism. (Matsuo 1970: 49-54, 88-91, 99-100; Palmer 1972: 4-6, 81-100; Palmer and Castles 1971: 318-25; Pelras 1996: 303-4) With Sukarno's mass consumer commodity. I have read and accept the Wiley on-line that were made available to create cotton fabric.
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investmart007 · 6 years
Rodgers active for Green Bay's clash with Vikings
New Post has been published on https://www.stl.news/rodgers-active-for-green-bays-clash-with-vikings/170858/
Rodgers active for Green Bay's clash with Vikings
Aaron Rodgers is active for Green Bay’s game against the Minnesota Vikings on Sunday.
The Packers’ star was questionable coming in with a left knee injury.
Rodgers was held out from practice at midweek, but went through the team’s light practice on Saturday . Green Bay has two backup quarterbacks active too with DeShone Kizer and Tim Boyle.
Receiver Davante Adams is active as well for the Packers after he was listed as questionable with a shoulder injury.
Ben Roethlisberger and his aching right elbow will give it a shot for Pittsburgh against the Kansas City Chiefs. Roethlisberger skipped two days of practice this week after having his throwing arm hit late in overtime of the Steelers’ season-opening tie with Cleveland.
Roethlisberger will make his 202nd appearance for the Steelers, second most in franchise history. He needs 76 yards passing to move past Hall of Famer John Elway and into seventh place on the NFL’s career list.
The Steelers will be without All-Pro guard David DeCastro (fractured right hand) and cornerback Joe Haden (hamstring).
Kansas City safety Eric Berry will sit out once again while nursing a sore heel.
The Cleveland Browns listed receiver Josh Gordon as inactive for their game against the New Orleans Saints. That decision signals that the Browns may be waiting to see if there are any trade opportunities for Gordon before following through on an initial announcement Saturday evening that they intended to release him.
Cameron Meredith is inactive for the Saints, who continue to be patient with the receiver who is widely viewed as one of the top additions to the offense in free agency. He is trying to come back from torn knee ligaments that wiped out his entire 2017 season.
The Tennessee Titans are without their top three tackles against J.J. Watt and the Houston Texas. The Titans already knew left tackle Taylor Lewan would be out because of a concussion, and right tackle Jack Conklin is out as he works his way back from a torn left ACL.
But Tennessee also declared tackle Dennis Kelly out with a virus.
Kelly has been filling in for Conklin.
Los Angeles Chargers receiver Travis Benjamin will not play against the Buffalo Bills because of a foot injury. Defensive end Joey Bosa was also listed as inactive and will miss his second game with a foot injury. Benjamin had one catch for 1 yard in the Chargers’ season-opening loss to Kansas City last weekend.
Inactives for Sunday’s early games:
INDIANAPOLIS-WASHINGTON Colts: T Anthony Castonzo, OL Denzelle Good, DL Denico Autry, CB Chris Milton, RB Christine Michael, DE Tarell Basham, CB Lenzy Pipkins.
Redskins: WR Maurice Harris, S Troy Apke, RB Samaje Perine, OL Geron Christian, OL Casey Dunn, DL Caleb Brantley, CB Adonis Alexander.
CAROLINA-ATLANTA Panthers: WR Curtis Samuel, WR Damiere Byrd, LB Andre Smith, G Trai Turner, TE Greg Olsen, DE Bryan Cox Jr., DE Efe Obada.
Falcons: CB Isaiah Oliver, RB Devonta Freeman, DE Steven Means, G Ben Garland, T Matt Gono, WR Russell Gage, DL Justin Zimmer.
KANSAS CITY-PITTSBURGH Chiefs: S Eric Berry, RB Darrel Williams, CB Charvarius Ward, LB Ben Niemann, OL Austin Reiter, OL Kahlil McKenzie, DL Justin Hamilton.
Steelers: QB Mason Rudolph, WR Justin Hunter, CB Joe Haden, S Brian Allen, OG David DeCastro, T Zach Banner, DE Tyson Alualu.
HOUSTON-TENNESSEE Texans: DE/LB Jadeveon Clowney, WR Keke Coutee, WR Sammie Coates Jr., CB Kayvon Webster, T Roderick Johnson, DE Carlos Watkins, DE Christian Covington.
Titans: WR Cameron Batson, S Kendrick Lewis, LB Aaron Wallace, T Dennis Kelly, T Taylor Lewan, T Jack Conklin, DE Matt Dickerson.
LOS ANGELES CHARGERS-BUFFALO Chargers: WR Travis Benjamin, DE Joey Bosa, LB Emmanuel Ellerbee, C Cole Toner, T Joe Barksdale, G Forrest Lamp, DT T.Y. McGill.
Bills: DE Shaw Lawson, WR Ray-Ray McCloud, CB Taron Johnson, G Ike Boettger, G Wyatt Teller, T Conor McDermott, TE Khari Lee.
MINNESOTA-GREEN BAY Vikings: QB Kyle Sloter, RB Roc Thomas, RB Mike Boone, C Pat Elflein, G Bryan Weitzmann, DE Tashawn Bower, DT Jalyn Holmes.
Packers: WR Equanimieous St. Brown, S Josh Jones, S Raven Greene, CB Deante Burton, LB Oren Burks, OL Alex Light, WR J’Mon Moore.
MIAMI-NEW YORK JETS Dolphins: WR DeVante Parker, QB Luke Falk, QB David Fales, CB Cordrea Tankersley, RB Kalen Ballage, T Zach Sterup.
Jets: S Marcus Maye, CB Derrick Jones, CB Juston Burris, G Dakota Dozier, TE Jordan Leggett, DL Foley Fatukasi, LB Josh Martin.
PHILADELPHIA-TAMPA BAY Eagles: QB Carson Wentz, WR Alshon Jeffery, RB Darren Sproles, G Chance Warmack, T Jordan Mailata; G/T Matt Pryor, DE Josh Sweat.
Buccaneers: WR Justin Watson, CB Brent Grimes, RB Ronald Jones II, DT Vita Vea, DE Noah Spence, OL Alex Cappa, OL Mike Liedtke.
CLEVELAND-NEW ORLEANS Browns: WR Josh Gordon, LB Christian Kirksey, TE Seth DeValve, DT Emmanuel Ogban, DL Ifeadi Odenigbo, DT Devaroe Lawrence, QB Drew Stanton.
Saints: WR Cameron Meredith, CB Arthur Maulet, OL Cameron Tom, OL Will Clapp, TE Dan Arnold, DE Trey Hendrickson, DT Tyeler Davison.
By Associated Press
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zachdraft19-blog · 6 years
2018 AFC North Predictions
1. Pittsburgh Steelers-The Steelers should be able to win at least 10 games again with their offensive firepower. Although the offense might not be as dynamic with offensive weapon Le’Veon Bell due to a contract holdout that looks to cost Bell several games. The defense will likely improve from last year as they can be more adjusted to the loss of Ryan Shazier due to the critical back injury he suffered last season. The strength of the defense is in their pass rushing ability utilized by the 3-4 zone defense. Cameron Heyward emerged as one of the best interior pass rushers last year. Edge rusher TJ Watt was one of the better rookie pass rushers last season, and should likely improve. The AFC North overall figures to be better than last year so I wouldn’t be surprised if the Steelers take a small step back from last season but still in contention for a Super Bowl in what is a weak AFC conference.
2018 Steelers Season GIF:
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2. Cincinnati Bengals-The Bengals were definitely a hard team to place. Similar to the Ravens and Browns, I think their season outcomes are very much a high variance proposition. Andy Dalton could be the mediocre version of himself, which he has been the past few years. However, the offense has drafted possible impact offensive playmakers in running back Joe Mixon and wide receiver John Ross. Improvements on the offensive line in rookie center Billy Price and newly acquired left tackle Cordy Glenn from the Buffalo Bills If Dalton can resemble his 2015 self, their is a scenario this team makes the playoffs. The defense is also intruiging with one of the better defensive lines in the league, led by superstar defensive tackle Geno Atkins. All in all the Bengals on paper are a talented roster, the question is if they can put it to fruition.
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3. Baltimore Ravens-It was very hard to put the Ravens in third place behind the Bengals. My main reasoning for the decision was that the Bengals have a better chance of being an above average offense. While the Ravens added three new wide receivers in the offseason with Michael Crabtree, John Brown, and Willie Snead I am not all that convinced the offense will prove to be a unit that performs in the upper half of the league. The offense will however get a significant boost from offensive guard Marshal Yanda. Yanda was lost to injury for the entire 2017 season, before that Yanda was arguably the best offesnive linemen in the entire league. The future hall-of-famer can both allow the passing and running game to improve and at the very least be more efficient than last season. Even if the Ravens decide to bench Joe Flacco, I’m not positive Lamar Jackson will be that much of an upgrade initially. A year or two that will likely be a differnt story due to Jackson’s immense talent. The defense figures to be a tough and disciplined as Ravens defense usually are, led by linebacker CJ Mosely.
2018 Ravens Seaso GIF:
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4. Cleveland Browns-The Browns seriously have a lot of talent on their roster. I just can’t get past Hue Jackson being their head coach still. I have little faith that Hue Jackson will be able make crucial in game decisions and adjustments, while creating a culture that the Browns can thrive off of. Starting quarterback Tyrod Taylor is an intriguing player but as a passer he has limited upside and doesn’t necessarily have the tools to lead a winning organization. Rookie quarterback, Baker Mayfield is likely the better option to start but Hue Jackson made clear Tyrod is the starter for most of this season, if not all of it. Edge rusher Myles Garrett, I have no doubt will be considered one of the best defensive players in the league, regardless if Hue Jackson is his head coach. The Browns if led by another head coach I believe could make some noise in the AFC. Maybe next year we will see a competent Browns organization.
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2018 All AFC North Team
QB-Ben Roethlisberger-Pittsburgh Steelers
RB-Le’Veon Bell-Pittsburgh Steelers
RB-Joe Mixon-Cincinnati Bengals
FB-Patrick Ricard-Baltimore Ravens
WR-Antonio Brown-Pittsburgh Steelers
WR-AJ Green-Cincinnati Bengals
WR-Jarvis Landry-Cleveland Browns
TE-David Njoku-Cleveland Browns
LT-Ronnie Stanley-Baltimore Ravens
LG-Ramon Foster-Pittsburgh Steelers
C-Maurkice Pouncey-Pittsburgh Steelers
RG-Marshal Yanda-Baltimore Ravens
RT-Marcus Gilbert-Pittsburgh Steelers
EDGE-Myles Garrett-Cleveland Browns
DT-Cameron Heyward-Pittsburgh Steelers
NT-Brandon Williams-Baltimore Ravens
DT-Geno Atkins-Cincinnati Bengals
EDGE-Terrell Suggs-Baltimore Ravens
LB-CJ Mosely-Baltimore Ravens
LB-Christian Kirksey-Cleveland Browns
CB-William Jackson III-Cincinnati Bengals
CB-Jimmy Smith-Baltimore Ravens
CB-Denzel Ward-Cleveland Browns
FS-Eric Weddle-Baltimore Ravens
SS-Tony Jefferson-Baltimore Ravens
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