warframestuff · 6 months
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ritasanderson · 4 months
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priniav · 6 months
Bird 3
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Bird 3
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luckygoblinnn · 5 months
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see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
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orowyrm · 6 months
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so. how much do we think the cavia have seen
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teenytinycoffeebean · 6 months
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I'm completely normal about Whispers in the Walls so, of course, when I saw a "draw your baby girl like this" pose, it had to be Loid. He's so baby girl.
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alteredsilicone · 5 months
Gamers, there is something that has been nagging me, look at these pictures:
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I'm not insane for thinking that the actual Albrecht has the same hollow eyes as other Orokin, whereas the Wally-doppleganger:
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Has a visible iris and pupils, right?
I'm not being bamboozled by a scuffed transmission, right---
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robomythos · 6 months
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'Tis some visitor tapping at my chamber door, only this and nothing more.
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chiropteracupola · 6 months
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a few friends from the Wood and the Riverbank
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werelektro · 2 months
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That's all.
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ritens · 6 months
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drifter, why is your warframe like this. drifter, what does he mean.
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luckygoblinnn · 4 months
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haha these are just all my little friends :)
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heck-star · 5 months
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some wind in the willows character designs because it has wormed its way into my brain and refuses to leaveee
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andr0nap-wf · 3 months
honestly my favorite part of albrechts notes is the casual mention of the fact that getting so high they get sick is part of their scientific process
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spamatron3000 · 6 months
By the way, DE knew EXACTLY what they were doing putting Tagfer next to the Sanctum Anatomica's quest elevator. That shit was on purpose. It guarantees you always come in range of him if you're doing anything of note in the area, forcing you to listen to this poor little last-of-his-species space goat cry, and ruminate, and spiral about his dead mate. You are not allowed to avoid him, even if you don't talk directly to him.
I could probably sit here and write an essay on what this might be trying to say on the subject of how to properly navigate grief and depression in your loved ones, but it would probably be meandering and incoherent and I'm sure there's actual essayists in the fandom that can articulate the point better than me.
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Anyone else realize how much of a contrast there is between the Void on the Zariman and in Albrecht's labs?
Like, the Zariman itself is practically infested, inside and out, with void energy and ruin. It is a mess, and yet for all of it the actual influence of the Void is minimal, is it not? Sure, theres the Thrax and the Angels but aside from that the Void is more passive there than in Albrechts labs.
Speak of the devil (get it?), tmitw and the Void take a complete 180 in the new tileset. Not only is the whole thing a lot more neat and tidy, with orderly rooms and even drones to make sure any chaos we cause is immediately repaired. The contrast between the Void infested areas and the labs themselves is also very clear, with actual cutoff and melding points, rather than the wild growth of the Zariman's Void. Now add in the fact that the Murmur is a very active force and you can see just how opposite the two locations are.
What intrigues me the most however, are the thematics of both regions. The Zariman, for all of its sleek, futuristic design, clearly has an undertone of religion. From the Organs used in the themes, to the name of the themes themselves, to the focus on song and choir and angels, it all implies a biblical view of things.
Now contrast that with Albrecht's labs, which feature a much more...grounded view of things. From the the fact that these are literal research labs, to the constant references to the human body, bodyparts in everything from enemy design, to the name of the hub, to even the Jahu (Form) gargoyle, everything speaks of science and nature through a more...scientific lens.
Duviri too, kind of falls under this view, but instead of being science or religion, its more along the lines of culture, fiction and just overall creativity, which really makes me wonder where theyre gonna take this with 1999 and beyond...
So yea, just some thoughts I had recently that I felt like sharing.
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