radellama · 2 years
You know what. I'm trying not to be but I'm really mad. I went to the post office to try and get photo ID so I can finish updating my legal documents, but they couldn't help me... Cause to get the photo ID I need the other legal documents in the correct name...... But I don't have them because they require the photo ID from the post office......... The photo ID that I can't get because I don't have the documents that require photo ID to be updated................. This is the worst loop and I've been stuck since February
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#i need to fucking say it cause I'm getting more and more cranky#The lady at the post office was very nice and tried to ask her manager if there was any way she can get it for me with what i had#but she couldn't :''''''(#i had to travel a few suburbs over to get to a big post office cause the little ones don't do photo ID.. so that was a few hours wasted lol#I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO UPDATE MY SHIT SINCE FEBRUARY BUT IT'S SOOOO FUCKING HARDDDDD#IT TAKES ME TIME TO GET TO IT CAUSE I'M FUCKING BUSY ALL THE TIME AND RARELY EVER HAVE TIME DURING WORK HOURS#WHICH ARE THE ONLY TIMES GOV SERVICES ARE OPEN.... SO I'M PRETTY FUCKED#plus being autistic and just generally struggling with the paperwork and poorly described methods of filling out said paperwork#i have been bounced between all identifying services like a DVD logo. 'if you don't have y we can't give you x'#WHAT'S THE POINT OF THIS STUPID ASS LOOP???!#I ALREADY PAID THE RIDICULOUS AMOUNT TO HAVE MY NAME AND SHIT CHANGED! YOU'RE ALREADY PROCESSING IT AT THE GOVERNMENT#JUST UPDATE ALL MY SHIT IN THE SYSTEM THERE WHILE YOU HAVE IT FUCKING HELL!!!!!!!#MAIL ME THE NEW CERTIFICATE AND A SUMMONS TO WHATEVER PLACE WILL DO PHOTO ID SO THEY CAN JUST TAKE A PHOTO#AND I DON'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS STUPID ASS HASSLE#like. i don't have an extra couple hundred laying around to apply for a passport. and also it's such a waste to apply for one rn#I'm not going to be travelling any time soon but that's the only one where i maaayyyyy be able to squeeze through and get it#BUT IT'LL BE LIKE $500+!!!! I DON'T HAVE THAT AND IT'S A WASTE OF MONEY#AND I CAN'T GET A DRIVERS LICENCE CAUSE I'M NOT SAFE BEHIND THE WHEEL! SO I DON'T WANT AN ID IMPLYING I CAN DRIVE#AND REGARDLESS OF THAT. I CAN'T FUCKING GET A LICENSE ANYWAY CAUSE OF THIS LOOP I'M STUCK IN#SO LIKE!!!!??????#AND EVEN THEN.. THE PROOF OF AGE ID I'M TRYING TO GET ISN'T RECOGNISED AS LEGITIMATE ID IN MOST PLACES#SO LIKE FUCK ME!!!!!!!!#i don't go clubbing or buy alcohol so idgaf but. things like MAKING SURE I'M ENROLLED FOR VOTING DON'T RECOGNISE PROOF OF ARE#EVEN THO PROOF OF AGE IS ONLY OBTAINABLE THROUGH THE FUCKING SAME GOV THAT MAKES SURE I'M ABLE TO VOTE#o don't care about semantics on this this shit is soooo fucking stupid and I'm over it#i just wanted my name and shit to be updated on everything so i can graduate and reenter the work force properly#but i have already been struggling for like 10 months!!!!!#fuck this all to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!#delete later
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