#USS Sapporo
History’s Misadventures
(A starter for @frosthawkfantasy​ where not everything goes as planned when a malfunction happens to Saburo’s suit.) Steve’s photos were the same after the snap, except for one. The USS Colorado, the ship he returned to America on before his final mission to destroy HYDRA, where he fell into the ice. The crew were there but someone new was there. A man that certainly wasn’t there before, standing somewhere in the middle as if not wanting to be seen. The title had been altered as well. “Captain America returns to New York with the crew of the USS Colorado and accompaniment, Satoru Enishi.” The boy in the photograph was unmistakably Saburo, they had the same face, his hair was a little longer but he was still clean-shaven and pretty short, he’d been pushed to the front. Satoru Enishi was an evident alias since it was the name of his first boyfriend back home in Sapporo. Saburo answered the door to his apartment, Clint was also there as Laura and the kids were visiting her parents, he saw Steve and then he noticed the photograph. “I was wondering if that would change too or if you’d notice it. You had better come in.” He stated, an unreadable mixture of emotions in his eyes as he closed the door behind Steve, pouring them ll a cup of hot cocoa. “For you Steve, it’s been 70 years since you were there. For me, only 2 months.” Saburo smiled, remembering it vividly. “That is me in the photograph. I’ll explain, considering it doesn’t make sense.” He adds, starting his story. 23rd April 1942, USS Colorado, Atlantic Ocean. The ocean was unusally calm when the air shimmered and Saburo materialized, during his fight with the 2012 iteration of Steve the co-ordinate programmer had been damaged along with his communications equipment. Finding a newspaper after making sure he wasn’t seen, he saw the date. “I’m in the middle of World War 2...” He gasped, rather shocked. This was an American vessel, if he wasn’t careful they’d think he’s a Japanese Spy and throw him overboard or torture him for information he didn’t have. Removing his suit and hiding it carefully, using it’s cloaking function to prevent discovery since that technology could change the world. Quickly putting on a uniform after finding the smallest one available, he soon blended in after tying his hair up with a rubber band. He could use his telepathy to fake his way, until he recharged and repaired the suit.
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kensho116 · 7 years
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” Muscle Trip ” 本日は晴れていますが肌寒い札幌☀️ 札幌の最高気温は15度です🍂 そんな10月20日(金曜日)もM/Tは元気にいっぱいにっ☺︎ ・ M/Tは毎週火曜日から日曜日(10:00〜19:00)まで元気いっぱいに営業しますので是非お越しくださいっ✨ ・ そんな本日はこちら💁‍♂️ ・ またまた北海道から飛び出して✈️✨ 今回は名古屋へ☺︎ ・ USS名古屋会場へラングラーを引取り〜🚘 ・ そして不在ですが、折角なのでリバティーさんへ〜👍 ・ ○2011 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sahara 4x4 ・ 今週も皆様のご来店や沢山のお問合せを心よりお待ちしております✨ ・ MuscleTripはアメリカを感じれてカッコよくて凄く落ち着く最高の空間ですよっ🇺🇸 ・ アメリカ本国輸入にご興味のあるオーナー様は是非お声を掛けて頂けましたら幸いです✨ ・ M/Tの在庫車両は下記、カーセンサーに記載してますので是非ご覧ください☺︎ ・ Mopar在庫車両 http://www.carsensor.net/shop/hokkaido/309851001/?BKKN=CU6069436046 ・ アメリカ車・ヨーロッパ車・日本車などの在庫車両 http://www.carsensor.net/shop/hokkaido/309851002/ ・ M/Tでは通関渡し・予備検査渡し・車検整備渡しなど、様々な輸入後形態に柔軟に対応致します☺︎ ・ アメリカ本国輸入にご興味のあるオーナー様は是非お声を掛けて頂けましたら幸いです✨ ・ M/Tのショールームは完全屋内保管で天候に左右されず常に綺麗な状態でお車を見て頂けますので是非お越しください☺︎ ・ アメ車や国産車からヨーロッパ車などお車の事で気になることなどが御座いましたらどんな事でも良いのでお問い合わせください☆ ・ ⬇︎こちらもフォローお願いいたします☺︎ ・ Facebook https://m.facebook.com/jack.new ・ Instagram(Muscle Trip account) https://www.instagram.com/kensho_muscletrip/?hl=ja ・ Instagram(Blackflys account) https://www.instagram.com/kensho_blackflys/?hl=ja ・ Instagram(Private account) https://www.instagram.com/kensho_is_life/?hl=ja ・ Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/KensyoOkudaira ・ ameblo http://ameblo.jp/kensho116-blog ・ Tumblr https://kensho116.tumblr.com/post/164311893379/muscle-trip ・ LINE ID → kensho116 本日も沢山のお問合せやご来店を心よりお待ちしております✨ #muscletrip #mt #マッスルトリップ #japan #hokkaido #sapporo #garage #office #mopar #chrysler #dodge #plymouth #chevrolet #ford #prostreet #hemi #musclecars #camaro #roadrunner #charger #classiccars #classicar #mooneyes #model #アメ車 #アメ車女子 #車好き #札幌の車屋さん #ワイスピ #モデル (株式会社MT Muscle Trip(マッスル トリップ))
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