#Top Homeopathy doctor in India
aurahomeopathydr · 21 days
In a country steeped in rich traditions of holistic medicine, homeopathy continues to shine as a beacon of natural healing. For those seeking alternative and sustainable healthcare solutions, finding the right homeopathy doctor is paramount. Look no further than Dr. Abhishek Kasana, a distinguished practitioner renowned for his expertise, compassion, and commitment to patient care.
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avikadoctors54 · 1 year
Best Online Homeopathy Doctors in India | Book online Homeopathy Consultation
Avikadoctors' world-class online homeopathy consultation services are research-based and scientific, and we help you access ethical homeopathic treatment procedures. Online Homeopathic Clinic
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Effective Homeopathic Treatment for Thyroid Problems
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Discover the power of homeopathy in treating thyroid problems with Dr. Deepika's Homeopathy. Our holistic approach targets the root causes of thyroid disorders, providing natural, effective, and personalized treatments. Regain your hormonal balance, boost energy levels, and improve overall health with our expert care. Experience the benefits of a natural solution today!
Visit Us: https://drdeepikashomeopathy.com/service/thyroid-treatment/
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deepikashomeopathy · 3 months
Top Homeopathy Specialist in Noida | Dr Deepika's Homeopathy
Dr. Deepika's Homeopathy in Noida stands out as a leading center for holistic healing, specializing in homeopathic treatments. Renowned for her expertise, Dr. Deepika offers personalized care, effectively addressing a wide range of health issues, including chronic conditions. Her clinic is recognized for its patient-centric approach, blending traditional homeopathic practices with modern medical insights to provide effective and natural solutions.
Visit Us: https://drdeepikashomeopathy.com/
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avikadoctors21 · 1 year
Best Online Homeopathic Doctor in India | Book online Homeopathy Consultation
Best Online Homeopathy Consultation by AvikaDoctors
If you want Online Homeopathy Consultation and cannot reach a doctor immediately, or you are not sure where to ask for a qualified Online Homeopathy Consultation, you can seek our medical help through this online platform of AvikaDoctors Hospitals which is available 24/7 Hours Available Days Simply fill out the form provided and we will reply to some of your questions posted on Dr. Avika's online Platform Please note that we only answer questions related to online Homeopathy Consultation. You can search and browse thousands of answers already posted on the Online Homeopathy Consultation platform.
Using our Homeopathy advice related to Online Homeopathy Consultation service, you can send your questions to AvikaDoctors online platform and the doctors will respond to you within a few hours. It's like you're having an email exchange with your own personal surgeon! As soon as you post your question, a qualified Online Homeopathy Consultant will begin answering it.
Avika doctor's Online Homeopathy Consultation process
Our homeopathy doctor can help you with the treatment and options available to for a variety of health problems and diseases. You can talk to your online homeopathy consultant through Dr. Avika's online platform and this will be the best
The doctor will provide you with all the medical information as you need on Avikadoctor's Online Homeopathy Consultation platform, and guide you to take a course of medicine, and No more sitting in the waiting room for hours to get some basic information from your online homeopathy doctor
AvikaDoctor's online platform gives you the personalized information with online homeopathy treatment you need to decide on the right treatment for you.
We take great pride in our treatment methods and the quality checks we perform on a regular basis to give you the best homoeopathic treatment available online all around clock. For therapy, many of our patient travel from these other states. So start today.
For therapy, many of our patients travel from other states. We Provide online homeopathy consultations, whether it is a new patient or a follow-up. We always like to meet our patients in person, but if you are unable to travel to our office, we can offer online homeopathic treatment.
The chosen course of action is determined by the symptoms. A liquid homeopathic solution is placed in drops over sugars like lactose and allowed to evaporate to create homeopathic tablets. A video consultation over the internet can be scheduled with one of the homeopathy experts indicated below. You may also schedule an in-office consultation with the relevant professionals.
3.  Best Online Homeopathic Doctor in India
Dr.Avika is the Online Homeopathic Doctor in India it follows a professional way to reach the patient at the ease in your environment. Communicating with a doctor online is as good as talking to her personally. Online homeopathy consultation is approx 40mins to 1 hour live chat where you can consult all your health issues. Medications will be shipped directly to your residence. Chronic conditions need full consultation.
How do connect with Avika Online Homeopathic Doctor in India?
First of all, you will log in to our online platform through your mobile or laptop and you can connect with us through the internet. After joining us we will connect you with our consultant so that you can consult about your illness Our consultant will introduce you to the disease and its treatment After your satisfaction, you will make the doctor's fee and medicine payment online. And then we will send you medicine online to your home Online Homeopathy doctor is experienced who provide helps you to recover safely & quickly. The interactive use of online technology through our consultation provides the best of treatment to every corner of the world.
How do work Avika's Online Homeopathic Doctor in India
Online Homeopathic Doctor in India is a professional way to reach patient with ease of your environment. Communicating with a doctor online is as good as talking to her personally.
 Online homeopathy consultation is approx 20mins to 40mins live chat where you can discuss all your health issues. Medicines will be sent directly to your home address. Chronic conditions need full consultation.
Avika is a platform for Online Homeopathic Doctor in India that helps you to recover safely & quickly. Through online technology, our doctors provide the best services not only in India but in every corner of the world.
Avika Provides Best Homeopathy Doctor Services in India that prioritizes your health and welfare. It is a place where good health comes naturally and also helps you to maintain your vitality doctor with training and expertise can use homeopathy to enhance your body's innate ability to cure itself.
Why we choose Avika's Online Homeopathic Doctor in India?
with deep experience in homeopathy.
Patient records are kept using cutting-edge technologies.
The best treatment is being offered by a skilled group of homeopathic specialists.
The children have access to the COR (Child Observation Room) area.
Patients who receive homeopathic treatment experience no adverse effects.
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avikadocter · 2 years
Best Online Homeopathy Doctors in India | Book online Homeopathy Consultation
7 Interesting Facts about Homeopathy
Homeopathy is an integral treatment measure that deals with two standards First, don't hurt; second, endorse in light of the laws of Similars. Thus, by simply taking a miniature portion of a homeopathic substance, you can invigorate your body's regular recuperating instrument.
The Presentation of Homeopathy
This arrangement of medication has been utilized for quite a long time SINCE it was presented by
Avika specialists. His hypothesis assisted him with finding that by consolidating homeopathic fixings, patients saw extraordinary upgrades in their wellbeing and recuperated from persistent disorders.
So rather than going through numerous hours fostering a patient's profile and endorsing a solitary fixing treatment, as found before. Specialists presently embrace homeopathy as a corresponding treatment that includes joining single homeopathic fixings to focus on different organs and treat numerous side effects simultaneously.
The intriguing thing is that homeopathy is protected and powerful, working everything out such that well known that many individuals are going to it as a correlative treatment measure. Some even use it as their essential treatment structure (However we generally inform you actually take exhortation concerning your GP).
Fascinating Realities about Homeopathy
I have chosen to keep it genuine and order a rundown of fascinating realities about Homeopathy. I will attempt to introduce them in an easy to-figure out way.
Absent a lot of ado, look at these intriguing realities about homeopathy:
How homeopathy functions
•             Homeopathy is both a craftsmanship and a science
•             The dad of medication, Hippocrates, said there are two laws of recuperating: The Law of Similars and the Law of Contrary energies. Universal medication works with the law of Contrary energies, e.g antidepressants, hostile to inflammatories, anti-microbials, antihypertensives, and enemies of psychotics.
•             Homeopathy assists the body with mending without anyone else, to help the patient arrive at a more elevated level of wellbeing.
•             Homeopathy is proof based corresponding medication.
•             Homeopathic cures/supplements work by conveying an example of energy through the whole body to enact the body's recuperating system.
•             Homeopathic cures stir and go about as an impetus to set recuperating into movement
•             The homeopathic specialist assists with looking for and treat the reason for an illness to mend the impact.
•             The homeopathic specialist accepts all side effects are firmly interrelated and looks for medication that treats the entire individual and covers the side effects as a whole.
•             The result of homeopathic cures are estimated by the corrective impact and complete recuperating of the sickness state.
 Homeopathic specialists
•             Homeopathic experts in India train for 5 and half years in Physiology and Life structures, as well as Materia Medica, Pathology and Sickness, Homeopathic Repertory, and Homeopathic Way of thinking.
•             The homeopathic local area has a huge number of composed cases noted to show the beneficial outcome of homeopathic cures. A few experts keep video confirmations of their medicines when the entire methodology.
•             Numerous patients search out homeopathic measures on the grounds that universal medicines couldn't help them enough.
•             Homeopaths secure the position very compensating sincerely as it can help many individuals
Homeopathic meds
•             Homeopathic cures/supplements are savvy.
•             There are north of 4,000 homeopathic meds and more accessible for various circumstances.
•             Homeopathic meds are non-habit-forming, and they are alright for babies, youngsters, grown-ups, and ladies during pregnancy,
•             Homeopathic cures are produced using plant, mineral, metal, and so forth. Yet, it is generally one known substance.
•             Homeopathic cures are individualized in light of the fact that each quiet is Special
•             Homeopaths follow hereditary diseases to 6 primary drivers Syphilis, Tuberculosis, Psora (scabies), Gonorrhea, Infection, and Malignant growth.
•             Any cure that has up to a 12c or 24x strength (known as the Avogadro's number) actually has the first particles of the substance
•             Pandemics, for example, typhoid and cholera were dealt with really in the nineteenth century utilizing homeopathy, and it created an extremely high achievement rate.
•             There are huge number of homeopathic articles and books, typically accessible at most expert outlets.
•             Homeopathic meds are made of complicated sugars called lactose. They don't contain glucose, which is destructive to diabetics. In any case, how much sugar in homeopathic cures/supplements consumed north of seven days isn't in excess of a teaspoon.
•             Homeopathic cures can be taken in fluid structure (which isn't sweet)
•             Homeopathic cures are supplementing different prescriptions. Thus protected to take during different medicines.
Logical Investigations
•             The World Wellbeing Association, in 2005, drew out a report that showed homeopathy was gainful and this caused extraordinary frenzy among Huge Pharma and the Lancet drew out a publication named "The Finish of Homeopathy"
•             The Lancet attempted to obliterate homeopathy in 2005, however they were just working with 8 uncertain preliminaries out of 110. Also, 120 positive outcomes are now affirmed. This examination was false.
•             In the beyond 35 years, there have been huge number of controlled and randomized preliminaries in homeopathy. Also, scientists presumed that homeopathy demonstrated definitely more compelling than what could be made sense of by a self-influenced consequence.
•             Homeopathic cures are not tried on creatures.
•             Homeopathic cures are undeniably more powerful on creatures and children than on grown-ups, and this demonstrates that it can't be fake treatment
•             Homeopathy can't be tried utilizing twofold visually impaired randomized preliminaries in light of the fact that each tolerant is one of a kind and medicines are individualized. So assuming 5 individuals have joint inflammation, for instance, they may all need different homeopathic cures.
Last Comment
That's it, 35 fascinating realities about homeopathy. Large number of individuals are now utilizing this integral treatment to work on their wellbeing and prosperity. So work with current realities and don't indiscriminately follow misleading analysis.
You can contact Morkare Normal Center to learn additional intriguing realities about homeopathy.
You can likewise add to the rundown or drop a few notes in the remark segment beneath.
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avikadoctors · 2 years
best homeopathy doctor for online consultation in Jaipur
Are you looking for the best homeopathy doctor for online consultation in Jaipur? There are a lot of clinics and hospitals that claim that they are the best homeopathy Clinic in Jaipur. It will be more difficult to find the right place to get treatment in an online search. Avika Doctors is providing its services from 50+ branches and 300+ experienced doctors for the past 36+ years and cured millions of people with various diseases and extended its services to an online platform so that people who cannot travel due to ill health or old age or in a job which won’t allow them to travel to the branch and wait in a queue for consultation and for buying medication. Avika Doctors is providing online consultation services of its most experiencedhomeopathy doctors in Jaipur and prescribed medication will be delivered to the doorstep after payment. Homeopathy doctors ask the patient to have at least one appointment in physical as Constitutional Homeopathy Treatment is advised based on individual characterization and after analyzing the physical and psychological condition of the patient to give the most suitable homeopathy treatment solutions to cure the root cause of the condition without any side effects.
To avail of our services on freeonline consultation in Jaipur, you just need to follow a few following steps:
Step 1: Visit our website at https://www.avikadoctors.com/
Step 2: Sign up with details on our website and upload your recent medical reports for review by the doctor
Step 3: You will get a meeting with our master homeopathy specialist to examine your ailment
Step 4: During the consultation, an experienced homeopathy doctor in Jaipur will talk to you through the app or video call and ask you various questions regarding your symptoms ailments and told you the treatment and bundle subtleties through the application or email warning
Stage 5: Once the installment is finished, recommended medication is conveyed to your doorstep.
If you want to know more information about us, visit https://www.avikadoctors.com/doctor/consult or write to us at [email protected]
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homoeoamigovj1 · 14 days
Is Homeopathic treatment real or a placebo?
An age-old debate on homeopathic treatment 
Homeopathic treatment is an age-old therapy, and over the years it has received recognition throughout the world. Research identifies that homeopathy enthusiasts are less likely to indulge in traditional pharma medicines.This has come with several years of association and belief and they seldom want to associate themselves with any other treatment. The reason behind this is varied but some of the prominent ones are:-
Very economical
Less chances of side effects
The medication deals with the overall well being of the patients
Very less chances of surgery or any other surgical procedure
But have we ever thought of the fact that homeopathic treatment exists for real or is it a simple placebo effect?
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 Inventor of placebo-effect
Henry K. Beecher was an American researcher and anesthesiologist. He was the first person who introduced us with the very term ‘placebo’, through his published classic work entitled ‘The Powerful Placebo’.Since 1935, he had suggested that placebo effects occurred in around 35% people and that indeed the white globules play a great psychological role to their users. He demanded that, it has been observed  that in homeopathic treatment, patients are given only globules which are devoid of any medicinal value and patients get cured due to their over reliance. But post this era, several other research, surveys and analysis were done, which are in stark contrast to what Henry K. Beecher had stated way back in the late 30’s.
Research and Development
Recent studies in the medical fraternity have stated a completely different picture to what has till now been reinstated.The Global Homeopathic Foundation better known as the GHA has held seminars a few weeks ago in Mumbai. There scientists from Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) in Chembur, IIT-B in Powai and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research had shared their opinion on the debated concept which has attracted the interest of the scientists from Italy, Austria and Brazil. 
Myth busted
One of the most prominent myths,defaming homeopathic treatment, is that since it is highly diluted it doesn't have any medicinal value other than placebo effect. However, Professor Jayesh Bhallare, Head of the Department of Chemistry at IIT-B has claimed that  their research indeed had found that homeopathy has nano micro particles of medicinal molecules. Claims have also been made that the presence of energy particles have been found in homeopathy using laser beams.
Case Study
 Eminent physicians around the world had been working closely on a bleeding disorder called ‘hemophilia’.They had demanded that 500 cases of this kind of patients had been treated through homeotherapy and that the bleeding disorder had been stalled by administering homeopathic treatments. The patients were long undergoing allopathic treatments but the medicines made no changes in their condition.
Celebrities Relying on Homeopathy
When there is a significant section of people debating on the usefulness of homeopathy, celebrities are also not lagging behind.Names as high as Prince Charles and his wife Camila are homeopathy reliants. It is known how the late queen and princess Diana all had homeopathic doctors. The prince and his wife are to be believed to visit the holistic health retreat Soukya in India frequently and seek homeopathic treatment. Additionally soccer star David Beckham, actors-Jennifer Aniston, Jude Law and Paul MCartney all are firm advocates of homeopathic treatments.
Homeopathy in India
While the scenario around the globe is quite promising, India is also not much way behind.Survey suggests that India is one of the core markets, where 62% of the population are advocates of homeopathy. We have several cities in India where homeopathic treatments are in vogue.
Best Homeopathic clinics in Delhi
 Several homeopathic brands are there who are providing holistic treatments and the brand topping the list is Homoeo Amigo. It is a prominent healthcare provider and is providing seamless healing treatments by treating through root cause.They are operational through homeopathic clinics in Delhi,Noida and Kolkata.The best homeopathic doctors in Delhi treat the patients and provide affordable treatment, devoid of any side effects. The brand headed by Mr. Karan Bhargava, aims to become the one stop solution provider to various ailments, by treating the underlying issue.The clinics are of the highest standards with proper hygiene, individual care and commitment for well-being. Experience the highest standard of homeopathic treatment for diseases like-skin, asthma, hair, stress anxiety and many more. To receive the best treatment, consult your nearby Homoeo Amigo clinic today.
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indianhomeo07 · 15 days
top homeopathy doctor in kolkata
Find the Best Homeopathy Doctor in Kolkata for You at Indianhomeo
Looking for a homeopathy doctor in Kolkata? You've come to the right place! Kolkata boasts a vibrant community of homeopathic practitioners, and Indianhomeo is here to help you find the perfect fit for your healthcare needs.
In this post, we'll delve into the world of best homeopathy treatment in Kolkata, explore what to consider when choosing a homeopathic doctor in Kolkata, and introduce you to Indianhomeo's team of highly skilled homeopathy doctors in Kolkata.
Why Choose Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that focuses on stimulating the body's natural healing processes. Homeopathic doctors in Kolkata use natural remedies, often derived from plants and minerals, to address a wide range of health concerns.
Here are some reasons why you might consider homeopathy:
Safe and Gentle: Homeopathic remedies are generally safe and well-tolerated, making them a good option for people of all ages, including pregnant women and children.
Treats the Root Cause: Homeopathy aims to address the underlying cause of illness, not just the symptoms.
Complementary Approach: Homeopathy can be used alongside conventional medicine to provide a more comprehensive approach to healthcare.
Finding the Best Homeopathy Doctor in Kolkata
With so many homeopathy clinics in Kolkata, choosing the right doctor can feel overwhelming. Here are some key factors to consider:
Experience and Qualifications: Look for a homeopathic doctor in Kolkata with extensive experience and qualifications in homeopathy.
Area of Focus: Some homeopaths specialize in particular areas like allergies, skin conditions, or women's health. Consider if there's a specific area you'd like expertise in.
Consultation Style: Find a doctor who listens attentively to your concerns and takes a detailed medical history.
Treatment Philosophy: Discuss the doctor's approach to treatment and ensure it aligns with your expectations.
Indianhomeo: Your Trusted Partner in Homeopathy
At Indianhomeo, we take pride in offering the best homeopathy treatment in Kolkata. Our team of experienced and qualified homeopathy doctors in Kolkata is dedicated to providing personalized, compassionate care.
Here are some of the benefits of choosing Indianhomeo:
Skilled Practitioners: Our doctors are registered with the Central Council of Homeopathy and have a wealth of experience treating various conditions.
Personalized Care: We take the time to understand your unique health concerns and develop a treatment plan tailored to your needs.
Modern Facilities: Our clinics are equipped with modern amenities to ensure a comfortable and convenient experience.
Transparent Communication: We believe in open communication and will keep you informed throughout your treatment journey.
Ready to Find Your Best Homeopathy Doctor in Kolkata?
We invite you to explore Indianhomeo and schedule an appointment with one of our experienced homeopathic doctors in Kolkata. Visit our website or call us today to learn more about how homeopathy can help you achieve optimal health and well-being.
Additionally, Indianhomeo offers a range of services to meet your needs:
Online Consultations: Schedule a convenient online consultation with a homeopathic doctor in Kolkata from the comfort of your home.
Chronic Disease Management: We help manage chronic conditions like allergies, arthritis, and digestive disorders.
Acute Illness Treatment: We also offer treatment for acute illnesses like colds, flu, and injuries.
Don't wait any longer! Take charge of your health and explore the possibilities of homeopathy with Indianhomeo. We're confident you'll find the best homeopathy doctor in Kolkata to guide you on your path to wellness.
Visit: https://www.indianhomeo.com/blog-details/homeopathic-doctor-kolkata 
Call:  +91-9836564515
Add: Indian Homeo 53/1/3, Hazra Road, Kolkata-19, India
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health-homeopathy · 26 days
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Start kidney stone treatment at Dr. Mehta's Standard Homeopathy Clinic.
Avoid surgery and get a medical treatment for renal calculi in AYUSH system of medicine. Homeopathic medicines are very popular for their effectiveness in removing kidney stones.
Consult the top homeopathy doctor for kidney stone treatment in Mumbai, India.
Get best homeopathic treatment for kidney stone of various sizes. Examples: -
Treatment for kidney stone of 3mm
Treatment for kidney stone of 4 mm
Treatment for uric acid stone
Treatment for bladder stone
You will also get an online consultation and treatment from the homeopathic clinic in India.
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aurahomeopathydr · 21 days
In the bustling landscape of Indian healthcare, where traditional wisdom meets modern advancements, Dr. Abhishek Kasana’s Homeopathy Clinic emerges as a beacon of excellence and holistic healing. Renowned as the best homeopathy clinic in India, Dr. Kasana’s establishment embodies a harmonious blend of ancient wisdom, scientific rigor, and compassionate care.
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avikadoctors54 · 1 year
Online Homeopathic Clinic
Best Online Homeopathic Doctor in India | Book online Homeopathy Consultation
Avikadoctors is one of the Best Online Homeopathic Doctor in India to offer world-class online homeopathy consultation services are research-based and scientific.
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Discover the Best Homeopathy Doctor in Noida for Your Health Needs
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Looking for the best homeopathy doctor in Noida? Discover Dr. Deepika's Homeopathy, where personalized care meets expertise. Dr. Deepika specializes in holistic treatment for a variety of health needs, ensuring effective and natural remedies. Experience compassionate care and achieve optimal health with tailored homeopathic solutions. Visit us today!
Visit Us: https://drdeepikashomeopathy.com/
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deepikashomeopathy · 3 months
Discover Wellness with Homeopathic Doctor in Noida
Discover the path to wellness with Dr. Deepika's Homeopathy in Noida, where holistic healing meets personalized care. Experience the transformative power of homeopathic treatments tailored to your unique health needs. Dr. Deepika's expertise in homeopathy offers natural, effective solutions for a wide range of ailments, ensuring a healthier, balanced life. Embrace a new way of living with Dr. Deepika's holistic approach to wellness.
Visit Us: https://drdeepikashomeopathy.com/
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poddar123 · 2 months
Best Futuristic Careers after Graduating with Biology
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Biology is a vast branch focusing on minute details and thus their proper study is essential for studying evolution of life, find cure of diseases and in understanding the life cycle of living creatures including plants and animals.  
As a general perception, Biology students get disappointed if they are not able to become a doctor. Here we would like to throw light on some other good career options in Biology after completing their graduation. 
Healthcare Services
There will always be a requirement for qualified paramedics in the healthcare industry. If one has inclination towards healthcare services then he/she can do Paramedical courses, which are career-oriented courses comprising training for services that assist doctors in making better diagnoses. Pathology, Physiotherapy, First Aid, X-ray, Radiography and other services are good career options. Nursing Staff, Physiotherapists, Radiologists and MRI Technicians are few careers, which are earning best in the paramedical area. 
Alternative Treatment Therapies
Due to increasing side effects and high costs of Allopathic treatment, nowadays people are preferring various alternative therapies for treating some diseases. Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, and many others. The demand of such treatments are increasing day by day. 
Environmental Science is mainly a rapidly emerging branch of Science Biology where students can explore different means to protect the environment at risk with the reliable utility of resources. Hence, individuals can apply for the roles of Environmental Biologists, Environmental Scientists, Environmental Journalists and many more after B.Sc. These roles are prominent in textile industries, fertilizer plants, dying industries, etc. in India and abroad. 
Botanist is a good career option for candidates who have an interest in plant life. They can be absorbed in research, plant analysis and protection of various species of plants. They can be well placed in various fields like Agriculture, Research Institutes, Pharmaceuticals Industry, Educational Institutes, etc. Some Botanists choose to teach future generations of scientists in secondary and post-secondary classrooms. Horticulturalist, Conservation Scientist and Plant Videographers are well paid. 
Biology Teacher
If you want to become a Biology teacher of in a Government School, you have to do B. Ed. course from any recognized institution like Poddar Group of Institutions, and further apply for teaching posts against the advertisement by the government and qualify the written examination and Interview. The package offered to Government teachers, especially in Rajasthan are highly rewarding and have attractive perks and draws many Biology graduates in this field. However, many top class private school teachers are also offered high packages.
Poddar Management and Training Institute offers B.Ed. (Biology) and the best feature of B. Sc. (Biology) course.  Besides, at Poddar International College, many major and minor, Faculty/Student Research Projects are being conducted, which are funded by Department of Science and Technology (DST) and University Grants Commission (UGC).
So students what more can you think of after Graduating in Biology? 
 The author assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this article. The information contained in this article is provided on an ‘as is’ basis with no guarantees of accuracy or relevance. Any similarity with any other published article may just be a coincidence.
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avikadocter · 2 years
Best Online Homeopathy Doctors in India | Book online Homeopathy Consultation
Avikadoctors' world-class online homeopathy consultation services are research-based and scientific, and we help you access ethical homeopathic treatment procedures.
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