#The Big Door Prize
hgedits · 1 month
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The IT Crowd (2006 – 2013) || The Big Door Prize (2023 – )
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mikimeiko · 27 days
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The Big Door Prize | 2x04. Storytellers
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monachopism · 1 year
i need someone to scream abt the big door prize w but the tag is bone dry
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wack-ashimself · 1 month
*Me. Every single day. "Mmm. I wish I wasn't high right now. Or much higher." -the big door prize s2, e1
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mostlyinthemorning · 5 months
Top 7 Watches of 2023
Yesterday I did my top books from the past year, so I thought I'd make today all about the best TV shows I watched this year. Again, in no particular order:
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Season 2 of Good Omens was very much a transitional season (so I think we all agree that it's a really good thing we're getting season 3) but it still had madcap adventures, unrequited longing, and theological mystery. Also, it's really, really queer.
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Speaking of shows that were a wild mix of adventure and irreverent theology, way too may people slept on Mrs. Davis, which I absolutely adored. It starts out as an over-the-top adventure and the next thing you know, you're thinking about the nature of faith and the universe and AI. Highly, highly recommend.
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I held off on watching The Wheel of Time for a long time because I could never get into the books despite loving epic fantasy. However, the show is fabulous - and the female characters particularly shine.
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I love a small town story, especially one with a magical mystery and I really enjoyed The Big Door Prize from Schitt's Creek writer David West Read. The characters really reflect a range of reactions to the revelations of the door prize machine, resulting in a cascading number of secrets that are exposed.
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Going in, I didn't expect to like Shrinking as much as I did, but it really finds the perfect line between funny and emotional. Harrison Ford is clearly having the time of his life playing the grumpy mentor and the supporting cast provides the perfect backdrop for Jason Segal's character's bad decision-making.
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This show. The second it was over I was desperate for more. Imagine a classic British murder mystery, expect that it's set in Australia. And there are lesbians. So many lesbians. Deadloch is both laugh-out loud funny and the twistiest murder mystery I've watched. Every guess I made was wrong and yet the final solution was absolutely perfect. The two leads are a classic oil and water pairing who eventually figure out how to work together with so much heart and emotional depth. It's wonderful all the way around.
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So, there's this dysfunctional family who owns a rundown motel in the middle of nowhere in rural Canada...no, I'm not talking about Schitt's Creek (for once). Moonshine is a Canadian show about five siblings who take over the family vacation resort and have to work together to save it. There are criminal shenangians and hot bikers and a lot of growth and found family vibes.
Honourable Mention:
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What did you watch this year?
Tagging @missgeevious @carolrain @blackandwhiteandrose @noahreids @likerealpeopledo-on-ao3 @weathereyehorizon @obsessedwithdavrick @stereopticons @rmd-writes @chelle-68 and anyone else who would like to share what they watched in 2023.
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tvtalk247 · 1 year
I just watched the first episode of The Big Door Prize. And man…… the moment Dusty’s reads the blue card it felt it like it happened to me. I’m at a crossroads in my life and I would love for a machine to tell me what I should be doing right about now. But just my luck, I would get a result like Dusty. Lol
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theartofcostume · 1 year
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“We got to create a formula for how they would engage with the Morpho, their life potential, and where it took them. That was a really fun way to explore each character. All of the characters evolve in different ways at different times.”
Costume Designer, Colin Wilkes - The Big Door Prize
Interview Link - The Art of Costume
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whats-9plus10 · 1 year
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Most convincing Appe TV add
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evanium · 1 year
Is anyone else watching The Big Door Prize ?? What kind of town is this!! Talk to your spouse!! Don’t give away your SSN!?
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mikimeiko · 1 year
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The Big Door Prize | Season 1 (2023), David West Read
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selenakaiba · 1 year
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wack-ashimself · 1 year
If you want to truly think about the meaning of life, watch the big door prize.
I just got to say the show 'the big door prize' (based off a book, of course) plays a simple, yet thoroughly deep, concept: What if a machine could tell your POSSIBLE life's potential? They're vague or abstract (usually), open to interpretation but....it gets so deep with only 3 concepts:
1-it tells you your deepest desires (your dreams or unfulfilled passions, some even unknown to you.)
2-it tells you your deepest fears (your worst traits/actions coming to fruition.)
3-it tells you exactly who you are right now (which is the double edged sword! Did you reach your highest potential, and you can be happy, or, did you plateau, and have no where to go? There is no up for you; you're at the top.)
It's a fucking genius philosophical show.
They even tease 'what if the machine told abe lincoln to be a candy maker? Then the slaves wouldn't be free.' To which the students say 'He wouldn't be dead.' and 'He said if things went his way, all slaves would be deported.'
It makes you fucking think....seriously....
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tvtalk247 · 1 year
I’m on episode 2.
And wait - this random machine in a grocery store asks these people for their social security number and they didn’t even question it. Like whatt!?! Lol. I’ve skipped legit things from my own bank because I was suspicious. I can’t imagine trusting some random machine.
Edit: so episode 3 reveals that the machine appeared out of nowhere. So that only again baffles me on why people would put their personal info in that random machine.
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socialtomcat · 2 days
why has no one made gifs for this show omg. MY OLD WOMAN YURI. MY SWEET CHILDREN. MY BEAUTIFUL GIANT GLOWING BLUE MAGIC MACHINE WIFE am i gonna have to learn how to make gifs now please dont say this i do not have the free time or storage space to be receiving this information
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dreameaterdiesel · 9 days
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Sketch study of Giorgio from The Big Door Prize, by Tealix.
We love so many of the characters from the show, but Giorgio stands out with his persevering mindset and optimism. He’s had a lot of growth in season two.
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normalligator · 20 days
i love when a show makes a convoluted deez nuts joke.
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