#TON - Telegram Open Network
coinatory · 13 days
Telegram's Mini Apps Propel TON TVL Beyond $300M
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Telegram's endorsement of blockchain initiatives has spurred significant migration to The Open Network (TON), substantially increasing user engagement and nearly doubling the on-chain Total Value Locked (TVL) in just two months. According to DefiLlama, users have deposited over $319 million into the Telegram-backed decentralized network, The Open Network (TON). Activity surged in late February, and TVL has almost doubled since early April. TON's ecosystem has seen rapid expansion recently, with Telegram introducing more crypto-related features. Various on-chain protocols are now building on the Telegram-affiliated blockchain, including derivatives projects, exchanges, lending platforms, liquid staking providers, gaming initiatives, and privacy solutions. Telegram Fuels TON's Rapid Growth A significant driver behind TON's
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empresa-journal · 1 year
Can The Open Network (TON) succeed where Telegram failed?
Strangely, Telegram’s efforts to build a cryptocurrency linked to the popular social media network continue without Telegram itself.   To explain, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov shut down its cryptocurrency experiment Telegram Open Network (TON) in 2020 after a conflict with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Notably, the SEC ordered Telegram to stop selling the Gram cryptocurrency in…
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mariacallous · 4 months
(JTA) — As we mark the grim second anniversary of the Ukraine conflict this Shabbat, I’m reminded of a haunting melody I heard in the city of Poltava last month.
I was standing before Sonia Bunina, a plucky 17-year-old, when she opened her mouth to sing when an air raid siren rang out.
I flinched. Not Sonia — she didn’t miss a beat.
“Kol haolam kulo gesher t’zar meod, veha’ikar lo lifached k’lal,” she belted out before seeking shelter. “The whole world is a very narrow bridge, and the most important thing is to have no fear at all.”
Sonia, like so many Jews I know in Ukraine, is many things — determined, grieving, focused — but she’s certainly not cowering.
As she sang those words by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov — the Ukrainian Jewish sage whose followers continue to come by the tens of thousands to his grave in Uman annually — she embodied the prayer’s indomitable spirit.
Sonia and I met outside Poltava’s Hesed, part of the network of Jewish humanitarian hubs founded by my organization — the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, or JDC — more than three decades ago. Today they’re a lifeline to tens of thousands of Jews facing loss and strife. Since she was a toddler, Sonia has been attending activities at Hesed — her mother coordinates cultural programs for the elderly, and she connects teen volunteers like herself with isolated seniors, a critical source of comfort these last two years.
These days, traveling to Ukraine feels like a pilgrimage — there’s a pull in my soul to visit family near Lviv, to bear witness to Ukrainian Jewish resilience, and to be inspired by the clarity of purpose that is so palpable there. Since my first trip in 2011, I’ve been eight times. Last year, I wrote about how a year of crisis had transformed the ordinary into the sacred in Ukraine. Now, visiting feels even more essential with the worsening humanitarian situation.
Ukrainian Jews aren’t blasé about these challenges — far from it. Just take the delicate ballet of emotions on their faces when checking their phones during an air alert — contacting loved ones, scrolling through photos of devastation, and analyzing Telegram chats speculating on a given rocket’s make and trajectory.
But life goes on — there’s work to do — and though they’ve lost so much, they refuse to give any more away.
Showing up for each other, whatever it takes, is now baked into their very essence as Jews, and in Ukraine, there are tens of thousands to serve — hungry old women and displaced young families, disabled Holocaust survivors and stunned middle-aged professionals, shocked to now need help when they were once donors and volunteers.
They act fearlessly to ensure their communities make it through this crisis, body and soul intact. Can we expect anything less than boundless creativity from the people who birthed Sholem Aleichem and the Baal Shem Tov?
“These bombings, all these things that are killing people, destroying houses, leaving children homeless … it’s very scary,” Galina Limarenko, an 82-year-old retired nurse, told me in her small bedroom in Berezivka, taking note of the warm blanket, firewood, and other winter supplies my colleagues provided. “Thank God for the Jewish community, which never gives up and always shares even their very last piece of bread.”
I saw that irrepressible spirit again at our Beit Dan JCC in battered Kharkiv — a shapeshifting wellspring of strength just a few dozen kilometers from the eastern border. Shortly after Feb. 24, 2022, the center became a staging ground for truckloads of emergency aid — part of the 800 tons of humanitarian assistance we’ve delivered so far.
A few blocks from missile strikes, it now hosts children’s camps and soulful Shabbat services and operates a “kids hub,” offering academic enrichment to children who haven’t had in-person school for years — robbed of normal childhood by the pandemic and now the ongoing crisis.
And amidst blizzards and blackouts, Beit Dan has also become a “warm hub,” a safe place for beleaguered Jewish Kharkivites to charge their devices and obtain a hot drink and warm meal.
“If you share in our pain, and provide support where it’s needed, I’m forever grateful,” said Nika Simonova, Beit Dan’s program director. “The ability to remain human is the main thing. Done right, I believe that can save the world.”
That’s why we at JDC, aided by a coalition of partners including the Jewish Federations, Claims Conference, and International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, deployed a historic response to this conflict and remain committed to the Jewish future here.
We’re focused on ongoing humanitarian support for more than 41,000 Ukrainian Jews, expanding trauma relief, closing children’s educational gaps, and getting unemployed Jewish community members, among millions of Ukrainians plunged into poverty, back to work.
There is no doubt that the Jewish world is now responding to crises on multiple fronts, including this one, but we have been here so many times before. We must draw strength from our history and from the sure knowledge that this is what we’re built for. Our compassion and commitment, when leveraged with that timeless sense of mutual Jewish responsibility, means we can tackle the challenges we face — and come out on the other side even stronger.
As I walked through Lviv on my last day in Ukraine, I asked my cousin Anna Saprun, a 25-year-old business analyst, how this period has changed her.
“I hate what’s brought me here, but I love who I’ve become,” she said with a fierce and feisty smile. “Nothing scares me anymore. I feel powerful.”
Two years after the conflict began, Ukraine’s Jews are inspired anew each day, resolute in the sure knowledge that they know exactly who they’re working for — each other.
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TON (The Open Network): What You Need To Know
This post provides an in-depth review of TON (The Open Network), covering its objective, ecosystem and potential. TON has garnered significant attention from developers and investors due to its rapid growth in a short time. Originally developed by Telegram, the TON network boasts a high transaction processing speed (over 100k TPS) and leverages Telegram’s massive user base. Additionally, the…
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pishopping · 25 days
top 10 oldest and most widely used coins
The cryptocurrency world is constantly changing, every second, every minute, with the ups and downs of various coins always happening unexpectedly. Over the past 10 years of cryptocurrencies, many new types of coins have emerged to serve various purposes.
The market sees hundreds of thousands of meme coins being created. However, surviving in this fierce market is not easy.
Today, we will present the top 10 oldest and most widely used coins, which the crypto community uses and invests in the most.
Top Oldest and Most Used Coins
10, Cardano (ADA)
Cardano is a coin that uses a public blockchain platform, as well as a source code and is decentralized, agreed upon by the community using proof of stake.
Cardano is a coin that can facilitate peer-to-peer transactions with its internal cryptocurrency. The current value at the time of writing is $0.4578.
Development and Formation History
Development of Cardano began in 2015 and was led by Ethereum co-founder Charles Hoskinson. The project is overseen and monitored by the Cardano Foundation in Zug, Switzerland. When it was launched in early 2017, it was the largest cryptocurrency and used blockchain proof of stake, considered the best and greener alternative to proof of work protocols.
9, Toncoin (TON)
What is The Open Network?
TONcoin, also known as The Open Network (TON), is a Layer 1 blockchain platform powered by the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism to improve user experience by processing transactions quickly and with extremely low fees. TONcoin was launched in early 2018 by the Telegram messaging app development programming team with the goal of mass adoption for all users to easily access and use digital currency.
And of course, the current value at the time of writing is $5.48.
History of The Open Network – Toncoin (TON) In 2018, the Telegram Open Network, the parent company of The Open Network, launched a project whitepaper with the GRAM token. Initially, Telegram raised funds for the project through ICOs and raised a whopping $1.7 billion. From there, the Telegram Open Network quickly became known to the crypto community, being the fastest-growing project among many cryptocurrency projects.
Next, in March 2020, the Telegram Open Network began preparations for the next ICO. However, they unexpectedly received a ban order from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). And then they sold the entire project to The Open Network.
8, Dogecoin
As you know, Dogecoin is the darling of Elon Musk. Created by former IBM engineer Billy Markus in Portland, Oregon, it was created as an experimental coin, caught the attention of billionaire Elon Musk, and its price has risen rapidly. However, after nearly 8 years, the price of Dogecoin has never reached $1. And its current value at the time of writing is $0.1387.
7, XRP
If you are a crypto enthusiast, you surely cannot miss XRP. It is the third-largest cryptocurrency in the world by market capitalization, created by Ripple Labs.
USD Coin (USDC) is a stablecoin that is probably not unfamiliar to many investors in the crypto world, with the second-largest market capitalization in the world after USDT in the stablecoin segment.
According to you, what is USD Coin (USDC)? USDC is a type of digital asset, a stablecoin centered around a 1:1 Fiat-backed Stablecoin, specifically backed by USD. Each USD coin in circulation and traded on the market can be converted to $1 in traditional US dollars or equivalent assets such as short-term U.S. Treasury bonds managed by Circle – the company issuing USDC.
5, Solana (SOL)
As you know, in the world of cryptocurrencies, there are many ecosystems or wallets that store coins belonging to those ecosystems.
Solana (SOL) is also a separate ecosystem and was launched in 2020 by Solana Labs. The Solana (SOL) blockchain has experienced many disruptions due to hacker attacks. In 2021, Solana was hacked for an amount of up to $65 million. The market downturn caused the coin to plummet. However, from 2023 until now, it has seen remarkable growth. The SOL community is very large, and its current value is $141.35 USD.
4, BNB
The current price of BNB is also quite high at $578.7. If you are considering investing, this coin is worth noting.
3, Tether USDT
Tether USDT is a digital currency pegged to the US dollar, and its market capitalization is probably at the top due to its widespread conversion with other coins.
2, Ethereum ETH
This coin stands only behind the king coin and has been around for a long time, experiencing many market fluctuations. While the halving cycles of other coins have seen significant declines, Ethereum has remained virtually stable. There have been times of decline, but not significant. Ethereum (ETH) is a decentralized, public computing application platform, an open-source based on Blockchain technology. It features and uses smart contracts (scripts), facilitating online contract agreements and transactions. This platform includes many fully Turing-complete virtual machines – Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which can execute various scripts using an Ethereum computer network. Ethereum also provides and supplies a cryptocurrency called “Ether,” which can be transferred between different accounts and used for rewards and fees for miners to help with computations. “Gas fees” are an internal smart transaction fee mechanism used to minimize spam transactions and allocate resources on the network.
Ethereum (ETH) was proposed and launched in late 2013 by Vitalik Buterin, a disciple of Dr. Nicolas, the creator of Pi Network, a cryptocurrency researcher, and programmer. The development of Ethereum was initially funded and sponsored through crowdfunding during July and August 2014. The system was officially launched on July 30, 2015, with 11.9 million pre-mined ethers sold back to the sponsors. This amount accounted for about 13% of the total circulating ether.
1, The first position is Bitcoin (BTC)
BTC was officially released in 2008, distributed freely, marking the beginning of the emergence of other cryptocurrencies, also based on blockchain technology. However, Bitcoin mining requires powerful computer configurations and enormous energy sources. Over 10 years since its launch, BTC has become the number one cryptocurrency in the market. Like other cryptocurrencies, its initial value was virtually negligible. However, its current value is very high, at over $61,000 USD. If you intend to invest, you need to carefully consider and have a huge capital. Above is a compilation of the top 10 coins to watch. If you want to invest for profit, consider investing in 8 out of these 10 coins. Wish you success. Visit our Pi shopping mall for more useful information.
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market-news-24 · 25 days
In a groundbreaking move, users can now stake BNB and FDUSD to farm $NOT tokens. This innovative method allows individuals to earn rewards by participating in decentralized finance. Join the trend and start farming $NOT tokens today! Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Notcoin, a popular Telegram game, has attracted millions of users to the world of Web3. The game's simple gameplay has resonated with users, resulting in a peak of six million daily active players and a total player base of 35 million. Players earn in-game currency by tapping on a gold coin within the Telegram app, with energy levels that deplete and refill over time. By inviting friends to join the game, players can enhance their experience and potentially increase their earnings. Notcoin also features a global leaderboard where players can see how they rank against others worldwide. To boost their earnings, players can utilize various boosts and power-ups, including daily refreshable boosts and permanent boosts purchasable with Notcoin tokens. Cosmetic upgrades are also available for players to personalize their gaming experience. The upcoming launch of the $NOT token, listed on The Open Network (TON), has generated excitement within the Notcoin community. The token distribution model ensures a fair distribution to players who earn Notcoin through gameplay, avoiding the creation of early whales often seen in other crypto projects. Community participation is encouraged in Notcoin, with opportunities to earn $NOT by exploring Web3 products and contributing value to the ecosystem. Binance has announced the listing of $NOT, allowing users to stake BNB and FDUSD to farm Notcoin tokens. Participants can stake their BNB and FDUSD in separate pools to farm $NOT tokens over a three-day period. Additionally, Binance offers a Megadrop concept where loyal BNB stakers can receive tokens from future projects listed on Binance Launchpool by staking BNB for extended periods. By participating in the Megadrop, users can increase their chances of receiving airdrops and maximizing their rewards. The $NOT token's potential is significant, with predictions of listing ATH prices and Market cap ranges as the ecosystem develops. The future of Notcoin looks promising, with plans to introduce new gameplay mechanics and features after the token launch. Open Builders, the creators of Notcoin, aim to enhance the game with additional features to create a more user-friendly interface. Community involvement and ecosystem growth are key priorities for Notcoin, emphasizing a vibrant and sustainable ecosystem for users. Overall, Notcoin's innovative nature, fair distribution model, and large user base provide a strong foundation for future growth and success. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. What is Stake BNB and FDUSD to Farm $NOT tokens? You can stake your BNB and FDUSD tokens to earn $NOT tokens through a farming process. 2. How do I stake my BNB and FDUSD tokens? You can stake your BNB and FDUSD tokens by following the instructions on the farming platform.
Make sure you have the required tokens in your wallet before staking. 3. Can I unstake my tokens at any time? Yes, you can unstake your tokens at any time, but there may be a waiting period or penalty for early unstaking. Check the farming platform for specific details. 4. How do I earn $NOT tokens from staking BNB and FDUSD? By staking your BNB and FDUSD tokens, you are providing liquidity to the farming platform, and in return, you earn $NOT tokens as a reward for your contribution. 5. Is staking BNB and FDUSD to farm $NOT tokens safe? As with any investment or staking activity, there are risks involved. Make sure to do your own research and only invest what you can afford to lose. Always be cautious when participating in farming activities. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
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lag331962 · 27 days
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rjqnrrla · 27 days
암호화폐의 가변성과 SEC의 최근 움직임
지난 몇 주 동안 우리는 기관의 규제 태세에 대한 의미 있는 통찰력을 제공하는 암호화폐와 관련된 SEC의 여러 조치를 확인했습니다 . 지난주 SEC는 텔레그램(Telegram Open Network, "TON"의 창시자)이 이전 투자 계약 구매자에게 약속한 토큰("Grams"라고 함) 배포를 금지하는 소송을 제기했습니다.
그 전 주에 SEC는 두 암호화폐 회사인 Block.one(EOS의 EOS 블록체인 제작자의 기반이 된 EOSIO 소프트웨어 제작자)과 Nebulous(SiaFunds 및 SiaCoins 제작자)와 합의 계약을 체결했습니다. Block.one과 Nebulous는 각각 해당 증권을 등록하지 않거나 등록 면제에 의존하지 않고 자본을 조달함으로써 미국 증권법을 위반했음을 인정했습니다. Block.one은 SEC로부터 2,400만 달러의 벌금을 부과 받았습니다(공모 금액 40억 달러의 1% 미만). Nebulous는 모금액의 두 배인 225,000달러의 벌금을 물었습니다. 텔레그램 조치는 합의가 아니라 텔레그램이 SEC가 "증권"으로 간주한 것을 배포하는 것을 방지하기 위한 SEC의 조치였습니다.
SEC 금지 명령이나 집행 조치의 잘못된 편에 있는 것은 축하할 일이 아닙니다. 하지만 이 경우에는 적어도 긍정적인 면이 있을 수 있습니다. 이러한 위반의 심각성에도 불구하고 이러한 조치는 보다 일반적으로 암호화폐 프로젝트에 대한 규제 환경을 매우 드러냅니다.
하지만 먼저 간단히 요약해 보겠습니다.
우리는 이전에 이에 대해 글을 썼지 만 암호화폐에 대한 주요 규제 질문은 암호화폐 토큰이 Howey 테스트에서 유가증권인지 여부였으며 토큰의 수명주기를 기반으로 토큰의 특성화에 대해 생각하기 위한 프레임워크를 제안했습니다 . 네트워크 이전 단계에서 토큰 후원자는 네트워크 개발 자금을 조달하기 위해 자본을 조달할 수 있습니다. 이것이 바로 Telegram, Block.one 및 Nebulous가 수행한 작업입니다. 구매자에게 사전 네트워크 토큰을 판매했으며 그 수익금은 Telegram이 TON을 구축할 수 있도록 허용하고 Nebulous는 파일 공유 서비스를 위한 최고의 암호화 네트워크를 구축하고 Block.one은 지분 증명 프로토콜에 필요한 완전 분산형 네트워크 기반을 구축합니다.
SEC가 Block.one 및 Nebulous에 대한 결제 주문에서 발견한 바와 같이, 이러한 사전 네트워크 토큰 판매는 실제로 유가 증권 판매였습니다. 구매자는 이익을 기대하여 돈을 투자했으며, 그 기대는 Block.one 및 Nebulous에 의존했습니다. 실제로 네트워크를 구축하고 출시하기 위한 "다른 사람들"의 공동 노력.
이는 SEC의 놀라운 발견은 아니지만 오히려 다른 집행 조치와 일치하는 것입니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 해당 분야의 기업과 실무자에게 이러한 합의 명령은 네트워크 이전 자본 조달에 Howey를 적용하는 것을 강조합니다. 이 단계에서 자본 조달 노력은 증권법 등록 요건을 준수하거나 증권법 면제 대상이 되어야 합니다.
중요한 점은 Telegram 서비스와는 다르게 Block.one과 Nebulous가 승인되지 않은 투자자로부터 자금을 조달했다는 것입니다(이 투자자들은 돈이 많지 않기 때문에 "정교하지 않은" 것으로 간주됩니다). 미등록 증권을 미공인 대상으로 판매하는 것은 일반적으로 미국에서 불법입니다(JOBS법 이후 크라우드소싱 규칙에 따른 일부 사소한 예외 제외). 따라서 SEC의 조사 결과.
그러나 텔레그램의 경우 텔레그램은 증권법 면제를 통해 '정교한' 투자자에게 판매했습니다. 따라서 이 사건에서 SEC가 쟁점은 이들 투자자에 대한 초기 투자 계약 판매가 허용되는지 여부(Block.one 및 Nebulous 사례와는 달리)가 아니라 오히려 텔레그램이 이들 구매자에게 계획한 그램 배포가 허용되는지 여부였습니다. .
그리고 SEC의 조치는 SEC가 실제로 한 일이 아니라 SEC가 하지 않은 일에 대해 흥미로운 통찰력을 제공합니다!
해당 기관은 Block.one이나 Nebulous와 관련된 암호화폐 네트워크를 종료하도록 요구하지 않았습니다. 즉, SEC는 증권법을 위반하여 진행한 모금 활동에 대해 각 기관에 벌금을 부과했지만 각 네트워크의 현재 운영이 증권법을 위반했다고 결론을 내리지는 않았습니다. 실제로 SEC는 EOS 메인넷의 출시를 Block.one의 ERC-20 토큰 판매와는 별개로 보고 EOS 메인넷의 탈중앙화 및 분산 구조에 대한 증거를 제공하고 SEC의 탈중앙화에 대한 초점과 일치한다고 간주했을 가능성이 있습니다. 그리고 Nebulous 면제 편지에는 시아코인의 활동 및 사용 수준이 명시되어 있습니다.
이것이 왜 중요합니까?
2018년 6월 SEC 기업 재무 이사 Hinman은 Howey를 암호화폐 네트워크에 적용하는 것에 대한 자신의 견해를 설명했습니다 . 그는 토큰이 어떤 상황에서는 증권이 될 수 있지만 다른 상황에서는 비증권으로 바뀔 수 있다는 "변동성" 개념을 도입했습니다 . 위에서 언급한 바와 같이, 네트워크 이전 단계에서 토큰은 일반적으로 Howey 테스트 의 "타인의 노력에 대한 의존" 측면에서 유가 증권으로 특성화됩니다 . 그러나 네트워크 출시 후(네트워크가 충분히 분산되어 있는 경우) 토큰 보유자가 더 이상 다른 사람의 노력에 의존하지 않기 때문에 토큰의 성격이 보안에서 비보안으로 바뀔 수 있습니다(예: , 원래 토큰을 출시했을 수 있는 회사). 오히려, 토큰의 성공 또는 실패는 분산된 커뮤니티와 중앙 집중화되고 조정된 기업에 의해 결정되는 토큰의 가치에 달려 있습니다.
이 연설은 1년이 넘었지만 업계의 많은 사람들은 연설의 입증 가치를 어떻게 생각해야 할지 몰랐습니다. 이것은 단순히 Hinman이 제공한 프레임워크였는지 아니면 변경 가능한 토큰에 직면했을 때 SEC가 취할 입장을 반영한 것이었습니까? ?
물론 우리는 SEC가 비트코인과 이더리움을 증권이 아닐 정도로 충분히 분산된 것으로 간주했다는 것을 이미 알고 있었지만, SEC는 이더리움과 관련된 가변성 문제에 대해 공식적으로 의견을 낸 적이 없습니다. 수년 전에 이더리움이 했던 원래 자본 조달 노력과 관련된 집행 조치가 없었기 때문에 우리는 이더리움이 한때 증권이었지만 더 이상 증권이 아니었는지에 대해 SEC로부터 공식적인 견해를 갖지 않았습니다.
Block.one과 Nebulous 정착촌은 이제 그 중요한 질문에 대해 어느 정도 밝혀졌습니다.
SEC는 Block.one의 ERC-20 토큰(SEC 명령의 대상이 되는 공모에서 판매되는 토큰)과 Siafunds를 "증권"으로 판단했지만, 두 경우 모두 SEC의 조치는 EOS나 Siacoin을 다루지 않았습니다. SEC가 EOS와 시아코인이 여전히 “증권”이라고 판단했다면, 우리는 SEC가 스폰서들이 각자의 토큰 거래를 중단하고 중단하도록 강요하는 것을 보았을 것입니다. 결국, 증권은 등록된 거래소나 증권법 면제를 통하지 않고는 거래될 수 없으며, 이는 EOS 및 Siacoins 상황에서는 존재하지 않습니다. 대신 SEC는 스폰서의 네트워크 이전 자본 조달 활동에 대해 벌금을 부과했지만 관련 네트워크의 운영을 계속하도록 허용했습니다. 따라서 가변성의 ���념은 SEC에서 어느 정도 기초를 갖고 있을 수 있습니다.
물론 합의는 매우 구체적이며 다른 후원자에게 반드시 우선적인 가치를 제공하지는 않는다는 점을 인식하는 것이 중요합니다.
실제로, 우리는 Block.one 합의를 통해 SEC의 결정이 Block.one이 규정 준수 및 규제 문제가 일류 시민이 되도록 하기 위해 자본금 인상 후 취한 상당한 노력에 의해 결정되었을 가능성이 높다는 것을 알고 있습니다. Block.one은 또한 미국 구매자를 제안에서 제외하기 위해 특별한 노력을 기울였습니다. SEC는 이를 호의적으로 보았을 수도 있습니다. 우리는 또한 돈을 모은 원래 구매자가 ERC-20 토큰을 받았지만 그러한 토큰은 사실상 폐기되었으며 구매자는 나중에 별도의 EOS 토큰을 받았다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 따라서 원래 ERC-20 토큰(유가증권)이 EOS 토큰(현재는 비증권으로 간주됨)으로 변환되는 것은 기술적으로 사실이 아닙니다.
또한, SEC가 현재 EOS 토큰 거래를 중단하지 않았다고 해서 자동으로 EOS 토큰을 증권으로 간주하지 않는 것은 아닙니다. 오히려 대부분의 행정 기관과 마찬가지로 SEC의 규제 권한에 따라 거래 상대방과의 협상을 통해 조치를 취하거나 해당 거래 상대방을 법원에 데려가 판사가 거래 상대방을 제재하도록 설득할 수 있는지 확인하는 방식으로 행동할 수 있습니다 . SEC는 이것이 법원에 가는 데 드는 비용, 시간, 변덕을 피하면서 가장 편리한 방법으로 달성할 수 있는 최선의 합의라고 판단했을 가능성이 있습니다.
중요한 점은 텔레그램에 대한 SEC의 금지명령 구제 조치가 위의 두 가지 합의 조치에 대한 해석과도 일치한다는 것입니다. 앞서 언급했듯이 원래 자본 조달 과정의 성격에 관해 SEC나 Telegram 사이에는 논쟁이 없습니다. 텔레그램은 정교한 투자자들에게 투자 계약을 판매하여 그들이 해당 제안의 수익금을 TON 구축에 사용할 수 있도록 했습니다. 그러나 10월 31일 현재 텔레그램은 이들 구매자에게 그램을 배포할 계획이었습니다. 이제 문제는 원래 투자 계약( Howey 의 증권 )이 TON의 운영 상태 특성에 따라 증권에서 다른 것으로 변경되었는지 여부가 되었습니다.
금지 명령을 뒷받침하기 위해 SEC는 TON/Grams에 대한 몇 가지 중요한 사실을 지적했습니다. (i) TON 재단은 운영되는 동안 Telegram 창립자들에 의해 통제되므로 암호화폐 용어로 "분산"되지 않습니다. 텔레그램 및 (ii) TON 자체는 실제로 작동하지 않습니다(따라서 암호화폐 용어로 "기능하는 네트워크"가 없습니다). (iii) 구매자가 구매하는 일부 그램의 재판매를 제한하는 일부 잠금 조항이 있지만 구매자가 TON의 기능과 같은 투자 외 기능에 활용하는 대신 잠재적 이익을 위해 그램을 판매할 수 있도록 네트워크에 유틸리티가 없습니다.
본질적으로 SEC는 가변성을 뒷받침할 충분한 조건이 없다고 주장합니다(이것은 내 말이지 그들의 말이 아닙니다). 우리에게는 여전히 이익 대 유용성에 대한 일차적 기대(또는 적어도 동기 부여)를 갖고 다른 사람들의 공동 노력(TON이 기능적이거나 분산되어 있지 않기 때문에)에 계속 의존하는 구매자가 있습니다.
SEC의 금지명령 구제 신청에 따르면, 그램스 보유자 중 일부가 투자 목적으로 보유 자산(10월 31일 이후)을 판매할 수 있다는 사실이 주요 관심사였던 것으로 보입니다. SEC의 애플리케이션 에서 : “일단 그램이 공개 시장에 도달하면 많은 구매자의 신원이 비밀로 가려지고 플랫폼을 포함하여 그램이 판매될 수 있는 규제되지 않은 다양한 시장을 고려할 때 오퍼링을 해제하는 것은 사실상 불가능합니다. 거래를 마스킹하는 익명성과 암호화 기능을 약속합니다.” SEC가 명시적으로 언급하지는 않았지만, 이 진술은 그램 보유자가 참여할 수 있는 네트워크가 제대로 작동했다면 SEC가 그램 배포에 대해 어떻게 느꼈을지에 대한 의문을 제기합니다.
따라서 이러한 모든 점을 고려할 때 이러한 SEC 조치는 암호화폐 네트워크가 운영되는 규제 프레임워크 측면에서 무엇을 제공합니까?
찻잎을 읽는 것이 결코 완벽하지는 않지만, 여기서 SEC의 조치는 암호화폐 네트워크 제공업체에 추가적인 명확성을 제공하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
여기에 표현된 견해는 인용된 개별 AH Capital Management, LLC(“a16z”) 직원의 견해이며 a16z 또는 그 계열사의 견해가 아닙니다. 여기에 포함된 특정 정보는 a16z가 관리하는 펀드의 포트폴리오 회사를 포함한 제3자 소스에서 얻은 것입니다. a16z는 신뢰할 수 있는 출처에서 가져온 정보이지만, 해당 정보를 독립적으로 검증하지 않았으며 정보의 지속적인 정확성이나 특정 상황에 대한 적합성에 대해 어떠한 진술도 하지 않습니다.
이 콘텐츠는 정보 제공의 목적으로만 제공되며 법률, 비즈니스, 투자 또는 세금 관련 조언으로 의존해서는 안 됩니다. 그러한 문제에 대해서는 자신의 조언자와 상담해야 합니다. 증권이나 디지털 자산에 대한 언급은 설명 목적으로만 제시된 것이며 투자 추천이나 투자 자문 서비스 제공을 제안하는 것이 아닙니다. 또한, 이 내용은 투자자나 잠재 투자자를 대상으로 하거나 사용하려는 의도가 없으며, a16z가 관리하는 펀드에 대한 투자 결정을 내릴 때 어떤 상황에서도 의존할 수 없습니다. (a16z 펀드에 대한 투자 제안은 해당 펀드의 사모 각서, 청약 계약서 및 기타 관련 문서를 통해서만 이루어지며 전체 내용을 읽어야 합니다.) 언급되거나 언급되거나 언급된 모든 투자 또는 포트폴리오 회사 설명된 내용은 a16z가 관리하는 차량에 대한 모든 투자를 대표하지 않으며 해당 투자가 수익성이 있을 것이라는 보장이나 향후 다른 투자가 유사한 특성이나 결과를 가질 것이라는 보장은 없습니다. Andreessen Horowitz가 관리하는 펀드에 의한 투자 목록(발행자가 a16z에 공개를 허용하지 않은 투자 및 공개 거래되는 디지털 자산에 대한 미발표 투자 제외)은 https://a16z.com/investments 에서 확인할 수 있습니다. / .
제공된 차트와 그래프는 정보 제공의 목적으로만 제공되며 투자 결정을 내릴 때 이에 의존해서는 안 됩니다. 과거 성과는 미래 결과를 나타내지 않습니다. 내용은 표시된 날짜 기준으로만 설명됩니다. 본 자료에 표현된 모든 예상, 추산, 예상, 목표, 전망 및/또는 의견은 예고 없이 변경될 수 있으며, 다른 사람이 표현한 의견과 다르거나 반대될 수 있습니다. 추가적인 중요한 정보는 https://a16z.com/disclosures를 참조하세요 .
코인인증하고 코인올백 공식카톡방 입장하기 https://open.kakao.com/o/slRwZOog
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cryptooooo · 28 days
Here's a blog based on the article "TON, SOL, RNDR, JUP Price Predictions as New Week Begins" from coinedition.com:
TON, SOL, RNDR, JUP Price Predictions as New Week Begins
As a new week begins in the cryptocurrency market, investors and traders are eager to assess price predictions for prominent tokens like TON, SOL, RNDR, and JUP. These tokens have been the focus of attention due to recent market movements and evolving trends.
TON, the native token of the Telegram Open Network (TON) blockchain, is garnering interest with analysts predicting potential price movements based on technical analysis, market sentiment, and fundamental factors. Investors are advised to monitor key support and resistance levels for TON to gauge potential breakout or retracement scenarios.
Solana (SOL), a high-performance blockchain platform, continues to attract attention with its growing ecosystem and technological advancements. Price predictions for SOL are influenced by factors such as network activity, developer activity, market trends, and upcoming protocol upgrades. Analysts suggest monitoring SOL's price action closely for potential bullish or bearish signals.
Render (RNDR), a token associated with decentralized rendering services, is experiencing volatility as traders assess its market dynamics. Price predictions for RNDR consider factors like project developments, partnerships, user adoption, and industry trends. Traders are advised to conduct thorough analysis and risk assessment before making trading decisions involving RNDR.
Jupiter (JUP), a blockchain infrastructure project, is also in focus as traders speculate on its price movements for the week ahead. Price predictions for JUP take into account technical indicators, market sentiment, project updates, and potential catalysts that could impact its price trajectory.
It's important to note that cryptocurrency price predictions are speculative in nature and subject to market volatility. Investors and traders should exercise caution, conduct thorough research, and seek advice from financial professionals before making investment decisions.
In conclusion, as a new week begins in the crypto market, price predictions for tokens like TON, SOL, RNDR, and JUP reflect ongoing market dynamics and investor sentiment. Monitoring key indicators and staying informed about market developments can help investors navigate opportunities and risks effectively in the cryptocurrency space.
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balakiny · 1 month
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The Open Network. Блокчейн-платформа The Open Network (TON) — основанная на блокчейне децентрализованная компьютерная сеть, а также проект защищённого встроенным прокси и анонимайзером даркнет-платформы, построенной на принципе оверлейной P2P-сети, имеющей сервисы обмена сообщениями, платёжных операций в криптовалюте TONCOIN, хранения данных, а также операционная система для распределённых приложений. Изначально разрабатывалась под именем Telegram Open Network для криптовалюты Gram. Концепция TON разработана братьями Дуровыми, которые привлекли под этот проект инвестиции в несколько миллиардов долларов и запланировали перевод на TON своего популярного мессенджера Telegram. https://coinmarketcap.com/ru/currencies/toncoin/ В октябре 2023 года - Книга рекордов Гиннеса как самый быстрый блокчейн в мире. Недавно Павел Дуров добавил в настройки Телеграм официальный крипто кошелек @Wallet в котором можно обменивать и переводить (можно по логину Телеграм!) Ton из любой точки мира. Более 800 млн. пользователей Телеграм начнут пользоваться Ton. Соответственно, на Ton будет колоссальный спрос. Чем больше спрос, тем больше стоимость и ценность данной криптовалюты.
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blogcrypto · 1 month
Top 6 TON coins with strong growth potential in 2024
The year 2024 promises to bring big changes to the cryptocurrency market, with the strong rise of the TON ecosystem. The TON system, built by the Telegram construction team, possesses great potential with fast processing speed, impressive scalability, and a large user community. In the context that Uptrend 2024 is on its way to the top, this article will introduce to you the top 6 "jades" hidden in the TON ecosystem, possessing strong explosive potential.  1. Top #1 : TON Toncoin (TON) is a decentralized layer 1 blockchain developed in 2018 by encrypted messaging platform Telegram. Then the project was discontinued, taken over by the TON Foundation and changed its name from "Telegram Open Network" to "The Open Network".
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2. Top #2: CATTON What is Catton? CatTon is a cryptocurrency built and developed within the TON blockchain ecosystem. allowing holders to participate in DeFi (Decentralized Finance) gaming applications while accumulating mining rewards.
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CatTon is designed for a wide audience in the cryptocurrency space For project developers, providing a secure launchpad and support including marketing services and community building initiatives For crypto enthusiasts and investors, CatTon serves those looking for potential projects in the TON ecosystem. Website: https://catton.fun Network society: Telegram channel : http://t.me/CattonGlobal Twitter:   / catcoin2024   Contract: https://tonscan.org/jetton/EQD2li75-B... Whitepaper: https://catton.gitbook.io/cattonworku
3. Top #3 : SHRAP Shrapnel (SHRAP) is a free-to-play, mission-based first-person shooter (FPS) game, built on a blockchain platform and developed by NEON Media. The game gives players creative tools to engage in combat, interact with a vibrant community of gamers, and together shape the future of gaming.
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They have directly participated in launching popular games such as Star Wars, BioShock, Halo and Call of Duty. Under the leadership of CEO Mark Long, an industry veteran with more than 32 developed titles, NEON Media has affirmed its position as a leading studio in the field of AAA quality game development. Shrapnel is their next notable product..
4. Top #4: generation coin
DeFinder Capital is currently the largest project ecosystem on the TON blockchain with more than 100 integrated services on the same platform. More than just being a token dedicated to the community, DeFinder Capital has quickly grown dramatically, attracting the attention of investors in the broader market. In just six months, DFC has seen tremendous growth with more than 1000 members joining the DAO and being listed on major TON (CEX) centralized exchanges such as MEXC, CMC and Coingecko
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Since listing, the price of DFC tokens has skyrocketed more than 3000%, demonstrating its popularity and high demand in the market. The project's strategic partnerships, such as with DeLab, a TON software company, have contributed to the expansion of the DeFinder ecosystem. DeFinder Capital's key products include DeWallet (e-wallet), DeFinder Capital Investment Fund, Lineage server and the first professiona.
5. Top #5 : TONUP
TonUP is a launchpad that operates on The Open Network (TON). The platform was built to solve the problem of asset shortages on TON and provide a supportive environment for new projects to take off successfully. Besides providing regular IDO services, the platform also introduces a new concept, Community Protection Plan (CPP), to protect the interests of IDO community members
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TonUP is designed for a diverse audience in the cryptocurrency space. For project developers, TonUP provides a secure launch pad and support, including marketing services and community building initiatives. For cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors, TonUP caters to those looking for potential projects in the TON ecosystem. 
6. Top #6 : stTON
stTON is a derivative token offered by bemo, a pioneering liquid staking platform on the TON blockchain. The bemo platform is designed for both individual users and institutions holding TON tokens. bemo offers a non-custodial staking solution, giving users full control over their tokens.
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on Raffles is an innovative service on the TON blockchain, combining community management features and modern blockchain technology. The platform includes two main directions: Web2 and Web3. Blogcrypto
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coinatory · 2 months
Surge in Scams Targeting Toncoin Investors Amidst Growing Blockchain Interest
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Cybersecurity leader Kaspersky has documented a marked increase in fraudulent activities aimed at holders of Toncoin, the native cryptocurrency of The Open Network (TON). This upsurge in scams coincides with heightened interest in the TON blockchain, notably since Telegram, the popular messaging service, enhanced its support for TON. From November 2023, a notable rise in deceptive schemes ensnaring Toncoin investors has been observed. These fraudsters typically entice victims via a Telegram bot purporting to be a secure cryptocurrency storage solution. Users are misled into linking their Web3 wallets to the bot, which subsequently coerces them into purchasing so-called "boosters" under the guise of facilitating earnings. Unfortunately, such purchases result in the irreversible loss of control over their digital assets. The
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truthblockchain · 2 months
$60M Of Ether Issued On The TON Blockchain
$60 million worth of Tether has already been issued on The Open Network (TON) since it began supporting the blockchain on April 19, making it the 11th-largest blockchain for Tether out of 16.
On April 19, the stablecoin issuer announced a collaboration with the TON Foundation at the Token2049 crypto conference in Dubai that would see Tether begin to be minted on TON.
The firm also revealed it has launched the gold-pegged Tether Gold (XAUT) stablecoin on TON as well.
The Open Network team said that cross-border payments were instant, free and as easy as sending a text message to Telegram’s 900 million users in a post on X.
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cryptodefinance · 2 months
Pavel Durov, the visionary behind Telegram, has recently unveiled a series of groundbreaking blockchain features via The Open Network (TON). These innovations are poised to transform how users interact with the app, ensuring enhanced security, privacy, and monetization opportunities. This strategic integration marks a pivotal advancement in Telegram's commitment to enhancing user experience and security, aligning with its goal to integrate cutting-edge technologies into its platform. New Blockchain Innovations in Telegram. Pavel Durov introduces Ton Blockchain In an important development, Telegram is expanding its blockchain integration through The Open Network (TON).  This integration involves tokenizing features such as stickers and implementing a blockchain-based revenue-sharing model. This model promises to allocate 50% of ad revenue to creators on the platform, fostering a more interactive and rewarding environment for content creators​. Overview of the Latest Features on Telegram TON-The Open Network Enhanced Privacy and Security: Telegram has always been synonymous with superior privacy and security, and its latest updates through blockchain technology take these aspects to the next level. By incorporating the TON blockchain, Telegram ensures that all user transactions are secured and anonymized, leveraging the blockchain's inherent resistance to tampering and surveillance. This move not only fortifies user data against breaches but also enhances the integrity of communication across the network. Additionally, because blockchain is decentralized, no one party can control the entire network, greatly increasing the difficulty of any unauthorized access to user data. This foundational change in data handling reassures users about their personal information's safety, fostering a trusted environment where they can communicate freely without concerns over privacy invasions. User-Friendly Blockchain Interfaces: One of Telegram’s strengths has been its user-friendly interface, and the integration of blockchain technology follows this philosophy. The new features are designed to be intuitive, allowing users to seamlessly interact with blockchain functionalities without needing specialized knowledge. For instance, Telegram has introduced tokenized stickers, which users can buy, sell, or trade within the app, providing a fun and engaging way to explore digital assets. Moreover, the introduction of a blockchain-based ad platform empowers creators by providing them with a fair share of ad revenues. This system uses Toncoin, Telegram’s native cryptocurrency, to facilitate transactions within the platform, thus ensuring transparency and efficiency in payouts, as CryptoDeFinance mentioned in the previous article. Along with boosting the value of its platform, Telegram is cultivating a livelier and more engaged community of creators by offering incentives for content production. Implications for the Future of Messaging and Blockchain: Telegram's blockchain integration is a significant milestone that could shape the future of both the messaging and blockchain industries. By merging secure blockchain technology with a popular messaging platform, Telegram is paving the way for more secure, decentralized communication systems where users have greater control over their data. Furthermore, this integration could serve as a model for other platforms, illustrating the benefits of blockchain in enhancing user privacy and security. The integration also sets the stage for new forms of digital interaction, such as secure and decentralized applications (DApps), which can be built on Telegram’s platform. This opens up an infinite number of opportunities for developers to create innovative applications that benefit from the security and transparency of blockchain technology. Implications for the Future of Messaging and introduction of Blockchain in telegram Telegram creator slams Russia for trying to stop people from mining crypto 1200x640 The integration of blockchain into Telegram opens up new possibilities for decentralized communication platforms, where users have more control over their data. Impact on the Cryptocurrency Ecosystem: Aside from the use of Toncoin, Telegram's native cryptocurrency, for in-app purchases, the cryptocurrency ecosystem may have a significant impact on the adoption of blockchain technology. This move could drive greater adoption and utility of Toncoin and potentially influence its value and stability in the market. As users become more accustomed to transacting with Toncoin for in-app activities, we could see an increase in the cryptocurrency’s liquidity and general acceptance as a form of payment. Influence on Cryptocurrency Transactions The use of Toncoin for transactions within Telegram could lead to greater liquidity and utility for the token, influencing its market dynamics. This detailed exploration into Telegram's blockchain advancements shows a significant shift towards integrating cutting-edge technology to enhance user engagement and monetization, setting a new standard for messaging platforms. Final Thoughts on Pavel Durov Blockchain introduction to Telegram: Pavel Durov's recent blockchain innovations through Telegram are a testament to the potential of integrating advanced technology with user-friendly applications. By enhancing security, privacy, and monetization options, Telegram is paving the way for future developments in the digital communication sphere. This audacious move not only enhances Telegram's functionality but also reframes the expectations of users for messaging services in the future. As we look to the future, it is clear that blockchain technology will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping digital communications, offering more secure, efficient, and user-driven platforms. Telegram’s pioneering efforts may well inspire other platforms to explore similar integrations, leading to a more interconnected and decentralized digital world. FAQs: What are the new blockchain features introduced by Pavel Durov in Telegram? Pavel Durov has introduced features such as tokenized stickers and a blockchain-based ad revenue-sharing model. How do these features enhance user privacy and security? Blockchain integration enhances security by decentralizing data, thus reducing potential breaches and enhancing user privacy through anonymous transactions. What benefits do these blockchain features offer to Telegram users? Benefits include enhanced privacy, improved security, and potential earnings through ad revenue sharing. How could these developments affect the future of cryptocurrency transactions? By integrating cryptocurrency transactions into its platform, Telegram could significantly influence the adoption and circulation of cryptocurrencies like Toncoin. Can these features transform Telegram into a decentralized communication platform? Yes, these features are steps toward transforming Telegram into a more decentralized platform, giving users greater control over their data and interactions.
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petnews2day · 2 months
The Golden Dog on Telegram's TON Blockchain
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/g3TP7
The Golden Dog on Telegram's TON Blockchain
Notcoin Inu Moscow, Russia, April 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Notcoin Inu is inspired by the remarkable success of Notcoin. Notcoin, the biggest meme project on the TON Blockchain, has introduced Web3 to approximately 35 million users since its inception. It has set a benchmark and facilitated the mass adoption of The Open Network. Notcoin […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/g3TP7 #DogNews #OpenNetwork, #TheGoldenDog
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p5ravin · 2 months
Toncoin Surges Past Dogecoin: What’s Driving This Crypto’s Meteoric Rise?
Introduction: In a surprising turn of events, Toncoin, a relatively new cryptocurrency, has surged past Dogecoin, capturing the attention of the crypto community with its meteoric rise. This unexpected ascent has sparked speculation and curiosity about the driving forces behind Toncoin's sudden surge in value. In this blog post, we'll delve into the factors contributing to Toncoin's remarkable rise, its distinguishing features, and the implications for the broader cryptocurrency market.
Unique Features and Technology: Toncoin distinguishes itself from other cryptocurrencies with its unique features and underlying technology. Built on the Telegram Open Network (TON) blockchain, Toncoin leverages advanced scalability and transaction speed, offering users a fast and efficient payment solution. Additionally, Toncoin's consensus mechanism, based on a variation of proof-of-stake (PoS) called "proof-of-value," emphasizes the importance of network participation and token utility, driving demand and value for the cryptocurrency.
Growing Community and Adoption: Toncoin's rapid rise can also be attributed to its growing community and increasing adoption among users and investors. With a strong emphasis on community engagement and decentralization, Toncoin has cultivated a loyal following of supporters who are actively involved in promoting and advocating for the project. Furthermore, strategic partnerships and integrations with various platforms and applications have expanded Toncoin's utility and use cases, driving demand and liquidity for the cryptocurrency.
Speculation and Market Dynamics: Speculation and market dynamics play a significant role in Toncoin's meteoric rise, as investors seek opportunities for high returns in the dynamic cryptocurrency market. The sudden surge in Toncoin's price may have been fueled by speculative trading activity, social media hype, and FOMO (fear of missing out) among traders and investors. As Toncoin gains momentum and attracts attention, it becomes subject to market sentiment and speculation, leading to rapid price fluctuations and volatility.
Implications for the Crypto Market: Toncoin's surge past Dogecoin highlights the dynamic and unpredictable nature of the cryptocurrency market, where relatively unknown projects can quickly gain traction and challenge established players. While Toncoin's rise may bring attention to innovative blockchain technologies and alternative consensus mechanisms, investors should exercise caution and conduct thorough research before participating in speculative markets. As Toncoin's journey unfolds, its impact on the broader crypto market and its potential to disrupt traditional finance remains to be seen.
Conclusion: Toncoin's meteoric rise past Dogecoin underscores the ever-changing dynamics of the cryptocurrency market and the potential for lesser-known projects to make a significant impact. With its unique features, growing community, and speculative appeal, Toncoin has captured the attention of investors and enthusiasts alike. As the crypto market continues to evolve, projects like Toncoin serve as reminders of the opportunities and risks inherent in the digital asset space, shaping the future of finance in unprecedented ways.
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