mf-despair-queen · 7 years
This Isn’t Goodbye - Stiles Stilinski
Author: @mf-despair-queen​
Characters: Stiles Stilinski/Me (I legit have no shame for this)
Word Count: 6,893
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, It’s honestly just really sweet sex?, possible tears
Notes: So, talking to @minhosmeanhoe about doing something for the end of Teen Wolf and this is it. It’s hard to really express what this show means to me because it has changed my life. So much. So this is literally my rants, through Scott and myself, expressing what this show means to me, thanking it for everything it has done. The things I say are coming legit from me. This isn’t the end for us though. I will not stop writing for teen Wolf, for Stiles. It means too much to let it go away completely. So, just... enjoy my rant I guess. And me spilling my heart out about the show. And of Stiles. And me wishing Stiles was mine. 
PS This is unedited. And I don’t even care. So ignore all my typos because I know they exist.
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Stiles sat in the hospital room, glancing around to the people that crowded the small area. It was pure, agonizing silence, but he understood why.
It was barely 24 hours after it all ended.
Scott sat by his mom’s bed, rubbing her hand carefully, soothing her. His cuts and wounds had long healed, but Adderall-enthused young man could see the permanent scars etched into his friend’s heart and soul. Scott looked slightly broken, his uneven jaw clenched tightly, almost like he was having trouble comprehending everything that had happened in the last month.
Chris Argent sat across from the True Alpha, holding Melissa McCall’s other hand tightly in both of his. Their fingers were laced together, the two adults sharing a loving look every once in a while. He was obviously glad that she was healing just fine after Nolan shot up the McCall house before Stiles had arrived. Argent was even more glad that she was awake and talking, albeit quietly due to the hoarseness in her throat. She was alive and well, or as well as she could be, and that was all he needed in this moment.
Lydia sat in Parrish’s arms, the two silently conversing with their eyes. Parrish’s large hand tinkered with her fingers, his eyes glowing orange faintly every time the tips touched together. Stiles wasn’t one to believe in true love, or fated love, especially when it involved the girl he loved for so long. But he had let her go when he knew for a fact that she was meant to be with the Hellhound deputy. The way they looked at each other and supported each other told him they were destined for each other.
Malia stood behind Scott, running her fingers through his hair. Stiles couldn’t deny how surprised he was when Scott told him they were together, but he was happy for his friend and ex. They had found happiness in this crazy supernatural world. He found it odd slightly, but he wasn’t going to protest it. Malia looked happier than ever, happier than she ever was with Stiles. Stiles knew their relationship had been purely physical, but the two grew together, learning what they wanted most from the world.
Theo and Liam were pressed into a small corner, silently staring at the ground. The two had apparently formed a tight bromance over the time fighting the hunters, Theo helping Liam control his anger issues, being there for the young Beta. Theo had really come around since their junior year. Sure, Stiles personally couldn’t forgive him for what he had done, but Theo was growing on him like a fungus. Maybe in twenty years, he could have a conversation with the chimera. Liam… Liam maybe in five more years. Liam had some more growing up to do.
Corey and Mason sat visibly, for once, against the back wall, not far from where Stiles himself sat. Their hands were intertwined together tightly, just relishing in the feeling that the other was there. Mason’s arm was tightly wrapped in a purple cast having broken his arm when he decided to fight off Gabe. How he broke his arm punching the crap out of the wannabe hunter, no one really knew. But he saved a lot of lives and Gabe was taken to a high security prison by Rafael McCall, not to be released for a long time.
The sheriff was in and out of the room, Stiles watching his father pace the length of the hallway whenever he passed the open door. Noah Stilinski was glad everything worked out, but he held doubts of what the future held. He knew, deep in his heart, that things would never be the same. And the kids that always protected the town were going to be leaving for their own lives soon. Was he ready for that? The sheriff wasn’t sure. But for now, he was glad everyone was alright.
Derek the sour wolf leaned against the window, staring at the full moon in the darkened sky. His eyes glowed a faint blue, shifting around from the uncomfortable silence in the room. He was home, but it didn’t feel the same. He could feel the lingering stares of some people, their fear still present even though the anuk-ite was long gone. It was possible those people would never forget what they felt, and Stiles knew Derek feared the worst. No one wanted a repeat of Monroe and Gerard.
Peter was even present. Maybe it was to support Malia. Maybe it was to support Melissa, seeing as he had taken her out forever ago. He still cared, Stiles guessed. He was opposite Derek, playing with Derek’s new phone, trying to set it up so Derek could easily understand how to use the foreign technology. The former alpha was quiet, but his presence was not forgotten. He had actually helped fight the anuk-ite, keeping his daughter safe and helping the McCall pack, knowing he couldn’t let something like this slide. They made it personal when they blew up his cars but he wasn’t about to let another person try to destroy the home he knew.
Ethan and Jackson were propped on a dressing, the lips connecting occasionally to keep the other calm. Stiles couldn’t argue it was nice to see them together and safe, especially after having been tortured for so long by Monroe. Jackson’s eyes would meet with Lydia across the room, the two giving acknowledging nods to each other. Stiles fought back a smile, finding it inappropriate to smile in a time like this. But he was glad both couples found peace in the end.
Isaac, much to the Stilinski boy’s surprise, had flown in just to help fight after he heard what was going on. His… girlfriend, he guessed he could call her, sat next to him on the ground at the foot of the bed. Apparently, him and Cat had met at their school in Paris, Isaac instantly being attracted to the young witch, especially when the first time they spoke was after she tripped over her own feet, landing face first on his crotch. The two hit it off quickly, even going as far as moving to New York to attend NYU together. Apparently, she fell on his dick a lot after they became friends, though Stiles wasn’t sure in what way she meant, figuring she meant sexually, and if she even meant to be so open about that. Maybe it was the New Yorker in her that made her reveal that. When Isaac found out what was happening, he dragged Cat out of bed to jump on the first flight to Beacon Hills, apparently in exchange for going to every Yankees game for the next two years. Stiles wasn’t happy that she was a Yankees fan and (failing) to convert the curly-haired beta to like her favorite team, but he was glad she showed up when she did. Her magic was truly an asset to the fight, and Stiles hated to admit he liked her more than Isaac. Especially now that Isaac was going against the Mets.
Stiles sighed, hearing the faint sound of footsteps hustling down the hallway. His eyes shot to the door, seeing me stopping in the doorway. Our eyes locked, a small smile finding its way to his lips unconsciously. He quietly excused himself, rushing to the door, hand enveloping mine and leading me away from the packed room. When we got a decent distance away, his arms wrapped around me, my face burying in his flannel shirt.
“Sti…” I quietly muttered, sighing to myself. He shook his head, his face nuzzling in my hair. He took a deep breathe, smelling the strawberry scent from my shampoo.
“I’m glad you are alright,” he mumbled. “I was worried when Monroe shot at you. I don’t know what I would do without you. I can’t live without you.” He started rambling, his words getting jumbled and losing any sense he was trying to get out. He was cut off by one simple kiss when I pushed him away, my arms wrapping around his neck.
“I’m fine. The bullet grazed my arm is all. Nothing a Band-Aid and Neosporin can’t cure,” I whispered, pecking his lips again. The FBI trainee visibly relaxed, letting out a deep breath. He proceeded to just hug my smaller frame close, his head dipped into my shoulder, kisses tenderly at my neck. “How is everyone after last night?”
“It’s quiet. But it makes sense I guess. It doesn’t seem real that everything happened. It doesn’t seem real that the anuk-ite is gone now, or Gerard is dead. Monroe is going to prison after she is released from the hospital since Gerard shot her. I think everyone is just… thinking about everything,” Stiles told me, his voice barely audible.
“Not just this fight,” he clarified. “It’s almost been four years since Peter bit Scott. Four years of this madness, babe. It’s weird to think back on everything. This has literally changed all our lives. It’s been hard, there’s no denying that. We’ve lost so many. But I guess it’s been good. If this hadn’t happened, where would we be? I wouldn’t have the friends I have now. I wouldn’t have the experiences I have now. I wouldn’t be in the FBI program.” He paused, backing away to look at me. “I wouldn’t have you.”
“Oh, Stiles,” I choked out, trying not to cry. “I know what you mean. I’ve only known you a year. But you guys have changed my life. I wasn’t in a good place when I met you. But now, you mean everything to me. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Oh, baby,” Stiles said, leaning down to kiss my lips passionately. His hands were on my cheeks, caressing my skin softly. His lips moved against mine gracefully, electricity shooting through my body from the contact. His head tilted slightly, letting his lips felling encompass mine, pulling me closer to him. When he pulled away, he was slightly breathless, both of us panting quietly. “I can’t imagine my life without you too. Now, let head back in.”
He grabbed my hand, leading me into the hospital room. Scott’s head turned to us as we entered, Stiles pulling me down on his lap in the seat he was previously in. Scott smiled at me, squeezing his mom’s hand.
“I’m glad you were able to make it finally, M,” he said. He kissed his mom’s cheek, standing from his chair and taking a deep breathe. “Now that everyone is here, I have a few things to say. Stiles already knows about some of this. I talked to him a few hours ago about it all. He’s the one that mentioned I should say something about it. So, excuse me if I get a bit longwinded here.”
Scott looked at Peter and Derek, smiling to himself. “The day before my sophomore year, my life changed. Peter bit me, turning me into the werewolf I am today. You would think I would be mad, but I’m not. As much as I hate you, Peter, you changed my life. You gave me purpose and strength to right the life I needed. So many bad things in my life and one small thing like this changed me. It made me stronger. Same goes for you Derek. You helped me learn to channel that power, helping mold me into the person I am today. I probably would have died if you weren’t there for me, and for that, I owe you my life.”
He turned next to Jackson and Ethan. “Jackson. You were an asshole. But I’m glad you are alright. Bad things happened to you but look at you now. You are stronger than ever. And you have Ethan on your arm. He can understand you and he loves you. He has had losses, and even though he fought us once, he has become a great friend and ally. I wish the best for both of you.”
Next was Theo and Liam. “Theo, I still haven’t completely forgiven you for what you did. You tore apart my pack, my friends. But, when we brought you back to help find Stiles, I didn’t think you would be such a great ally. Maybe, one day, I will completely forgive you and accept you into my pack. But thank you for everything you have done. Stiles always says he loves to hate you, and I get what he means. I want to hate you, you were a dick, but you’ve been there for us. You’ve helped Liam, you’ve helped us. I’m glad you are here. And Liam, you were my first and only Beta. Do I regret biting you? Slightly, yes. I don’t wish to condone your life to this. But I think you saved me just as much as I saved you. I couldn’t have done any of this without you. I wouldn’t have grown into the alpha I am now without you.”
He turned to Lydia and Parrish. “Lydia, you never noticed us until you yourself had the same experiences as us. But I’m glad you stopped being the popular, posh girl you used to be. You became yourself. You grew into a strong, independent woman. We couldn’t have done what we have done without you. And you found the perfect man for you. Parrish. I know you were dragged into this world so randomly, but I’m glad you were. You added that little something we were missing. You saved us so many times and we couldn’t have done some of the things we have done without you. Thank you for being drawn to us, just like we became drawn to you. Not as much as Lydia, but you know what I mean.”
Corey and Mason next. “Corey, I wasn’t sure about you to start with. You worked with Theo. You were against us. But, you have powers that none of us can match. You helped more than anyone with the Ghost Riders. And you helped keep Mason safe. We couldn’t have done this without you. And Mason, you were the Beast. But who cares, right? We saved you. You’ve helped Liam. You’ve helped us. And every pack needs their residential human to help keep them grounded. You are vital to this pack and I know you will help Liam when he has his own pack one day.”
He turned to Isaac and Cat. “Isaac, I know we’ve had out differences. We fought. You tried to kill Lydia. But you have helped us so much. You came around. I don’t know if we would have made it out without casualties if you didn’t come. And with Cat no less. We’ve known each other a few days, but I feel like Cat is one of us. Hell, she really is. She’s a member of this pack and there is no escaping it now. She’s amazing and I’m glad that we were able to meet her and her witchy powers. I’m sorry Isaac dragged you into our problems, but I appreciate that you are here. Never leave us, alright?”
He glanced at Chris. “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect Allison. She was my first love and I will never get over that I let her die. But I know she would be proud of me, of you, and of all of us. To think you tried to kill me so many times. But here you are. We would have died a long time ago if you weren’t here. And I’m glad you are here to make my mom happy.”
Noah was standing in the doorway, Scott turning to him. “Sheriff, you are my second dad. I’ve known you forever. I know you’ve had your reservations about all of this, but thank you. Truly, thank you. For heled us, or being there for us. For supporting us. And for being there for me and Stiles on a personal level when we needed it. You are the greatest sheriff Beacon Hills has and will ever have.”
He turned to his mom. “A long time ago, you told me to be my own anchor. Maybe I didn’t appreciate it at the time. But I will never forget anything you ever said to me. You are the best mom in the world and I wouldn’t trade you for the world. You have helped me through every hard time and I wish I was a better son sometimes. You’ve gotten hurt so much because of me. But I wouldn’t be the son I am without you.”
He turned to Malia. “I fucking love you. I really do. I just… I have no words for you. I broke guy code and I’m dating my brother’s ex. But I couldn’t ask for a better woman in my life. Yes, I had Allison. Yes, Kira was amazing and I wish she were here. She is sorely missed and will always hold a place in my heart. In all of our hearts. But Malia, I don’t want to lose you. Thank you.”
Scott sighed to himself. “We’ve lost so many guys. Aiden, Allison, Brett, Lori, Deucalion, Erica, Boyd. They will all hold a special place in our hearts. They’ve all contributed to this pack more than I can even put into words. Kira, who’s still alive and with the Skinwalkers, will always be part of us. We miss them all, but they will always be here in spirit.”
He finally turned to us. “Mal, I can’t thank you enough for joining us when you did. You’re one of us, even if you don’t think you are. And most of all, you make Stiles happy. I’m glad he has found someone that can make him Stile a real smile. He hasn’t smiled the way he does not since before his mom passed away. I’m glad you can bring that out of him. You belong with him, with us. With this pack. And Stiles. I can’t count how many times you have saved me. I owe you my life. You are my brother. You will be in my heart forever. I will never forget what you have done for me.”
“To all of you, you are my family. Over the time we have been together, I will never forget what we have gone through. I won’t forget the memories and the friendships I have from this. This has made me a stronger person and shaped me into the man I am. This will always be my home and I know, we will always find our way back together, no matter how far apart we are. We are a pack after all. We belong together,” Scott said aloud, finally sitting back in his seat. “Thank you, guys. I’m sorry for talking your ear off.”
I cleared my throat, sliding off Stiles’ lap. “If I may follow up on what Scott said. This is for all of you.” I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Before I came here, I was not in a good spot. My life was disastrous. I was broken. I was lying to myself and trying to be stronger than I was. I was hurt because of my ex, Jack, because we had been through so much together. So, when he cheated and left, I didn’t know what to do. That’s when I came here. I met all of you and you changed my life. I feel like Beacon Hills is my home. It has helped me through everything. You all gave me a reason to live, literally. I have learned so much about myself and I have memories that will stick with me forever. I will never forget you guys. I am so much stronger than I was before you came into my life. I don’t want to go back to that time. And I don’t regret any of this. So, thank you.”
Stiles smiled, grabbing my hand. He stood from his seat, pulling me into a tight hug. I sniffled quietly, Stiles seeing the sad look on my face. “I think we’re going to head home. Melissa still needs her rest after her accident. I have to pack anyways. I have to fly back to Quantico tomorrow.” He released me, rushing around to give everyone a quick hug, hugging Scott the longest of course. “I’m so glad everyone is alright. And next time, call me if you need something. Don’t keep me out of the loop.”
Scott chuckled, nodding. “Noted, buddy.” He glanced at me, nodding slowly. “Take care of him, M.”
“Will do, Scotty. I may be human, but Stiles really is my anchor. He saved me from myself,” I whisper, grabbing the chocolate-haired man’s hand smiling to myself. “I don’t know where I would be without him. He is everything to me.”
Stiles grinned to himself, waving to everyone as he led us away. We made our way to his Jeep, Scott agreeing to let him drive it while we were in town. It was a quiet ride back to his house, only our steady breathing being heard. His hand was placed securely on my thigh, drawing circles through my jeans. It calmed me enough, not as much as when his hand runs through my hair. I was just glad he was here with me now.
He parked the jeep in his drive way, rushing around to open the door and helping me out. He carried me into his house, kicking the door to his room shut behind him and placing me on the bed. His suitcase was open on the floor, clothes and FBI supplies scattered about. I glanced at his mess, sighing to myself. It was only hitting me now that he was leaving me soon. I wasn’t ready for that. I didn’t want to say goodbye.
Stiles noticed my sad look, dropping the shirt that was in his hands onto his suitcase. “Babe, why the long face?” he asked, making his way over to me. His hands cupped my face, his thumbs wiping at the tears that slid down them unknowingly. “Come on, baby. Why are you crying?”
“Tomorrow is it, Sti. I won’t get to see you every day. I won’t get to see your smiling face or hear your silly theories or rantings of Star Wars. I won’t get to see the pack as often. I feel like my life won’t be the same anymore. You guys really have changed my life for the better and, after everything that has happened, I don’t want it to be over. I’m not ready to say goodbye.”
“Babe,” he said quietly, pressing our lips together. I could taste my salty tears, or maybe they were his. Tears leaked from his beautiful whiskey-brown orbs. He was just as upset as I was. This was his home. This was where he grew up. This was the place that started everything for him. And now here he was, moving on to bigger and better things, making a life for himself that he never thought would be real. I know he feels the same, but I’m sure it’s even harder on him than it is on me. When he pulled away, he licked at his lips, swallowing thickly. “This isn’t goodbye.”
“What do you mean?” My throat was dry saying this, but he easily heard me.
“Physically, we may be apart. It may be over. But mentally and spiritually, we will be together. The memories you have will always be there. The friendships you have made will never end. It’s only goodbye if you want it to end. If you cherish what you got from this, it never will. It’ll be more like… see you later. We will always be here and you will never forget. It is permanently ingrained in you. That is what you hold on to you. You will never forget any of this, for as long as you live.”
I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him down into another kiss. He body reacted immediately, pushing me further onto his bed, crawling on top of me quickly. Our lips never left each other. It was like we needed to be together in that moment to live, to breath. Stiles was the only thing that mattered right now. I needed him more than he probably knew.
His lips formed perfectly with mine, speeding up slowly with his increased want. His tongue ran over my bottom lip, pulling away to look at me before I could respond. Our eyes locked, Stiles instantly dipping back down to attach our lips in a hot, open-mouth kiss. The kiss was sloppier than before, the sound of our kisses filling the stagnant, crisp air around us. My body was warming up slowly, his hands sliding down to my waist. My fingers reached for his flannel shirt, fumbling with the buttons in the least graceful manner possible.
His tongue danced with mine between my cheeks, his tongue having slipped in before I could realize he did it. I didn’t mind though. I loved the way his tongue rubbed against mine, massaging every spot inside my mouth. He knew exactly where to hit, and he was enjoying it just as much as I was. His lips were soft, but fast against mine. His head was tilted just the slightest to the left so he could easily kiss me, our noses rubbing gently against each other.
He pulled away slowly, our lips still nearly upon each other. His fingers tugged at my shirt, pushing it up my body steadily. He swallowed slowly, letting out a slow breath. “I know this isn’t the best time for this. Everyone is emotional and we just stopped Monroe last night. But I can’t wait. I need you. Now. Please.”
“What are you waiting for then?” I mumbled, pushing him up and making him lean back on his knees. I sat up with him, tugging my shirt over my head. His eyes widened, fumbling with the remaining buttons on his flannel. His stumble resulting in him falling off his bed with a loud thump, only a groan meeting my ears from his position on the floor. “Sti?”
“I’m ok,” he groaned from the ground. I saw his flannel fly across the room followed by his undershirt before his head popped up over the side, smiling faintly. He jumped to his feet, his belt jingling as he undid it. I giggled as he hopped around his small room, crashing into his crime board in the corner, tripping over the suitcase in the middle of the floor. I just watched him struggle. His jeans final fell to his ankles, the poor FBI intern falling over in his attempt to remove them from his ankles. He glanced at me from the floor, kicking the material away. “Shut up.”
“You’re cute though,” I told him. Stiles groaned, crawling across the floor to the bed. He gripped my ankles. Tugging me off the bed to the floor, listening to my squeal. He let out a grunt when I landed on his lap, his arms wrapping around my waist to hold me upright. I stared at his face, my eyes running ever the moles scattered across his cheeks, giggling at him. I leaned forward, pecking his lips, feeling him smile in the short kiss. “See, cute.”
“I’m not cute. That is not a good compliment for us guys. I am handsome,” he retorted, unhooking my bra with one hand. The lacy blue material slid off my shoulders, Stiles tossing it over his head, letting it land in his suitcase. “But you, my dear, are the most beautiful girl in the world.”
“No, I’m not,” I muttered to myself, Stiles picking up on my words. He frowned, his fingers running along my arms. “I’m not beautiful. Lydia is beautiful. Malia is beautiful. I am a potato.”
He chuckled at my comment, shaking his head. “You aren’t a potato. You are just as beautiful, if not more beautiful, than them. You have brains, you have beauty. You are caring. You are one of the only people that I know that would do anything for anyone. You’ve been broken, so much, but you’re stronger than you know. I don’t know what I would do without you, baby.”
I sniffled, swinging my arms around him. “I love you, Stiles.”
He smiled, his face burying in my bare shoulder, kissing it tenderly. His arms wrapped securely around my waist, our chests pressing against each other. “I love you too, Malissa.”
“You better,” I giggled, pulling away and kissing him sweetly. “Now, back to what we were doing.”
Stiles grinned widely, picking me up from the floor easily. That FBI training helped bulk him up man. He had muscle from lacrosse but have you see the muscles on this boy now? No? Good, they’re mine. He dropped me on the bed, listening to my laugh, his eyes traveling down my semi-naked body.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” he grumbled, moving to attach his lips to my chest. I mewled lowly, adjusting how I was lying to watch him kiss my hardened peaks. His lips wrapped around them, slowly pulling away, tugging at them with his luscious lips. His tongue lapped at the buds, gently caressing them and pushing at them with the tip. He left countless marks to my skin, groaning whenever he pulled away for air.
His fingers fiddled with the button on my jeans, popping It with ease and undoing the zipper slowly. He detached from my chest, kissing down my body slowly, tugging tauntingly at my jeans. My hips wiggled side to side, Stiles removing the intrusive material from my body, dropping them to the floor long forgotten. He panties followed, Stiles tossing them in his suitcase as well.
“I’m keeping those,” he told me from below, spreading my legs open. I cocked an eyebrow, but didn’t question. My mind was fuzzy enough as it was, so maybe I didn’t comprehend what he was telling me. But now, I can’t even focus. His cool breath fanned over my core. His head moved forward, gentle kisses placed on my clit and folds. My noisy moans filled the room, Stiles humming at the noise.
He didn’t stay long. He ran his tongue along my folds a few times, playing with the sensitive bundle of nerves a couple times before moving back up to face me. “I know you like the foreplay, but right now, I just want you. We can save the kinky shit for later.”
I giggled, nodding my head at him. “Promise?”
“Absolutely, baby. I’ll even write you an I.O.U. if I have to,” he joked, kissing my lips. I laughed, shaking my head at him.
“I don’t need that. I know you are true to your word, Sti,” I told him, playing with the band on his boxer briefs. “By the way, I like these. You look good in them. Especially your round little booty,” I quipped, snapping the band.
“Oh, shut up,” he huffed in return. “You look good in anything. Especially that pair of blue and orange lingerie we bought together. I like that pair.”
“Because it’s the Mets?”
“No, you look great in it,” he stated. I blinked at him, causing him to roll his eyes. “And yes, because the Mets.”
“I thought you’d agree with me,” I said smugly. He chuckled, leaning his head on my chest. I grinned, trying to push the boxer briefs off his behind. “Now, get undressed and make love to me please?”
“Anything for you, babe,” he whispered, kicking the boxer briefs off the end of his bed. We adjusted ourselves to make sure we were comfortable, Stiles situating himself between my legs. He looked at me lovingly, a familiar sparkle in his eyes. The same sparkle I was whenever he made sweet love. The same sparkle that told me he cared.
He slid forward, his cock burying deep inside me. We moaned together, Stiles stilling the second the he was hilt deep. Our eyes locked, Stiles leaning forward to attach our lips in a soft kiss. His body pressed firmly against mine, though he was able to keep from pressing his full weight on me. Our fingers intertwined together, our conjoined hands resting around my head on the pillow, our lips never disconnecting.
He started slow, his hips rolling into him. Even the gentle motions drove me wild. He filled me to the brim, rubbing every sensitive nerve inside my pussy. Even his simple rocking motion allowed him to hit my sweet spot. Your hands clasp together tightly, his larger hand squeezing mine the more he rocked. Our lips moved slowly against one another, reveling in the feeling we got from them against each other. The spark from the connection coursed through my body, igniting the fire in my gut.
He speedup steadily, breaking the kiss to pant openly. Your eyes connected, Stiles never letting us break the stare down we had. My nails dug into the backs of his hands. Moaning his name under my breath. He groaned under his breath, only breaking the gaze to rest his head in the crevice of my neck, his hips bucking against me more.
“Stiles,” I whimpered into his ear, my back arching, pressing me into him. I fought back tears, sadness and pleasure combining in my bloodstream. He was sending my senses wild, his constant thrusts more than I can handle. He was pleasing me beyond belief, every pore in my body aching for him. But part of me felt sad, afraid this would be the last time for something like this. “I-I’m not ready for this to end.”
Stiles slowed his relentless thrusts, pulling away to look at me. “Babe,” he muttered under his breath. He released my hand, pulling me up into a sitting position. My knees were on either side of him. My arms wrapped around his neck to keep me steady. His hands found their way to my waist to keep him steady. “Listen to me. I am never leaving you. Not In a million years. Even if we are apart, I will always be here with you. In your head and in your heart. But I am never leaving you. I need you.”
“Stiles,” I mumbled. He smiled sweetly, leaning up to kiss me again. Our hips rolled together in perfect harmony, our moans lost in each other’s throats. Our bodies pressed against one another, his cock as deep inside of me as he could go.
I loved the feeling. Together, like this, we were one. We were together. And deep inside me, I knew I would never forget moments like this. I knew I would have him by my side forever. It didn’t matter what we went through in the past or what we would go through in the future. We would do it together. Stiles had come into my life when I needed him most, and he saved me from myself. The entire pack did.
And for that, I owe them my life.
I owe Stiles my life.
I wouldn’t be where I am today without him. I wouldn’t have the friendships I do. I don’t know where I would be if he didn’t come into my life.
Our lips separated, panting more than before. His thrusts grew fiercer, and the position we were in allowed him to hit new angles he never hit before. He sighed contently, bucking his hips up into me, listening to me moan. My nails raked across his back, head falling back in ecstasy. Stiles just smiled, kissing along my collarbone. I could feel him pulsing and twitching inside me, my walls clamping around him more and more.
He tried to keep his pace steady, but it was growing sloppier. I was a moaning mess, relishing in the immense pleasure he gave me. He always did. My walls spasmed sporadically around him, his cock tapping my cervix and g-spot simultaneously it seemed. His speed was fast, godly even, able to hit ever nerve I had. But the tighter I got, the closer I became, he was right there with me. His cock’s twitches became more frequent, and we knew we were coming to an end. Together.
He glanced up at me, breathlessly panting. “Kiss me,” he pleaded. I didn’t need to respond with words. Just action. My lips hit his, and that seemed to be the only thing we needed. The usual jolt of electricity coursed through our bodies, passing through us through every possible physical connection we had. And that caused us to cum. My juices splattered against my walls, coating him completely. My body shook against his, back arching so my chest pressed to his more. My toes curled awkward into his sheets. My nails dug into his shoulders. His fingers pressed more into my hips, his cock sputtering as it spilled his seed deep inside me, streams of white liquid leaking from his swollen tip, mixing with my own juices. His thrusts eased, our lips forever attached as e rode out our highs.
He pulled from the kiss as he stopped moving, carefully lifting my shaking body from his. He sat me on his bed, rolling off it onto the floor. He groaned loudly, ignoring my giggle as his cute behind rushed to his closest. He tossed me his old lacrosse jersey before digging out some sweatpants for himself. He found his boxer briefs at the end of the bed, sliding them and the gray sweats on. He watched me slowly pull his jersey over my head. He dug through his drawers, pulling out a spare pair of panties he had.
“I’m still keeping the others,” he stated calmly, handing me the fresh pair as he sat next to me. I rolled my eyes at him, taking the panties, tugging them up my legs carefully. He rested his back on the pillows, allowing me to curl into his chest. “But you can keep that jersey. You look good in it.”
“You’re a dork,” I told him, kissing his chest, playing with the hairs on it.
“I know. But I’m your dork.”
“I don’t want you to go back to Virginia. I’m going to be lonely without you,” I quietly muttered. Stiles heard me though. He always did.
“Well, why don’t you come with me?” he proposed. I glanced up at him, seeing the serious look on his features. “I told you I wasn’t going anywhere. I do mean it. So, come with me.”
“But, my family-“
“Will understand. You got offered a full-ride at George Washington for your mathematics and accounting. Take it. We can move in together, be together. It’ll be the start of a brilliant future,” he told me.
“You make it sound like we will be together forever,” I quipped.
“What’s wrong with that?” he asked calmly. I backed off him, giving him a questioning look. He sighed, leaning over to open his bedside table. “I was going to wait, get you a promise ring and everything. But, why not just go straight for it.” He pulled out a small black box, handing it to me. “I told you. I was serious about what I said.”
Inside was the most beautiful ring I’d ever seen. My mouth fell open, looking between him and the ring in the box. “Stiles, I… I don’t… I don’t know what to say.”
“You can say yes,” he sarcastically said. I rolled my eyes, handing him the box, nodding at him. He grinned, taking his time pulling it from the confines of the velvet holder and sliding it on my finger. “It was my mother’s. But before she dies, she said to give it to the girl I want to spend every day with. And that’s you. As much as you aren’t ready to let us go, you aren’t ready to say goodbye, I feel the same for you. You’ve changed my life for the better, babe. And for that, thank you. You mean everything to me.”
“Stiles,” I started, pulling him into a hug. “I love you. Thank you. This… this means everything to me. And yes, I will move to Virginia with you.”
He smiled, kissing my temple. “I’m glad. Remember, this isn’t goodbye. For anyone. These memories, these friendships and these feelings will last forever.”
“I know they will. You guys really have changed me for the better. And I don’t regret meeting you. I regret nothing. I will cherish everything, from this day on. This is the closing of one chapter and the start of another.”
“Exactly. Now, let’s get some sleep. I can pack in the morning,” he said, pulling me back against his chest. He tugged the blankets over us, running his fingers through my hair.
“I love you, Stiles. I always will. I can’t express what you mean to me. So just… Thank you.”
He smiled, listening to my breathing soften, being lulled to sleep by his steady heartbeat. With one final kiss to my forehead, he closed his eyes.
“The closing of one chapter. Well, we’ll all miss you dearly,” he muttered, looking down at me one last time. He nuzzled his face in my hair, taking a deep breath. “And Remember, I love you.”
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