#T'Pring: ah I'm so glad to be away from my constantly critical mother who has likely contributed to my self esteem issues
bumblingbabooshka · 10 months
Watched ‘Charades’ - The Vulcan/Human stuff wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be tbh, very enjoyable episode! Love T’Pring no notes for T’Pring you were so sweet the whole time. Her holding his hand and subtly giving him tips to make the ritual go smoothly...AAA!! Christine/Spock things sooo boring on their own but as angst for T’Pring? Very good. She wasn’t even gone a DAY before they made out. DUMP! HIS! ASS <3 The phone operator please-hold aliens were very cute to me, I liked them! Also Amanda & T’Pring’s dad should chill together, that’s good vibes all around. Also it introduced the concept of a sacred Vulcan familial roast sesh which is honestly so fucking funny and I adore it. Five minutes on the clock to devastate your future son-in-law, better make it count.
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