#Sustainable business
kittyhighfive · 2 years
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!!! currently selling some pinback buttons made from vintage materials: $1.50 each, you can dm here or @/girlz.who.bite on instagram to see more stock ! :}
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ESG 行銷在香港企業界的影響
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近年來,環境、社會和治理(ESG)的概念已成為全球企業關注的焦點,香港也不例外。隨著企業和投資者越來越認識到可持續和負責任的實踐的重要性,ESG 行銷已成為提升企業聲譽和推動業務增長的重要工具。但是,ESG 行銷在香港的企業界真的有影響嗎?公司如何利用 ESG 行動獲得競爭優勢,這對其整體成功有何影響?
ESG 在香港的重要性不斷提升
由於多種因素,包括監管變革、投資者需求和社會期望,香港的 ESG 重要性顯著提升。香港交易及結算所有限公司(HKEX)實施了嚴格的 ESG 報告要求,要求上市公司披露其環境、社會和治理實踐。這些法規旨在促進企業部門的透明度、問責制和可持續性。
此外,投資者在投資決策中越來越重視 ESG 因素,認識到具有強大 ESG 表現的公司更能管理風險並抓住機會。這種投資者行為的轉變促使許多公司加強其 ESG 行動,並通過 ESG 行銷有效地傳達這些努力。
ESG 行銷的角色
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ESG 行銷涉及向投資者、顧客、員工和社區等利益相關者推廣公司的 ESG 行動。有效的 ESG 行銷可以幫助公司建立信任,提升其聲譽,並在競爭中脫穎而出。以下是 ESG 行銷在香港企業界帶來影響的方式:
透明地傳達 ESG 努力的公司更容易贏得利益相關者的信任。例如,一家公司如果強調其減少碳排放、支持本地社區和確保倫理治理的承諾,就可以建立積極形象並建立可信度。這種信任對吸引和留住顧客、投資者和人才至關重要。
投資者越來越尋找具有強大 ESG 資質的公司。有效的 ESG 行銷可以突顯公司的可持續實踐和長期價值主張,使其對 ESG 專注的投資者更具吸引力。通過展示其可持續性的承諾,公司可以接觸更廣泛的資金來源並提高估值。
香港及全球的消費者越來越關注其購買行為的環境和社會影響。有效地行銷其 ESG 行動的公司可以區分自己並吸引優先考慮可持續性的顧客。例如,一家推廣其使用環保材料和公平勞動實踐的時裝品牌,可以吸引道德消費者。
員工越來越希望為與其價值觀一致的公司工作。有效的 ESG 行銷可以通過展示公司對產生積極影響的承諾來提高員工士氣並吸引頂尖���才。例如,一家科技公司強調其減少碳足跡和促進多樣性和包容性的行動,可以創造一個更有動力和忠誠的工作團隊。
案例分析:香港的 ESG 行銷成功
幾家公司在香港成功利用 ESG 行銷來提升其聲譽並推動業務增長。以下是一些例子:
太古地產(Swire Properties): 太古地產在可持續發展方面一直是領導者,其行動集中於能效、綠建築認證和社區參與。通過有效的 ESG 行銷,該公司傳達了其可持續成就,贏得了利益相關者的認可和信任。
中電控股(CLP Holdings): 作為主要能源公司,中電控股強調其向低碳經濟過渡的承諾。該公司的 ESG 行銷努力突顯了其在可再生能源和創新技術方面的投資,使其成為能源行業的前瞻性領導者。
滙豐(HSBC): 滙豐將 ESG 因素整合到其業務策略和投資決策中。通過推廣其可持續金融行動和支持綠色項目,滙豐加強了其作為負責金融機構的品牌。
ESG 行銷的挑戰
儘管 ESG 行銷帶來諸多好處,但也存在挑戰。公司必須確保其 ESG 聲明可信且有實際行動支撐。綠色洗白(greenwashing)——即公司誇大或偽造其 ESG 努力——可能損害聲譽並侵蝕信任。因此,透明度和真實性對於 ESG 行銷至關重要。
此外,公司必須跟上不斷變化的 ESG 標準和法規。聘請 ESG 顧問(ESG 顧問)可以幫助公司制定健全的 ESG 策略並有效地傳達其努力。ESG 顧問提供有價值的見解和指導,確保公司的 ESG 行動符合最佳實踐和利益相關者的期望。
精英亞洲的全面 ESG 行銷服務
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精英亞洲(Elite Asia)可以幫助您提供全面的 ESG 行銷服務,從 ESG 行銷策略、品牌知名度、ESG 品牌訊息、ESG 活動推廣等方面,協助您的公司在這一領域取得成功。
ESG 行銷對香港的企業界產生了重大影響。通過有效地傳達其 ESG 行動,公司可以建立信任,吸引投資,增強顧客忠誠度,並改善員工參與度。然而,成功的 ESG 行銷需要真實性、透明度和對可持續性的真正承諾。隨著 ESG 重要性的持續提升,香港的公司必須利用 ESG 行銷來應對不斷變化的環境,實現長期成功。您的公司準備好利用 ESG 行銷的力量來產生影響嗎?邁向可持續未來的旅程始於對負責任實踐和有效溝通的承諾。
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sustainablecore · 7 days
Sustainable Finance for Small Businesses: Funding Your Green Initiatives
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bettreworld · 1 month
Closing the Loop: Regeneration and Brand Strategy (S01E06)
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the-digital-drifter · 3 months
Stress-Free Affiliate Marketing: Start on WordPress.com and Build Your Foundation
Shiny object syndrome got you down? I've been there. But I finally found my blogging groove with WordPress.com and a focus on community! Check out my latest post for tips on building a sustainable affiliate business.
Introduction If you’ve ever dreamed of making money online through affiliate marketing, I know exactly how you feel. The promises of overnight riches, the endless tools and courses, the overwhelming pressure to keep up with the latest trends… it’s enough to make your head spin. I’ve tried and failed more times than I care to admit. Lost money, lost time, and nearly lost hope. But this time,…
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In today’s environmentally conscious world, sustainability no longer rests solely on consumers. Businesses are increasingly being held accountable for the environmental footprint of their entire supply chain. Consumers are actively choosing the best companies that prioritize sustainability, and implementing greener solutions can lead to cost savings, improved efficiency, and an enhanced brand reputation.
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Achieving Carbon Neutrality: Beginner's Guide to Sustainable Business Success
As the founder of the Citizen COP Foundation, my journey towards achieving carbon neutrality has been nothing short of transformative. At the heart of our mission is the commitment to resolving social issues through innovative technological solutions. One of our flagship initiatives, greenGENE, focuses on tree conservation, preservation, and QR tagging, while concurrently raising awareness about environmental concerns in the general public. This journey has not only been about fostering environmental sustainability but also about paving the way for a paradigm shift in the way businesses operate.
Embarking on the path towards carbon neutrality requires a holistic approach that integrates sustainable practices into the core of your business model. Here's a beginner's guide to sustainable business success, based on our experiences at Citizen COP Foundation:
Define Your Mission: Clearly articulate your commitment to carbon neutrality and sustainability. Make it an integral part of your organizational mission. For us, greenGENE embodies our dedication to preserving the environment and catalyzing positive change.
Implement Sustainable Practices: Evaluate and adopt eco-friendly practices in your daily operations. From energy-efficient technologies to waste reduction strategies, every small step contributes to a greener footprint.
Collaborate with Like-minded Partners: Forge alliances with organizations that share your commitment to sustainability. Collaborations amplify the impact of your initiatives and create a network of support.
Educate and Engage: Use your platform to educate the public and your stakeholders about the importance of sustainability. In the case of greenGENE, we leverage QR tagging to provide information about each tree, fostering a sense of connection and responsibility.
Measure and Monitor Progress: Implement systems to track and measure your carbon footprint regularly. This allows you to identify areas for improvement and celebrate milestones, keeping the team motivated.
Innovate for Impact: Leverage technology and innovation to create scalable solutions. Our QR tagging not only helps in tracking trees but also serves as a tool for educating and involving the community in our mission.
Adapt and Evolve: The journey towards carbon neutrality is dynamic. Stay abreast of emerging technologies and best practices, and be willing to adapt your strategies accordingly.
By incorporating these principles into the fabric of your business, you can join the ranks of organizations working towards a sustainable and carbon-neutral future. As the founder of Citizen COP Foundation (Rakesh Jain), I can attest that the rewards go beyond environmental impact – they extend to the profound satisfaction of contributing to a healthier planet and a more responsible global community.
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tmetric · 6 months
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earaercircular · 6 months
The Danish pharmaceutical giant Novo Nordisk invests more than 42 billion Danish kroner in expansion of manufacturing facilities in Kalundborg, Denmark
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Novo Nordisk[1] announced on 10-11-2023 plans to invest more than 42 billion Danish kroner starting in 2023 to expand existing manufacturing facilities in Kalundborg[2], Denmark, for the current and future product portfolio within serious chronic diseases.
The investment comes as Novo Nordisk marks the 100th anniversary of its founding in Denmark, where more than 23,000 employees still work today. Most of these employees work at production sites.
The investment will create additional capacity across the entire global value chain from manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) to packaging, with the vast majority invested in API capacity. The new API facility will be designed as a multi-product facility, with flexibility to accommodate current and future processes. The investment, which includes GLP-1 products, will increase Novo Nordisk’s ability to meet future market demands.
"The significant investment announced today confirms the importance of utilising our existing sites, including in Denmark, as cornerstones for not only the growth we see but also to expand as fast as possible by utilising all the infrastructure, knowledge and competences we already have,” said Henrik Wulff, executive vice president, Product Supply, Quality & IT, Novo Nordisk. “Our continued investment in global capacity demonstrates the belief we have in our current and future product portfolio and its relevance for people living with serious chronic diseases.”
The new API facility will have a footprint of 170,000 m2[3]. It will be designed as a multi-product facility with flexibility to accommodate future processes and displaying state-of-the-art technology and working environment. As a future-proof and cost-effective facility, the construction will focus on delivering the highest quality to patients globally in an efficient and environmentally sustainable way.
The construction projects will be finalised gradually from the end of 2025 through 2029. The projects are expected to create 800[4] new jobs in the facilities when construction is completed, and the facilities are fully equipped. During the construction phase, up to 3,000 external employees will be employed.
Over the past two years, Novo Nordisk has announced 40 billion Danish kroner in production investments in Denmark. Novo Nordisk has also added approximately 1,100 employees in production related to these investments. Earlier this year, Novo Nordisk confirmed that it awaits approvals for a new production site on Funen, Denmark.
Expansion equires new solutions – deploying shuttle buses
A former industrial site in Svebølle, 15 kilometers from Kalundborg, is currently being converted into a parking space and bus station. The plan is that shuttle buses will in the future drive craftsmen and employees at Novo Nordisk to the pharmaceutical group's factories in the West Zealand coastal town.
The unusual measure is the latest in a series that Novo Nordisk has taken to ensure that the thousands of employees who show up every day at the pharmaceutical group's premises in Kalundborg can arrive on time without creating long car queues on the approach road to Kalundborg, as is the case during rush hour today.
The need for the shuttle buses from Svebølle will not diminish in the coming years. On Friday, Novo Nordisk announced that the company is putting extra turbo on the expansion of the pharmaceutical group's factories in Kalundborg with a total investment until 2029 of DKK 42 billion.
Massive educational task
Novo Nordisk undertakes also a massive educational task here also. One can choose to see it as a desire to get a consistent Novo perspective into the education programs from the start and to retain employees in Kalundborg.
But perhaps it is also a wake-up call for the established education system? Other large Danish companies have long had ambitious internal training. Will we see more of this? And how does it stand, e.g. the universities?
"When it comes to the 800 permanent employees, Novo Nordisk is already fully engaged in training them. An investment of this size calls for a lot of resources, including employees. Therefore, years ago we started an educational initiative in Kalundborg. Now we ourselves train everything from operators all the way up from bachelors to candidates and PhDs,' says Michael Hallgren, Director and Senior Vice President.
From next year, Novo Nordisk's campus in Kalundborg will have around 1,000 students and will churn out 300 new graduates each year. This concerns everything from vocationally trained operators and automation technicians to those trained in chemistry and biotechnology.
"It is one way of attracting labour. We make big investments internationally. In 2016-17, virtually no one in Kalundborg had a foreign passport. Today, over ten percent come from abroad”, says Michael Hallgren.
About Novo Nordisk manufacturing in Kalundborg
Novo Nordisk's production facilities in Kalundborg were established in 1969. Today, the facilities cover an area of 1,600,000 m2 and have around 4,400 employees. In Kalundborg, Novo Nordisk manufactures products for the treatment of obesity and diabetes as well as several biopharmaceutical products. Since the turn of the millennium and until 2020, Novo Nordisk had invested more than 18 billion Danish kroner in the production facilities in Kalundborg. In 2021-22, Novo Nordisk announced investments of an additional 18 billion Danish kroner, building four new production facilities and rebuilding three existing facilities.
Vibeke Lyngklip Svansø, Novo Nordisks milliardudvidelse i Kalundborg kræver nye løsninger – indsætter shuttlebusser, in: Berlingske, 10-11-2023,  https://www.berlingske.dk/business/novo-nordisks-milliardudvidelse-i-kalundborg-kraever-nye-loesninger
[1] Novo Nordisk is a leading global healthcare company, founded in 1923 and headquartered in Denmark. Our purpose is to drive change to defeat serious chronic diseases, built upon our heritage in diabetes. We do so by pioneering scientific breakthroughs, expanding access to our medicines, and working to prevent and ultimately cure disease. Novo Nordisk employs about 61,400 people in 80 countries and markets its products in around 170 countries.
[2] Kalundborg is a Danish city with a population of 16,486 (1 January 2023),the main town of the municipality of the same name and the site of its municipal council. It is situated on the northwestern coast of the largest Danish island, Zealand (or Sjælland in Danish), on the opposite, eastern side of which lies the capital Copenhagen, 110 km  away.
[3] Internal calculations show that when in operation, the future facility will reduce water consumption with approximately 40% and energy consumption with approximately 50% compared to similar API processes in other facilities.
[4] 700 jobs in the new API facility and 100 jobs in the new packaging facility.
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Stakeholders, Sustainability Management... and football?
Nowadays, sustainability is the hottest topic - and rightly so - shaping the way organisations work. At the heart of organisations there is something else, the “stakeholders”. So what about these terms and how do they relate?
Stakeholder theory has to do with the idea that organisations don’t operate in a vacuum. Organisations reflect the teams playing in a football match, and then there’s all the fans who want to get involved in the action - they’re the stakeholders. And just like football fans, stakeholders can influence the organisation, be influenced by it, or both. But why is this relevant to sustainability management? Because stakeholder theory can be your key to a sustainability strategy. By getting everyone involved in your organisation to think and act sustainably, you create a united front.
Suppose that your favourite football team partners-up with specialists to install solar panels and energy-efficient lighting in your stadium. This partnership benefits both the environment, by reducing energy consumption, the team as an institution, by reducing costs and improving its reputation for sustainability and the partners, through a marketing strategy. Actually, if you’re a FC Porto fan like me, you don’t have to imagine 😊.
So stakeholder theory can be a game-changer in the quest for sustainability, since it is about creating shared interests that benefit everyone involved. Plus, it pushes old-school managed companies to work towards the current agenda of sustainability, to satisfy the stakeholder’s needs. It’s like bringing the best of both worlds to the table, and that’s how you get the ball rolling on a sustainable future – by interplaying.
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Image source: own, 2022
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digitalmaniblog · 7 months
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Building A Sustainable Business: Strategies For Long-Term Success
Building A Sustainable Business: Strategies For Long-Term Success involves establishing and maintaining a business with practices that promote economic, environmental, and social sustainability.
The key points in this strategy include:
1. Environmental Responsibility: Implementing eco-friendly practices to reduce environmental impact, such as using renewable energy, minimizing waste, and reducing carbon emissions.
2. Social Responsibility: Supporting community engagement, diversity, fair labor practices, and ethical supply chains to enhance the company's reputation and stakeholder relationships.
3. Economic Viability: Ensuring profitability and financial stability by managing costs, diversifying revenue streams, and making strategic investments.
4. Innovation and Adaptability: Embracing innovation and staying adaptable to evolving market conditions and consumer preferences.
5. Long-Term Perspective: Focusing on long-term goals and sustainability, rather than short-term gains, to ensure the business thrives for years to come.
6. Stakeholder Engagement: Engaging with customers, employees, investors, and other stakeholders to align business goals with their interests and needs.
7. Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to laws and regulations related to sustainability and social responsibility to avoid legal and reputational risks.
By integrating these principles into their business strategies, organizations can increase their chances of long-term success while contributing positively to the planet and society.
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indiesellersguild · 7 months
Chiarra will be live today with Clotheshorse Podcast! We hope you'll join us. Listen at clotheshorsepodcast at 6PM Eastern on Instagram!
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technopooja · 8 months
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sustainablecore · 3 months
Sustainable Reporting: Tracking Progress for Positive Change
Sustainable reporting involves the systematic disclosure of an organization's non-financial performance, focusing on ESG factors. It provides insights into a company's environmental footprint, social responsibility initiatives, governance practices, and long-term sustainability strategies. By reporting these impacts and commitments, businesses demonstrate their dedication to sustainable development and stakeholder engagement.
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wireconsultants1 · 10 months
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goal-hall · 10 months
Project Sustainability, Why Is Very Important to Know This.
Project Sustainability refers to the ability of a project to continue delivering its intended outcomes and benefits to primary stakeholders over the long term, without negatively impacting the environment, society, or economy. The continuatio... Read More
Daily activities we are doing to make our lives better are project activities. Take a look at businesses, agriculture activities, innovations, and everything that makes us money and enjoys our existence are all Projects. Any initiative can be a project but not all initiatives can be projects. Therefore is very to every initiator to be aware of the sustainability of their initiatives. To…
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