#Saving the world and gay/women's rights by supporting Mr Genocide McFascistLover
aingeal98 · 5 months
So many deeply stupid arguments are emerging from people who are supposed to be more enlightened than conservatives and tankies like it's genuinely brain breaking.
It's "Support the lesser evil" when it comes to American politics and voting a man complicit in funding and aiding genocide against someone who would continue to do so but with more open racism, but it's ignore the lesser evil argument when it comes to Hamas or the Houthis. You have to call them evil terrorists and if you acknowledge any context or even analyse their motives you are evil and support them because they only exist to hurt me personally and they want nothing but western blood. Ignore how Israeli leaders have more blood on their hands than all of Hamas combined. Ignore the active genocide. Ignore the Houthis (who yes are evil) explicitly saying why they chose to do a blockade and how the west can stop it. You can't acknowledge a lesser evil in this situation because they're brown and not part of our civilised western democracies. It's evil vs evil but one is actively committing a genocide and one is trying to push governments into stopping it.
"But the Houthis are evil! They don't care about Gaza!" The West did not bomb the Houthis because they're evil. They don't care about the Houthis antisemitism or anything else they do to Yemen. They bombed them because the Houthis hijacked ships in order to disrupt trade, and have stated that they have done so in order to stop the genocide in Gaza. Because all the West cares about is it's capitalist system and violently enforcing it. Bombing them instead of trying to stop the genocide means that in this situation you have handed the moral high ground to the fucking Houthis. In this specific situation aka the genocide of Palestinians, the Houthis are the lesser evil to the democratic west's Trump. Congrats to the governments who took part in that. Great look.
"You can't afford to play purity politics against Trump!" You are demanding that people who are having their family murdered as we speak shut up and vote for the man who is arming and supporting the fascist who is doing the killing. You are saying their families are acceptable sacrifices to save your own skin. There is no good option here but the smug righteousness makes you disgusting to me. At least acknowledge what you're actually asking for instead of being a complete moral coward.
"Silly leftists, Bibi hates Biden!" Yes! He does! And yet Biden will still grovel and tank his own support and bypass congress to send arms to a fascist who hates him and wishes he was Trump, because Biden's support for western imperialism is stronger than his own dignity as well as his concern for his voters. How is this an actual argument I've seen people make. Netanyahu hating Biden doesn't mean shit if Biden won't stop licking his boots and trying to prove he can be just as supportive of fascists as Trump!
Biden did a lot of good with domestic policy and with Ukraine. He and his government are also supporting a genocide and if you deny that at this point there is no hope for you to be considered a serious person. People understand why Trump supporters insist he did nothing wrong and people understand why you do the same for Biden.
Like just. Cop on.
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