chaoticgeminate · 1 year
Cloud Nine (ii)
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Summary: Returning home to Paldea to retire, after living a life known as the "Champion of Champions" brings you back to an old friend -now a new love- with dark secrets who need your help.
Pairing: Javi G x f!Reader
Rating: T (Any smut is going to be implied only)
Notes/Warnings: Nothing major, this story is going to be fairly light hearted, though I will be using some of the wild Pokédex entries as reference for a few scenes.
Written for @yearofcreation2023
Series Masterlist | Year of Video Game AUs Masterlist
and how much cooler could my life get? (3k)
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Geeta waved cheerfully and you couldn’t help but return her enthusiasm, the League Chairwoman had been a fierce competitor during your own run and ever since you’d left she’d become a good friend keeping you updated on how many students came that qualified to compete for the title of Champion (not many), and if there was anyone who loved Pokémon in all of Paldea as fiercely as you did it was her.
“So, the Champion of Champions is ready to retire? It’s about time.” Geeta nudged you playfully and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes, following her into the room where the rest of the Gym Leaders were all assembled. It was a camera free meeting, which Iono had tried to put up a fight about, but even she relented that if they were going to discuss major League infrastructure that it’d be best to keep that from the public for now.
“Vaultin’ Vezula! If it isn’t our Champion, home again I see!” Kofu was on his feet in a second, quick to come and clap you on the shoulder, with enough force to make you stumble, but the cheerful chef still made you grin even though you were sure that you’d end up with a bruise. You introduced yourself to the room, given the number of people here you hadn’t met or seen in so long, and most of them were really welcoming even if they were intimidated by Geeta’s presence.
As you took your seat it was Grusha who cleared his throat to speak up first.
“Team Rocket thugs were spotted on the mountain, trying to steal Pokémon from academy students, they’ve been getting bolder.”
“I’ve had my fair share appear in Artazon, they’ve tried to steal the Sunflora during my Gym Challenge.”
“They’re all around Cortondo too, I’ve had to request more Officers for patrols because of how many new students were being cornered.”
You listened to each Gym Leader begin talking about Team Rocket sightings, still not sure just how far Lucas’ influence reached, and noticed the way Poppy was watching you intently. If you were less paranoid you might’ve chalked it up to her being a child but you weren’t willing to rule anything out, not with your life -and Javi’s life- on the line here.
“Did we create a map network of where they’ve appeared? We may be able to triangulate their base location if there’s a center point.” Assuming Lucas was dumb enough to make his manor on the outskirts of Alfornado was a bad idea, for all his grandstanding and fake smiles Lucas was craftier than anyone could expect, you wouldn’t factor it out but you weren’t going to go charging in Water Gun blazing.
“We have a few locations marked but we hadn’t thought to do so immediately.” They sent you a copy of the map pins to your Rotom Phone, your eyes scanning to see if there were any possible patterns even with the limited sightings available to you. There wasn’t, especially with Area Zero blocked off in the center of the region completely, so for now you made a note to keep an eye on reports of Team Rocket sightings and add them to the map.
“I’ll start investigating the areas marked, since we’re still waiting on this year’s group of Academy students to progress through the League, and if anyone else has any sightings let me know immediately.” As the Champion you did have the allowance to forgo Squawkabilly taxis and just use a flying Pokémon to travel, since any League responsibilities were a priority, and your Corviknight -Rook- was always ready to stretch her wings.
Grusha nodded and the meeting shifted to talks of limited certain press interactions now that Rotom Phones were giving people unhindered access to Uva students and League challengers, Iono’s streaming popularity had inspired battle streamers and care-taking streams or food making streams, but the adult members of the press that began stalking and cornering these minors were a problem that had gone unchecked for so long.
As the room began to clear, once the meeting was adjourned and Geeta had a plan of attack to draft new limitations for the protection of the kids, you were stopped by Katy and Grusha for a moment in private. The two of them waited for everyone to get out of hearing range, with the former summoning her Nymble to make sure that the coast was clear.
“We think Team Rocket has a foothold with the Police force, and maybe the League.” Grusha was right to the point and you decided to choose your words carefully since you didn’t know if these two could be trying to learn what you know to report back to Lucas.
“It’s always a possibility, do you have viable evidence? After I helped put Giovanni behind bars I was sure that the records of Team Rocket members were thoroughly combed and that every member was subsequently locked up too.” Katy let out a soft noise before she glanced at Grusha, then handed you her Rotom Phone. On the screen she had a video playing of a police officer talking to a member of Team Rocket, near the Cortondo gym, promising him a better haul of Pokémon if he didn’t touch the Smoliv. Reminding the grunt that the Pokémon from Javi’s business were off limits.
“I sent this to the police and all that happened was new officers being sent to Cortondo, no arrests were made, so when I elevated it to the League and nothing changed… well I got suspicious.” Katy watched you send a copy of the video to yourself, taking her phone back, and you looked between the two of them carefully.
“I’ll head up to the Glaseado region to start my investigation, since they’ll likely expect me in Cortondo first given the amount of young trainers that come through. What I want the two of you to do for now is ask any trainer, any resident, if or how often they’ve seen Team Rocket grunts and a rough idea of where. We can’t find the source without narrowing their headquarters down.” Both Gym Leaders nodded and set out while you waited a moment, leaning against the wall, and Sneaky -your Mimikyu- slipped out of your shadow and hopped up onto your shoulder.
“Guess I should throw on a parka, huh Sneaky?” You had to make the moles, whoever they were, think you had a pattern; it was easy as the Champion to announce where you were going and appear there, it’d be expected of you. Meanwhile you tapped out a message on your Rotom Phone to Jacq, your former classmate -now biology teacher- about that potential Champion of his. Getting a child involved, a student no less, was risky but you personally had to handle this as carefully as you could.
If that meant being the distraction was the role you had to play then you'd take it.
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Addie Cage was very chill compared to her father, Nicolas and Olivia had been thrilled that you’d reached out to meet with the contender Geeta and the other gym leaders had scouted out for you, you’d spent far too long having the actor attempt to convince you to do some public interview thing with him before he relented so you could plan a meeting with his daughter. Now as you sat at the picnic tables, having already laid everything out for her, you were very impressed with her immediate go-getter attitude.
“I’m not afraid of those Team Rocket thugs, a few of them have tried but none of them are as good as my team is.” You could understand now where Geeta and the others saw potential in the girl, she valued each of her partners in a way that some trainers just didn’t, the bonds of trust and love she was building with her Pokémon would inspire them to be stronger for her as well.
“That’s what I like to hear, I’ve reached out to the other region Champions and so far it looks like Team Rocket is the only one that has a return on the horizon. So if we stop them here then that should be the end of things.” You traded contact information directly once you knew she’d change her course back to Cortondo, to start looking around as subtly as she could, under the guise of wanting to look for specific Pokémon for her team. As you donned your parka and called Rook out, nodding to Addie, your Corviknight set off for Glaseado Mountain.
You would have to contact Javi and make sure you kept him updated too, though for now you were careful of using any contact that could be recorded or intercepted, but for now you made you way into the cold. As you expected the crowd was waiting for you, you had told Grusha to heavily mention your return, and after answering questions and signing autographs you got to work on scouting around the area for any signs of Team Rocket activity. A message from Addie confirmed that there were sightings in Cortondo, in the span of a few hours -while you’d searched through the cold- she had beaten three grunts and made sure that they were given to police custody.
Coordinating travel with Addie was easy, her Miraidon presented a lot of surprise in that you had never heard of the Pokémon before and it offered her much more mobility than a Cyclizar ever would, and by the time night began to fall you felt much more confident about your challenger and her capabilities as well as being able to outsmart Team Rocket after Addie recruited a few of her friends to the cause. Penny, Arven, Nemona, along with the former Team Star bosses -and their crews- were eager to help protect Pokémon all over Paldea and you couldn’t help but feel a little bit of regret and guilt that you were doing to them what had happened to you.
Making these children step up to protect their region because you’d been so absent from the League by traveling that nothing had changed to make things better for them.
Javi’s penthouse apartment was warm and you could hear voices when you opened the door, closing it silently and using the heavily padded carpet to your advantage.
“I did not tell her anything, Lucas, if she knew the truth do you truly believe she would have chosen to be with me?” Hearing the sound of Javi’s panic set you on edge but hearing his cousin’s name explained it well enough, you moved as quietly as you could to slip closer to where the duo conversed without being noticed and ducked behind the kitchen island to stay well out of sight of Javi’s study door. You silenced your Rotom Phone and set it to record, just in case Lucas said anything incriminating as a response, and the Pokémon controlled device moved to the top of the door frame silently.
“You do have a point, but I can assure you that if I find out you lied to me the consequences will be far worse than simply taking Arizona from you. It won’t be too hard to stage an accident for our Champion of Champions or even make her the scapegoat-“ His phone began to ring loudly and you resisted the urge to go in ready to fight, so far all that had been revealed was a threat against your life and that wouldn’t be enough.
Whoever was on the other end must have said something that set Lucas off.
“What do you mean our employees have been turning up in police stations significantly more? How are they losing to children?!” Lucas stormed out, slamming the door closed loudly to talk on Javi’s patio, and you waited until you heard Javi’s soft sniffles before sending out Sneaky to ensure the place was actually empty of Lucas’ possible men to hear you. Hurrying while Lucas’ back was turned to the elevator entrance, setting your bag down and slipping your shoes off in the entryway as if you'd just arrived.
Lucas’s head turned, the thick glass muffling what he was saying, and met your surprised gaze; it took all your acting ability honed from interviews to smile warmly and wave at the man like he was still just an exasperating relative. Lucas’ smile was a touch sinister -if you knew what to look for- as he waved back and pointed to the phone. You turned toward the study with a wrinkle of your nose and a roll of your eyes, crossing the penthouse to where you boyfriend was, and Javi’s eyes were wet with tears when you knocked on the study door; he darted a panicked look toward the window that made you shake your head gently.
“I slipped in while you two were… talking. I heard enough to know he think I don’t know the truth and that he thinks he can kill me or make me his fall girl.” Your whispered confession made Javi wrap his arms around your torso and you ran your fingers through his curls gently, cooing softly to make the sniffles go away, and you made sure your Rotom phone was tucked away when you heard the patio door open again. Lucas looked like he hadn’t just been screaming, which was impressive, as he walked into the room.
“There she is, our Champion of Champions has come home, how have you been?” You let go of Javi to hug the other man, not wanting to alert him to anything.
“Exhausted, the press is a nightmare so I spent so much of my time camping, this is the first time in a long time I’ve had a bed to sleep in; which just made me realize how badly my back hurts.” Lucas laughed with you and didn’t complain when you moved to sit down in one of the two heavily padded arm chairs, taking the other, as Javi excused his tears by saying Lucas had delivered good news. Your head tipped and the man only huffed before pulling a ring box out of his pocket.
“Oh? Who’s the lucky person?”
“Her name is Leona, our daughter Poppy is a member of the Elite Four., I’ve been putting this off but decided it was about time.”
Now you understood why Lucas influence in the League was both slow and very high up, as a child Poppy wasn’t given tasks that allowed her a lot of direct influence but she had to be permitted to sit in on League meetings.
“I didn’t know you had a daughter, Poppy is a darling little girl.” Javi looked just as surprised as you felt at the revelation, you suspected Lucas had kept his personal life very far from Javi on the chance that your boyfriend decided to finally fight back. Unseating Poppy as the Steel Type trainer for the Elite Four likely wouldn’t be difficult, all someone had to do was defeat her in a best of five battle after applying to the role, and if push came to shove you wouldn’t mind being a member of the Elite Four rather than the Champion if it meant securing Javi’s freedom.
“Somehow I got lucky that she’s most like her mother, I should probably allow you two some time together given your no doubt busy schedule.”
“Oh, well, just more of the same I guess. Preparing for the League season to potentially allow me to retire, making sure the Gym Leaders and Elite Four are up to snuff, and now working to shut down Team Rocket before they can get a solid foothold. I think the press is my biggest issue, since they’re too excited for interviews and whatnot, but I’m sure I’ll find whoever is trying to steal Pokémon from their trainers and revive Team Rocket soon and I’m more than willing to work with the League even if I get retired.” You decided to test the waters, to make sure he truly believed Javi hadn’t told you a thing, and Lucas’ soft chuckle as he patted you on the shoulder was warm with fondness.
“I’m sure you will, you certainly proved me wrong from so long ago, you’ve proven many naysayers wrong by making it as far as you have. Be safe.” As he left you waited for Sneaky to give you the all clear, the little ghost Pokémon purring when you picked it up to hug it close, and Javi met your gaze with a sad smile. If Lucas was telling the truth and Poppy was his connection to the League you had to be very careful how you handled this, sending a message to Geeta to stop my your apartment tomorrow, and you sighed softly.
“I had to get students involved, since they can move around virtually undetected, the press and Lucas will have their eyes on me. Addie, the one that Geeta and the other Gym Leaders have said is shaping up the be a solid contender to unseat me, got her friends involved too. I’m putting children in the line of fire, Javi-“
“Was that not what happened to you? Even before you began the Champion of a region, on your journey through it you were putting these organizations behind bars, and until the League steps in to do more this is the only way. Now that you’re home that can be your aspiration, to change things for the better for those that come after us, but for now you need to take advantage of this to keep ahead of him. I will not lose you to his greed, to this evil of my family.” Javi buried his face into your neck and you nodded, perched in his lap as you vowed to somehow repay Addie and her friends for doing what you couldn’t and cleaning up Paldea for good.
"Addie's father, Nicolas, is my favorite actor so it is very much bizarre to think that she's going to be facing you soon."
"Really? Huh, I guess I'll have to take him up on his offer to meet sometime then."
Javi's soft eyes and the way he silenced the slight whimper made you smile and kiss him on the corner of his mouth.
"You'd be attending too, silly man, don't act like I won't use my connections to make you happy too."
While it was a no strings attached offer you were more than delighted in how he expressed his gratitude.
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All Fics Taglist: @haylzcyon @wordsnwhiskey @pagannightwitch @radiowallet @tauralmie @amneris21 @trickstersp8 @practicalghost @alwaysdjarin @alexxavicry @all-the-way-down-here @xoxabs88xox
Just Pedro Taglist: @maievdenoir @beecastle @littlemisspascal @writeforfandoms @aynsleywalker @lovesbiggerthanpride @mswarriorbabe80 @emiemiemiii
Alt Taglist: @imtryingmybeskar @fan-of-encouragement @grogusmum @sizzlingcloudmentality @deadhumourist
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Your new gay Pokemon team: Bulbasaur, Haunter, Komala, Mr. Rime, Squawkabilly, and Voltorb!
Bulbasaur What is your first Pokemon related memory?
Went to the Varsity for my birthday, and got leaf green and read the back of it excitedly like 20 times on the way home before I started playing it
Haunter Have you ever experienced anything supernatural?
I swear when i was younger i saw an angel in my bedroom... My parents joke that I speak smal miracles. Such as "saying its busy out woud love a close spot, then getting it"... or going to a place and getting a free drink/food
Komala What’s currently on your bedside table?
A lamp, some lotion my wallet and a MTG deck i am working on
Mr. Rime What is your completely worthless beauty show talent?
my fingers are really flexible and can bend really far back
Squawkabilly Life’s a musical. What would your ‘I Want’ song be?
Galactic mermaid Song by Mermaid Sisters
Voltorb What kind of Poké Ball should a person use to have the best shot at catching you?
Luxury ball...love the aesthetic of it
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