#Rinjani Crater Valley
littlenomo · 6 years
The tales of Lombok and the great big volcanic rock
Phew! It's been a busy 10 days in Lombok. However the toughest challenge we faced here (or perhaps ever!) and the most painful for me to have to relive is that of climbing Mount Rinjani, so I'm going to tell you about that first. We did a 3 day trek up the volcanic Mount Rinjani, not quite to the summit, but still 2600m up (and down) and then 600m down (and up!) to visit the lake and hot springs in the crater of the mountain. It was definitely the hardest physical challenge I've ever had and Alex said it was more intense that the Inca trek and probably wouldn't have taken either of us if he'd known how hard it was going to be!! Day 1 - The Climb After our customary 2 hour wait at the hostel, we met our very international group (Finland, Spain, Malaysia, France, and the Lake District) and set off for a 30 minute journey in the back of a truck to our starting point. What started as a nice gradual climb through rolling hills with clanging cows' bells and a little woodland area, quickly torpedoed after lunch as the route got rockier, more treacherous and; most painfully, steeper throughout. It also didn't help my self esteem that our whole group were super humans. The British guy, Cory, had done the 'Lakes in a Day' challenge and seemed to be looking at the whole climb as if it were a race, Ville from Finland was about to begin training to be a ranger out there and Spanish Marija had been on Everest!! Needless to say, they were at least an hour ahead of us at all times. The last three hours (of 8!!!) were hell and I seriously doubted if we were going to make it even with our guide, Bihan, being so patient with us and making me a stick to help me. The last section (when our legs were about ready to give way) was near vertical with loose rocks on a twisty hillside. It gave me vertigo to look back and see how high up we were. However when we came out of that last wooded area, and turned to see a full moon above the vast valley below us, despite my weariness, I was still blown away by the view. The sun was just setting so it was perfect timing to reach base camp, with the full moon surrounded by pinky hues on one side, and then a bright colourful sky on the other as the sun set behind the crater with a glassy, calm lake at the bottom. I felt a brief moment of elation as we collapsed after taking a few photos, but then the pain kicked in. I think my body must have been in shock, as I was having leg and foot spasms, hot and cold flushes (it got cold very quickly once the sun was down), and didn't have much of an appetite; though the dinner was delicious. My only option for relief was to sleep. It was a small tent with a hard mat and a smelly sleeping bag, but I honestly didn't even notice. Day 2 - Hot springs and Lake While the rest of the crazies climbed to the summit at 2am (another 1000m climb), we had a relaxed morning at base camp; I mostly slept, and Alex had some quiet time watching the sunrise. Oh and guarding our tents from dozens of monkeys looking for leftovers! Eventually our group was back (one couple took over eight hours to do the summit - it sounded very precarious!!) and we persuaded a guide to take us to the hot springs. A landslide on our planned route meant we had to try a bit harder to figure out what was happening and what we were able to do, but we got there in the end. The trek down into the crater and back would have been hard on a normal day, but our already aching limbs made it all the harder. At least this one was 50% steep incline and 50% flat(ish) walking! The springs themselves were amazing to behold: steaming greeny blue streams flowing down between huge cream rocks. The water was extremely hot and I only managed to get my feet in (though they appreciated the special treatment!) before I was craving a cool down, so we headed to the lake for a swim. It seemed like a different world, though only 5 minutes away. It was misty and grey so that the lake looked like it went on forever. When the clouds cleared we realised we were close by to the cone (the most active part of the volcano) which was smoking away. It was such a shame we didn't have more time down there so we could really appreciate the springs and the lake. We were certainly wishing we were camping there for the night rather than facing the climb back to our beds, but climb we did. The second night ended much in the same way as the first; my body just willing for it all to end. Day 3 - The Descent Still knackering, and with a few hairy moments, I must admit once we got past the first super steep bit, I almost enjoyed parts of the descent, especially after my Immodium kicked in (yep, tummy still not quite right!) and I'd swapped my blistering boots for some freeing flip flops. I had a moment where I even felt grateful that I'd got to see such beautiful and remote things that lazy people like me usually never get to see. However, as my feet started aching, the last hour dragged and I could feel myself getting more and more worked up so that when I rejoined with Alex at the finish line, I wasn't surprised that I cried (making it a grand total of 4.5 waves of tears throughout the trek, but only one full blown meltdown: A:"You look miserable" N:"I AM MISERABLE!"), this time mainly just from relief that it was all over. In conclusion, I'm probably never going to climb another mountain like that again (not sure I even should have in the first place!), but we met some great people (Jonah from New York with his brilliant hiking hat was the highlight!), saw great things and certainly pushed ourselves to the limit, which I guess is a good test so early in a marriage! Oh and I've never enjoyed a hot shower and a nice hotel room so much in my life as I did that afternoon. The rest of our time in Lombok has been a stark contrast of relaxation, beaches and just your more your average holiday vibes and we were in the perfect locations for it. Firstly in our very plush hotel in Senggigi which had a really nice pool with an incredible view down over the hillside to the sea and secondly by the unbelievably beautiful south coast in Kuta. This time consisted of mainly of sunbathing (/burning), massages, mosquito bites, ice cream, shopping, swimming and Alex did a bit of surfing, but of course there were some highlights... Firstly, the day before we did the trek we were taken by our rather charming 15 year old guide, Ali, to see some waterfalls in Senaru. Alex got a rather harsh back massage from the first one, but it was really the second waterfall that blew us away. It was a crescent of smaller and narrow flows of water coming down a huge curved rock side in the rainforest, surrounding one bigger, more powerful jet that pushed out into the middle. I'm not sure my description does it justice but it really was amazing!! We also had the fun but slightly disconcerting journey back through the tunnels that bring water down to the town from the waterfalls (so that we could avoid all the stairs back, so it was for good reason!). With water up to my knees, it was pitch black in the tunnels apart from the occasional windows to the pathway which illuminated dozens of intricate dewy spider's webs. The ground underfoot was mostly smooth but did have the occasional hole (goodness knows where to!) that Ali skilfully helped us avoid. A really interesting and fun afternoon!! In Senggigi the main highlight was when we went for dinner in a deserted restaurant (as we've grown quite accustomed to; it's apparently "rainy" season here at the moment, though we've had someone watching out for us on that front so far!), so the live band were essentially just performing for us. The singer, Ronnie, came to chat with us in his break and I made sure to mention that Alex was a bassist. Low and behold, he was up playing "Sweet Child of Mine" with them in the next set, it was great. After the gig they then invited us to their house as it just so happened to be the day before Mawlid (Muslim equivalent to Christmas Eve) and they were having a get together at one of their houses. We said we definitely wouldn't want to eat (as we'd already eaten) and Ronnie assured me it would be OK if I didn't want any, but as I suspected this was met with disdain (I felt like a huge bloaty balloon, I couldn't even attempt it!). Either way, it was so nice of them to ask us there and their singalongs and copious amounts of food did make me excited for Christmas with our families, even if Alex was told off for eating with his left hand! I was sad that the woman who had made the meal wasn't part of the socialising itself, despite Alex trying to invite her in. Apparently it was a men only affair (apart from the tourist!). Kuta was, as I mentioned, breathtakingly beautiful. The kind of beaches you see on exotic postcards and perfume commercials. Aside from just riding around on our hired moped and soaking in the scenery (and eating incredible Mexican food!!), we did also have the closest we've had to a night out on the whole trip! Early on Alex was up to his usual chatty tricks and made friends with a local bar owner, Yoko. He helped us with moped hire and took Alex surfing, and it was his bar that hosted the Friday live music night that seemed to attract in the whole town - we haven't seen that many people gathered together in weeks!! It was a good giggle chatting to lots of drunken surfers from all over the world, fighting off, but simultaneously laughing with kids selling bracelets, doing balloons (Alex had another crazy deja vu experience), and having a dance at a safe distance from the crazy locals who were pouring beer all over each other. The final crescendo of the trip was a walk on our last night out to sunset point, which is every bit as romantic as it sounds. It is a set of surprisingly green rolling hillsides (you could believe you were in Cornwall!) on a peninsula that juts out into the sea at the end of one of the particularly beautiful beaches. There are small foot-made paths over the hills which lead to a variety of amazing vantage points of the stretching coast line in magic hour's golden light. On our way out we saw some cows that from a distance looked shimmery and almost waxy, but which, on closer inspection, turned out to be caked in mud from an unexpected mud bath just over the verge of the hill - a cattle spa! And, at the top, we saw a legitimate flying man! I've never seen it before (not even sure what it's called?), but it was a guy quite simply flying over the hillsides in a seat pulled by a big crescent kite which he controlled from levers in each hand. It was scary but amazing to watch him glide gracefully down the slopes and over the shimmering ocean. He managed to stay in the air for about an hour using only the power of the wind. So yeah, it's been great! However, I must admit, I'm hoping Flores, our next stop, will have less pushy salesmanship. It made me so sad seeing kids as young as maybe 6, selling bracelets at all hours of the day and night and one woman started telling me about how she was married at 15 when she was selling us sarongs and I could feel my blood start to boil!! All that aside, Lombok was one of the most picturesque places I think I've ever seen - certainly any honeymooners dream - and we are sad to go.
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volcanofandom · 5 years
Volcanoes, VEI classification from Wikipedia.
The classification contain some personal correction. Also some of the listed volcanoes are extinct. I might add some later.
VEI-1 (one volcano) Kick’em Jenny
VEI-2 (seven volcanoes) Mount Adams Brennisteinsfjöll Erta Ale Krýsuvík Mauna Loa Mount Nyiragongo Whakaari-White Island
VEI-3 (seven volcanoes) Gareloi Volcano Koryaksky Mount Kusatsu-Shirane Ljósufjöll Nazko Cone Stromboli Torfajökull
VEI-4 (twentythree volcanoes) Avachinsky Mount Awu Chaîne des Puys Deriba Caldera Eyjafjöll Volcán de Fuego Mount Gambier Kīlauea Krafla Lascar Manam Motu Mayon Mount Ruang Nevado del Ruiz Parícutin Mount Pavlof Mount Pelée Quetrupillán Sarychev Peak Thordarhyrna Ulawun Vulcano (?) Mount Yasur
VEI-5 (thirtyeight volcanoes) Mount Agung Mount Akutan Aogashima Mount Asama Askja Cerro Azul Mount Bandai Mount Berlin Bezymianny Bridge River Vent Calbuco Colima Cosigüina El Chichón FPiton de la Fournaise Mount Fuji Furnas Galunggung Glacier Peak Mount Haruna Hayes Volcano Hekla Mount Kaguyak Llaima Makushin Volcano Mayor Island-Tuhua Mount Meager massif Öræfajökull Pico Viejo Putauaki Puyehue-Cordón Caulle Mount Rainier Shiveluch Soche Mount Tarawera Mount Tongariro Mount Usu Yantarni Volcano
VEI-6 (fifthy volcanoes) Ambrym Mount Aniakchak Apoyeque Bárðarbunga Billy Mitchell Black Peak Ceboruco Mount Churchill Dakataua Deception Island Eldgjá Mount Emmons Mount Erebus Mount Etna Fisher Caldera Grímsvötn Huaynaputina Mount HudsonI Lake Ilopango Karymsky Katla Khangar Kolumbo Ksudach Kuwae Laacher See Laki Masaya Volcano Lake Mashū Menengai Morne Diablotins Nevado de Toluca Novarupta Lake Okataina Mount Okmok Pago (volcano) Mount Pinatubo Popocatépetl Quilotoa Rabaul caldera Raoul Island Mount Saint Helens Sakurajima Santa María Sturgeon Lake Caldera Taal Volcano Tao-Rusyr Caldera Ulleungdo Mount Veniaminof Villarica Mount Vesuvius
VEI-7 (thirtytwo volcanoes) Aguas Calientes caldera Aira Caldera Alban Hills Mount Aso Lake Atitlán Bennett Lake Volcanic Complex Cerro Blanco Henry's Fork Caldera Karymshina Kikai Caldera Krakatau Kulshan Caldera Kurile Lake Ischia Long Valley Caldera Lvinaya Past Macauley Island Maipo Lake Maninjau Mount Mazama Crater Lake McDermitt volcanic field Mount Merapi Paektu Mountain Phlegraean Fields Reporoa Caldera Mount Rinjani Rotorua Caldera Santorini Mount Tambora Teide Valles Caldera Young Island
VEI-8 (thirteen volcanoes) City of Rocks State Park Galán La Garita Caldera Cerro GuachaI Island Park Caldera La Pacana Misema Caldera Pastos Grandes Lake Taupo Lake Toba Tondano Vilama Yellowstone Caldera
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vacationsoup · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://vacationsoup.com/top-adventurous-activities-in-bali/
Top Adventurous Activities in Bali To Get an Adrenaline Rush
If your idea of a memorable vacation involves a host of exhilarating, pulse-racing pursuits, then the spectacular Indonesian island of Bali is the ideal destination. There’s a number of adventurous activities in Bali that you will love to try, whether you’re keen to challenge yourself with physically-grueling activity, or want to immerse yourself in the island’s rich culture at the same time. Active holidays in Bali give visitors the option to explore the gems of the inland areas or the jewels of the ocean, depending on your preferences.
Active escapes in Bali range from adrenaline-pumping surfing and water sport retreats, through to one-off afternoon activities that you can pick and choose to pull together your own tailored itinerary. For those who can’t wait to engage their wild side and plunge into an active holiday in Bali, we’ve rounded up an eclectic selection of the most daring entertainment options.
Bali’s crowning jewel
Bali is one of the world’s supreme surfing destinations. Image: www.facebook.com/dreamlandsurfschoolbali
Bali is own of the world’s supreme surfing destinations, so for holiday-makers on the lookout for adventurous things to do in Bali, this water sport should be at the top of the list. Surfing is a classic favourite with many visitors planning an active holiday in Bali, thanks in large part to the array of world-class beaches and surf schools – many of which are peppered across the islands southern coast.
The Bukit Pensinsula is a good destination for beginners, as there are plenty of suitable beaches packed with surf schools where you can master the basics before heading out to sea. Padang Padang beach is one of the most sought-after spots for beginner and intermediate surfers, and during high tide the waves are long, unbroken and exhilarating. Dreamland Beach is another hotspot for surfers, and is also situated on Bali’s Bukit Peninsula. The waves here don’t tend to soar too high, making the surf conditions ideal for those who are just learning the ropes of this fast-paced sport. The Dreamland Surf School is the most convenient place on the beach to rent equipment and book onto surf classes.
Essential info:
Web: http://dreamlandsurfschool.com Tel: +62 857 3870 4974 Address: Jl. New Luta Beach Pecatu, Dreamland Beach, Bali Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dreamlandsurfschoolbali/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dreamlandsurfschoolbali/
White knuckle ride
You can be confident that the island’s adrenaline-pulsing watery treasures aren’t limited to the coastline. Images: www.balimasktour.com
If you’re keen to enjoy an active escape in Bali, then you can be confident that the island’s adrenaline-pulsing watery treasures aren’t limited to the coastline. In fact, white water rafting is one of Bali’s most popular attractions for daring travelers on the lookout for their own jungle adventure. The Telaga Waja River in Karangasem, East Bali, is the island’s most popular spot for those interested in the adventurous activities in Bali.
There’s a plethora of tour companies that organise white water rafting tours in this region of Bali, including Bali Mask Tours. Their packages offer exhilarating rides down the Telaga Waja River, cutting a path through emerald valleys, towering cliffs, rocky rapids and past cascading waterfalls. The white water rafting track is about 13km long, and takes about two hours to traverse. Guides will shout commands to help you navigate the trickier parts of the course, until the safety of the finishing line. So, if you’re unafraid of a little adventure, this activity should definitely make it onto your list of things to do on an active escape in Bali.
Essential info:
Web: http://balimasktour.com Tel: +62 8123 9229 666 Address: Bali Mask Tour, Panjer, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, 80225 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/balimasktour/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/balimasktour/
The wind in your hair
Kite surfing (or kite boarding) is one of the most adventurous things to do in Bali. Image: www.facebook.com/ripcurlschoolofsurf
If you have a need for speed, kite surfing (or kite boarding) is one of the most adventurous things to do in Bali. This water sport is gaining popularity amongst adrenaline junkies who want to soar along Bali’s coastline, skimming along the surface of the water before executing extreme aerial moves. Wind speeds during the dry season, from May through October, are usually between 12 and 15 knots, making this the best time of year to try out this active pursuit.
If you’ve never tried kite boarding before and would like to master the basics with a comprehensive beginners’ course, the Rip Curl School of Surf offers an array of options at it’s Sanur Beach branch. This stretch of Bali’s coastline boasts outstanding waves, and a personalised kite surfing lesson with one of Rip Curl’s experts will help you to make the most of them. One of the advantages of kite surfing is that you aren’t reliant on the speed or strength of the waves – all you need is the wind. Your instructor will be able to show you how to harness the power of the coastal gusts so you can enjoy a pulse-racing ocean adventure.
Essential info:
Web: https://ripcurlschoolofsurf.com/ Tel: +62 3612 87749 Address: Rip Curl School of Surf, Sanur School, Prama Sanur Beach Hotel, Jalan Cemara, Sanur, bali, Indonesia, 80361 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ripcurlschoolofsurf/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ripcurlschoolofsurf/
A splash of color
Bali is home to a selection of paint ball arenas, perfect for visitors who want to galvanise a little team spirit and feed their hunger for adrenaline. Image: www.visit2indonesia.com
If your idea of an active escape in Bali is tackling the opposing team in a fierce battle of paintball, then you’re in luck. The island is home to a selection of paintball arenas, perfect for visitors who want to galvanize a little team spirit and feed their hunger for adrenaline.
One of Bali’s supreme paintball battlefields – Paintball Bali Pertiwi – is spread across a generous two hectares of land. Those on an active holiday in Bali can win or lose the game in a few seconds and a snap burst of color, so talking strategy with your teammates is essential. After donning authentic military-style gear, you’ll take to the course, which is home to an array of obstacles, bunkers and manmade wreckages. Many of these structures provide a useful hiding spot for when you need a timeout to re-jig your strategy while under attack from the opposition. The center offers a selection of packages, including pure paintballing, and paintball with rafting, ATV rides.
Essential info:
Web: http://paintballbalipertiwi.com/ Tel: +62 361 465 876 Address: Br. Karang Dalem I, Desa Wisata Bongkasa Pertiwi, Badung, Bali Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paintballbalipertiwi/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/274808230/paintball-bali-pertiwi/
Lofty peaks
Neighbouring island of Lombok is home to the King of treks – the arduous climb to the peak of Mount Rinjani. Image: www.facebook.com/climbingrinjani
While Bali is home to its fair share of hiking trails, the neighboring island of Lombok is home to the King of treks – the arduous climb to the peak of Mount Rinjani. If you’re an adventurous spirit keen to explore the best adventurous activities in Bali, then the short journey across to Lombok in order to hike this peak is a must.
Towering above the rest of the island at an imposing height of 3,726m, Mt Rinjani’s peak is a spectacular position from which to enjoy an unforgettable sunrise or sunset. However, a trek to the peak is not for the faint of heart. Only hikers with a high level of fitness tend to make it all the way to the top – one of the reasons this challenge is one of the most popular active pursuits for visitors who make their way to Bali.
Many people embark on the shorter two-day hike to the edge of a volcanic crater that’s en-route to the peak, where you can stop and soak up unforgettable views out towards the Gili Islands. Trekking Rinjani are one of the professional Lombok-based tour agencies leading hikes up to the peak of Mount Rinjani, and they offer a number of packages depending on how physically challenging you’d like the experience to be.
By the way, Lombok is worth spending at least 2-3 days there, for example, in one of those awesome holiday villas.
Essential info:
Web: http://www.trekkingrinjani.com/ Tel: +62 812 3761 387 Address: Jl. Cendrawasih No.8, Cakranegara, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Code Pos 83231 Mataram, Lombok, Indonesia Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/climbingrinjani/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/trekkingrinjani/
Fighting dirty
Some activities – such as Mepantigan mud wrestling – combine culture and adrenaline. Image: www.facebook.com/mepantiganbali
If it’s active escapes in Bali that you’re looking for, that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the island’s host of cultural treasures. Some activities – such as Mepantigan mud wrestling – combine culture and adrenaline. Almost extinct, this Balinese form of combat was revived by martial arts master Putu Witsen to preserve one of the island’s most ancient forms of contest. Essentially, this mode of fighting combines martial arts techniques seen across the world, bringing Balinese drama, dance and music into the mix, too. Of course, the best part is, the whole thing is done in thick pools of mud.
If you’re keen to learn the moves of Mepantigan mud wrestling, it’s worth knowing this martial art is particularly challenging on a physical level – with the added layer of the thick mud adding to the obstacles you’re working against. Each round lasts approximately three minutes, with each fight comprising two rounds in total. In addition to traditional Mepantigan fighting, there’s also mud yoga and a mud sauna package for those who aren’t in the mood for an activity quite so physical.
Essential info:
Web: www.mepantiganbali.com Tel: +62 819 162 222 81 Address: Jl. Pasekan Pondok Batu Alam No.30 Banjar Tubuh, Batubulan, Sukawati, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali 80582, Indonesia Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mepantiganbali/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mepantigan.bali/
Don’t look down
Canyoning is an excellent activity for those keen to experience the most adventurous things to do in Bali. Image: www.adventureandspirit.com
The furious crystal cascades of water that punctuate Bali’s interior landscape attract thousands of visitors each year. However, if you’re planning the itinerary for your active escape in Bali, then what’s the point in photographing its stunning waterfalls from a distance when you can enjoy their power close-up?
Canyoning is an excellent activity for those keen to experience the most adventurous things to do in Bali. It’s a test of strength, agility and daring, combining rock climbing, trekking and abseiling all in one jam-packed, white-knuckle activity. Adventure & Spirit Bali offer a selection of canyoning tours, including an exhilarating package which allows participants to explore the canyon of Kerenkali. The rocky chasm is divided into two parts, the first of which features an exhilarating sequence of jumps and water slides across imposing gorges of volcanic rock. The second part comprises descents down waterfalls (the highest is 26m), numerous swims and free jumping.
Essential info:
Web: https://www.facebook.com/adventureandspirit/ Tel: +62 853 3388 5598 Address: Jl. Raya Mas No.62, MAS, Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali 80571, Indonesia Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/adventureandspirit/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/891227098/adventure-and-spirit-canyoning/
Views from up high
For thrill-seekers there really is no activity available that compares to gliding high above azure seas, powered by the winds of the Indian Ocean. Image: www.i.ytimg.com
If you’re planning your own active holiday in Bali, then why not combine the best of the island’s adrenaline-pulsing activities with stupendous views? If you’re afraid of heights, then the thought of soaring past Timbis Beach on a paragliding adventure is sure to make your heartbeat quicken. However, for thrill-seekers there really is no activity available that compares to gliding high above azure seas, powered by the winds of the Indian Ocean.
Paragliding packages in this region can be organized through various tour agencies, including Gusti Bali Tours. If this is your first time in the air, then you’ll be heading up on a tandem flight with an experienced partner. In fact, its your paragliding instructor who will handle all the steering and management of the craft, so you’re free to enjoy the views and the exhilaration of soaring through the sky like a bird.
Essential info:
Web: https://www.gustibali.com/archives/bali-paragliding Tel: +62 813 5308 0000 Address: Jalan Pantai Nyanyi Banjar Kebon No. 18 Pandak Gede, Tabanan, 82121 Tabanan Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gustibalitours/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gustibalitour/
Afraid of heights?
A trip to Bali Treetop Adventure park provides the perfect afternoon of entertainment for those enjoying an active holiday in Bali. Image: www.facebook.com/balitreetop
A trip to Bali Treetop Adventure park provides the perfect afternoon of entertainment for those enjoying an active holiday in Bali. Set amongst the lush, landscaped setting of the Bali Botanical Gardens, this activity centre provides an afternoon of exhilarating fun – for both adults and kids. The park boasts an exciting selection of tightrope courses, zip lines, perilous-looking wooden bridges, flying swings and monkey ropes. The best part is, there’s a number of different courses for visitors to try out, ranging from the squirrel yellow and green loops for kids, to the adrenaline black circuit for thrill-seeking adults.
There are seven courses in total, depending on your age and skill level. However, if you’re searching for the most adventurous things to do in Bali, then the adrenaline black circuit is a must. Courage and physical strength are a necessity for those that want to tackle this challenge, as it features parrot ladders, flying trapezes, Tarzan jumps and monkey tracks. Even if you are in the throes of planning your active escape in Bali, be warned – this challenge is not for the faint of heart!
Essential info:
Web: http://www.balitreetop.com/ Tel: +62 361 9340009 Address: Candikuning, Baturiti, Tabanan, Bali, Indonesia Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/balitreetop/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/balitreetop/
Need for speed?
While Bali provides an idyllic sandy haven for beach bums, it’s also an excellent destination for speed junkies. Image: www.quadbikingbali.com
While Bali provides an idyllic sandy haven for beach bums, it’s also an excellent destination for speed junkies. One of the adventurous things to do in Bali to really feel the wind in your hair, is ATV (all-terrain vehicle) riding. If you enjoy extreme sports, but don’t fancy pushing your body to it’s maximum physical limit, this is a superb option as the quad bike will do all the hard work for you.
There’s an array of quad bike tours operating throughout the island, one of which is Bali ATV Tours. The stunning region surrounding the Taro River provides an excellent site for quad biking, thanks to the varied natural terrain that is sure to keep your ride as exhilarating as possible, with a surprise at every turn. You’ll zoom through tropical jungle, plantations and local village, with awe-inspiring sights punctuating your ride throughout. Typically, each tour lasts about 2.5 hours, so you’ll have plenty of time to really delve into the lesser-known countryside of Bali and experience its stunning highlights.
Essential info:
Web: http://www.baliatvtour.com/ Tel: +62 878 6196 8073 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/baliatvtour/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/baliatvtour/
Not sure where on Bali to stay? The island is full of options that allows you to stay near the attractions that you enjoy the most.
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Rinjani Trekking Tour Package to Rinjani Summit & Crater Lake 3 Days / 2 Nights Trekking tour to Rinjani summit and crater lake 3 days 2 nights is one of the most popular package itinerary among hikers. This Rinjani trekking tour package requires a good fitness level to let you be able to walk in a longer distance daily. Beginners and large group more than ten participants are not recommended to take this package. The hiking program begins in Senaru village on the west route and lasts in Sembalun Lawang. Rinjani Trekking Tour Package Price The cost of this Rinjani trekking tour package starts from US$ 245 quoted per person with minimum 2 participants in each trip. The more participant involved to join in a group the cheaper price will be quoted per person and so vice verse. Price range with a different number of participants can be found in the menu Service Rates or on the price list which provided below the itinerary of each package. Rinjani Trekking Tour Itinerary Arrival Lombok: Our team will pick you up at Lombok International Airport, Bangsal Harbor, Mataram, Senggigi or other areas within Lombok island then drive you directly to our base in Senaru. Hotel check in, trek briefing explaining rubbish management and safety procedures and discussing any of your expectations. Free and easy. Overnight here. Day 01: Start the Rinjani Trekking Tour from Senaru Village heading to Crater Rim 1 (2.641m) After an early breakfast we register at the Rinjani Trek Centre in Senaru (601 m) before commencing our trekking tour. The trail initially passes through dense tropical forest. We stop at Pos 1 and Pos 2, pausing for rest breaks and snacks. At Pos 3 (2,000 m) we stop for a longer break for lunch. After lunch we continue the trek to the crater rim. As we climb higher forest is replaced by grassland and the trail becomes increasingly steep. We camp the night at Senaru Crater Rim (2,641 m) with spectacular views: Spectacular sunset over the 3 Gilis and mountain Agung in Bali. Sunrise from next to the valley of Mount Sangka Reyang. Smoke that throughout hole of New volcano in the middle of Lake segara Anak. Peak of Rinjani mountain 3.726m. Best sleep under the stars Day 02: Trekking Tour to Rinjani Crater Lake (2008m) – Hot Springs – Rinjani Rim 2 Sembalun (2.639m) After enjoying the sunrise and breakfast we commence our descent into the Rinjani crater lake Segara Anak. The trail is steep and rocky and passes through thick forest. We stop for lunch on the shore of Lake Segara Anak (2,000 m) and set up camp. The afternoon can be spent swimming in the hot springs, fishing, exploring the lake shore or simply relaxing. We enjoy our lunch on the lake shore before commencing our climb out of the crater. The trail is steep and slippery in places. We camp the night at Sembalun Crater Rim (2,639 m) with amazing views of the sunset, Crater Lake Segara Anak, the summit of Mount Rinjani and northern Lombok. Day 03: Climbing Rinjani Summit (3.726M) and Return to Sembalun Lawang (1.O51m) We wake up at 2 am for a light breakfast before commencing the challenging three hour trek to the summit (3,726 m). We arrive in time for sunrise, the best time to enjoy the spectacular views. Returning to our campsite on the crater rim we stop for a hot breakfast and a rest before commencing our descent to Sembalun. We pause for lunch at Pos 2 or 3 and arrive in Sembalun (1,156 m) in the early afternoon, from where you will be transported to your next destination. RINJANI TREKKING TOUR SUMMARY Day 01 07:30 Our guide and porter will pick you up at the hotel lobby. 08:00 Transfer to Rinjani National Park Office, Registration and trekking begin. 12:00 Lunch at Pos 2 16:30 Arrive at Rim 1, Sunset, Camp, dinner and overnight Day 02 07:00 Breakfast. 08:00 Start descent down to Segara Anak Lake 11:00 Arrive at Segara Anak Lake, Visit Hot Spring Water. 12:00 Lunch and free time 13:30 Start ascent to Rim 2 Sembalun. 15:30 Arrive at Rim 2. Overnight
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Rinjani Trekking Tour Package to Rinjani Summit & Crater Lake 3 Days / 2 Nights Trekking tour to Rinjani summit and crater lake 3 days 2 nights is one of the most popular package itinerary among hikers. This Rinjani trekking tour package requires a good fitness level to let you be able to walk in a longer distance daily. Beginners and large group more than ten participants are not recommended to take this package. The hiking program begins in Senaru village on the west route and lasts in Sembalun Lawang. Rinjani Trekking Tour Package Price The cost of this Rinjani trekking tour package starts from US$ 245 quoted per person with minimum 2 participants in each trip. The more participant involved to join in a group the cheaper price will be quoted per person and so vice verse. Price range with a different number of participants can be found in the menu Service Rates or on the price list which provided below the itinerary of each package. Rinjani Trekking Tour Itinerary Arrival Lombok: Our team will pick you up at Lombok International Airport, Bangsal Harbor, Mataram, Senggigi or other areas within Lombok island then drive you directly to our base in Senaru. Hotel check in, trek briefing explaining rubbish management and safety procedures and discussing any of your expectations. Free and easy. Overnight here. Day 01: Start the Rinjani Trekkig Tour from Senaru Village heading to Crater Rim 1 (2.641m) After an early breakfast we register at the Rinjani Trek Centre in Senaru (601 m) before commencing our trek. The trail initially passes through dense tropical forest. We stop at Pos 1 and Pos 2, pausing for rest breaks and snacks. At Pos 3 (2,000 m) we stop for a longer break for lunch. After lunch we continue the trek to the crater rim. As we climb higher forest is replaced by grassland and the trail becomes increasingly steep. We camp the night at Senaru Crater Rim (2,641 m) with spectacular views: Spectacular sunset over the 3 Gilis and mountain Agung in Bali. Sunrise from next to the valley of Mount Sangka Reyang. Smoke that throughout hole of New volcano in the middle of Lake segara Anak. Peak of Rinjani mountain 3.726m. Best sleep under the stars Day 02: Trekking to Segara Anak Crater Lake (2008m) – Hot Springs – Rim 2 Sembalun (2.639m) After enjoying the sunrise and breakfast we commence our descent into the crater lake Segara Anak. The trail is steep and rocky and passes through thick forest. We stop for lunch on the shore of Lake Segara Anak (2,000 m) and set up camp. The afternoon can be spent swimming in the hot springs, fishing, exploring the lake shore or simply relaxing. We enjoy our lunch on the lake shore before commencing our climb out of the crater. The trail is steep and slippery in places. We camp the night at Sembalun Crater Rim (2,639 m) with amazing views of the sunset, Crater Lake Segara Anak, the summit of Mount Rinjani and northern Lombok. Day 03: Climbing Rinjani Summit (3.726M) and Return to Sembalun Lawang (1.O51m). We wake up at 2 am for a light breakfast before commencing the challenging three hour trek to the summit (3,726 m). We arrive in time for sunrise, the best time to enjoy the spectacular views. Returning to our campsite on the crater rim we stop for a hot breakfast and a rest before commencing our descent to Sembalun. We pause for lunch at Pos 2 or 3 and arrive in Sembalun (1,156 m) in the early afternoon, from where you will be transported to your next destination. RINJANI TREKKING TOUR SUMMARY Day 01 07:30 Our guide and porter will pick you up at the hotel lobby. 08:00 Transfer to Rinjani National Park Office, Registration and trekking begin. 12:00 Lunch at Pos 2 16:30 Arrive at RIM 1, Sunset, Camp, dinner and overnight Day 02 07:00 Breakfast. 08:00 Start descent down to Segara Anak Lake 11:00 Arrive at Segara Anak Lake, Visit Hot Spring Water. 12:00 Lunch and free time 13:30 Start ascent to RIM 2 Sembalun. 15:30 Arrive at RIM 2. Overnight Day 03 02:00 Climb the Rinjani Summit. 05:30 Arrive at Summit (Before sunrise). Take Photos (+- 1 Jam) Coffee/Tea and snack provided. 07:00 Back to Camp area (RIM 2), Breakfast. 10:00 Start descent down back to Sembaun village (Lunch will serve at pos 2). 15:30 Arrive at Sembalun Village and transport direct to your next destination.
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