#Re 17 i mean id like to attain franzi's bloodstained jacket too but first it serves no practical purpose and second Let The Boy Rest
4, 9, 17, 21, 25 - ☂️
4. Favourite historical era?
*sighing* guess I'm still 20th century bitches at heart for studying hmm. Right up to the early cold war,,, I'd say I'm more Europe Between Franz Ferdinand and Khrushchev? I keep coming back to the unparalleled terror and violence like a doomsday prophet i do. Keep coming back bc we are still reeling in many ways from the previous century, keep coming back because we are repeating the same mistakes even though they were committed close enough to the present that we should know better. Keep coming back to find loads ofblack comedy in the bleakest times bc there's nothing else you can do after all the fighting and warning and crying besides laughing.
For the Silly Goofies which is THE most important part of history actually, DEFINITELY Stalin-era Soviet and Early Modern - Modern Habsburg ((so like 1500-1700 Spain approximately, 1500-1914 approximately for HRE/Austria minus enlightenment. We unenlightened™ here that's why it's funny)). I did say black comedy.
Aesthetically I'm Rococo and then Baroque.
9. Favourite historical film?
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You know this one. We all know this one. On the count of three. 1, 2, 3 tHE DEATH OF STALIN!!1!1!1!
17. What historical item would you like to own?
SIGH Philip II's Battle of St. Quentin armour bc of the historical significance of it being passed down from him to Charles II and the weight of a legacy and a romanticised one at that against a backdrop of the end of the line,,,,
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But most importantly ofc bc i know i could fit RIGHT into it and id enjoy that.
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genuinely so embarrassing to be a manlet
21. What is your favourite history-based game?
This is so sad I don't play games >:3 I once saw a Twilight Struggle set in my college history class shelf and really wanted to play it but never got round to doing that. Does DnD with my shitty Habsburg based oc count?
25. Who is the most overrated historical figure, in your opinion?
Depending who I'm talking to & therefore what is pissing me off bc there are SO many overrated people to me ((Fr*nz J*seph, Elizabeth I, HENRY VIII FOR HELL'S SAKE, Louis XIV kill me!!1!1! Actually KILL ME!!)) but since I have been in MULTIPLE classes where the Protestant Reformation pops up. And had MULTIPLE Christian Kids™ fawn over his dumptruck arse with no shame. It's Martin Luther. Had to see his stupid face in my partner's slides on our presentation of the 80 Years War like miss girl pls u can just mention the Counter-Reformation briefly you didnt have to go into all that he's not gonna kiss you. Had to listen to a classmate go off about him for 5 minutes RIGHT after we established he was an anti-Semite too. Nightmare so it is.
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