#Psoriasis causes discoloured
healtandcare · 1 month
The Importance Of Nail Care For Your Health
The Importance of Nail Care for Your Health
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Despite their seemingly insignificant size, nails have a big impact on our general health and look. Maintaining the health and integrity of your nails is more important than just looking good when it comes to proper nail care. We’ll explore the significance of nail care and how it affects your general wellbeing in this extensive guide.
Understanding Nail Anatomy:
Let’s first examine nail anatomy before moving on to nail care. Keratin, the strong protein that makes up our hair, is also what makes up our nails. The nail matrix, which is found beneath the cuticle, is where they originate. The formation of new cells in the nail matrix pushes out older cells to generate the nail plate. By sealing the gap between the nail plate and the skin, the cuticle serves as a barrier to keep out bacteria and fungi.
The Importance of Nail Care:
1.Preventing Infections: Taking good care of your nails can help avoid fungal infections and paronychia, which are illnesses that affect the area around the nail. The likelihood of bacteria and fungi growing in the nail bed is decreased by maintaining clean, well-trimmed nails.
2. Upholding Hygiene: Maintaining general hygiene is aided by neat, well-trimmed nails. Long nails are prone to dirt and bacteria buildup, which can result in bad odors and even diseases. Maintaining hygiene is aided by routine nail cutting and cleaning.
3. Preventing Ingrown Nails: Ingrown nails can cause discomfort, swelling, and infection when they pierce the skin around them. Ingrown nails can be avoided and healthy nail development can be encouraged with proper nail trimming practices.
4. Preventing Nail Disorders: Conditions including discolouration, ridges, and brittle nails might be signs of underlying medical problems. You can identify early indicators of nail diseases and seek the necessary medical assistance by adopting healthy nail care practices.
5. Improving Appearance: Well manicured nails give you a more put together appearance and increase your self-esteem. Frequent manicures and pedicures not only maintain the beauty of your nails but also improve nail health by nourishing and hydrating the surrounding skin and nails.
Essential Nail Care Practices:
1.Maintain Clean Nails: To keep the surface of your nails free of debris, bacteria, and dead skin cells, wash your hands and feet frequently with soap and water.
2. Trim Nails Properly: Avoid cutting your nails too short, which raises the risk of infection, and trim them straight across to prevent ingrown nails.
3. Moisturize: To avoid dryness and cracking, consistently moisturize your cuticles and nails. For the best possible moisture, use products that contain components like jojoba oil, vitamin E, and shea butter.
4. Protect Your Nails: Put on gloves when doing jobs like dishwashing or gardening that could expose your nails to abrasive chemicals or a lot of dampness.
5. Refrain from Biting Your Nails: Biting your nails can cause damage and raise your risk of infection because it transfers bacteria from your mouth to the nail bed.
6. Handle Nail equipment Carefully: To stop the spread of bacteria and fungi, disinfect scissors, nail clippers, and other equipment before and after each use.
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Nail Care for Specific Conditions:
1. Brittle Nails: Nail strengtheners including calcium, silica, and biotin can help to strengthen brittle nails. Steer clear of harsh chemicals and prolonged exposure to water since these might exacerbate brittle nails.
2. Nail Fungus: Use natural therapies like apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil, or prescription antifungal drugs, to treat nail fungus as soon as possible. To stop the infection from spreading, keep the afflicted nails dry and clean.
3.Nail Psoriasis: A dermatologist’s prescription for topical corticosteroids, moisturizers, and vitamin D analogs can help manage nail psoriasis. To lessen pain, keep your nails short and avoid injuring them.
4.Onychomycosis: Laser therapy, topical medicines, and oral antifungal medications are available for the treatment of onychomycosis, often known as fungal nail infection. Maintain proper nail hygiene to stop infection from returning.
Maintaining one’s health and personal cleanliness requires proper nail care. By following proper nail care procedures, you can keep your nails healthy and attractive, avoid infections, and recognize the early symptoms of nail diseases. Always pay attention to your nails, and if you find any irregularities or ongoing problems, get medical help. Your nails can last for many years if you take good care of them. They can be strong, healthy, and attractive.
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manipalhospital1 · 2 months
Psoriasis: Types, Symptoms, And Treatment
What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a common chronic skin disease, affecting up to 2% of the world's population. It is commonly characterized by itching and scaling patches and plaques on the knees, elbows, scalp or trunk resolving with post-inflammatory pigmentation. This condition is unpredictable and symptoms may occur at irregular intervals. However, most people have mild, persistent symptoms for much of the time. Psoriasis is not infectious. Certain factors trigger the condition and make it flare up. These include infections, certain medications, and trauma.
What Are the Different Types of Psoriasis?
There are several forms of psoriasis. Each type has its own set of signs and symptoms. 
Plaque psoriasis
Plaque psoriasis, the most prevalent psoriasis, results in dry and elevated skin patches (plaques) with scales. They are visible on the scalp, elbows, lower back and knees. The patches can have different colours based on your skin tone. The affected skin may recover with transient colour changes (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation) on dark or black skin.
Nail psoriasis
This type of psoriasis results in pitting, irregular nail development, and discolouration of the fingernails and toes. Onycholysis occurs when psoriatic nails weaken and detach from the nail bed. The nails may collapse if the illness is severe.
Guttate psoriasis
This is caused by a bacterial infection, it is common in young people and children.  Its symptoms include small, drop-shaped, scaly patches on the trunk, limbs, or legs.
Inverse psoriasis
This type of psoriasis affects the skin folds of the buttocks, groin, and breasts. It causes smooth patches of red skin. This worsens with sweating and friction. 
Pustular psoriasis
A rare type of psoriasis,  presenting with pus-filled elevated lesions or sheets of pus. Pustular psoriasis may occur in widespread patches or small areas of the palms or soles. Erythrodermic psoriasis: Known as the least common form and severe form of psoriasis, Erythrodermic psoriasis presents with redness and scaling all over the body, causing severe itching and burning.
Visit a top dermatology hospital if you require psoriasis treatment.  
Who Are at Risk of Psoriasis? 
The following factors can make a significant impact:
Family history
Psoriasis has a genetic factor. If either of your parents has it, the risk of psoriasis is 15%. The risk increases to 40% if both of your parents have psoriasis.
Smoking and Alcohol Consumption
Intake of tobacco and alcohol can worsen the condition if you already have this chronic disease.
Certain infections such as streptococcus and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can trigger the symptoms of psoriasis.
Physical trauma and mental stress
This can trigger psoriasis and can worsen if the patient is already suffering from psoriasis
Obesity and reduced physical activity
Can aggravate psoriasis
Psoriasis can be associated with conditions like:
Psoriatic arthritis.
Type 2 diabetes.
Eye conditions (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, uveitis).
High blood pressure.
Cardiovascular disease.
Other autoimmune diseases (celiac disease, sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease or Crohn's disease).
Mental health conditions (low self-esteem, depression).
How is Psoriasis Diagnosed? 
A skin doctor in Salem makes a diagnosis after examining your skin and asking about your medical history. If the result is unclear, a skin biopsy may be needed. 
Your dermatologist will look for psoriasis symptoms such as:
Raised, red, scaly patches on the skin.
Dry skin
Thickening of the skin.
Nail changes, like pitting or separation of the nail from the nail bed.
Treatment Options for Psoriasis
Psoriasis is incurable; however, with topical and therapeutic methods, you can successfully keep your symptoms from worsening. Some of the most common psoriasis treatment options include:
Topical treatments
Creams, ointments, or gels are topically used. These treatments slow down the growth of skin cells and reduce inflammation.
This type of light therapy uses ultraviolet (UV) light to slow down the growth of skin cells and reduce inflammation. 
Systemic medications
Oral or injectable medications that work throughout the body are used. They are recommended for moderate to severe psoriasis.
Such systemic medications target specific immune system proteins involved in psoriasis.
1. Is psoriasis contagious?
No, Psoriasis is not contagious. However, people unaware of this condition may assume so. The scaly patches do not spread from one person to the other.  
2.  Is psoriasis the same as eczema?
Psoriasis is different from eczema. Eczema is usually very itchy and does not cause scaly patches. The same is not valid for psoriasis. 
3. Is there a cure for psoriasis?
There is no permanent cure for psoriasis at the moment. However,  psoriasis treatment is possible via the management of symptoms to improve your quality of life.
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Best homeopathic treatment for psoriasis in india
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Psoriasis could be a chronic condition that causes red, scaly patches of skin. The symptoms and signs that appear early in psoriasis may vary from person to person. This disease can affect anyone at any age.
Red spots appear on the surface of the skin. The first sign of psoriasis is small, raised patches of red skin. These spots may appear anywhere but are often seen on the lower, upper, or knee backs.
The red areas can form silvery plaques. Silvery-white plates or layers may cover the red patches. They are painful, and they tend to appear very quickly. Bharat homoeopathy, however, is the best homeopathic treatment for plaque psoriasis.
Skin that's flaky, dry, and cracked: Psoriasis skin can be dry and flaky. It may also be cracked and bleeding-prone. It's most noticeable on thicker areas like elbows, thighs and knees.
Psoriasis patients may experience itching or burning in the affected area. The scratching could exacerbate symptoms and lead to more irritability.
Psoriasis may also be the cause of ingrown, pitted and ingrown nails. Nails may separate or discolour in relation to their nail bed.
Psoriatic arthritis, also known as psoriatic osteoarthritis, is a type that can cause joint stiffness. It may also cause pain and swelling. Psoriasis is a common condition. This is usually the case after the initial appearance of symptoms.
A skin disorder is an autoimmune disease resulting in thick skin and scaly spots. These patches are red and scaly at the surface of the skin due to the rapid expansion of cells that make our skin. Psoriasis has no known cure. homeopathic remedies for psoriasis and homeopathic medicine for psoriasis can help control symptoms of psoriasis.
Moisturiser: Using moisturisers containing natural ingredients to soothe and reduce dry, itchy skin can be beneficial. Only use scent-free, fragrance-free, hypoallergenic moisturisers.
Healthy Lifestyle Advice Food: Consume a balanced, healthy diet. Be active and drink plenty of water. Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Practice relaxation techniques to relieve stress, such as yoga and meditation.
Avoid Triggers. Avoid substances, alcohol, smoking and stress that can worsen psoriasis. Stress, substances like alcohol, drinking, smoking, having a rash, or having a cut on the skin are all common triggers.
Natural remedies. While no scientific evidence proves these treatments' effectiveness, a small number of sufferers feel relief from their use. Aloe Vera Gel and Turmeric are only two of the many treatments.
Bharat Clinic - Treatments
Psoriasis victims should be in the best location. You have been receiving treatment for quite some time, depending on your issue. The homeopathic psoriasis treatment is non-toxic and safe. A team of medical professionals can suggest the best food to eat to combat the condition. This is where you can ensure the following procedure happens immediately.
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Glowing Skin Delight: Exploring the Benefits of LED Light Therapy
In the pursuit of radiant and healthy skin, various skincare treatments have emerged, and one gaining popularity is LED light therapy. This non-invasive and painless treatment utilizes different wavelengths of light to address various skin concerns. Let's delve into the benefits that make LED light therapy a glowing delight for your skin.
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Understanding LED Light Therapy
LED light therapy facial involves exposing the skin to different wavelengths of light to stimulate specific cellular responses. The three main types of light used are red, blue, and near-infrared. Each wavelength penetrates the skin at different depths, offering a range of therapeutic benefits.
Benefits of LED Light Therapy
Skin Rejuvenation
Red light laser toning treatment, with its longer wavelength, penetrates the skin's surface and promotes collagen production. Increased collagen improves skin elasticity, reduces fine lines, and contributes to an overall rejuvenated appearance.
Acne Treatment
Blue light, known for its antibacterial properties, is effective in treating acne at a skin clinic in Melbourne. It targets the bacteria that cause acne breakouts, helping to reduce inflammation and prevent future outbreaks.
Anti-Inflammatory Effects
Both red and near-infrared light have anti-inflammatory effects, making LED light therapy beneficial for conditions like rosacea and psoriasis. It soothes redness and irritation, promoting a calmer complexion.
Wound Healing
Near-infrared light penetrates deeper into the skin and accelerates the healing of wounds and injuries. It enhances cellular repair processes, reducing downtime for various skin concerns.
Collagen Boost
Stimulating collagen production is a key benefit of LED light therapy. Collagen is essential for maintaining skin firmness and suppleness, contributing to a more youthful and plump complexion.
Even Skin Tone
Regular LED light therapy sessions can help reduce hyperpigmentation and promote a more even skin tone. This makes it a valuable addition to skincare routines targeting discolouration and sun damage.
How LED Light Therapy Works
LED light therapy works by stimulating the mitochondria in skin cells, promoting increased energy production. This, in turn, enhances cellular functions, such as collagen and elastin production, and improves overall skin health. The treatment is non-invasive, painless, and requires no downtime, making it suitable for various skin types and concerns.
Consider incorporating LED light therapy into your skincare routine to experience the glowing delight it can bring to your complexion.
Discover the radiant benefits of LED light therapy for your skin. This non-invasive treatment utilizes red, blue, and near-infrared light to address various concerns. From rejuvenation and acne treatment to anti-inflammatory effects and wound healing, it offers a glowing solution. Stimulate collagen, even skin tone, and enhance overall skin health painlessly. Illuminate your complexion!
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thebluepondstore1 · 7 months
Winter Skincare: Why Everyone Is Using Face Oils 
Foggy mornings, cozy blankets, piping hot tea…the winter season surely has its charm. And while we love those snug winter days, we certainly do not look forward to all the harsh weather's skin woes. Problems like dull, dry, cracked skin with redness and itching are extremely common during this time of the year. And that's why you need to switch up your skincare routine to suit the season.
Here’s why you need to add face oils to your winter skincare routine.
 8 Benefits Of Using Natural Face Oils During Winter
When it comes to winter skincare, if there is one product that would be the holy grail, it is face oil. Based on their make, face oils come nourished with the goodness of natural ingredients, skincare actives, anti-ageing and brightening properties, and even rest and relaxation benefits. And even though they seem to be all the rage now, the use of facial oils as part of skincare and beauty rituals can be traced all over the globe in the history of ancient civilisations.
 Here are just some of the many benefits of using face oils for winter skincare.  
Rich in antioxidants, facial oil can help protect your skin from pollution, UV radiation and other damaging elements that may lead to signs of early ageing.
Face oils can help prevent oxidative damage and slow down or prevent the appearance of wrinkles. They help stimulate the production of collagen and help minimise wrinkles.
Including facial oils in your skincare routine can help even out your complexion and brighten your skin.
Face oils can help treat dark patches and discolouration caused by excessive dryness.
Facial oils keep your skin hydrated without clogging the pores. Moreover, they do not leave behind a greasy residue.
Natural oils are needed by the skin to stay supple and facial oils can help with rebalancing the oil production (sebum) of the skin.
Certain facial oils are packed with anti-inflammatory benefits and can be used for reducing inflammation and redness.
Regular use of facial oils can aid in reducing acne breakouts. They prevent excess oil production, reduce inflammation and combat acne-causing bacteria. 
8 Benefits Of Using Essential Oils To Treat Skin Concerns
Essential oils are not the same as face oils. While they're packed with concentrated ingredients that can treat an array of skin conditions like eczema, inflammation, psoriasis, and itchiness, and even alleviate certain bacterial skin conditions, they're usually combined with a carrier oil like olive oils, almond oil, grapeseed oil, jojoba oil, etc. On their own, they can be too harsh and may irritate the skin. However, there are many benefits of using face oils packed with the right essential oils for skincare. Together, they can nourish and hydrate dry winter skincare, treat underlying skin conditions, and even offer rest and relaxation benefits that are good for your mental health. 
Here are some benefits of using essential oils for skincare: 
They can help in reducing the appearance of stretch marks and scars, giving you clear skin.
They can be effective in skin tightening and reducing signs of ageing like fine lines and wrinkles.
Essential oils that contain vitamin C (like lemon oil or orange oil) can help control early signs of ageing.
They can help combat sun damage and repair the skin.
Essential oils can help reduce skin problems like itchiness, redness and irritation.
A few essential oils (like tea tree oil) are also known to be effective against acne.
Essential oils help soothe, rejuvenate and nourish the skin.
Essential oils like lemon oil and bergamot oil can help lighten the complexion, improve skin texture and give you naturally glowing skin.
Other than being used for skin care benefits, essential oils can be used to ease headaches, boost mood, reduce stress and calm nerves. All these reasons make the Elixir Combo Giftset - Pure Certified Organic Essential Oils a great gifting option this festive season. The magic of the nourishing properties of the oils of lavender, jasmine, carrot seed, and frankincense is just what your skin deserves to protect it from the cold clime and not clog the pores at the same time - a double treat for your skin, and your mental wellbeing!
Do Oils With Clog Your Pores & Are They Suitable For Oily Skin?
One of the popular and misinformed opinions associated with using facial oil for skin care is that they end up clogging the pores on your skin, leading to various skin care problems like acne breakouts and flare-ups. Here’s the truth.
Not all facial oils lead to clogged skin pores. In fact, if your face oil is a non-comedogenic facial oil, you don't have to worry about any of these problems. The key is to avoid heavy oils like evening primrose or coconut oil, especially if you have acne-prone skin. Using heavy facial oils can trigger problems like pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, etc.
Non-comedogenic facial oils are lighter and get absorbed by the skin easily, offering nutrition to the deeper layers of your skin. They're suitable for all skin types, even if you have oily skin. One example of non-comedogenic carrier oil is jojoba oil. Sweet almond oil, olive oil, rosehip oil, neem oil, grapeseed oil and sunflower seed oil are some other types of carrier oils that you can bank on for maintaining healthy and glowing skin during the cold months.
How To Make Face Oils A Part Of Your Skincare Routine
A thumb rule for skincare is that you should use your prevention and protection products in the morning. This would include vitamin C, sunblock, hyaluronic acid, etc. At night, you should apply reparative and restorative products. This includes BHAs, anti-ageing products, and yes, face oils.
Take for example a face oil like The Blue Pond’s Night Ritual Facial Oil Serum - TREPHO. It can help brighten your complexion, reduce pigmentation and moisturise the skin without causing the pores to clog. Apply this during bedtime and let it work its magic. While neroli oil contains regenerative and moisturising properties, rose oil can help hydrate the skin, reduce acne, and control the apparent signs of premature ageing like wrinkles and fine lines. The grape seed oil in the mix boosts collagen production and aids in treating hyperpigmentation. The presence of jojoba oil can help your skin fight damage caused by toxins and pollutants. This facial oil also comprises chamomile oil that can help reduce blemishes and has other healing properties.
Use this product daily for healthy, moisturised, and clear skin.
Another great nighttime investment is the Anti-Ageing Facial Oil Serum - CLEO. This serum consists of highly effective ingredients like macadamia oil, pomegranate oil and frankincense oil. Macadamia oil is an effective dryness cure and is known for its moisturising and skin-softening properties. Pomegranate oil contains natural antimicrobials and can prevent acne. That’s not all! The serum also bottles frankincense oil that exhibits excellent anti-ageing and skin-firming properties, and can also help reduce sunspots and age spots.
What’s more, it helps in boosting skin elasticity and evens out skin tone. The serum also contains jojoba and lavender oils. While the former is known to protect the skin from free radical damage, the latter serves as a great natural remedy for soothing the skin and fighting wrinkles and fine lines Include Anti-ageing Facial Oil Serum - CLEO in your night skincare ritual for an even-toned and younger-looking skin.
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bradyentzer · 10 months
Dr Brad Yentzer: Managing Chronic Skin Conditions
Dr Brad Yentzer is a board-certified dermatologist with extensive experience in treating chronic conditions. He graduated magna laude from LaSalle University and completed his residency training at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, where he also conducted clinical research and published numerous papers. Dr Yentzer has been awarded several honours for his work, including giving lectures at both national and international dermatology conferences. In this article, we will explore practical tips from an expert in dermatology to help manage chronic skin conditions effectively, as well as how to identify the right treatment plan for your specific condition.
Dr Brad Yentzer's Overview of Chronic Skin Conditions and Their Symptoms
Chronic skin conditions are persistent and long-lasting, affecting an individual's skin for weeks, months, or even years. Common symptoms of chronic skin conditions include dryness, itching, redness, scaling, cracking, blistering, discolouration and bumps on the skin. In some cases, there may also be pain or soreness.
The most common types of chronic skin conditions are eczema (atopic dermatitis), psoriasis, contact dermatitis (irritant or allergic), rosacea and vitiligo. Each one of these has its own set of signs and symptoms that can range from mild to severe. For example, eczema is characterized by itchy rashes on the face and extremities; psoriasis involves red patches of thickened skin with flaky scales; contact dermatitis is marked by red bumps or blisters; rosacea is usually accompanied by facial redness; while vitiligo presents as patches of depigmented areas on the body.
In addition to physical discomfort associated with chronic skin conditions, there can also be social stigma associated with visible signs of the condition which can lead to psychological distress. It’s important to understand that each individual’s case is unique –– meaning any treatment plan should be tailored specifically for them and take into consideration any underlying factors that may be causing the condition to worsen.
To manage a chronic skin condition effectively it’s important to take proper steps towards treatment such as consulting with a dermatologist for the right medication or creams if needed as well as lifestyle changes such as avoiding triggers like too much sun exposure or environmental allergens. Additionally, Dr Yentzer recommends practising good habits like drinking plenty of water daily as well as following a healthy diet to help promote healthier-looking skin in general.
Practical Tips for Managing Chronic Skin Conditions from an Expert in Dermatology
When it comes to managing chronic skin conditions, Dr Brad Yentzer, a board-certified dermatologist with extensive experience in this field recommends taking practical steps towards treatment as soon as possible. This may include consulting with a dermatologist for the right medication or creams if needed, as well as lifestyle changes such as avoiding triggers like too much sun exposure or environmental allergens.
Dr Yentzer also suggests routinely practising good habits that promote healthier-looking skin, such as drinking plenty of water every day and following a healthy diet rich in natural vitamins and minerals. Additionally, he recommends using gentle skincare products specifically designed for sensitive types of skin and avoiding harsh soaps and cleansers that could further irritate existing skin conditions.
To address the psychological impact of having a chronic skin condition, it is important to focus on building self-confidence through positive affirmations and body positivity exercises that can help an individual accept their appearance without judgement. Finally, seeking emotional support from family and friends can go a long way in reducing stress levels associated with the condition.
How to Identify a Quality Treatment Plan for Your Specific Condition
1. Understand Your Condition - Before you can identify a quality treatment plan for your specific skin condition, it’s important to understand the cause and symptoms of your condition. Researching the type of chronic skin condition you have will help you better understand how to treat it and what treatments are available.
2. Consult with a Dermatologist - Consulting with an experienced board-certified dermatologist like Dr Brad Yentzer is essential to get personalized advice about which treatments may be best suited for your particular case. During the consultation, make sure to ask questions regarding any potential side effects or risks associated with certain medications or creams that may be prescribed as part of your treatment plan.
3. Avoid Triggers – Be mindful of environmental triggers such as too much sun exposure or allergens that could worsen existing conditions, and adjust lifestyle habits accordingly if needed to reduce flare-ups from occurring in the future.
4. Practice Good Habits – To promote healthier-looking skin overall, Dr Yentzer recommends drinking plenty of water daily and following a healthy diet rich in natural vitamins and minerals while avoiding harsh soaps and cleansers that could further irritate existing skin conditions.
5. Focus on Building Self-Confidence – Address the psychological impact of having a chronic skin condition by focusing on building self-confidence through positive affirmations and body positivity exercises that can help an individual accept their appearance without judgement. Finally, seek emotional support from family and friends to reduce stress levels associated with the condition.
By following these steps towards treatment, individuals with chronic skin conditions can be well on their way to finding relief and leading a healthier lifestyle overall. With the right approach to managing your condition, you can finally start feeling more comfortable in your skin!
The Benefits of Seeing a Professional Dermatologist to Manage Your Condition
Seeing a professional dermatologist is the best way to ensure that individuals with chronic skin conditions can receive the care and support necessary for managing their condition. Board-certified dermatologists like Dr Brad Yentzer are specially trained in diagnosing, monitoring, and treating various skin diseases and conditions.
Having access to a dermatologist’s expertise allows patients to better understand the cause of their condition as well as any potential long-term risks associated with it. A dermatologist can also recommend lifestyle changes or medications that can be used to bring relief from flare-ups while helping to prevent future ones from occurring. For those who need medical treatments such as biopsies or injections, a qualified dermatologist should always be consulted first before proceeding with any type of treatment plan.
Individuals with chronic skin conditions will also benefit from seeing a professional dermatologist for psychological support since having a chronic condition can lead to feelings of low self-esteem and depression if not addressed properly. Dermatologists are trained in recognizing the impact of chronic skin conditions on an individual’s mental health, which is why they’re excellent resources when it comes to providing emotional support and guidance on how to cope with one’s condition.
Additional Resources for Those Suffering from Chronic Skin Conditions
There are numerous resources available to those suffering from chronic skin conditions that can provide additional support and relief. For starters, there are dermatology-specific support groups hosted online or in person that feature forums for patients to share their experiences and connect. These support groups can be especially helpful for those who do not have access to a dermatologist or feel uncomfortable discussing their condition with friends or family members.
Education is also essential when it comes to living with a chronic skin condition, which is why there are many organizations and charities dedicated to providing reliable information about different skin diseases and their treatments. Some of these organizations include the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) and the National Eczema Association (NEA), both of which offer comprehensive resources on various skin conditions as well as helpful tips on managing flare-ups.
On top of general education, finding alternative treatment methods may also help reduce symptoms associated with a chronic skin condition. Depending on the type of condition, some individuals may find relief from incorporating certain natural remedies into their routine such as aloe vera gel for calming irritated skin or turmeric for reducing inflammation. Additionally, physical activities like yoga can also be beneficial for those suffering from dryness or itchiness since stretching is known to soothe tightness in the muscles and joints caused by certain skin diseases.
In addition to all these resources, staying up-to-date on new advances in dermatologic research is also important for anyone living with a chronic skin condition. Clinical trials are constantly being conducted in hopes of discovering better ways to treat common ailments such as eczema or psoriasis, meaning patients have more options than ever before when it comes to finding relief from their symptoms. By keeping an eye out for research developments in your particular condition, you may be able to benefit from emerging treatments even before they become available on the market!
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worldhealth44 · 11 months
Phimosis surgery in India
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Phimosis is a genital disorder that affects certain adults and children who are not circumcised. Your foreskin cannot be pushed back (retracted) if you have phimosis. Your penis may appear to have rings around the tip. Having phimosis isn't always a bad thing. It only becomes a concern when symptoms appear. This might occur when phimosis is severe and leaves a pinhole-sized aperture. Phimosis is classified into two types: normal and pathologic. The physiologic type is common in childhood and normally goes away as you become older. Balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO) is a disorder linked with the pathologic kind.
Who is affected by phimosis? The foreskin (also known as the prepuce) is tight when kids are born, but it normally loosens by the time they are two years old. Between the ages of 2 and 6, the foreskin loosens and begins to detach from the head of the penis. Phimosis can occur after childhood as well.
What is the prevalence of phimosis? Phimosis is seen in almost all babies, and the foreskin eventually transforms such that it may be pushed back. It is believed that just 1% of persons develop phimosis when they reach the age of 16.
What are the phimosis symptoms ? Those suffering from phimosis may have the following symptoms:
When infected or irritated, redness or discolouration may result.
Infection/irritation can cause swelling (inflammation).
Dysuria is the sensation of pain during urinating.
Pain during erections or sexual activity.
What is the cause of phimosis? If you or your kid develops pathologic phimosis (which is caused by a disorder), there are several possible causes, including:
Inadequate hygiene. This might be both a cause and an effect of phimosis. Cleaning carefully may be uncomfortable and painful, yet failing to clean may result in infection.
Eczema, psoriasis, lichen planus, and lichen sclerosus are examples of skin ailments. Lichen sclerosis is termed as penile lichen sclerosis or balanitis xerotic obliterans (BXO) when it affects your penis.
Scar tissue or preputial adhesions that keep the foreskin glued to the tip (glans) of your penis.
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are examples of infections.
How is phimosis identified? During a physical examination, your healthcare professional can diagnose phimosis. They may also conduct tests to determine whether an infection is present in the urine or penile discharge.
How can I avoid phimosis?
Physiological phimosis is incurable. It is found in virtually all babies. However, it is critical to maintain the penis clean. Parents or carers should be instructed on how to clean a penis properly. They should also be advised not to be concerned about the fact that the foreskin is immobile during the first few years of life. When the youngsters reach the age of self-care, they should be taught to clean their own penis.
How should I care for myself if I have phimosis? You should endeavour to maintain your penis healthy whether you have phimosis or not. This begins with keeping your genitals clean. Clean your penis every day with soft soap and warm water, and dry it carefully after cleaning. Make sure your hands are clean before touching your penis, and that the pants you're wearing is also clean. If you are sexually active, you should use a condom and use plenty of lubrication. The friction of intercourse on a penis with phimosis and without a condom might result in foreskin tears. You might need treatment and a common suggestion is Phimosis surgery in India. Talk to your healthcare provider or your child’s provider to make the best choice.
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urhemped · 1 year
What Causes Psoriasis and Can CBD Aid in Treatment?
Because it can result in inflammatory plaques, Psoriasis can be a frustrating condition to have. Plaques, caused by the autoimmune disease psoriasis, are thick, dry patches of discoloured skin that are uncomfortable or unpleasant. Plaques from Psoriasis can develop anywhere on your body, but they typically do so on the scalp, back, face, palms, feet, elbows, and knees.
Like other autoinflammatory diseases, Psoriasis arises when the immune system mistakenly identifies healthy cells for the infectious microorganisms it usually seeks out and begins attacking them. Typical psoriatic scales have a whitish-silver colour and resemble thick, red patches. On deeper skin tones, they may, however, seem more purple, dark brown, and scaled. Sometimes these patches break and bleed. Psoriasis results from an accelerated phase of skin production. 
Normally, skin cells grow deep within your skin before gradually emerging at the surface. Eventually, they come off. Normally, a skin cell lives for one month. Psoriasis patients may see this manufacturing process in just a few days. As a result, skin cells cannot have time to shed. The rapid overproduction leads to an accumulation of skin cells.
While there is no definite treatment for psoriasis, the condition can be managed with several measures (such as lifestyle changes and using CBD oil for psoriasis). 
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Why does Psoriasis develop?
You are more likely to contract Psoriasis if a parent, grandparent, brother, or sister does. Psoriasis is not contagious. Unlike chicken pox or the common cold, Psoriasis cannot be spread to another person. Even though we are certain that Psoriasis cannot be transmitted, precise aetiology is still unknown. Researchers now understand that a person's immune system and genes play a role in the onset of Psoriasis. The immune system and genetics play key roles in the development of Psoriasis.
A compromised immune system
White blood cells, which are a part of the body's immune system, help to keep us healthy by fending off diseases like viruses and bacteria. When a person has Psoriasis, their immune system is compromised, and T-cells attack their body's skin cells. Due to this assault, the body creates more new skin cells. The buildup of additional skin cells on the skin's surface causes Psoriasis. Once they start, T-cell attacks on skin cells usually last the rest of a person's life. There is one exception. Some children who get Guttate Psoriasis as children never get it again. 
Genetic factors
We know that Psoriasis runs in families. According to research, those who carry particular genes are more likely to get Psoriasis. The additional information that has been revealed makes matters more challenging. Some people with Psoriasis do not have the genes that increase their risk of getting the disease. Furthermore, it is possible to carry genes that increase the risk of getting Psoriasis even if you have never had the disorder. Scientists concluded that Psoriasis must first be subjected to a trigger before developing due to this discovery.
CBD and Psoriasis: Is it even effective? 
It is reasonable to suppose that the cannabinoids' possible psychological advantages and anti-inflammatory effects could help lessen the burden of the disease caused by psoriatic disease, even though research on the usefulness of CBD oil for Psoriasis may not have been published. According to researchers, using CBD has demonstrated potential in treating several skin disorders, including psoriatic disease.
Endocannabinoid receptors, a part of the human cannabinoid system that is distributed throughout the body and affects pain, itch, and mechanisms of inflammation, can bind to CBD. When CBD attaches to anti-inflammatory and CB2 receptors, you can use it in various processes that decrease inflammation. It can encourage the secretion and recruitment of cells required for removing waste and facilitating the maturation and restoration of healthy skin.
Despite the lack of studies on CBD, especially for Psoriasis, consumers could expect a reduction in discomfort and inflammation and benefit from the smoothing components in topical cannabis treatments. Patients with Psoriasis should expect to feel less stressed and anxious and work harder to rebalance their bodies.
Can Psoriasis patients take CBD?
While using CBD for skincare is still fairly common, few people are aware of its healing properties. The risks of CBD and other cannabis-derived medications in people with Psoriasis and other inflammatory skin disorders have yet to be fully explored. It is important to keep thinking about and looking into this unfulfilled demand. However, earlier clinical trials offer helpful details and counsel that potential risks should be taken into account, especially in people with Psoriasis.
Numerous studies have connected systemic CBD and other cannabis-derived products to worsening heart disease, obesity, diabetes, fatty liver disease, and an increased risk of inflammatory bowel surgery. Psoriasis patients need to be aware of the illnesses connected to their condition and how cannabis-related products may exacerbate those illnesses. Comparing high-dose ingestion to other delivery modes, such as topical CBD, increases the likelihood of unfavourable consequences.
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You must conduct thorough research if you're thinking about using CBD for skincare or other skin disorders. Patients looking into holistic or alternative medical treatments for their chronic conditions must be honest with their doctors if they want them to comprehend the cannabis market. Before using CBD, it is important to check for products with transparent ingredient lists and well-established brand reputations. Because of the potential effects cannabis products may have on human physiology, we suggest persons with Psoriasis speak with their doctor before incorporating any supplements or alternative therapies into their treatment regimen.
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Which is the best homeopathy treatment of white patches
Spotless skin enhances the beauty of the person. But unfortunately, some people suffer from the problem of ugly white patches on different parts and this can really bring down the confidence of the person.
The sufferer has no other option but to opt for a good white patches homeopathic medicine which will help the person get rid of those not so eye pleasing patches on the skin.
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A few details about the patches and spots on the skin:
Many times patches that are white in colour or certain spots can appear on the skin. These are not a pleasant site and hence one must try appropriate white skin disease medicine in homeopathy.
Symptoms of skin disease:
The symptoms of the disease will depend on the condition that one is suffering from.
In the case of vitiligo, psoriasis etc there can be skin discolouration.
There can be white pigmentation on the skin
Sometimes there can be white spots on the skin.
It is important to make use of proper homeopathic medicine to get rid of this condition.
Causes of skin discolouration:
One will have to opt for white patches treatment in homeopathy but why do these patches and spots appear.
Certain skin diseases can be one of the main reasons for this skin discoloration, skin pigmentation, white spots etc.
One must also check if the reason is due to any allergies etc.
Medicine for white patches:
The best white patches homeopathic treatment is the use of Whitigo Cream on a regular basis/
Use of medicine Whitigo Cream:
This is the best white spot medicine in homeopathy
It helps in treating white spots and patches
Mode of action of Whitigo Cream:
If you have been looking for the best white patches treatment naturally then you must make use of this natural medicine which has no side effects.
A dosage of Whitigo Cream:
Take a generous amount of the cream and gently apply it to the affected areas with your fingertips. The cream needs to be applied twice or thrice daily or as directed by the physician.
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Side effects of Whitigo Cream:
The best thing about these white patches treatment is that it is a safe method of treatment.
There are no observed side effects when you make use of this Small white spots treatment cream
No contraindications have been observed.
In most of the cases, this medicine can be used without any issues.
How to get this medicine?
One can get this cream online.
The order for the same can be placed on the website of doctor bhargava.
This cream will be delivered to your doorstep.
A few words about Doctor Bhargava:
This is one of the best homeopathy medicines manufacturers.
They are a name which is synonymous with trust.
They are known to manufacture the best quality homeopathic medicines for a number of diseases from the past many years.
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iphysiosg · 1 year
Why do physiotherapists examine your skin?
Let’s break down the skin and its purpose.
Believe it or not, your skin is the largest organ in the body and can provide a lot of information about the overall health of an individual. How you may ask? The skin is constantly working to maintain its balance. So, when something is not right, chances are your skin will become tense and painful. It’s your own personal warning system for us to examine.
The other obvious thing that we all know (hopefully) is that your skin is a protective barrier. Think of it as your own Ironman suit. It helps to protect the body from infection and injury. Therefore it’s quite important to keep your skin free of cuts, bruises, or other injuries that could harm you or just cause you discomfort. But we will get into more of that later. 
What about an example?
As physiotherapists, our primary focus will always be movement and the variables that go with it. Now people tend to forget that skin can control quite a bit of it. If you want an example, look how you go from “normal walking” to rusted robotics when you have a sunburn. Your skin is sensitive, inflamed, and far too tense to move. 
What are some of the health signs we can pick up from the skin? 
Your skin has a language of its own and could be filled with easter-eggs about your health. One of the most obvious issues we can discover just by looking at someone's skin is infection and or allergic reactions. Quite often the skin is sensitive, itchy and visually quite red, possibly even a bit yellow, just like a rash (or exactly that). 
The same goes for ‌infections in your joint, such as septic arthritis. The way we spot this clue is by making sure there is no discolouration around any of your joints (And obviously, you know, if you have pain we will know something is wrong). 
In general, skin changes can tell us a lot about general health and the area around the injury that may need onwards referral or specific management techniques! It could be the first step in a journey to help heal various issues your skin might guide us to, such as a reduction in blood flow, thyroid disorders and even gout or psoriasis. Psoarisis just as an example is often part of a picture of psoriatic arthritis which causes joint pain. This is why a full review of “the systems” is required by a physiotherapist!
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When do You Require Visiting a Dermatologist in Bhubaneswar
Blemishes and wrinkles are exceptionally normal skin issues. Yet, there are many more circumstances that can influence the skin. Few cause gentle side effects. Others can be serious and slow down regular daily existence. Redness, tingling, torment, rashes and pus are signs you need to see a best dermatologist in Bhubaneswar. These few circumstances detailed below merit a visit to a reputed dermatologist.
Acne is the most well-known skin condition. It causes different imperfections on the face. They incorporate whiteheads, clogged pores, pimples and profound sores. These are frequent structures since oil glands in the skin produce an excessive substance called sebum. It closes the mouth of the pores. Without appropriate treatment, it can likewise leave long-lasting scars. Treatment can incorporate over-the-counter or prescription creams and gels, oral medicine, chemical peels, and laser treatment.
Eczema is an umbrella term for a few chronic skin conditions that cause inflammation of the skin. It tends to be entirely awkward and emotionally upsetting. Dermatologists can determine eczema by performing specific tests and a skin test. Over-the-counter and prescription creams and different medicines can facilitate the condition. Appropriate skin health management is significant, as well.
Psoriasis originates from an issue with the immunity system. This makes skin cells develop excessively fast. They then, heap onto the outer layer of the skin. Dermatologists can analyse psoriasis by taking a gander at a skin test under a microscope. Psoriasis is a persistent condition. Creams can assist with smoothening the skin and assist it with recuperating. Treatment additionally may incorporate oral medicine to supress the overactive immunity system.
Indications of Maturing
Skin changes with age. You might see wrinkles, dryness or discolouration frequently called age spots. The sun's harmful rays and smoking can accelerate and deteriorate these indications of maturing. Wearing sunscreen can assist with forestalling more sun damage. However, if you're discontent with your appearance, you might need to see a dermatologist. There are numerous medicines to assist with smoothing wrinkles and repairing the skin. A dermatologist can likewise assist with working on the skin's surface and colour. Medicines to assist with giving the skin a younger look incorporate chemical peels, laser treatment, Botox infusions, and wrinkle fillers.
Skin cancer
Skin cancer is the most common sort of cancer. It's additionally the least demanding disease to treat whenever analysed early. Nonetheless, the most perilous kind of skin cancer is melanoma. It very well may be lethal. A few warning signs ought to provoke a dermatologist visit. The signs include skin developments that change size, shape, colour, thickness or texture.
If you suffer from any of these skin issues, be at Radiance Clinics. They have the best dermatologist in Bhubaneswar with them. Contact them at +91 923 832 1888 to book an appointment.  
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nurturemall · 1 year
Why Natural Skincare Products Are Good For Health?
Your skin is your body's largest organ. However, most people do not consider it in that light. Isn't skin just skin? Wrong. Everything that comes into contact with your skin is assimilated into your body. Smog, pollutants, and everything else your body comes into contact with can be completely absorbed and cause long-term skin damage and your health. Your skin care products like the option of buy Bentonite Clay Online and Donkey Milk Soap Online are no exception.
Everything in your environment damages your skin. Our skin wasn't really designed to tolerate the chemicals we are exposed to on a daily basis. Why would you apply more chemicals in an attempt to undo the damage? It simply does not make sense.
Natural skincare products such as Original Multani Mitti Powder, Handmade Coffee Soap and Best Organic Skincare Product are far healthier for your wellbeing, both for your skin's health and for your overall health. These items are widely available in natural skincare products stores. Alternatively, you can create your own natural skincare products at home.
Did you know, for example, that an oatmeal massage cleans and soothes the skin? Oatmeal is also beneficial in the treatment of psoriasis and eczema two skin problems caused primarily by abrasive water and chemicals in the environment that your skin cannot tolerate. An oatmeal face pack is the most organic and non-invasive exfoliant you can use, and you can create it at home with organic oats. If you have crow's feet, you could use cold cucumbers or a chilled eye mask every night to reduce wrinkles and bags under your eyes. Furthermore, coconut butter or oil is an excellent moisturiser. The very same green tea bags you use to make tea are ideal for adding to a hot bath. Green tea is high in antioxidants, which help to reverse the effects of the pollutants with which your skin comes in contact every day.
If you do not wish to produce your own natural skincare products, they are available in a variety of health food stores and skin care boutiques. The idea is to search for phrases like organic and natural. However, you must exercise caution and examine the packages for ingredient listings. Something does not have to be fully organic or natural to be advertised as such. Examine the labels for something you can't say. If you can't pronounce it, it's usually a substance your body doesn't require.
AHA, is just one of the natural substances to look out for. Alpha hydroxyl acid is quite beneficial for all skin disorders, especially acne and skin discolouration. It is also useful for smoothing out fine wrinkles around the mouth and eyes as you become older. Beta hydroxyl acid is a naturally occurring molecule that aids in the healing of sun or tanning bed damage.
Another way to think about natural skincare is as a mirror of what's going on inside your body. Weak skin is thought to be a sign of a poor digestive tract or food in some alternative health groups. This is also becoming more evident in medical circles.
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Homeopathic treatment for psoriasis
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We would like to know more about PSORIAIS, its definition, its meaning, and why it's increasing.
Psoriasis is an ongoing illness that triggers the appearance of scaly, red areas that show up on the skin. Early signs of psoriasis and symptoms can vary widely from one person to another. It can occur at any age or to anyone.
Red spots that appear on the skin. Psoriasis typically begins with small, raised spots of red skin. While these spots may develop in the body, the knees, elbows, scalp, and lower back are the most commonly seen areas.
Silvery plaques are formed. The areas of red may create silvery-white plaques or layers. They can be painful and can pop out quickly. However, Bharat homeopathy is the most effective solution. It is an homoeopathic treatment for plaque psoriasis. 
Dry and flaky skin Psoriasis may cause dry, cracked skin and is susceptible to bleeding. This is most noticeable on elbows, knees and other areas with thick skin.
Burning or itching in areas that are affected by the condition can cause burning or itching for individuals. Itching and scratching can make symptoms worse and trigger more irritability.
Ingrown, pitted or ingrown nails Psoriasis may also trigger these kinds of changes to nails. Nails may discolour or split in relation to the bed of nails.
Psoriatic arthritis: It is a type of arthritis that can trigger stiffness, pain, and swelling of joints. It is a condition that is common in patients with Psoriasis. This typically occurs following the first signs of skin problems.
It is an auto-immune disease that causes large skin scaly patches, which are red and scaly on the skin's surface because of the rapid growth of cells in the skin. There isn't a cure for Psoriasis. However, homeopathic remedies for psoriasis and homeopathic medicine for psoriasis can help manage the symptoms and stop the growth of patches for those who suffer from this condition.
Moisturisers: Regularly applying moisturisers made with natural ingredients can reduce the appearance of scaling as well as soothe dry and itchy skin. Use only hypoallergenic, scent-free moisturisers.
Healthy Lifestyle Guidelines include a balanced diet, regular exercise, drinking plenty of fluids, avoiding smoking cigarettes or excessive alcohol consumption, and practising relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation to reduce stress.
Be aware of triggers and stay clear of things that worsen psoriasis symptoms. Stress, substances, drinking alcohol, smoking, colds and having skin cuts are typical triggers.
Natural remedies: Though there isn't any scientific evidence to prove the effectiveness of natural treatments, a few patients experience relief from symptoms of psoriasis with their usage. The gel of aloe vera and turmeric are just a few examples of these treatments.
Treatments at Bharat Homeopathy Clinic:
This is the most suitable location for those suffering from Psoriasis. Suppose your treatment has been going on for a long period of time in accordance with your issue. homeopathic treatment for psoriasis is safe and has no adverse negative effects. This group of doctors recommends an improved diet plan to fight the condition. This is why the follow-up procedure is done at the appropriate moment.
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ayushaktiayurveda · 2 years
Everything You Want To Know About Eczema
The skin reflects the inner condition of the body.
According to Ayurveda, when the Agni (digestive fire) is weak, food does not get digested properly. The undigested food then causes Ama (toxic mucous) and excess doshas, especially Pitta (heat). The excess heat gets absorbed by the blood and circulates throughout the body and gets gradually deposited in the blood tissue and muscle tissue.
When toxins are not eliminated through the digestive system, they can be thrown out through the skin, resulting in rashes, boils, pus, itching, dark patches, skin infections and diseases like eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.
Read more about different types of skin disorder and how Ayushakti Ayurved treat them.
What is Eczema?
In Ayurveda, this skin disorder is known as Vicharchika. Eczema or Dermatitis is described by tingling, dryness of skin, enlarging, redness, dryness, and chipping. Scratching of the skin brings about rashes. It influences the ears, focal face, nasolabial folds, eyebrows, armpits, umbilicus, breast, and crotch. It additionally affects the scalp; when dermatitis impacts the scalp, it is set apart by scaling (dandruff).
Improper lifestyle & Diet stated causes the imbalance in the Tridoshas, predominantly the Kapha, Pitta and Aam. This influences the blood and increases the heat. This causes inflammation of the Skin (Epidermis and dermis layer) and accumulation of the fluid in the intra-epidermal vesicles. Deeper tissues are also affected as the toxins get accumulated in the tissue. This leads to itching discoloration of skin i.e. reddish or blackish discolouration, oozing out of fluid, dryness and scaling etc.
The repression of any natural urges and stressful lifestyles tend to derange and aggravate the fundamental principle of Vayu in a person. The aggravated Vayu in combination with the vitiated Pitta and Kapha enters into the vessels or channels of the Rakta and spread across the body and settles on the skin region. There is dryness due to the vata aggravation, inflammation and burning due to the Pitta and itching and oozing as the Kapha aggravates.
Reducing and eliminating the Pitta (heat) in the body is very important in the treatment of skin disorders. Generally, people who have chronic skin disorders should follow a strict diet. Those with minor skin disorders should avoid sour foods like tomatoes, lemons, vinegar, tamarind, citrus fruits, and fermented foods. The sources in amla, pomegranate, mangos teen, and kokum are exceptions to this rule.
The term Eczema or Dermatitis alludes to particular response patterns in the skin, which can be either acute or chronic.
Eczema or Dermatitis has different types depending on how it has affected an individual, most affected types are wet and dry Eczema.
Wet Eczema (Stasis dermatitis)
Wet Eczema happens because of breakout of fluid leaks out of weakened veins into your skin. Wet Eczema is a condition in which patches of skin become red, scaly and itchy. Weeping eczema means one have eczema with pus-filled blisters. These sores literally weep, resulting in oozing or wetness. The pus is usually yellow or clear in colour and eventually dries up as a crusty layer on your skin.
This fluid breakout causes:
Lighter skin tone people might experience from redness on the skin
Darker skin tones people might experience from  brown, purple, gray or ashen color on the skin.
Symptoms Wet Eczema:
In Wet Eczema:
The lower part of your legs such as thighs, calves, and feet may swell,  and ache especially during the day when you’ve been walking.
Your legs may feel heavy
You’ll likely also have varicose veins, which are thick, damaged veins in your legs.
The skin over those varicose veins will be dry and itchy.
You may develop open sores on your lower legs and on the tops of your feet.
Causes of Wet Eczema
Wet Eczema or Dermatitis occurs in individuals who have blood circulation issues in their lower legs. If the veins that usually push blood up through your legs toward your heart break, blood can pool in your legs. Your legs can balloon and varicose veins can shape.
2.Dry Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)
Dry Eczema is the most well-known type of skin inflammation. It normally begins in adolescence, and frequently moves milder or disappears by adulthood.
Dry Eczema is a condition in which Patches of chronically itchy, dry, thickened skin appears usually on the hands, neck, face, and legs.
Symptoms of Dry Eczema
In Dry Eczema:
The rash frequently shapes in the wrinkles of your elbows or knees.
The skin in regions where the rash seems may go lighter or hazier or get thicker.
Little knocks might show up and release liquid in the event that you scratch them.
Infants will frequently get the rash on their scalp and cheeks.
Your skin can get tainted on the off chance that you scratch it.
Causes of Dry Eczema
Atopic dermatitis happens when your skin's regular obstruction against the components is debilitated. This implies your skin is less ready to safeguard you from aggravations and allergens
Atopic dermatitis is likely caused by a combination of factors, such as:
Dry skin
An immune system problem
Triggers in the environment
By following a strict diet routine, lifestyle and taking Ayurveda therapy one can decrease the harm which has been caused by Eczema. Click here to read Ayurveda Diet to Tackle Eczema.
Ayushakti Ayurved’s Pathology Approach On WET and DRY Eczema
Improper diet & Stressful Lifestyle
Tridoshas vitiation
Predominantly Vata vitiation in DRY Kapha in WET Eczema
The doshas spreads to all the other body parts.
It spreads to blood tissue, muscles and skin.  
It increases the dry property of the body(Dry)It increases the dry property of the body(Wet)
Increase in dryness of the skin (Dry)
This causes blister or pus on the skin (Wet)
ECZEMA (Dry and Wet)
Ayushakti’s Skinotox treatment For Eczema
When toxins are not eliminated through the digestive system, they can be thrown out through the skin, resulting in rashes, boils, pus, itching, dark patches, or skin infections and diseases like eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.
The focus of the Ayushakti treatment is to balance the autoimmune condition and remove the toxic mucous (aam) from the body through a planned Skinotox program. Skinotox treatment program include diet, herbal formulas and detox panchkarma. The treatment program is completely customized according to patient’s condition after consultation.
Panchkarma Therapy:
The name Panchkarma signifies "Five Actions” , which is appropriate given that this technique depends upon five basic activities that control the body: Vamana ,Virechana, Niruham, Anuvaasan, and Nasyam.
Panchkarma permanently dispenses with these toxins (ama) from the body that cause illness are weighty and sticky, dwelling in the deepest tissue layers, permitting healing and rebuilding of the tissues, channels, assimilation, and mental capabilities.
Vamana therapy implies remedial vomiting, which is a sedated emesis. This therapy is done for the aggravated Kapha dosha, which predominantly removes toxins from the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract. This therapy is practiced for preventive and therapeutic purposes. It relieves skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, leukoderma.
Diet & herbal formula effect:
The customized diet and herbal formulas and local application lotion helped stop further flare up symptoms within the first 20 days.
Skinotox detox therapies got 40% improvement:
The daily therapies, and after the virechan (Purgation therapy),  40% improvement. The various herbal decoction enemas for another 15 days helped repair the skin cells on a deeper level; thus, skin appearance became clearer day by day.
Ayushakti's "3R formula " is the ultimate natural solution to get rid of all symptoms and get complete relief within 90 days!
Ayushakti doctors analyze your cause of specific skin disorder and other multiple health problems, if any, through video or face-to-face consultation & create customized "3R'' formula in the using a blend of 6 proprietary tools like diet, lifestyle, home remedies, herbal formulas, & detox plans in the “Skinotox program”.
Rasayana (rejuvenation) effect 80% improvement:
Post detox, the treatment focus was to further control the auto immune symptoms through Rasasyana (rejuvenation) program for another 60 days. Rasayana herbs also helped to rejuvenate the whole body cells and tissues, thereby promoting clear skin with complete relief from Eczema.
Childhood Skin Rashes and Eczema have got 50% relief in just 10 days
"I was having frequent skin rashes and eczema on the whole body from childhood. In 10 days of following herbal supplements and a specific diet, I got a 50% to 60% improvement. Then I followed the detox plan given by the Ayushakti expert and got a remarkable relief from skin rashes. My 2.5 years of depression also got reduced with this treatment”.~AMRUT, UK
Ayushakti Ayurved Patient Sucessful Recovery from Eczema
Ayushakti has treated 3655 persons suffering from Eczema Dry and achieved many magnificent results, here’s sharing an example-
NAME –   Mrs Smita fadkale                                                                        
AGE –   47 yrs
K/C/O –  eczema
C/O –  
Dry eczema on bilateral legs
Since  5 years
Severe itching
Small boils on body after intake of sm food
Since 5 years
Since 5 years
Since 5 years
PREVIOUS/ ONGOING, TREATMENT/ MEDICATIONS – had taken allopathic and ayurvedic medicine before
PULSE – heat ,v++,p++
Tab amrutras
Tab suniram
Tab skintonic
Tab virechan
2 tab at night
Tab. Dyro
DIET – no wheat, no fermented, no bakery products ,no lentils except moong
DETOX – dynamic detox done
BENEFIT ACHIEVED –  70% improvement in 2 months
No itching
2 months
No acidity
2 months
Skin colour which was earlier hyper pigmentation has become lighter
2 months
Increase in energy levels
2 months
Weight loss of 3 kg
2 months
CURRENT STATUS – Mrs Smita fadkale is continuing with our medication as described above. Also she is coming for jalouka treatment every 15 days.
Final Takeaway
Any ayurvedic remedies that help one isn't helpful to another. A recovery plan includes proper treatment and ayurvedic medication for an individual. At Ayushakti Ayurved, we eliminate the root cause by customized treatment plans and prescribing proper diet and lifestyle.
Ayushakti's mission is to help people in every possible way. You can consult our experts by phone or video. We will suggest diet & home remedies for maintaining your well-being in these difficult times. Book your consultation here - BOOK NOW
For more information write to us at [email protected]
You may contact us on our toll-free numbers - 18002663001 (India) & +18002800906 (Global)
Author of the Blog: Dr.Ronak Naik
Expert Review By: Dr Smita Pankaj Naram
Co-Founder, Ayushakti Ayurved Pvt Ltd.
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1ecomarketplace · 2 years
Going Green: Eco Products for a More Sustainable Life
As we are becoming aware of the importance of living a sustainable life, we look for environmentally-friendly products that are good for us and for the earth.
Taking care of our planet is no longer a trendy choice, it is a necessity. Sustainable lifestyle is essential to survival of humanity. Protecting our planet is a big job and it can sound daunting, but it is our responsibility – and it starts with you. You can do your bit without installing solar panels or adopting a vegan diet. By doing little by little, like reducing your waste to saving energy and being more conscious about what you buy, you can do a lot.
Eco Products for Your Home and Family
Here are some green products that will help you live a more sustainable life.
Eco Laundry
Like many people who care about our planet, you probably avoid laundry detergents that contain harmful ingredients. Those nasty chemicals linger in your clothes, cause very unpleasant itchy rash called contact dermatitis, and get washed down our drains polluting our lakes and rivers.
If you are looking for a product that is truly natural, we have something very special for you.
100% Organic Natural Soap Nuts, also called Indian Soap Berries, are the fruits of Sapindus Mukorossi tree that grows mostly in the Himalayas.
The Indian washing nuts contain a high level of saponin, which has natural cleansing properties. This eco-friendly alternative to chemically made laundry products have been used in Nepal, India, and China for a long time for skin and hair care.
Great for sensitive or delicate skin, or anyone with skin conditions, such as eczema or psoriasis, they are ideal to wash baby clothes.
The nuts are quite versatile, you can use them for shampoo, pet wash, dishwashing liquid, handwash or shaving cream.
You can reuse the nuts, and when the shell becomes soft and changes colour, you simply throw them into your garden as they are biodegradable. The nuts were quite expensive when they were marketed for the first time in our shops, but now they are more affordable: a 250g bag contains is enough for 200 washes costing around 10c/wash which is half of the cost of an average commercial detergent.  
Eco Personal Care
Are you looking for a personal care product that is good for you, natural, made by a sustainable beauty brand you can trust, and also wallet-friendly?
We live in culture obsessed with looking young. Some people spend any amount of money on yet another anti-aging cream or serum that will stop or reverse aging. This trend is a beauty industry gold mine, and many companies make tidy profit.
You can keep your skin looking great - healthy, young, and glowing without taking out a loan. We research and check every personal care product to make sure it ticks all the boxes on our sustainability list.
Here is one of our favourite skin care products: Anti-Ageing Complex Face Oil to nourish, repair, regenerate and protect your skin.
According to the article published on PubMed in 2017, Sea-buckthorn oil - the main ingredient in our Anti-Ageing Complex Face Oil - has a regenerative, healing, and anti-ageing effect on skin. It is a strong antioxidant, fights free radicals, rebuilds cells, delays cell ageing, supports wound healing (including burns, chilblains, and bedsores), reduces scars and discolourations, treats dermatoses, eczemas, ulceration, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, acne, firms and tones sagging skin smoothing out wrinkles, provides appropriate hydration of epidermis, limits excessive water loss, and protects against harmful radiation (solar or x-rays].
The authors of the article say, “sea-buckthorn and its oil may be considered to be one of the most valuable natural products in the world.”
Get our Anti-Ageing Complex Face Oil for a faction of the price that the big beaty brands put on their products, and give your skin a healthy glow.
Eco kids
Here are two eco products that will make every eco-conscious parent smile.
Reusable Cloth Nappies
If you have a baby, you know that one of the biggest eco-headaches is deciding what to use instead of disposable nappies that take quite a tall on the environment.
According to Sustainability Victoria, conventional disposable nappies estimated to take up to 150 years to break down. The Secret Life of Landfills, a BBC documentary, shows a disposable nappy from the 1980s that is still in perfect shape.
Biodegradable nappies sound like a better option, even though here is currently no biodegradable disposable nappies that are 100% compostable, most of them are made of 60 – 80% made from biodegradable materials, such as bamboo or maize starch and cellulose fiber.
Our Reusable Cloth Nappies are a great alternative to the disposable ones. They are comfortable, easy to use, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective. A waterproof cover and a five-layer Bamboo Insert make them as efficient in drawing moisture away from the skin as the commercial ones.
Mum & Kids Duo Pack
Good sleep is essential to our health and wellbeing. It helps build a strong immune system, repair cells, boost energy, improves our memory and ability to think clearly and make sound decisions.  It is especially important for babies, children and teenagers for growth as well as physical, emotional and mental health. Without enough sleep, children become moody, irritable, which may lead to and learning difficulties and behavioural problems.
If your children grow in a healthy environment, have good sleep habits as well as enough physical activity and play during the day, sleep time is rarely an ordeal that both the kids and parents dread. If your child had too much television before bedtime or too much napping during the day, reding a story, tucking them in, and kissing them goodnight may not work. If they are unwell, they need a good night’s rest, but the usual sleep routines may go out if the window.
Dealing with bedtime tantrums can be exhausting, especially after a busy day when you to relax and have a couple of hours for yourself.
If you have problems getting their children to bed and you lose sleep, too, try Mum & Kids Duo Pack.
The pack contains Sleep Mist and Kids Calming Mist, two powerful blends of chamomile and lavender. Geranium and sweet orange add a pleasant scent to the mist, have an uplifting, balancing effect and help reduce stress and anxiety.
Chamomile is a natural mild sedative, often used to treat anxiety, hysteria, insomnia, nightmares, motion sickness, back pain, facial swelling associated with underlying infection or abscess, and other ailments.
Studies carried out at University of Southampton and Wesleyan University show that lavender improves quality of sleep, help sleep more soundly and feel more energetic in the morning.
Spraying the mist in your children’s bedroom - or your own - will help create a soothing, relaxing environment and induce sleep.
Eco products are very trendy, but it does not mean that everything promoted as organic or green is good for us and for the planet. Some of those products are not eco-friendly at all and can even be harmful.
At Eco Marketplace, we do all the research for you. We make sure that the products we offer are truly eco-friendly, better for us and for the environment. Our products are not just help protect Mother Earth.  Depending on the type of product, they may offer health benefits, be reusable or biodegradable, and are often made of recycled materials.
Saving the planet happens step by step. You can make a big difference just by taking a reusable bag to the store, stop buying bottled water, and planting a tree. Plus, every time you purchase something, make sure that the product you are buying was created by an eco-conscious company and made with a minimal environmental impact. 
These smart choices add up and will help us make our planet a healthy, safe place for us and the future generations.
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peakgrey07 · 2 years
What Is A Dermatologist; What Is Dermatology
We are ready to help you find the health and happiness you’ve been looking for. Please contact your insurance if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to continuing to serve your dermatology needs. When not in the office, you can find MacKenzie reading by a fire, spending time with her daughter, skiing on Big Mountain, or enjoying a nice lake day where she’s serious about her sunscreen. To improve the skin's appearance by removing growths, discolourations, or damage caused by ageing, sunlight or disease. Eczema, acne, rosacea, warts, allergic reactions, psoriasis, rashes, and more. Aaron and Andrew Pace are highly-qualified, board-certified dermatologists. They occur most frequently in areas exposed to the sun, such as the face, neck, back of the hands and forearms. Ultimately, this causes wrinkles - either fine lines or deep furrows. Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that causes facial redness, acne-like pimples, visible small blood vessels on the face, swelling and/or watery, irritated eyes. Injectable treatments like Botox® and collagen fillers can help plump skin and reduce frown lines. Our cosmetic dermatologists also perform a variety of chemical peels, microneedling and a full range of other cosmetic treatments, including Fraxel Laser treatments. Medical dermatology treatments Medicines like topical steroids, anti-fungal creams, and oral medicines are used to treat conditions caused by infection, inflammation and autoimmune diseases. We also offer other medical treatments like excimer laser treatments and Pulsed Dye Laser treatments. Please check with us to see if your insurance plan will participate with our online platform, Doxy.me. During this time of uncertainty, Bakersfield Dermatology will have varying office hours. All of our Salem, Wilsonville, and Keizer dermatologists at Valley View Dermatology offer decades of experience in treating many kinds of skin conditions. Be sure to obtain copies of any medical reports, consultation notes, and diagnostic test results to assure the insurer of the medical necessity of the treatment. They then remove successive layers until there are no more cancerous cells. First, the dermatologist removes layers of skin to get rid of cancerous cells, then examines them under a microscope. Wrinkles, scarring, and reduced facial fullness can be temporarily addressed with injections. A dermatologist can inject Botox or fillers such as collagen and fat during an office visit. It is important to know that a dermatologist has a full license or certification before visiting them. He currently practices clinical dermatology, dermatologic surgery and dermatopathology. Dr. Petitt lives in League City and has two energetic young boys. He is active in his church and loves serving the wonderful people in Pasadena and the greater Clear Lake area. He was recognized in the Pasadena Citizen's 2013 Reader's Choice Best Dermatologist for Pasadena and Deer Park. Venorex Reviews , MD, is originally from Stevens Point, Wisconsin, and is board-certified in dermatology. She graduated with distinction from the University of Wisconsin at Madison with a degree in biomedical engineering. However, to pursue the Dermatology course the candidates would require to appear for an entrance test. For admission to AIIMS, they need to clear AIIMS PG, and for admission to the Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, JIPMER PG is to be cleared. Again for other medical colleges across India,NEET PG is to be taken up by the candidates.
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