#Private chauffeur in Nassau
Nassau Elite Luxury Transportation is the best Transport service provider in the Bahamas. We provide Bahamas airport transfers, including meet and greet services, guided tours, island-wide communications, and offshore excursions services in Nassau, Bahamas. With our friendly, professional staff and a modern fleet of vehicles, we are ready to serve you in the Nassau Bahamas.
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rayschauffeuring · 2 days
Experience unparalleled luxury with private airport transportation in Nassau, Bahamas. Our premium service offers stylish vehicles, professional chauffeurs, and personalized attention, ensuring a smooth and elegant journey from the airport to your destination. Travel in comfort and sophistication, making your arrival and departure truly exceptional.
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gilbertineonfr2 · 1 month
Benefits of Using Luxury Transportation in Nassau
Luxury transportation services prioritize passenger safety above all else. From rigorous vehicle maintenance to background-checked chauffeurs, you can rest assured that your journey will be both safe and secure. Beyond mere transportation, luxury rides in Nassau elevate your overall travel experience. From complimentary refreshments to Wi-Fi access and entertainment options, every aspect of your journey is designed to exceed your expectations. https://yellowtransport242.com/nassau-private-shuttles/
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nassauliteluxu · 2 months
Nassau Transportation Services
Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas, is a vibrant city filled with rich culture, stunning beaches, and bustling streets. Whether you're a visitor exploring the island or a local going about your daily routine, efficient transportation services are essential for getting around smoothly. https://nassaueliteluxurytransportation.com/chauffeured-services-private-airport/
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vampiracey · 2 years
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          ( sarah shahi. cis female. she/her. more than a woman & bee gees. ) have you seen angelique sattari strolling around central park at lunchtime? rumor has it they’re actually three hundred and fifty one years old, but i’m pretty sure they’re only forty. they’re currently posing as a curator at the metropolitan museum of art, but when dusk falls, you can usually find them heading home to manhattan by personal chauffeur. apparently they did not attend the met gala this season! ( max. 21. she/they. cst. ) 
angelique was in 1671 in the coastal town of brest in france , where her father was stationed as a lieutenant in the navy . her parents , persian immigrants , only had two children , a little out of the ordinary for the time . angelique was the older sibling to a little brother , and despite the gender dfference , they were treated as equal . 
appropriate for the time , angelique was expected by society to become perfect housewife material and obtain a good marriage . however , angelique’s father saw so much more in his stubborn , tough daughter , and allowed her to learn valuable skills such as sailing , hunting , and reading . 
at age 19 , after her father died in the military , angelique refused to settle for marriage to support her family . and instead disguised herself as a man to sneak onto a pirate’s ship , where she quickly rose through ranks , and eventually staged a coup to become captain of the ship . 
through out her time at sea , angelique had fallen in love with her second in command . due to their status as wanted criminals , the two were unable to marry , but referred to each other as husband and wife . the adventurous lifestyle suited them , but they both agreed that they wanted to settle down one day . when angelique fell pregnant , she snuck back into france to give birth , and left her child in the care of her mother . angelique wanted to spare her child the sorrow of knowing her in case she died in battle or was arrested . 
years had passed , and angelique was ready to settle down and be with her child , but not after scoring one last time . angelique and her husband heard word of a man in nassau , that was able to grant mystical powers only to the worthy . they set out to find this man unbeknownst of his true nature as a vampire . 
the man had tricked the couple into going through the transition , and the two were turned . following this , angelique was scared of returning home a monster , while her husband seemed to revel in his new power . he became a ruthless pirate , slaughtering any enemy crews . this caused a rift between the couple , and the two split ways . 
angelique traveled aimlessly for a while , struggling to adapt to her new physiology , and the years seemed to blur together . that was until she heard word from her mother that her child had fallen ill , and unlikely to survive . stricken with fear and grief , she visited her child for the first time in years , and convinced her child to accept turning ( though she did spare a few details ) . looking back on this , angelique considers this one of her greatest regrets . afterwards , her child was furious , and refused to speak to their mother ever again, asking them to leave . angelique obeyed their wishes , and hasn’t them since . 
present day , angelique is a curator at the met , and lives in an expensive condo in manhattan . throughout the years , she’s attempted to deal with her grief by filling the holes in soul with material objects . she surrounds herself in luxury , and keeps many lovers . she holds herself in extremely high regards , and can rub off on people as vain . she’s the type of person to put down others to make herself feel good . she knows she sexy and uses it to her advantage 
recently , she’s hired a private detective to track down her child , but is afraid of the outcome .
wcs can be found here ! 
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scarletgardensrpg · 4 years
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MAURICE-ALEXANDER VAN ORANJE-NASSAU is the Royal Prince of the Netherlands, who has recently returned to Amsterdam following the discovery of he and his sister, Luana, in southern France. Although an heir to the Dutch throne was named in the late Queen Catharina’s will, he and Luana have so far refused to disclose this information, both publicly and privately. Although he is a beloved public figure like his sister, Maurice is more reserved, disliking the attention. He has recently received permission from Agostina to live part-time in The Hague.
They’d only ever really fought once: Luana, white-faced at the foot of a marble staircase, the front of her thousand-dollar dress smeared with cake, a lavender party hat crushed in her small palm—and Maurice, standing five steps above her with dark eyes and a scowling, mean mouth. In the empty, vast hall, he and Luana had glared at one another, the frigid silence echoing, before Luana spoke at last. Her voice was high, arrogant, accusatory: Mijn broer is een beest. Years later, by a seashore in southern France at the end of the world, they would laugh about it—what a stupid thing to have divided them for an afternoon, when now they had only each other. At the beach, Maurice massaged Lu’s head until she fell asleep, sparkling grains of sand still in her wet lashes. Those same hands had broken skin, splintered bone just hours before: without remorse, with pleasure. He turned the phrase over and over in his head like a well-worn coin. My brother is a beast.
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They tumbled into the world one after another: a girl, who wore cascades of sunshine atop her head in perfect curls, then a boy, silver-eyed and fox-faced, luminescent as the moon. These became their pet names among the royal maids and wet-nurses, the chauffeurs and visiting diplomats; zon-je, maan-je. At Christmas, Minister van Buskirk had placed a warm hand atop both theirs and smiled at Queen Catharina with familial tenderness: They are so lovely. And, perhaps, they really once were: twin dolls of the Dutch crown adorned in lace and jewels, running along open courtyards, laughing together by sparkling waterfronts—Luana the wild, Maurice the clever. They looked alike, but were distinguishable by their temperaments: where his sister socialized with ease and shone brightest standing in the center of a ballroom, Maurice longed for quiet—and where she was a rare blooming rose, he couldn’t help but feel like the thorns which covered her. Indeed, he made for a handsome, yet arrogant, little prince: standoffish to all but his twin sister, solitary and bellicose, as precocious and regal as he was boyishly bratty. 
In another world, he might’ve outgrown this hardness; he might’ve swept into adolescence with carefree contentment, learned not to bristle so much, had more than just Generaal de Jaager’s delinquent son for a friend, and ascended the throne with true kingly grace. You’d be a good leader, Gabriël always insisted, half-serious and half-laughing. I’d be good, for once. For a king like you. In another world, they might have really both been good. He could think of no other thing but this, shivering in the back of a black-clad woman’s car covered in his mother’s blood. He thought of it still, standing ankle-deep in the wet sand of the Mediterranean, watching Cecile shake hands, watching Luana sob, watching Dimitri’s pitiless gaze glance disinterestedly off him, and settle instead on Blue, who merely cocked her head and, at last, gave a shrug. Show the little ones to their new home, then. I haven’t got the time to. In another world, I am kissing Luana on the nose at our birthday party, Maurice thought to himself, but that life was already fading from his memory, buried under twenty-eight bodies and a dead lineage. In another world, I am feeding her cake and complimenting her dress and I am not so cruel.
But then again, maybe Maurice had always been destined to turn into what he did: a moon-child in love with the solitary night, hardness cracking and giving out to even more hardness, one nightmarish day after another no longer inciting fear, but curiosity. Call it a morbid longing, call it a refusal to spend five years shackled to terror. Was he not a prince? He, somewhere along the way, had become entranced by them: the black-eyed children of Cecile, so lovingly nicknamed bloodhounds. In a single safehouse, how did power fall so totally into the hands of the dead? The way Dimitri and Blue brawled with teeth and knives, the way Jacques could not be put at ease without some carnage to appease his appetite, their unapologetic adoration for their Mother of Death: Luana loathed to see it, but Maurice found himself drawn to their chaos like a moth to flame. What was a lonely boy-king to three gods of the New World? Maurice would work at tamping down his want, his need, to follow them like a pupil, years and years after they left. He could not leave Luana, of course, but Maurice also knew, with unspoken, slow-falling surety: to chase after the dead into the dark was to begin down an irreversible, treacherous path. And yet, some smoky, coiling voice whispered, like a hand around the throat. Which man can deny his heart forever?
LUANA – ANOTHER WORLD. Beautiful Lu, whose name means lion, means happy, could never understand him. But he understands her, and he loves her—isn’t that enough? God, he hopes so. They have been joined at the hip since birth: two darling halves of a whole, each one with the secret keys to a lost kingdom. In youth, he had found her conceit so irritating, her shrieky charm so gauche—but seeing her now, a girl of only twenty who walks the halls of the Royal Palace burdened by the haunting of a hundred ghosts and battered by unspeakable heartbreak, he’d do anything to have his obnoxious, wonderful sister back for just a day. Once, she had been the one protecting Maurice: sheltering him with her great galloping laugh, her bright eyes, daring anyone to speak an ill word of him—so that now, he feels he must return the favor. A great, terrible secret of inheritance sits between them, and Maurice understands it is this single secret that will define whether they survive together in the New World or not. As far as Maurice is concerned, they will. They must. He’ll do whatever it takes.
DIMITRI – VIOLENT DELIGHTS. Boys will be boys, and beasts will be beasts. It’s strange to think that Maurice came of age in the company of wolves—and even stranger still that, at thirteen, he had stumbled into their lands so fearful and angry, only to be forced out five years later with an empty, wanting heart. Luana hates them all, but Maurice finds he can’t fully share in her opinion—particularly when it comes to Dimitri. There’s something mean-spirited to Blue and something grotesque about Jacques’ brand of violence; Dimitri, on the other hand, has always been able to wear bloodsport so well. He’s as refined as he is barbaric, as caustic as he is charismatic: and if anyone could embody the alluring dark, it would certainly be him. In Nice, Cecile’s bloodhounds had all largely ignored he and Luana, too preoccupied with each other or whatever errands they were sent on by Cecile. Nonetheless, Maurice had watched him: his manner of walking, the smooth cadence of his voice, every elegant arrangement of his handsome features—and unconsciously, learned to emulate him. Since his return to Amsterdam, they’ve crossed paths once more; and if Dimitri wasn’t looking before, he’s looking now. It’s too soon to say what they are, now, only that he no longer looks to Maurice with cool disinterest—and instead, is beckoning him forward into a dark, dark world.
GABRIËL – IF WE’D ONLY LAY DOWN OUR WEAPONS. His was the first face Maurice looked for, amidst the thousands who had come to greet the van Oranje-Nassaus: a sea of the living braced against the golden shores to watch the ship dock, hands outstretched, eyes brimming with glad tears—and there, beside Thalia: Generaal Gabriël, whose beautiful face betrayed no more feeling than that of a marble statue. When they were children, they had spent time together—more time than Maurice cares to admit, hours and hours reading beneath the trees and boating on the lake, sneaking away, exchanging secrets, all of it culminating in a kiss, or two, or three—but of course, he was Luana’s in the end. All lovely things were. Maurice isn’t completely sold on the convenient narrative Agostina tells of who is responsible for the massacre—but Gabriël’s partial involvement is, to Maurice, undeniable. He and Luana had both seen it: the exchange with PYTHIA, the handshake and head nod, the words spoken like a curse from Gabriël’s lips: Red de kinderen. Dood de rest. Luana may not have it in herself to exact vengeance—but Maurice, who has always been the worser of the two, certainly can. So blind he is with bitterness, that he can’t seem to see beyond it—if he were to look a little closer, he might find Gabriël isn’t the enemy he’s made him out to be.
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chimebone09 · 2 years
The Key To Successful New York Limo
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If you've been redirected to this page, then it means our online services are currently undergoing maintenance. Resort safe costs are reimbursable by state funds only if the costs are obligatory by the hotel.l. In spite of everything, you want to give the fitting impression to your shoppers and the first thing that they're going to notice and assess is your location and then the state of your office. For a yr-lengthy agreement, the notice interval climbs up to sixty (60) days. Up to $150, up to 15 days imprisonment, or both for 1st offense. Driven: Volvo FH Electric. Now it’s launching heavy-duty electric trucks. Pushed: Actros 60th editionDaimler Trucks & Buses Southern Africa is celebrating its 60th anniversary in South Africa. Driven: the Hino 200-310The well-liked Toyota Dyna mild-responsibility truck has been rebadged the Hino 200-310, and it boasts a bunch of largely cosmetic changes. FMX ElectricElectric trucks are nothing new to Volvo.
For 2 years, Volvo Trucks has additionally been on the street electrically with the mid-sized FL and FE sequence. We're premier New York limousine service company serving Long Island, Nassau and Suffolk counties in NEW fleet of SUV limo trucks like H2 Fantasy JET door Hummer, Escalade Lasanti or Range Rover Vogue limousine. Additionally, we offer chauffeured transportation to and from private FBOs (Avitat, Panorama, Million Air, Netjets, Jet Techniques and Signature). McCarran Airport Transportation Specialists. As previously mentioned, FastTrack Specialists work with you remotely. What can I anticipate of FastTrack? You can also book marriage ceremony transportation in long island. Our classic wedding ceremony cars and modern wedding cars packages are affordable, versatile and simple to know. Most people seize a 3 hrs minimum packages on a 10 cross limo for around $300. How A lot Is A Limo Roughly? limousine service nyc removing prices between $1 and $three a square foot, depending on the type and how much. Watch as a lot as you need, anytime you need. Prepared to look at? Enter your electronic mail to create or restart your membership.
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Get to and from your get together vacation spot(s) safely and in type. All FastTrack guidance is supplied to you or your representative remotely using a combination of instruments and printed documentation. FastTrack personnel can not act in your behalf but as a substitute give you a mixture of verbal and written assistance and best practices to assist you successfully allow your eligible services and allow your users to take full advantage of your Microsoft 365 purchase. FastTrack is a benefit designed to help you deploy Microsoft 365 (included in eligible subscriptions) at no additional cost. The FastTrack service description is designed to assist enterprise stakeholders and IT groups understand the FastTrack profit and reply key questions, together with: What purchases are eligible? We choose you up at your own home and drive you to your meeting place, while letting you benefit from our experience for the administration of your administrative procedures. S-Approach arrives in South AfricaWe’ve been waiting for it for whereas… Iveco S-Method has lastly arrived in South Africa! Spherical out the day at Unusual Objects (1512 South Congress), an antique lovers heaven with everything old: furniture, jewelry, clothes, books -- you name it -- then wander around on your own and discover the rest of this too-cool-for-faculty space of Austin.
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dreamsteven54 · 2 years
What Does Jfk Airport Car Service Do?
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Whether you’re a business traveller, a couple, a giant group of associates or family travelling with a lot of luggage, by reserving your airport shuttle or non-public automotive you can have the reassurance and safety that you’ll be picked up on time and taken straight to your property, lodge or attraction. With millions of visitors descending into United States yearly, it’s vital to book airport transportation so that you can make sure you get on to and from your resort or destination and New York John F. Kennedy Airport JFK at a fare and convenience that fits you. At Rideline, our skilled chauffeurs are able to take you from Long Island to JFK together with Suffolk county to JFK, Nassau county to JFK or the Hamptons to JFK at any time. By combining the Best of a Modern Fleet with Old style Service you're certain to enjoy the elite of Lengthy Island Transportation that Metro Limousine Service offers in Nassau County Long Island, NY. Rideline, the premier JFK airport car service in Lengthy Island, we've got made JFK airport transportation easier and stress free for hundreds across each Suffolk and Nassau counties.
If your connecting flight departs from a special terminal at Newark airport you should utilize the AirTrain to travel there for free. Our chauffeurs use some amazing instruments to maintain up to the minute on weather and site visitors so your automotive service to LGA can be clean and stress free for you. We are going to work with your administrative office on ensuring we schedule your travel based on visitors patterns. It is the proper automobile of choice for executive travel or outings all through the Tri-state space. If you happen to wish to take a tour of new York Metropolis and enjoy the sights, there isn't any better method than renting a chauffeured vehicle. One thing to take note is that comfort. If you need a automotive service company to take you to jfk, laguardia, newark, westchester, islip or any of our smaller regional airports, name majestic transportation services. Give us a call next time you want transportation to or from JFK and leave the worry behind. Now think about if there’s a service from JFK to New York City or any of its environs that makes the journey quick and easy. There’s a motive our purchasers absolutely love us! If your online business is in and around the brand new York / Lengthy Island area, equivalent to Southampton, Bayport, Islip, Northport, Huntington, Woodbury, Massapequa, Garden Metropolis, and so on. we’d like to have you as part of our Business Class Transportation family.
A. We're in enterprise for over 19 years robust. Q. How long have you ever been in enterprise? So as to accomplish this aim, we've got assembled a dynamic workforce of pros who are masters at their craft. So as to experience the NYC Public Transportation Network, you will have to pay a separate fare. If long island shuttle service to jfk ’re new to Uber, you'll be able to join using the promo code “selwynt1″ to get $5 off your first ride. Running late to meetings is a factor of the past after you begin using our New York Worldwide Airport transportation services. East Wind Limousine’s Sprinter providers are important when touring in groups to and from major NYC airports resembling JFK and LGA. Want JFK airport transportation? A simple to use airport transportation service for vacationers and firms in need of reliable transit to JFK or LGA in a calm, clear and relaxed atmosphere.
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As a substitute of a costlier and extravagant celebration bus, a shuttle bus supplies the identical house and comfort with out the unprofessional environment not suitable for airport transit. A dependable Sprinter bus can easily be reserved for quick transit to and/or from common vacation spot factors corresponding to airports like LGA and JFK. These vehicles are perfect for airport travelers seeking secure transit that's stress-free with loads of spare room for private belongings and more travelers. In February of 2016′ Metro Limousine Service moved its operations to a larger facility in Freeport, with extra indoor house to showcase its custom limousines. If this is unavoidable because you're going to a trip with your complete, family then renting a automobile may be more economical. Metro Limousine Service is a family owned firm. Metro Limousine Services Firm is situated at 111 Albany Avenue in Freeport, NY. At Colonial Transportation, we are here to help, by providing our wonderful JFK airport transportation companies around the clock. Kennedy Worldwide Airport (JFK). Do you need a dependable airport automotive service from Long Island to JFK Worldwide Airport?
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Yellow transportation company for hotel to airport & airport to hotel in Bahamas, Nassau & Atlantis. Get Luxury cars, van & SUV transport service with professional  chauffeur. Book a private, family or town car for an amazing journey. 
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daphner20 · 4 years
John Woodside
Prologue “Today is the best day of my life,” said John Michael Woodside II joyfully. Am in grade 7 at the most prestigious Catholic High school in The Bahamas. St. Francis of Assisi, was the most competitive school to get in. There were almost a thousand entries, but only 100 applicants were accepted. John was in the top 5% with the highest score. He played soccer, baseball, basketball, and ran track. He also played the piano pretty well. Let’s see what they said “ he would be an asset to the school”. And the icing on the cake, I was an altar boy. My best friend Benjamin Hall, got accepted as well, this is so cool. John, didn’t think much of his life up to now. He was an only child. His father John Sr. , whom he loved fiercely, was his idol. His mother, (the prettiest woman in the world) whom he adore was his everything. His father, was quite a bit older than his mother (30 years). But they seem very happy. Most people called them wealthy, he knew they lived in a upscale gated community, he was chauffeur driven every where, and for as long as he could remember, he had travelled extensively, with his parents, ( his father had his own plane). He overheard, his father, telling his mom, that he was contemplating buying a yacht. “Time to go”, said his Father. “Do well, I am so proud of you”, beamed his Dad. “Thank you, daddy,” said John, as he hugged him, and kissed his mom. The first day of school, was everything, John, thought it will be, Benjamin, and I were in the same class. At recess, I heard my name on the PA system, to come to the Principal’s office. When I got there, my chauffeur, Mr. Lee was there.
He said , “there has been an accident.”
Chapter 1 John in his 12 years, never had to deal with anything distressing. Mr. Lee, didn’t offer any other information. We he got to the house, there were so many people there. He wanted to see his father, because Daddy will explain everything to him. However, it was his mom, who came to him. She was disheveled, no makeup, track suit and sneakers, this isn’t my mom. “ Where is Daddy?, I asked. “ Your father, is dead, he suffered a heart attack this morning,” she said sobbing. “ This can’t be, I just saw him this morning,” I said in disbelief. “I want to see him, this can’t be,” I shouted. ‘Its true Johnny,” she was openly sobbing. As I looked around, all the staff was crying as well. Then I knew, my daddy was gone, my heart just melted, and I just couldn’t stopped the tears. Suddenly, my father’s lawyer Mr. Campbell told my mom, that he needed to speak with her in my dad’s study. I noticed, that 3 men and a woman, entered, as well. I have never seen them in my life. About half and hour later, I heard my mom screaming, No! I can’t loose another parent I thought, as I burst through the study door. “Leave my mother alone,” I shouted. Then this man turned at looked with such hatred, “ so this is the bastard” he said cruelly. “ Stop it,” said my mother “ Stop what,” said the stranger, “ I am just getting started.”
“ What is your name?” asked the female stranger. ‘ John Michael Woodside the second,” I said proudly. “ Unbelievable,” shouted male stranger, “He gave his bastard his name.” “ Stopped saying that,” said my mother, “he is a little boy.” “ Do you know, who we are?, asked male stranger 2. “ No,” I said. The girl stranger, just starting crying, “he forgot about us,” she continued crying. Finally, stranger male 3, said, “ we are your brothers and sister. I am Jason, I am the second,, this is James, the third son, this is Jasmine our sister. And this is the eldest son, John Michael Woodside the second.” He pointed to the first stranger. I looked to my mother, for affirmation, she looked liked her worst nightmare had just came true. “ How come we have the same name, as our father,” I asked the first John the second. “That is not your name, he was not your father, and we are nothing to you,” he said angrily. Mr. Campbell, finally spoke, “Let us show some respect for your father. I know that emotions are raw, but don’t let us say anything we will regret.” “ Considering my father, never divorce our mother, from this moment on, I am now the head of this family.” John the first second said as a matter of fact.
Chapter 2 The day my dad was buried, it was dark and wet like my soul. My mother and I were not allowed to attend. The servants were, but not us. In one week’s time. My whole world was turn upside down. When my mom, meet my dad, she was 20 and he was 50. She was his junior secretary, at the Offshore Bank, where he was the President. My brothers were
28, 26, 23, and Jasmine was 18. With my dad being Catholic, he didn’t divorce their mother. My mom, got pregnant with me 2 years later. I was their love child. Because of the scandal, he was forced to retire, however, he took two thirds of the bank clients, and open up his own private trust company. My mom and I became his family. His children never forgave him or spoke to him again. So, in one week, because my dad didn’t leave a will. My oldest brother, became his heir. First decree, we were not allowed to attend the funeral. We were kicked out of the house. My name was taken from me. My dad’s name was never on my birth certificate, ( my parents were not married) so my name was John Michael Munnings. ( my mom’s maiden name) And finally, I never returned to St. Francis of Assisi. There was no provision for our future. My mother left all of that to my dad. I hated every thing and everyone. Things couldn’t get worse, don’t bet on it! We had no place to go, my mother didn’t want to keep me out of school, much longer, so she decided to return home. Because, we had little money, we had to take a mail boat to Orange Creek, Andros, that was my mom’s home. The boat took 10 hours, and we arrived at 5 am the next day. An elderly man, came to pick us up, in an old beat up truck. He didn’t say one word to my mom. He just loaded up our things on the truck.. I don’t know how long we were driving, but it felt forever. We pulled into a modest wooden house. I couldn’t see much, it was still dark. The old man, put our stuff in a small room, with an even smaller bed, and left. My mom told me to go back to sleep. Later that morning, mummy got me up. She told me she had to enroll me in school. This was another Catholic School, but it wasn’t like the one in Nassau. It had from kindergarten to grade 12. The average size of the class was 10 students. I could still wear my St. Francis of Assisi school uniform. Everyone seem friendly enough.
St. Thomas More, was the name of the school, it was a 20 minute walk to the house, everyone lived in the settlement. On the island, instead of towns, they were called settlements. When I got to the house, I was formally introduce to my maternal grandparents. Charles and Louise Munnings. My mother, looked exactly liked my grandma. My grandmother did all the talking. “Your mother, has brought shame and disgrace to this family, we will keep you, but she is not welcome here.” I looked at my mom, who was sobbing quietly. “Please Mummy, don’t leave me, “ I begged. “ It will only be for a short while,” Mummy said. “I will come back for you, and we will get our life back.” That night, as I lay on my tiny bed, I made a vow, I will never forgive my mother, or my siblings.
Chapter 3 “ Do you have your speech,” asked my Grandfather. “Yes sir,” I replied. I am the Valedictorian of St. Thomas More Prep. It’s been six years. I thought it was going to be 3 months! My mom, never came back. She got married, two years later, and guess to whom? Yep my oldest brother, John the second. He has truly taken every thing away from me. Life on Andros, was hard. Firstly, my grandparents who were devoted Catholics, had the mindset, church and work. My grandfather was a Catechist, and grandma played the organ in church. I took that role over when I became 15, 2 mass every Sunday, and the high seasons. My grandfather was a fisherman. He liked to say,” they were Jesus' s favorite people.”
So, for the last 6 years, this was my life: devotions at 5am, rain or shine; feed the chickens, rain or shine; (grandma sold organic eggs) ; school, rain or shine; mass rain or shine. After school, I helped Grandpa, with the nets and his boat. I asked God, that if I ever get of this island, may I never returned. My grandfather believed, that I will follow in his footsteps. I wanted to be an investment banker, like my dad. I wanted to make so much money, that no one will ever be responsible for my well being, only me. Unbeknown to me, my guidance counselor, Mrs. Smith had fill out several scholarship applications, and I got them all. Because I was 18. I didn’t need anyone’s permission or consent. Thank you Lord. As I walked down to the graduation ceremony, I knew my mother, will not be there, I haven’t seen or spoken to her in 6 years. My grandparents, never discussed her, and neither did I. I thought of my dad, and the last thing he said to me was “I am proud of you”. I have no more tears left. A month later, as I said goodbye to my grandparents. I was on my way to St. John's University, New York, on a full ride. I knew that I didn’t want to see this country again, or my family. “Thank you Grandfather,” I said as I shook his hands. “ Thank you Grandma,” I said as I kissed her cheeks. “Goodbye son,” they said in unison. Chapter 4 As I looked out on Central Park, from my penthouse, I had to pat myself on the back. You have made it. Forbes Magazine, had just listed me, as one of the youngest millionaires under 35 ( I was 32). It’s been 14 years, since I left Andros. I didn’t returned even when my grandma died 3 years ago. There wasn’t nothing there for me . I am living my best life. It’s 6am and my cellphone is blowing up, who is calling me? And from a 242 area code The Bahamas. “ Hello,” I said in my most annoyed voice.
“ Good, morning Johnny, this is Mrs. Smith from Andros, your grandfather, has been airlifted to the city on an emergency flight. He is at Nassau Hospital. He is asking for you, so don’t tarry. I came on the flight with him, so I will you see you when you get here.” Click. “Why me,” asked John, as he booked a flight, made hotel arrangements, and cancelled all of his appointments for the next week. As the flight touchdown in Nassau, the country of his birth, John heart was hurting. “20 years,” he muttered to himself. He hadn’t been back in 20 years. When he got at the hospital, Mrs. Smith, just hold him tightly. “ Go in John,” she said quietly. As I walked in the room, lying on that bed was not Charles Isaac Munnings. Not the imposing figure of my childhood. The man laying there was frail and fragile, he was hooked up to a lot of machines. He opened his eyes, and motioned me to come closer. “Forgive me,” he said weakly. “ No Grandpa, forgive me, I should have come back sooner.” “ No, son, unforgiveness, has robbed from me of a relationship, with your mom, my only child for over 35 years. When you came to us, it was like God was giving us a second chance. But we were so bitter and angry with Carol, that we couldn’t see that we were creating you to be like us. The greatest gift you can give your self, is a spirit of forgiveness. Johnny, my dear son, My departure is at hand. Forgive your mom, and your siblings. Forgive me and your grandma. Bury me in Andros, with your grandma. Now pray with me one last time.’ “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespassed against us.” Then my grandpa died. And after 20 years, as the tears flowed, I finally found Peace.
As I knocked on my father’s door, Mr. Lee open the door. “ Master John,” he exclaimed with genuine warmth.
“ Hello Mr. Lee, I replied, is my mother here?” He hesitated for a moment, “ Don’t worry Mr. Lee, it’s ok.” He pointed at my dad's study. As I entered the room, to my surprise, they were all there. My mom, John the second, Jason, James and Jasmine. The glass fell out of my mom’s hand. “ Johnny?” It was more of a question, than statement. “Yes, I said, “ Your father died today, here in Nassau, but he wants to be buried in Andros, because you are his child, I need your permission to release the body. I will take care of all of the arrangements. My mother, still a beautiful woman at 54, aged immediately, that is when she finally moved, and cried in my neck for eternity. “ John, forgive me,” she cried. “ Its ok Mum, the hand of The Almighty, has been with me, all these 20 years, what the enemy meant for evil, the Lord made it for my good.” I said. My grandfather left me, every thing he owned, one hundred acres of land in Andros. And now I own the largest commercial fishing company in The Bahamas. It has provided over 90% of employment in Andros. Plus grandma organic eggs, has become a house hold name. THE END
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Bahamas Private Transport and Tour Service Provider, Meet and Greet Service, Airport pickup and Drop Service, Private City Tours, Marinas & Cruise Ports Pickup, Dropoff, All Needs, Weddings, Corporate Events, etc.
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rayschauffeuring · 3 days
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Experience ultimate comfort and style with luxury private airport transportation in Nassau, Bahamas. Enjoy a seamless journey from airport to destination with top-notch vehicles, professional chauffeurs, and personalized service, ensuring a stress-free and lavish travel experience tailored to your needs. Arrive relaxed and in elegance.
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baggyrocks · 7 years
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Private Excursions are the best! 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁📱📱📱📷📸📸🎥🎥 #baggyrocks #nassauparadiseisland #nassaubahamas #nassau #bahamas #tour #excursion #goodtimes #private #chauffeur #thegoodlife #yeamon #funinthesun #fun #girlstrip #girlstime #party #2017 (at Nassau, New Providence)
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nassauliteluxu · 3 months
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Benefits of Choosing Private Transport in Nassau One of the primary advantages of opting for private transport in Nassau is the convenience and flexibility it offers. Unlike public transportation or group tours, private transport allows travelers to create their own itinerary and explore the island at their own pace. Whether you're interested in visiting popular attractions or discovering hidden gems off the beaten path, private transport provides the freedom to customize your journey according to your preferences. https://nassaueliteluxurytransportation.com/chauffeured-services-for-cruise-ships/
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fchoicelimo-blog · 7 years
First Choice Limo & Taxi Dispatch emerges as a leading name in the Bahamas ground transportation industry. Offering a range of luxury transportation in Bahamas and Nassau or Paradise Island, the ground transportation specialist delivers superior standard services for any size group, special events or corporate events. Aiming to take off all the transportation hassles, First Choice Limo & Taxi Dispatch strives to manage even the most of minute details. They provide industry-best chauffeurs - trained to maintain intimate familiarity with the layout, logistic details, and surrounding traffic patterns around the island. Nevertheless your transportation needs - airport transfer, private tours, and corporate trips, Party tours etc., just count on First Choice Limo & Taxi Dispatch to get all your travel needs covered. For more information about ground transportation service details, please visit http://www.fchoicelimo.com/.
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fastbreaklimousine · 7 years
What Transport Service does NYC provide you with?
Travelers who are concerned about speed, safety and stress always choose air transport as their major means of transportation. But due to uncontrollable circumstances, these isn’t always enjoyable. Sometimes the food isn’t acceptable to your body. Or the ticket prices are now higher than ever before. Nowadays, some travelers report that the seats are smaller and there are fewer amenities than what was obtainable before. Let’s share with you some airport transportation options available:
One option is riding the bus. The downside to this is that they’re often slow and you can’t use them if you’re in a hurry to get somewhere. Another issue is that buses arrive by schedule, so if you missed the first bus, you’ll have to wait for the next one. Sometimes this could take hours. Buses also travel on highways. So if your destination is not along the highway, you’ll have to drop off and find another means to get there. The bus is just one instance of public transport, there are others available in the United States.
Another option you could go for are taxi cabs. Taxi cabs in NYC could be awesome, if you get the nice drivers. But most of the time they aren’t rude. If you’re a really sensitive person, you should opt for a private limo service with a driver that will treat you right. Taxi cabs, however, can be available without bookings ahead of time. You can have them waiting outside the airport ready to take you to your destination any time. Although, charges change according to distance.
Wait for a taxi cab or…
And then there is the subway. With $19.05 on your MetroCard, you can ride the subway to anywhere covered by the subway network of tracks. It fast, easy but sometimes crowded and not really a first choice for comfort and luxury. You could even get robbed in there.
If you’re one who has a strong liking for luxury and comfort, you can opt for a private limo service to pick you up from the airport. You will have a chauffeur already awaiting your arrival at the airport, to welcome and drive you to your destination. All you have to do is book a reservation, sit back and enjoy. You also don’t have to worry about your bags and luggage, your chauffeur will handle that for you. Most people seem to think this luxury is too expensive. But the truth is, if you book early enough, you won’t have to pay as much.
Fast Break Limousine offers you airport transportation in NYC, wine tours, limousine service, sedan service and others in and around the state of New York. Fast break limousine transportation services are available in the following cities for drop off and pick ups to and NYC or anywhere you need to go in Suffolk county, NY.
from Car Service and Airport transportation Suffolk, Nassau County, NYC http://fastbreaklimousine.com/what-transport-service-does-nyc-provide-you-with/
from WordPress https://fastbreaklimousine.wordpress.com/2017/07/06/what-transport-service-does-nyc-provide-you-with/
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