#Piero Sulli
crimsonblackrose · 4 years
One of the first things that I learned when I picked up all my passes at the Big Bus information office was that the Louvre required a reservation. The museum is always busy so making a reservation online is highly suggested. For general admission or special exhibits check here. Since I had a museum pass I picked a time slot and filled out the forms here. Because I was so tired rather than make my reservation at 9am like I had planned I made it for 9:30am. I didn’t have any difficulty getting the date or time I wanted, which is lucky. I also was in Paris during the off season. I was sent an e-mail with the information for my pass and then I screenshot it so that I could show it to the guards when I arrived. I highly suggest doing this just to make your life easier. You enter via the glass pyramid.
My plan for my second full day in Paris included cramming three museums into one day. So I had a goal of just seeing the highlights in the Louvre. Anything else I managed to see would be a bonus. The main goal was to, of course, find the Mona Lisa.  But first, because I’d gotten such a late start and then felt rushed to be at the Louvre exactly at 9:30 so I wouldn’t miss my spot I hadn’t eaten. So within the Louvre I popped into a cafe right before going through with my museum pass and quickly ate a brioches suisses which was absolutely delightful. Brioches suisses is a french bread (brioche) with chocolate chips and vanilla custard in the middle. There wasn’t any seating within the cafe but there was some seating outside of it under a pillar with tables every couple of feet. So I sat there to eat my breakfast before going through with my museum pass to enter the actual Louvre. I felt the same sort of rush that I felt when trying to get into Harry Potter at USJ the first time.
While some highlights are included on the map so you can easily make a goal of what to see, others are not. On my way to find the Mona Lisa I ran into a couple famous statues.
First was the Venus de Milo or Aphrodite from 100 BC which is located in the Sully wing on the ground floor in the Parthenon room (room 346).
Then in one of the stair cases on my way to the Mona Lisa I found the Winged Victory of Samothrace which is thought to be from 190 BC and is located in the Denon Wing on the ground floor in the staircase (room 703).
If you’re lost and looking for it just ask because the “gallery” it’s in is the Winged Victory of Samothrace stairwell. 
Mona Lisa is an Italian painting also known as Portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del Giocondo by Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci was located in the Denon wing on the first floor in the Mona Lisa Room (room 711) Please note that sometimes it moves.
You don’t get much time with the Mona Lisa. It’s probably one of the most popular paintings in the Louvre, let alone maybe THE most popular part of the Louvre in general. To deal with crowds they’ve created a line with two entrances, you can either go up to the left or you can go up to the right and then security will give you a couple minutes to take a few photos before sending you on your way. While the rest of the Louvre is set up so you can sit and take in the paintings and sculptures due to the large amount of people who want to see Mona Lisa it is not possible. In the grand scheme of things when I visited it probably wasn’t that busy. The line didn’t spill out past at least half way through the winding ropes they’d made for the queue.
The Louvre actually doesn’t insure the Mona Lisa. And no one knows how much it’s worth. It’s one of the world’s most famous paintings and instead the Louvre puts it’s money towards protection for it. The Mona Lisa has been stolen, someone’s tried to graffiti it and someone else has tried to throw a rock at it. Security seems to be a better idea then insuring it anyway.
Because I was in the area, an area of vast paintings I decided to stop and taken in July 28. Liberty Leading the People a painting I remember seeing often in my high school French classes.  the painting is by Eugène Delacroix and is located in the department of paintings near Mona Lisa. No matter how many times I saw it in my French book or online I never realized just how massive of a painting it was.
After checking out a couple other giant paintings in the area I stopped at the in-Louvre cafe for a special Louvre tea called thé du Louvre Côté Cour: Courtyard tea. The little pouch the tea came in was quite pretty and the area around The Café Mollien was beautiful.
If you’re there I highly suggest trying to get a window seat. They’re the most popular and even though the cafe wasn’t busy all of those seats were taken when I visited. They have a stunning view and during the summer the terrace is open so you can enjoy your drink or snacks outside while enjoying the view of Cour Napoléon and the garden.
After a nice tea break I went off in search of more art. My main goals were to see The Coronation of Napoleon , Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss, and The Lamassu. 
The Coronation of Napoleon, also known as The Coronation of the Emperor Napoleon I and the Crowning of the Empress Joséphine in Notre-Dame Cathedral on December 2, 1804 was quite easy to find. It was painted by Jacques-Louis David and is located in the Denon Wing on the first floor in Daru, room 702.
The painting was mentioned on the tour of Versailles, about how the painting was requested done by Napoleon with some subtle changes. Some things including his mother who refused to attend being painted in the background. It shows Napoleon crowning his wife as Empress after being crowned himself.
The Lamassu was also quite easy to find though a bit further away. They’re located in the Richelieu wing on the ground floor in the Mesopotamia, Assyria Khorsabad section in room 229.
The Lamassu  are protective genies that guard entrances in Dur Sharrukin which is now in modern day Khorsabad, northern Iraq. These creatures are part man, part bird and part bull and known as shedu or lamassu.
Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss  however I had an awful time trying to find. The reason why is because the museum is broken up into three main wings. The Richelieu, Sully, and Denon. I had gone down to the ground floor on the Richelieu side and thought I was crossing through Sully and into Denon, but in reality what I was doing was walking in circles around a statue courtyard in the 200’s rooms of the Richelieu. It took me awhile to figure it out. Too long. Embarrassingly too long. I didn’t realize the grey space in the center of Richelieu map was a courtyard. I thought it was the main one with the pyramid. And I couldn’t figure out how to cross over. It was very frustrating. I’ve circled on the map of the ground floor below the area in which I kept walking in circles.
Eventually I asked security for directions and they told me I had to leave and re-enter. Apparently you can do that, at least twice. So I popped out, went back into the main lobby, scanned for the Denon wing and went back in.
I think in other areas and on other floors it’s easy to travel between the three wings, but for some reason when I got down to the ground floor I had an awful time of it. But I did eventually find Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss which is located in the Denon wing on the ground floor in the Michelangelo gallery in room 403.
I saw a lot of other really cool things as I rushed around. I’ll make sure to list the wing, level, and room number for each of them if you click on the image or below it.
Daphnis et Chloé by François Gérard Denon Wing 1st floor Mollien room 700
I think the Louvre is massive. The way you’re suppose to enjoy art is to sit with it and take it in, but I think because of the Louvre if there’s a lot you want to see in a short period of time it makes it difficult. I think because I was also trying to run around on my Museum pass before it expired I felt extra pressure to rush, which isn’t the way you’re suppose to enjoy a museum let alone art. If you have more time I think it’ll be better.
My favorite part of the museum was really seeing other people enjoying it. The amount of artists I saw camped out in the Louvre sketching the sculptures just instilled something warm and fuzzy in me. I wanted to grab a notebook and join them, like I did in my high school art trips. But I just felt like there was no time.
Crown of Louis XV: Denon wing, 1st floor Galerie d’Apollon Room 705
The Louvre is open from Wednesday through Monday. They are closed on Tuesdays, January 1st, May 1st and December 25th. On Mondays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays they are open from 9am until 6pm. On Wednesdays and Fridays they are open from 9am until 9:45pm. Double check online that they are open and their hours before you go. When I went the strikes were happening so they warned that some rooms/galleries might be closed and that the museum might close early. It’s considered fastest to book your tickets online ahead of time and to arrive in the morning.
Hercules, Dejanira and the Centaur Nessus Richelieu wing 1st floor Rotonde Jean Boulogne Room 526
Grand sphinx Sully wing Lower ground floor Crypt of the Sphinx Room 338
The Athena of Velletri
Attached to the Louvre is also a mall like area called Carrousel du Louvre. There’s a food court here with a McDonalds and various other restaurants as well as shopping. I grabbed a late lunch here, debating between different things because all I needed/wanted to do was find a corner to sit in and charge my wifi buddy because it had died suddenly. (The fuse at my hotel had blown for all my outlets so nothing had charged, I didn’t realize it until that night) I wandered around the food court trying to decide what I should get. I felt like I had to get French food, even though there were other options and it had a long line. The McDonalds had more available seating and less of a wait and while McDonalds tends to be better in any country outside of the U.S. it felt like a bad choice for my limited amount of time in France. I hadn’t even scratched the surface of my dream food list.
quiche lorraine set 13.60 euro
So I got in line, looked at what they had and ordered a quiche lorraine. It came with a salad that I didn’t particularly want but couldn’t turn down because it was a set. It only came with one type of dressing, an oil and balsamic dressing that needed to be shaken up. They took it off the bar and popped my quiche back into an oven to reheat. During my trip I had two quiche lorraines, both had to be reheated and came inexplicably with a side salad with the same oil and balsamic dressing. This was the better of the two.
The Carrousel du Louvre is open Wednesday through Monday from 10am until 8pm. On Tuesdays they are open from 11am until 7pm.
“Artemis with a Doe” Sully wing Ground floor Salle des Caryatides Room 348
Hercules Wrestling Achelous Room 105, Richelieu wing
galerie d’apollon
    The Louvre One of the first things that I learned when I picked up all my passes at the Big Bus information office was that the Louvre required a reservation.
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tuseriesdetv · 7 years
Noticias de series de la semana: Cierra un canal, abre otro
Seeso cierra
El servicio bajo demanda de NBCUniversal anunciaba en Facebook que cerrará antes de finalizar el año. Su comedia de animación The Cyanide & Happiness Show y otros programas y realities se marchan a VRV Select. There's... Johnny!, que debía estrenarse este mes, no llegará a hacerlo en la plataforma y ahora mismo le están buscando otro alojamiento. Se espera también encontrar un hogar para la cuarta temporada de Bajillion Dollar Propertie$ y la segunda de Take My Wife. Al parecer, la comedia Shrink queda cancelada.
Disney VOD
En 2012, Disney firmó con Netflix la distribución de sus novedades -de las que antes se encargaba Starz- a partir de 2016. Ahora, Disney anuncia la compra de la mayoría de las acciones de BAMTech y que, comenzando con los estrenos de 2019, distribuirá su contenido en su propio servicio bajo demanda. Aunque las acciones de Netflix -que pierde Frozen 2, Toy Story 4 o la nueva versión de The Lion King, entre otras- cayeron un 5% tras la noticia, no debería suponer una gran pérdida para ellos, que ahora dispondrán de más presupuesto para sus propias producciones, como, por ejemplo, las adaptaciones de los cómics de Kick-Ass o Kingsman, ahora que ha adquirido la editorial Millarworld. Netflix mantendrá su catálogo Disney en España o Latinoamérica, donde no llegará el nuevo servicio. Desde Disney afirman que no hay mala relación con Netflix, que seguirá distribuyendo algunos de sus contenidos también en Estados Unidos. Todavía queda por determinar qué pasará con las películas de Marvel o Lucasfilm. [Fuente]
Renovaciones de series
HBO ha renovado Ballers por una cuarta temporada
HBO ha renovado Insecure por una tercera temporada
OWN ha renovado Greenleaf por una tercera temporada
FX ha renovado Snowfall por una segunda temporada
BET ha renovado Tales  por una segunda temporada
USA Network ha renovado Queen of the South por una tercera temporada
Netflix ha renovado GLOW por una segunda temporada
Cancelaciones de series
BBC One ha cancelado Count Arthur Strong tras su tercera temporada
Seeso ha cancelado Shrink tras su primera temporada
Netflix ha cancelado Gypsy tras su primera temporada
Incorporaciones y fichajes de series
Ana Ortiz (Devious Maids, Ugly Betty) participará en varios episodios de la sexta y última temporada de The Mindy Project interpretando a la doctora Mary Hernandez, que trabaja en una clínica que compite con Shulman & Associates.
Aaron Eckhart (The Dark Knight, Sully) protagonizará otro episodio de la antología The Romanoffs, la antología de Matthew Weiner (Mad Men).
Brianna Brown (Devious Maids) retomará su papel del piloto de Dynasty y volverá como recurrente interpretando a Claudia.
Marika Dominczyk (Eliza Minnick) no volverá en la decimocuarta temporada de Grey's Anatomy.
Sam Lerner (Geoff Schwartz) ha sido ascendido a regular en la quinta temporada de The Goldbergs.
Phillip Winchester se une a Law & Order: SVU retomando el papel de Peter Stone en Chicago Justice. Brooke Shields (Suddenly Susan, The Blue Lagoon) será recurrente.
Rex Linn (Better Call Saul, CSI: Miami) interpretará al padre de Riggs (Clayne Crawford) en varios episodios de la segunda temporada de Lethal Weapon.
Tim Meadows (Son of Zorn, Saturday Night Live) y Lou Diamond Phillips (Longmire, The Ranch) interpretarán a criminales en varios episodios de la quinta temporada de Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
Sarah Paulson (American Horror Story, American Crime Story) protagonizará una nueva versión de American Crime Story: Katrina, esta vez basada en el libro 'Five Days at Memorial' de Sheri Fink. Interpretará a la doctora Anna Pou, que atendió a los afectados por el huracán en un hospital sin electricidad y más tarde fue acusada de asesinar a varios de sus pacientes. Se espera poder contar todavía con Dennis Quaid, Annette Bening y Matthew Broderick, que se han quedado sin papeles.
Minka Kelly (Friday Night Lights, Jane the Virgin) interpretará a Kara Clayton, una asesina y heredera de la fortuna de su marido, en la segunda temporada de Bull.
Brenda Strong (Desperate Housewives, Supergirl), Jake Weber (Medium, Hell on Wheels), Meredith Monroe (Dawson's Creek, Criminal Minds), R.J. Brown (The Carrie Diaries), Anne Winters (Tyrant, The Fosters), Bryce Cass (Battle Los Angeles), Chelsea Alden (American Horror Story, Get Spy), Samantha Logan (666 Park Avenue, The Fosters), Kelli O'Hara (Masters of Sex), Ben Lawson (Doubt, Neighbours) y Allison Miller (Incorporated, Go On) se unen como recurrentes a la segunda temporada de 13 Reasons Why. Interpretarán a Nora y Barry Walker, los padres de Bryce (Justin Prentice); Carolyn, la madre de Alex (Miles Heizer), Caleb, el entrenador de Tony (Christian Navarro); los estudiantes Chloe, Cyrus, Mackenzie, Nina y Jackie, el entrenador de béisbol del instituto y una abogada litigante.
Sugar Lyn Beard (Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates) será Rebecca Sharp AKA Hazard en un episodio de The Flash.
Stefania Spampinato (Satisfaction) será Carina, la hermana de Andrew DeLuca (Giacomo Gianniotti), en varios episodios de la decimocuarta temporada de Grey's Anatomy.
Graham Phillips (The Good Wife) será Nick St. Clair, el ex de Veronica (Camila Mendes), en dos episodios de la segunda temporada de Riverdale.
Chris Elliott (Schitt's Creek, How I Met Your Mother) interpretará a Glenn, un náufrago que vive en una isla desierta, en varios episodios de la cuarta temporada de The Last Man on Earth.
Maya Rudolph (Saturday Night Live) protagonizará el musical en directo A Christmas Story. Será la madre de Ralphie.
Peter Krause (Six Feet Under, Parenthood, The Catch) protagonizará 9-1-1 junto a Angela Bassett.
Josh Stamberg (The Affair, Parenthood) y Rya Kihlstedt (Heroes Reborn, Dexter) serán el periodista Robert Rand y la investigadora Cindy Erdlyi en Law & Order: True Crime - The Menendez Murders.
David Barrera (The Bridge) será recurrente en la segunda temporada de Chance. Será el detective Sid Velerio.
Daniel Sharman (Fear The Walking Dead, Teen Wolf) y Bradley James (Merlin, Damien) protagonizarán la segunda temporada de Medici: Masters of Florence junto a Sean Bean. Serán Lorenzo el Magnífico y su hermano Giuliano. Julian Sands (Gotham, Leaving Las Vegas), Sarah Parish (Broadchurch, Atlantis), Sebastian De Souza (Skins, The Borgias), Raoul Bova (Under the Tuscan Sun, Alien vs. Predator) y Alessandra Mastronardi (I Cesaroni, Master of None) serán Piero y Lucrecia, los padres de Lorenzo y Giuliano; Sandro Boticelli, el Papa Sixto IV y la amante de Piero.
Jay Harrington (Better Off Ted, Desperate Housewives) será recurrente en la séptima temporada de Suits como Mark Meadows, el exnovio de Donna (Sarah Rafferty).
Jefferson White (How to Get Away with Murder, Blindspot) será regular en Yellowstone como Jimmy, un ladrón profesional. Gretchen Mol (Boardwalk Empire, Chance) y Golden Brooks (Girlfriends, Blunt Talk) serán recurrentes como Evelyn Dutton, esposa de John (Kevin Costner) y madre de sus hijos, y Geraldine Rainwater, esposa del líder nativo americano Thomas (Gil Birmingham).
Zosia Mamet (Girls) y Lou Diamond Phillips (Longmire) serán recurrentes en la cuarta temporada de You're the Worst.
Ruffin Prentiss (Power) será recurrente en la segunda temporada de The Arrangement como el músico de jazz Xavier Hughes.
Aasif Mandvi (The Brink) será recurrente en la segunda temporada de Shut Eye como Pazhani "Paz" Kapoor, un sanador espiritual con seguidores en todo el mundo.
Alexander Calvert (Jack) ha sido ascendido a regular para la decimotercera temporada de Supernatural.
Elena Satine (Revenge, Twin Peaks) será Dreamer, una mutante que puede implantar o eliminar recuerdos en otras personas, en The Gifted.
Marwan Salama será recurrente en Here, Now, la nueva serie de Alan Ball (True Blood, Six Feet Under) en HBO, como Navid. Se desconocen detalles.
Tamberla Perry (Boss) será recurrente en la cuarta temporada de Bosch como Gabriella Lincoln, detective de Asuntos Internos.
John Hans Tester (Royal Pains) se une como recurrente a la tercera temporada de The Man in the High Castle. Será el doctor Mengele, el famoso médico nazi.
Gustaf Skarsgard (Vikings) y Fares Fares (Tyrant) se unen como regulares a la segunda temporada de Westworld. Betty Gabriel (Get Out) se une como recurrente.
Jane Lynch (Glee) participará como invitada en The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel interpretando a la famosa comediante Sophie Lennon.
Luke James (The New Edition Story), Evan Ross (The Hunger Games) y Mike Epps (Survivor's Remorse, The Hangover) participarán en la segunda temporada de Star.
Pósters de series
    Nuevas series
Luz verde en Netflix a seis episodios de The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, antología western sobre la frontera americana escrito, dirigido y producido por los hermanos Coen. Tim Blake Nelson (Lincoln; O Brother, Where Art Thou?) protagoniza como Buster.
Hulu ha adquirido la serie de J.J. Abrams sobre el ascenso a la fama de RuPaul. Se titulará Queen.
Luz verde directa en Netflix a un drama sobre terrorismo, aún sin título, protagonizado por Lior Raz (Fauda). Creado y producido por Raz y Avi Issacharoff (Fauda), está inspirado en hechos reales. Trata sobre una operación de la CIA y el Mossad a nivel global para encontrar y matar a uno de los terroristas más buscados.
Netflix desarrolla el thriller Hit and Run, también de Lior Raz y Avi Issacharoff (Fauda), sobre un hombre felizmente casado cuya vida da un vuelco cuando atropellan y matan a su mujer y el conductor se da a la fuga.
Luz verde directa en Netflix a ocho episodios de Best Worst Weekend Ever, sobre cuatro amigos que pasan juntos el último fin de semana antes del instituto.
Luz verde directa en Lifetime a American Princess, sobre una joven famosa que descubre pocas horas antes de su boda que su prometido la engaña y acaba en una feria medieval revaluando su vida.
Fechas de series
Quacks llega a BBC Two el 15 de agosto
The State llega a Channel 4 el 20 de agosto
Strike - The Cuckoo's Calling llega a BBC One el 27 de agosto
White Famous llega a Showtime el 15 de octubre
La sexta temporada de Major Crimes se estrena en TNT el 31 de octubre
La octava temporada de Shameless se estrena en Showtime el 5 de noviembre
SMILF llega a Showtime el 5 de noviembre
La segunda temporada de The Crown se estrena en Netflix el 8 de diciembre
Tráilers de series
Shameless - Temporada 8
StartUp - Temporada 2
The Crown - Temporada 2
The Deuce
White Famous
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