#Our government made up a holiday so we wouldn't feel so sad in February
bethanydelleman · 4 months
I watched a TV show this weekend (Captivating the King) where a tree was planted to represent a guy by his brother. Then there is a lightening storm and the tree is the only thing hit and burns to the ground. Predictably, the guy is freaking out because God smitted (smote?) a representation of himself. So I think to myself, "Never plant a tree that represents someone."
BUT THEN, I'm re-reading A Long Fatal Love Chase by Louisa May Alcott today where Rosamund (main character) watches a tree her dad planted at her birth get struck by lightening and if she had paid attention to the bad omen maybe she would have avoided some very bad stuff later (trying not to spoil). So then I think to myself, "No, no. Plant trees that represent people and pay attention to omens."
So now I'm torn. What do you think?
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