#Okey that bg.. though my laptop did start like it's threatening to self combust while drawing it. It's not the laptop's fault ho
screwpinecaprice ยท 10 months
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AT with @dragonuva!
This absolute unit, Imp Steven. ๐Ÿ˜ I super love drawing himmmm!
Just some more rambling about the possible future of my regular commissions under the cut.
As my laptop got (fixed?) adjusted recently, I've used this opportunity to try out if it can now handle regular commission work. It started to show something's up on the mild rendering process but the lag and laptop heating didn't actually got that bad until a bit further in the full rendering process. Still has a limitation it seems. I'm planning on testing it a second time on a different piece, then I'll decide whether regular commissions will be fully back the next month or not.
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