#Nok'to really just out here like YOU HAVE HOW MANY BROTHERS
oathofpromises · 5 months
The man introduced themself and Nok'to gawked. The man didn't look Keeper, but neither did his sister. But his name... That... That was definitely a Keeper name.
But Nok'to had to think about it. Vali'ya... Vali'ya... Was that... seven? Eight? Gods, that sounded unreal...
"You have how many brothers?"
That was terrifying. Seven brothers? He was scared, how many sisters did he have, in that case?
(You know what this is.)
Vali'ya nervously chuckled and jumped back slightly at the other's reaction. He had anticipated the surprised look on people’s faces due to his name and his dissimilarity to what a typical keeper looked like. However, he didn’t really want to delve into the complexities of his past. At least not the full story, as most of his memories were still foggy.
“I have thirteen siblings - seven brothers and five sisters. Unfortunately, I don’t know all of them very well. Keepers of the moon prefer having more females, but my mother always desired a large family, so here we are. My poor father though.." chuckeld Vali'ya, as he leaned against the wall.
The bard hadn’t actually met many of his brothers as most of them were wanderers. He was born after all of them had already left the tribe. Therefore, his knowledge of them was limited to whatever his mother decided to share with him, which wasn’t much aside from the occasional stories.
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"Family is a bit of a sore subject for me, not for any bad reason. I simply have no memory of most of my siblings, least of all much of my childhood. The only one I was really close to was my older sister, Yaku Sigri."
Yaku was different. She cared for their whole family and hated the thought that all her brothers would eventually leave to travel the world. It was part of their tribe ways that so many didn’t really understand, but had never questioned. However, she had been against such a custom from the start. Now that Vali’ya thought about it, he had only spoken to his older sister through letters, yet recently even those had ceased. Which did nothing to ease the growing worry lingering inside his chest.
The bard absentmindedly scratched the back of his head, a faint smile of amusement playing across his face. It always tickled him how the first thing people would fixate on was his name. And now, as the Warrior of Light, even more attention was drawn to these seemingly insignificant details. He couldn’t really blame them, though. I mean, who wouldn’t find it either funny or horrifying to hear about someone with such a massive family? There was never an in-between; it was always one extreme or the other.
“What about you? Have any siblings?”
Perhaps bringing up the question wasn’t the best idea, as not everyone was willing to talk about their family history. However, since they had recently crossed paths, the bard thought it would be nice to get to know Nok’to. Although the other seemed shy, it reminded Vali’ya of his younger sister Mevi.
Slowly, Vali’ya, with his long raven hair, reached up and placed a hand on his chest. Mevi had always been prone to getting sick easily, and Vali’ya worried that she would be overlooked in the tribe. However, his worries were alleviated when Yaku decided to stay in the tribe. It was a significant sacrifice on her part, considering the warrior had always longed to travel the world herself.
"You don't need to share if you rather not. I understand as well as anyone that family can be a touchy subject."
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