nxjackson-blog · 8 years
Surprise! || Jine & Jackson
For one of the first times in his live Jackson had actually decided to go to the library to study. He was rather eager to learn and get better, but some of the subjects just weren’t interesting. At least to him. The fighting he loved, just as any physical subject that they had at the school. He was already rather good at it but it was still fun to do. Just as learning about his power and what kind of role he was able to play. He was always eager to do that better. Whether it resulted in rescuing people or just being able to transport himself better. He liked to learn both.
But apparently they also needed to learn more subjects than just those. They did still count as normal teenagers. So math and languages were still part of the game. Those, he hated. He was actually pretty good at most languages. Growing up in Hong Kong he learned three to start with. But his grandmother later on had been eager to teach him more. Especially considering his power. He would be able to go anywhere around the words. So knowing different languages was important. But math, he sucked at it.
Hence why he was sitting in the library studying. But when someone passed by, and the ribbons were showing.. His focused was soon gone as trying to steal a ribbon was way more fun than studying math.
He hesitated for only a second before getting on with it. He stared at the girl for a while, trying to figure out just where to portal towards. When he had he threw up all his papers, trying to create a distraction, before moving through a portal himself. Reappearing behind her.
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advjingoo · 8 years
ooc || ribbon event plot call!
Hello hello, Jin Goo has three green sashes each worth 25 points! Seeing as he can’t students’ sashes, this is your chance to steal from him! Once someone grabs his sash, he’ll likely let it go, but oho you’ve got to find it first! 
Jin Goo’s power is monster physiology, though he will definitely not be using that to his advantage for this event
He has enhanced senses, so sneaking up on him may be difficult unless he’s otherwise preoccupied
Tbh he’s a goof and a pushover about these things, so if he sees a student (or staff for that matter) try hard enough, he would likely let them grab his sash
If any student wants to try and grab one of his sashes, or if one of the other staff want to try their hand at taking one, please like this post or shoot me an and we can get started ^^
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nxmarktuan-blog · 8 years
. ribbon games . (ooc)
Oooooooh well, then the time has come for little Markiepoo to show you all he isn’t fun and games *wiggles eyebrows intensively* 
Jk, jk, but this is going to be an EVENT PLOTTING CALL, which means that anyone who likes this post would be wanting to roleplay the Ribbon Games Event!
Just a few notes on Mark really quick!
He is generally really quiet but that could either mean he is just zoning out or is planning something.
Everyone knows him as a pretty nice kid, but when needed he might become your living nightmare.
Trying to chat him up to steal some ribbons isn’t really going to work, seeing as he is quite awkward with random people just walking up to him.
He does though make friends very easily once you break through his outer shell. Because of this he trusts those close to him especially easily.
Mark is an A rank, which means his ribbons are RED
When Mark can help it he doesn’t like fighting, but as soon a someone makes a threatening move towards him the fun is over
Plus he might be up on the rooftop a lot of the time to stay away from peeps so have fun trying to get up to him
Now then, off to hide my ribbons....
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nxjackson-blog · 8 years
Ribbon training || JinGoo & Jackson
Jackson wasn't exactly sure why he ever thought this was a good idea. After all there was a reason Jin Goo had a stashes of green ribbons. Or better said there was a reason the male was a teacher at the institution. Even worse then all of that, he knew exactly how Jackson's power worked. Especially since he was training Jackson how to become better controlling it. But he was always someone who wants to show off. Or at least show or prove that he was getting better and learning. What better way to do that then to steal a green ribbon? So the next time he had a person training and sparring section, his eyes were darting towards his ribbons as well. People needed to wear them in sight, hence why it wasn't too hard to spot. Now the only problem was actually getting it. He decided to act the moment they paused to get something to drink. He was gulping down his water while looking at his teacher from the corner of his eyes. When he thought it was the best moment he made a portal and appeared at Jin Goo's back. Silently reacing out for the ribbon. @nxjingoo
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