#Muse; Jeanne D'Arc Alter Santa Lily
anime-bxuty · 28 days
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"Well yes, but only because the god was being very bad, and it was my duty to do so," Santa Lily looked around. The servant feeling something. "Does anyone feel rage like a mad beast, and sound of burning. I think I'll be going right now,"
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xxyumeno · 5 years
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New muses that have been added are listed below! All are open for interactions, just be aware there will be severe lack of icons for a majority of these muses.
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Miyu Emiya (Caster); kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA / Grand Order, Shiro’s adopted younger sister and Holy Grail.
Kairi Sisigou; Apocrypha, Master to Saber of Red (Mordred) during the Great Holy Grail War. AU, he alive and somewhat well on this blog. (post Apocrypha)
Cú Chulainn (Lancer); Stay Night / Grand Order, Servant during the 5th Holy Grail War. Master, for a very short time Bazett Fraga McRimetz before she was mortally wounded by Kirei Kotomine and stole her command seals. Then remained his servant during the duration of the war. Later killed him in the end (Unlimited Blade Works). (fuck you Kirei.)
Cú Chulainn Prototype (Lancer); Protoype / Grand Order, perhaps has worse luck than his older counterpart. Served Misaya Reiroukan during the Holy Grail war in Prototype. His luck is just awful here. Loads better (but still sucks) in Grand Order).
Mini Cú-chan (Lancer); Grand Order, was Connacht☆Medb and presumed to have perished along side her after her defeat. He is picked up by Alter Cu and given to Ritsuka. He disappears in the middle of the night to find good fight and returns with scratches.
Medea (Caster); Stay Night / Grand Order / Today’s Menu for Emiya Family, Princess of Colchis. Confounded by Aphrodite to fall for the Argo Explorer, Jason to help him. Betrayed her father and killed her brother. Thank you Aphrodite for ruining her life. Was a Servant in the 5th Holy Grail War of Fuyuki. Ended up serving two masters, one she killed (Atrum Galliasta) and one she fell in love with (Souichirou Kuzuki). Was a Master to an Assassin servant during the war. Ended up losing the war.
Galahad (Shielder); Grand Order, second heroic spirit summoned in Chaldea who later gave his power and Noble Phantasm to Mashu right before she was going to die. Galahad a good boy (that is until you meet Galahad Alter that is).
AU; After Demon IV revived Mashu after she had sacrificed herself to protect Ritsuka. Galahad was also brought back by the same process. He is now separate from Mashu, but still shares a connection with her.
Jeanne d'Arc Alter Santa Lily (Lancer); Grand Order, give her a hug and some friends. Basically what happened after Jeanne d’Arc Alter drank Kid Gilgamesh’s Potion of Youth. A whole lot of Christmas shenanigans ensues with Santa Lily finally seeing the ocean. Who knew Ritsuka could plan out something so elaborate, yet so ridiculous at the same time.
Kid Gilgamesh (Archer); kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA / Grand Order, much like his older self Kid Gilgamesh is much a lil shit in his own right. Though, he hasn’t quite developed that massive ego just yet.
Ereshkigal (Lancer - Pseudo Servant); Grand Order, Goddess of the Underworld in Sumerian myth. She doesn’t get along with Ishtar, who basically her counterpart and they’re sister goddesses to boot. For a good part of the Babylonia singularity she was part of the Three Goddess Alliance. Which basically dissolved as Ereshkigal and Quetzalcoatl join Ritsuka’s side leaving only Gorgon behind.. She helps Ritsuka and company during the Babylonia singularity by utilizing her Jurisdiction to weaken Tiamat. 
Achilles (Rider); Apocrypha / Grand Order, During the Great Holy Grail War, Achilles was part of the Red Faction. Despite being summoned by Cabik Pentel and his older brother Deimlet, it was Shiro Kotomine who ended up being his Master by devious means. He close with Archer of Red, Atalante as they’re always seen together for the most part. A tragic love story.
Morgan le Fay / Morrigan (Ruler); Grand Order, this Morgan le Fay is a bit different (at the core) from Arthurian Legends. She is neither sister to Arthur nor mother to Mordred. She is from pre-Malory where she is a shape-shifter and chieftain among her nine sisters Moronoe, Mazoe, Gliten, Glitonea, Cliton, Tyronoe, and Thitis, and Morgause. The only tie she has to Arthur during this time is being his healer. Tied into Celtic Tradition Morrigan (a Triple Goddess in Celtic myth) would fly over the battles shrieking like ravens claiming soldiers head as trophy.
Note: Taken from pre-Malory, Morgan le Fay’s interpretation takes from both British and Celtic lore. FC: Beatrice from Umineko no Nnaku Koro Ni.
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isolaradiale · 6 years
sadly, like christmas itself her muse was fleeting. i'd like to drop lancer (jeanne d'arc alter santa lily) from fate. she was housed in 257!
She’ll be dropped!
– mod altair.
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